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Bound by Thorns (The Dragon Soul Series)

Page 17

by Sean Michael

  “Uh-huh...” He wasn’t following.

  “And you’re mine.” Luke said it like that explained everything and anything.

  “And you’re mine.” At least that was the plan.

  Luke nodded. “I am. Every inch.” Luke grabbed his ass again, squeezed again, that plug shifting again, moving inside him.

  “And still, you’re touching.” He had to shiver. Luke was right, of course, but still. It was the principle of the thing.

  “Not only do we both love it when I touch you, but it’s necessary, too. A biological imperative. It helps solidify the bond and it will make the changes easier if we keep in contact. You do like it when I touch you, don’t you?”

  “Shh...” Of course he did. It felt amazing. And, he had to admit, it made everything easier, like all this made more sense when Luke touched him.

  Luke ran his lips over Greyson’s skin. The caress was delicious. Luke did it again, then again, lips warming his skin, making it tingle, even as Luke kept squeezing his ass and making that plug inside him move around.

  The situation moved slowly from weird and uncomfortable to sensual and erotic. Luke knew, too, smiling down at him as he started to enjoy it, as it became something he had a feeling he was soon going to crave.

  “Yes. Feel it, enjoy it.”

  “Shh. Shh, please. You make me a little crazy.” They didn’t have to say it out loud, did they?

  “Only a little?” Luke asked. Then he licked Greyson’s throat, stopping to suck his Adam’s apple for a moment.

  “A little.” Damn.

  Luke growled and set to sucking harder, leaving another mark on him. It was a good thing he wasn’t still in the service.

  “I want anyone and everyone who sees you to know you’re taken. It doesn’t matter that we hardly ever see anyone up here—the way I feel is the same as if we did.”

  “I hope so. I wouldn’t want you to treat me differently.”

  “I may be even more possessive when we’re around other people,” Luke admitted. “But my feelings are the same.”

  “Good.” Greyson’s eyelids were getting heavy. He didn’t need to be sleepy again.

  “It’s normal, Pet.” Luke kissed his eyelids, and his eyes closed beneath the touches. “Just go with it. I’ll still be here when you wake up. So will the need. So will the food.”

  “You promise?” He smiled as he asked, because Luke wouldn’t leave him. He knew that.

  “I swear it to you. And I would never break a vow I make.”

  “I know.”

  That part was easy.

  Chapter Ten

  Luke shifted and made a quick sweep of the land near the ranger station, keeping half his attention on the soulbond so he could get back quickly if Grey woke.

  Once he was back, he called in, gave the all-clear, and took down the information regarding expected weather patterns. More snow and no expected wanderers. Even the most dense humans weren’t likely to try to hike out in this weather and he was glad for it. He and Grey were likely to be snowed in and alone until late spring.

  He made a bunch of beef sandwiches, so they’d be ready when Grey woke up. And when he felt that start to happen, he threw french fries into the deep fryer. And warmed up beef gravy in the microwave.

  Hungry. Smells good. Love. Dragon. Food. The thoughts were lazy, random, warm.

  It made him smile. Grey waking up happy was going to be one of his favorite things, he could tell. Poutine and huge beef sandwiches. And, of course, me.

  “Let me get dressed and I’ll be right there.”

  “There’s a housecoat,” he called back. A thick robe that would be luscious to sit around in. His pet didn’t need anything that would restrict access.

  “Good deal.” Socks. Do I have socks? I need socks. Grey’s surface thoughts were so loud.

  I like your feet. You’re fine.

  He could feel Grey rolling his eyes.

  Chuckling, he checked the fries and grabbed the cheese from the fridge, began grating it.

  Grey came in, wrapped in the robe, wearing sweatpants and heavy socks.

  Luke held out one arm so he could bring Grey in close, share his warmth. “Are you really that cold?”

  “The bed is warm and cozy. I could have stayed.”

  “Then go back, I’ll bring the food in to you.” There was no reason he couldn’t indulge Grey.

  “That’s silly. How can I help?”

