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Bound by Thorns (The Dragon Soul Series)

Page 15

by Sean Michael

  “You made it.”

  “Are you saying you wouldn’t be horny right now if I hadn’t sucked on your finger?”

  “Yes.” He thought. He was pretty sure.

  “I don’t believe that. Of course, there’s no way to prove it now that I have sucked your finger.” Luke bit the fleshy part of his hand right below his thumb. “I imagine your continued horniness in the future will make my point for me.”

  “Maybe I won’t be.” He doubted it, but it could happen.

  “You will. The three S’s remember? Sustenance, sleep, and sex. All three are going to be your focus for the next while.”

  “In that order?” he teased, trying to hide the niggle of worry that buzzed inside him.

  “Not necessarily. You can have it in whatever order you want.”

  He chuckled, then stood. Dishes. He needed to do dishes.

  “Wouldn’t you rather make love with me and nap than do the dishes?” Luke asked. “We can throw them in the sink. We’ll get to them eventually.”

  “Yes.” Because he did. He was full now, and he wanted to get in bed and touch.

  Beaming, Luke got up, too, and helped him clear the dishes. Not that there were a lot—they’d eaten directly off the serving plates like they were a pair of animals. It didn’t take long to throw everything in the sink and run some water over them. Luke touched his arm when they were done.

  “You want me to carry you?” Luke asked. “I want to carry you.”

  He didn’t think about it; he lifted his arms. Luke picked him up without hesitation, carrying him like he was a child. His head rested on one broad shoulder and whatever he might think about it, it very definitely felt right. Luke made a deep, low sound that vibrated inside him, rumbling loud enough that it made him moan.

  Before he knew it, they were in the bedroom with its huge bed and Luke laid him down onto the mattress like he was precious. Special.

  Luke followed him down, covering him with a sigh, lips pressing against his. He opened up, wanting Luke’s kisses more than anything. Luke’s tongue swept through his mouth, the kiss gentle. For now.

  He held on, focusing on those kisses, the connection between them. Luke rumbled continuously. As always that sound made him shiver from his mouth to his toes. It felt personal, like a sound just for him.

  God, don’t stop. That’s so right.

  Won’t stop. I’m yours. Luke deepened the kisses, the rumbling vibrations increasing, touching him everywhere.

  His body began to tighten, arousal growing in slow, steady pulses. And Luke wasn’t doing anything aside from lying on him, kissing him, and rumbling. What would happen if Luke actually tried to turn him on? It was crazy, but too good to worry about.

  Luke bit at his lower lip—a small, sharp nip that focused his attention.

  He held them close together, moaning into Luke’s lips.

  What do you want? Tell me and I’ll make it happen.

  Love me.

  That’s easy, I already do. Luke kissed him harder, hips pressing down against his.

  Please. He arched up, pretending to fight.

  Luke’s rumbles turned into growls that made his already hard cock ache and begin to leak as Luke ground them together in a slow rhythm.

  Needy Pet.

  “Not a pet,” Greyson murmured, out of habit more than any real dislike for the nickname. Which, honestly, he’d begun to like.

  You’re mine.

  Yes. There wasn’t any arguing with that. Not at all.

  Satisfaction flooded him, no words, just the deep knowledge that Luke was pleased with his response.

  He could handle that. Down to the ground.

  Luke broke the kiss, staring down at him and panting. “Too many clothes.”

  “Uh-huh.” That didn’t mean he was going to move.

  Luke laughed, and the next thing he knew, Luke had torn the sweats right in two, exposing him. The T-shirt was next. He probably would have been angry if they’d been his clothes and not Luke’s.

  “Those were fine!”

  “They were in the way.” Luke bent and licked his right nipple.

  “You’re—” Amazing. Crazy. Wonderful. Insane.

  “I can hear your thoughts, you know,” Luke noted, voice dry as the desert.

  “Don’t listen. It’s rude.”

  “It’s kind of hard not to listen when you’re shouting.”

  “I’m not!” Was he?