  “It’s not silly—if you want to be snuggled and warm in bed, then I want to do that for you.” He didn’t believe Grey had had a lot of being indulged in his life to date. That was about to change. Luke took a kiss, his lips lingering against Grey’s.

  Grey opened up, tongue flicking against Luke’s, playing with him. It made him smile, which made their kiss go wonky, which made him laugh.

  “Mmm. That’s a good sound.”

  “Yeah?” He chuckled again. “You make me happy, so I laugh.”

  Oh, that pleased his pet.

  He brought their mouths together again, giving Grey a lazy kiss that went on and on. At least until Grey’s belly snarled.

  “I need to feed you, whether that’s in bed or not.” Luke grinned suddenly. “The mattress will be easier on your plugged ass than a dining room chair.”

  He felt the sudden flare of arousal, the little hint of shock and desire.

  “Mmm. Food first, Pet. You need to keep your energy up.” He ran his hand down along Grey’s spine, cupped one lovely ass cheek and squeezed, jostling Grey’s hole.

  Grey gasped and took a half step back before pressing forward again. He loved that indecision, the uncertainty, and the fact that despite that, Grey had stepped back into his arms.

  The fryer beeped and he kissed Grey’s nose. “I need to take out the fries and turn them into the poutine.”

  “Okay, Dragon. I’ll grab drinks.”

  He rumbled happily. He loved how Grey called him Dragon. “So are we eating at the table or in bed?”

  “Let’s eat in bed, huh? That’s decadent.”

  “It is. And softer on your butt.” He swatted Grey’s ass, then turned his attention to the fryer so nobody got burned.

  “Hey!” Was that arousal in response to his swat? He was pretty sure it was.

  “Drinks, Pet. It’s time for refueling. Focus,” he teased. Because he didn’t mind at all being the center of Grey’s focus.

  “I am. No swacking, butthead.”

  “I might have to start ‘swacking’ every time you call me a butthead.” He’d have to find lots of reasons to spank Grey. He was pretty sure that Grey was going to discover how much he enjoyed it and then he’d be giving his arm a real workout on a regular basis. Not hard sharp spanks, but lovely warming swats.

  “No way.” Grey pulled out a couple of Cokes.

  “Why not? You’d like a little spanking, I bet.” He snorted. “In fact, I think you’d like a lot of spanking.”

  “I’m not a kid, man.” I might have recently been a virgin but I’m no youngster to be spanked.

  “Oh, I’m not talking about spanking the way you’d spank a kid. I don’t see anything childlike about you. You’re all man.” He didn’t want Grey to ever doubt that.

  “I am.” Grey still wasn’t sure about the spanking, though, Luke could tell. He didn’t need to push it this minute. They had all the time in the world to explore everything.

  “I didn’t have to use my crutches, did you notice?” Grey looked so pleased with himself.

  “I’m noticing now. That’s fantastic.” He let his hand slide down to Grey’s thigh, rubbing across the scars. They definitely felt less obvious today: they were fading. He was sure of it.

  “It is. The ink is even less...weird.”

“Soon, I’ll be able to see it for what it really is.” He was looking forward to that, but mostly he was looking forward to Grey no longer hurting. To his lover being whole.

  “I don’t think skin works that way, Dragon.”

  “But we’re making magic here—how things work doesn’t matter.” He put the cheese on the french fries and grabbed the gravy he’d warmed up. He breathed in, smelling the food as he poured the gravy over the hot fries and cheese.

  Magic. God, please. Please let it be true. Grey’s thoughts were heartfelt.

  It is. Time will prove me right.

  He grabbed the plate of poutine and put it on a tray with the sandwiches he’d made earlier. “You got our drinks, Pet?”

  “I do, yes, and we need napkins.”

  “Drawer next to the sink.” He waited to make sure that Grey found them, then headed down the hall to their bedroom, imagining his hand connecting with Grey’s naked ass, coming down hard.

  He wanted to see that, to feel Grey over his lap learning about the games they could play. And loving them. He’d felt the excitement inside Grey when he’d talked about swatting, when he’d talked about how the plug would be more noticeable on the harder chairs. Still, he didn’t think his pet had really considered any of the particular interests he and his brothers shared. He’d never had a chance. What a lonely life.

  As soon as he got to the bedroom, he set the tray down on the bed and drew Grey to him, hugging him tight.

  Grey hummed. Cold bottles teased his spine as they held each other.

  I have you. And he wasn’t letting go.

  Good. I have you, too.

  He rumbled happily. Yes. He understood Grey’s loneliness. He honestly did. He kissed Grey’s forehead. “We have to eat.”

  “Yeah. It smells like heaven.”

  “It’s only sandwiches and fancy fries.” He was pleased, though, that Grey thought it smelled good.

  “It’s good food, and I’m hungry.”

  “And you need to eat.” He pulled the covers up onto the bed properly so they didn’t get crumbs on the sheets. Then made a grand gesture, offering Grey the best seat.

  “You’re not going to let me sit in your lap?”

  He beamed, so pleased it had been Grey’s idea. “That’s the best idea yet.” He climbed into that prime spot himself, and crossed his legs, then patted his lap. “All yours.”

  Grey climbed up into his lap, settling in easily.

  He should have had his pet lose the sweats first. He had to wonder if Grey would eventually generate his own heat like he did, and be happy to wander around in the nude, too. Jake and Deke would know. So would Mark, but he thought any questions about soul mates would be like rubbing Mark’s face in it, given Mark had lost this amazing connection.

  Grey snuggled into him with a happy sigh. “Love how warm you are.”

  “I was thinking that eventually you’d generate a lot of your own warmth. I don’t want to lose being your hot water bottle, though.” He nuzzled his cheek along the top of Grey’s head.

  Grey’s sigh was satisfied, warm. Happy.

  Grabbing a fork, he stabbed a french fry, making a happy noise as the melted cheese oozed from beneath the gravy. “Careful, it might still be quite hot.”

  His pet opened up like a little bird. He fed Grey the bite, watching as Grey’s lips closed over the fork, as he chewed and swallowed, throat working. Luke bent and kissed Grey’s Adam’s apple.

  “That’s good.”

  Luke wasn’t sure if Grey was talking about the food or the kiss. He didn’t suppose it mattered—he would keep feeding Grey both.

  He grabbed another fry, this time with his fingers, and pressed it to Grey’s lips.

  Grey took it, then cleaned his fingertips easily, sucking and licking them. He felt each pull in his belly, as if there was a string connecting them.

  “You need some, too,” Grey whispered.

  “So feed me.”

  Grey arched and managed to break off a bite of sandwich, feeding him. He licked at Grey’s fingers, making sure he’d gathered all the crumbs and the hint of mayonnaise painting Grey’s skin.

  “Is it good?” Grey stole a bite for himself. “Oh, that’s nice, Dragon.”

  “Thank you, Pet. I do make a good sandwich.” Luke took another bite, then offered the second half of the sandwich to Grey to finish.

  Grey snarfed it up, almost growling over it. Luke liked his pet’s style. Grinning, he ate a few more gravy-and-cheese-covered fries, humming appreciatively at the flavors. Then he fed some more to Grey.

  “Mmm.” Grey nibbled on his fingers, playing along.

  “Do I taste better than the food?”

  “Yes.” The answer was immediate and sure.

  “Good answer.” He gave Grey a quick kiss, then more fries. Then he offered another half-sandwich. “Let’s finish up here so we can feed other hungers.”

  Together they devoured the food, laughing and touching each other all along. So sweet. By the time they’d finished the last drops of their Cokes, they were both aroused, happy, and no longer hungry for food. It was perfect.

  Luke put the tray on the floor out of the way. Now that neither of them were hungry, he could turn his full attention to Grey.

  “That was great, Luke. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m sure we’ll be hungry again in a couple of hours. In the meantime...” Luke pushed Grey’s robe off his shoulders.