  “Sometimes. That one was. Earlier, when you were upset, it was a buzz. I knew something was up, but you were keeping it to yourself. And why are we talking now that you’re naked?”

  “I don’t know. Seems a little stupid, seeing as you can read my thoughts anyway.”

  “It’s meant to bring us closer together. We have a bond no one else has—”

  Greyson interrupted, “Except your brothers and their lovers.”

  “Well, yes, but that doesn’t count. They have the ability to communicate like that for the same reason as us.”

  “I’m still not sure I like having you in my head all the time.”

  “I’m not sure what you want me to say to that,” Luke admitted.

  Greyson shrugged. He wasn’t sure, either. The jury was still out on the whole thing, really. He shook it off. “Why don’t you kiss me?”

  Luke pounced, kissing him, rubbing against him. There was something naughty about him being naked while Luke was still clothed.

  He found one of Luke’s nipples under the heavy flannel, squeezing it, trying to make Luke feel good. Luke groaned for him.

  “There’s still too many clothes involved here,” Luke noted.

  “Yeah.” He started unbuttoning, his fingers clumsy as hell.

  “You could try tearing it,” Luke suggested. “I bet the buttons pop open for you.”

  Greyson rolled his eyes. “I like this shirt on you.”

  Luke kissed him. “Thank you, Pet.” Then Luke helped, tugging the buttons from their holes less than carefully. Together they managed, both eager to bare Luke’s fine body.

  Then Luke lay down carefully, pressing him into the mattress, their skin hot as any fire together. His eyelids got heavy, his body going hard and tight. Luke began rumbling again, the vibrations going through him easier now that they were touching directly.

  “More.” He didn’t know what he was asking for, but he asked.

  Luke brought their lips together, opening his mouth and pushing his tongue in. Undulating against him, Luke moved their bodies together, leaving tingles on his skin. He felt like he was burning up, buzzing down to the bone.

  Luke ran a hand along his skin, tracing his muscles like Luke was learning to read him by Braille.

  “Mmm...” His body melted.

  “Your skin is amazing.”

  “Thank you?”

  “Why the question mark?” Luke rubbed their cheeks together.

  “No one’s ever said anything nice about my skin.”

  “Well, I’m your first lover—nobody else has ever had the chance.”

  “Lover.” He liked how that sounded.

  “That’s right.” Luke rubbed their noses together, then their cheeks.

  Greyson was already getting stubble, but Luke’s cheeks were still smooth as they dragged against him.

  “Gonna have to shave you again. Maybe I’ll shave more this time.” Luke pushed his hand between them, combing through Greyson’s pubes.

  Greyson shook his head. “I need it for warmth.”

  “I’ll keep you warm.” So matter-of-fact. So confident.

  “You do. Now I’m doubly warm.”

  “I’m still going to shave you. Imagine how neat it’ll feel, smooth skin on smooth skin. Besides, it’ll grow back.�

  “You shaved my face. You should wait a little while.” What if it chafed?

  “It won’t chafe if we make it a part of our daily routine. Share a shower, shave Grey, make love, have breakfast...”

  “You’re eavesdropping again,” he pointed out.

  Luke shrugged. “I’m not doing it on purpose. Should I be ignoring it when you’re so loud?”

  “I don’t know. It’s never been like that for me.” He could see where it would be neat, maybe even necessary at times, but he still wasn’t sure he liked it.

  “Well, we don’t need to keep secrets, so I wouldn’t worry about it. And it’s meant to help us.” Luke tugged on his pubes, not quite hard enough to hurt, but he sure noticed it.

  “Help us.” He arched into the touch, swallowing hard.

  “Find each other. Communicate. Learn each other. All good things.”

  “Uh-huh. I like good things.”

  Luke didn’t answer with words. Instead, he brought their mouths together again, focusing on long kisses that Greyson felt to his toes.

  Greyson let himself relax, let himself be dizzy and dazed. Luke hummed, like he could feel it when Greyson let it happen. The kiss became more intense and Luke rolled against him.