  Grey laughed for him, snuggling back into the covers. He made short work of the robe, sweats, and socks, watching as he slowly exposed Grey’s lovely skin.

  “Are we back to naked time already?” Grey’s words were secondary to the sight of his name embedded in Grey’s skin.

  Luke touched the now almost fully healed tattoo, and it felt like lightning sparked between Grey’s inked skin and his fingertips. “Do you know what it says?” Did his soul mate know the significance of the spiky words?

  Grey looked down, eyes widening at the sight. “It almost looks like it did the day it was done. That’s incredible. And it doesn’t say anything so far as I know. It’s not an Arabic language, not anything I’ve seen.”

  “It’s the dragon tongue, and that’s the Beteferoce crest, and this is my name.” He traced the spiky lettering again.

  “Beteferoce. Ferocious beast. That’s so cool. This... Has he given it to lots of guys, do you think?”

  “Who was it you said did it?” Luke asked. There had better not be his name on anyone else’s body.

  “Uh. Uh. This dude in Halifax. Corwin, I think?”

  “Corryn, maybe?” There was only one Fae who was not only associated with their family, but who was also a tattoo artist.

  Luke blinked, then nodded. “Yes! Yeah, you know him, then?”

  “I do. It’s a little complicated, but if you’re ready for more things that most people don’t think are real, I can tell you.”

  “I’m ready. I won’t freak.” Grey sounded so sure.

  “Corryn is Fae. He’s been with my family in one way or another since before I was born.”

  “Fae? I don’t understand.”

  “You know the fairies from lore? Those are the closest to what the Fae are. They are longer lived than dragons even.”

  “Fairies? You mean it? I didn’t see wings.”

  “I said fairies are the closest to what the Fae actually are. There are no wings. They do not fly. Dragons fly.”

  “Oh, that sucks. Flying rocks.” Grey grinned at him. “Still, that’s neat.”

  “Corryn and my family are tied together. Almost like he serves my family. It’s like inheriting a butler. Only I think Corryn would bite if he found out I’d put it that way. It’s a deeper relationship than butler. I’d heard from my brothers that he
’d been tattooing our soul mates to help us find each other.” It looked like it was working, too. That was three of the five of them matched up. Had the tattoos drawn them all to each other? Or had it merely facilitated them recognizing each other? He didn’t know. He didn’t suppose it mattered.

  “Yeah? What about your brothers? Do you see them a lot? Are they amazing?”

  Luke snorted. “They’re brothers. You had a brother, so you know, right?” While they weren’t the reason he lived in the middle of nowhere, it certainly didn’t bother him that he didn’t see them very often.

  “I did, yes. I lost him.”

  “Yeah, you said. I’m sorry. But before he died?”

  “My brother was pretty fucking amazing.”

  “Okay. Mine are amazing, too, but...” He shrugged. “We bicker.” It seemed rather petty in light of Grey’s experience.

  “Brothers fight. You do call them, though? See them?”

  “At least once a year, sometimes more. To celebrate the equinox. We have caverns. A family home.”

  “Tell me about it.” Grey curled against him, humming deep in his chest.

  “The lair looks like caves from outside, but it’s decadent and wonderful inside. And we have many shiny things there.”

  Grey stroked his belly, fingers petting him, drawing sigils on his skin.

  “What magic are you making?” Luke asked.

  “You’re the magical one, Dragon, remember?” Grey continued to touch him.

  “What are you drawing on me?”

  Grey shrugged. “Just shapes. Just letting my fingers move.”

  “No, there’s energy behind it,” he insisted.

  “I’m not trying to bother you.”

  “I didn’t say you were, I want to know the significance.” He watched Grey’s fingers, trying to make the symbols out.

  He could see light in those trails, feel a wild tingling. “I thought you said you weren’t magical.” He said it softly, a little in awe of Grey.

  “Not even a bit.”

  “Can’t you see it? Feel it? The magic is there in your fingertips. In the sigils you’re drawing on my skin.” Maybe it was the two of them together that was making it happen.


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