  He could feel Luke’s cock leaving wet, hot kisses on his hip, his prick, his belly. And he wanted more.

  “Me, too,” Luke whispered before licking the skin beneath his ear.

  Good. He didn’t know if Luke would hear that, but he was sure thinking it loud.

  I heard you, Pet.

  I hear you, Lukas-meine.

  Mmmm. You do. Luke dragged one hand along his side, warm and lingering. Oh, that felt so nice.

  Breaking the kiss, Luke kissed his way down toward the skin he’d been stroking.

  “Mmm...” Goose bumps rose on his skin.

  Luke rumbled for him, lips hot on his skin, leaving tingles in their wake. “Taste good, Pet.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Uh-huh. Suck otherwise.” Luke continued to lick, dragging his tongue slowly over Greyson’s side. He never would have thought of that area as an erogenous zone, but Luke was making it happen.

  His entire body began to shiver. He wasn’t cold, though. Quite the opposite. Luke continued to rumble and growl as he explored Greyson with his tongue, and the sounds seemed to settle in Greyson’s balls, making them ache. He buzzed, from his toes to his nose, and he felt precious. It wasn’t the lovemaking—okay, it was in part the lovemaking—but it was also the fact that Luke saw him, and paid minute attention to every part of him. Luke made him feel worthy of this focus.

  Luke wrapped one hand around his cock, jacking him lazily, almost a side note to the thorough explorations.

  He spread, his mouth going dry as he arched into the touch.

  “Mine. Every single inch.” Luke spoke quietly, but his words were fierce.


  “Never forget that.” Luke nibbled on his hip, teeth threatening the skin, and it was delicious. His cock jerked, a single drop of need falling to his belly.

  “Mmm. I can smell you.” Luke spoke the words against his skin.

  “That’s good?” He breathed in deeply—he could smell Luke and the man smelled amazing, so maybe smelling him was good, too.

  “It’s spectacular. You’re spectacular.” Luke met his gaze, and it burned through him.

  “Flattery.” He reached out, stroked Luke’s jaw.

  Luke pursed his lips and shook his head. “No. I’m not a flatterer.”

  “No?” He loved the way Luke’s skin felt.

  “It’s not in my nature.” Luke nipped at his hip bone.

  “What is in your nature?”

  “I’m a growly, grumpy bastard.”

  “Oh. Me, too.”

  Luke laughed. “Just another way we’re perfectly matched, hmm?”

  “Either that or we’re going to eat each other alive.” He doubted it, but it was possible.

  “I’d be happy to start that right now.” Luke pounced on his cock, taking it more than halfway in with a single swallow.

  He gasped, so shocked he forgot to breathe.

  Luke bobbed his head, suction tight as he went down on Greyson, over and over. He shook his head as he tried to focus. Luke pulled harder, tongue working his slit on every upstroke. The touches ached a bit, burned more than a bit, made him vocalize quite a bit. Then Luke made that rumbling noise again, the vibrations shaking through Greyson’s entire body.

  He gasped and grabbed his balls, tugging them down hard.

  Luke popped off, frowning at him. “What are you doing?”

  “I didn’t want to pop like a cork, Luke!” He wanted to revel in this, in Luke and their connection, and grabbing his balls had been his first instinct to make the orgasm back off.

  “Nothing wrong with popping like a cork. We’ll get you up again, and it’ll last longer the second time around.”

  “Oh.” That’s not what he’d heard, so he’d assumed...

  “You’ve got more to say, say it, Pet.”

  “I’ll learn.” That was enough.

  Luke’s eyes narrowed, pinning him. “No secrets, remember?”

  “Everyone has secrets.”

  Luke growled, and his cock took notice, jerked. Luke ran one finger underneath his balls, drawing a line up along his sensitive sac.

  “Tell me why you were so adamant not to come quickly?”

  “I thought you weren’t supposed to. Everyone says things about holding out, and I want to be good for you.”

  “You know what you coming really quickly does for me, Pet? It tells me that what I’m doing feels so good that boom—you shot so fast. Makes me feel like a stud.”

  He hadn’t even considered that Luke might need reassurance, might want him to prove his desire.

  Luke held his gaze, licking his cock like it was an ice cream cone.

  God help him, that was blistering. “You make me burn.”

  He reached out, his hand shaking. Luke nuzzled into it, still licking at his cock, tiny, hot touches that zinged through him. Then Luke pointed his tongue, pushing it into his slit.


  Feels good, doesn’t it?

  Yes? No? I don’t know. That was so foreign.

  You’re allowed to not know. Luke kept sucking and licking and playing with his slit.

  Thank you. Luke helped him feel like he belonged.

  You do belong. Luke took him in deep again, sucking hard as he went down.

  Greyson cried out, hips jerking restlessly. I do belong.

  Yes! Luke took him in all the way and swallowed around the tip of his cock.

  He shot with a cry, his balls emptying in a rush. Luke kept swallowing and each time his cock was squeezed, he gave another little squirt, like Luke was emptying him, forcing his orgasm to go on and on.

  He stayed hard, his cock refusing to go down, even when Luke finally pulled off him, leaving his cock shining with saliva.

  “Look at that.” Luke patted his cock, almost too hard.

  He caught his breath. Luke kissed the tip, lips lingering. “I’ll give you a minute to catch your breath before we go on.”

  “Okay.” He closed his eyes, enjoying the way pleasure and warmth made him feel.

  “It looks good on you,” Luke murmured. “Pleasure. Happiness. Me.”

  “I feel selfish, but it all feels so good.”

  “Selfish? How is letting me love on you selfish?” Luke asked, stroking his abs.

  “I thought I was going to stop living there for a minute.”

  “That good?” Luke looked very pleased by that. “I’m going to do my best to make sure you feel that good every time.”
br />   “Every time?”

  “I’m going to try. No way I’m half-assing making love to my soul mate.”

  God, he loved the things that Luke said to him.

  Luke kissed his cock again, then his hip, then his belly, each kiss moving Luke up a little higher and leaving pleasure in its wake.

  He felt the deep buzzing, all throughout his body.

  Luke got to his nipple and licked it, then moved to lick the other one before coming back to the first. It was almost dizzying, the way Luke moved back and forth between them. Greyson closed his eyes, squeezing them tight together, focusing on Luke’s mouth. The heat from it, the suction, both made his nipples ache. He’d never realized how sensitive they could be. It was breathtaking.

  It was maddening. He didn’t want it to stop.

  Luke slowed, sucking each nipple for longer periods and licking his way across Greyson’s breastbone each time he switched. “You taste delicious.”

  “You need to stop, I think. They ache.” Please don’t stop.

  “I don’t think them aching is that big of a problem. In fact, it’s a good thing. You heard of nipple clamps?”

  “Heard of them?” He wasn’t stupid, he could put one and one together. He knew what nipples were, what clamps were.

  “I have some. I have a lot of toys.” Luke smiled at him, eyes hot.

  “Toys?” Clamps were tools, not toys.

  “Things to play with to make sex even better. I know, right? How could it be better? Trust me, it can.”

  “We don’t need extras.” Sex was already pretty fucking good. He wasn’t sure he could survive better.

  “We don’t need them. Doesn’t mean we won’t want them. Doesn’t mean we won’t use them. Doesn’t mean they aren’t fun.”

  “It’s not...” Naughty? Wicked? Weird?

  Probably all three. Those are good words.

  “Yeah?” He felt so out of his league.

  Luke growled. “You’re mine. Don’t put yourself down.”

  “I wasn’t. Don’t snarl at me,” he snapped. He was new to all this. All of it.

  “I warned you I was a growly bastard.”

  “You did, but I was...feeling the truth.”

  “There’s nothing truthful to the thought that you’re out of your league.”

  “You’re so amazing, Luke. I want to be amazing to you.”


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