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Too Good to Be Wrong

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Make love to me,” she said.

  With his lips on hers, Henry started to move inside her. He went slowly, taking his time. Every inch of him worked her pussy so easily. She moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist. “I love you, April.”

  He released her hands and circled them around her back. Henry turned them so she straddled his waist. “Now, it’s your time to take over.”

  April moaned as her arousal increased in the change of their positions.

  “You look so fucking beautiful,” he said.

  Henry cupped her breasts. She glanced down to see him pinch her sensitive nipples. The tight pinch drove her wild, and she started to thrust harder onto his length.

  “Fuck, baby, take all of me.”

  She whimpered with the depth of his penetration.

  His hands went to her hips as he guided her over his shaft. April bounced on his length feeling him fill her to the verge of pain.

  “Ride me.”

  Staring into his eyes, April lost herself to the heat of the moment. The love she had for him would never disappear or darken. They were perfect for one another. Henry was more than she could have imagined. His sweetness touched her heart, and she never wanted to be anywhere else but with him.

  One of his hands left her waist going to the hard bud between her thighs. He stroked her clit, drawing her orgasm from her. She gripped his arms, crying out in pleasure from the touch of his hands.

  “Fuck, you’re tight. I can feel you, April.”

  Her orgasm rode her, and his cock jerked deep inside her.

  Throughout their climax, Henry told her how much he loved her. She collapsed over him, and he wrapped his arms around her back, holding her close.

  She caressed his chest, amazed at the pure beauty of the man beneath her.

  “I know I’m going to die a happy man.”

  Tucking some hair behind her ear, she glanced up at him. He touched her cheek, pushing more strands of hair off her face.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing, I just like looking at you.” He skimmed his fingers down her face. “You’ve no idea how utterly beautiful you are, do you?”

  “You’re being a charmer again.”

  Henry smiled. “I can live with that.”

  His smile had her tightening down below, and he groaned.

  Yes, she could live with a lifetime of love with Henry.

  Chapter Seven

  Henry married her a month later while her stomach was slightly swollen from their unborn child. Watching April walk down the aisle filled him with such joy and love. Marcel stood beside him as he waited for his woman to come to him.

  “Are you sure about this?” Marcel asked. “There’s no backing out.”

  “I’m not backing away. She’s perfect.”

  He took her hand when she made it to him, and they stood before the priest to say their vows. The day should be for women, but for Henry, this was the best day of his life. Seeing April possess his name made his cock swell. He couldn’t wait to get her alone in their bed that night. They were staying at his place for the night, and then in the morning he had a special trip to the Caribbean planned. There was so much he wanted to do with her.

  Once he got her on the dance floor, April smiled up at him. “It’s official. We’re married.”

  “I know.”

  “Any regrets?” she asked.

  Tightening his hold around her, Henry smiled. “The only regret that I’ve got is I let you take some time away from me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  The rest of the small reception fell away. He invited a few business associates, and April had some of the people from Marcel’s as her guests. None of them mattered to him in that moment. The only person he loved was in his arms.

  “When your leg was broken and I took you back to my place, my original plan was to get you to fall in love with me. I saw how nervous you were around me, and I hated it. I took my time, knowing you’d get comfortable with me.” He spun her around, drawing her back to him. “The best moments of my life were at night when we’d watch a movie. Slowly, you started to rest against me and then you fell asleep on me.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he drew her close so she felt the length of his cock pressing against her stomach. She let out a gasp, and he dropped his head to kiss her lips.

  “I planned on you falling in love with me.”

  “Then you came home to find me packed up and ready to go,” she said.

  “I know. Seeing that case and the determination on your face, I knew I couldn’t win.” He let out a sigh. “I promised myself I’d give you time.”

  April chuckled. “We’ve not had an easy start.”

  “This makes it all worth it.” He touched her cheek as they danced. One song led into another. Henry didn’t let her go and glared at Marcel as he approached to dance.

  She laughed, poking him in the ribs. “You can trust me around other men.”

  “Not this day. This day is ours.” They cut the cake, danced some more, and listened to several people talk. He put up with it for April’s sake.

  When he could stand no more of their attention, he made their excuses and took April out to the car. Along the trunk he saw the “JUST MARRIED” sticker attached with several cans leading from the car. Laughing, he helped April into the front before taking his own seat. He took hold of her hand as he drove home.

  The man on the door offered his congratulations.

  “Thanks, Paul,” Henry said.

  “Certainly. I’ll make sure the staff knows to call you Mrs. Jones, now.”

  Hearing her name turned him on more. He had her in the elevator and at the threshold of his door within minutes.

  Opening the door, he kicked it open and then picked April up into his arms.

  “Henry, what are you doing?” she asked, squealing as he carried her into their apartment.

  “I’m following tradition.” He kicked the door once again, walking toward the bedroom.

  He placed her on the floor in front of his gift. April hadn’t seen it. She was too busy looking at him.

  “You’re acting strangely,” she said.

  Picking up the envelope, he handed it to her. “This is my gift to you.”

  “Henry, we agreed to no gifts.” She took the envelope, looking angry. “I didn’t get you anything.”

  Touching her stomach, he shook her head. “I don’t need anything but you. You’ve given me the best gift of all.”

  “You’re being all sweet and charming again.” She looked at the envelope.

  “Open it.”

  April let out a breath and opened the single white envelope. She pulled out the tickets reading them. “We’re going to the Caribbean? I thought work couldn’t let you go.”

  “I’m the boss, remember? I can go anywhere. Yes, I’ll be taking my laptop and phone, but for the most part, I’ll be with you.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you.”

  “I know. You’re going to be spoiled rotten.” He pressed a kiss to her neck, inhaling her scent. “There’s something else.”

  He waited while she took out the next gift. There were three keys in the envelope.

  “What’s this?”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took the remote in hand and pointed it at the screen. “Watch.”

  Henry sat watching her as the house he’d bought the week before came onto the screen. He’d had the realtor take a video of the property so that he could show her.

  Tears glistened in her eyes as the camera moved from room to room.

  “Is that our house?” she asked.


  She turned to look at him.

  “Are you being serious?”

  “I never joke about anything, April. I’ve been waiting for the right house to come along. This has a big enough garden for kids, possibly a few dogs, a future.”

  April stopped him from talking by kissing him. The tickets f
or their honeymoon fell to the floor as she took his lips.

  “I love you,” she said. “I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m never going to let you go.”

  Henry pushed the strap of her wedding dress from her shoulder. “Good, because you’re mine.”


  Seven months later

  The honeymoon had been a dream, and when they got back their house was waiting for them. April would never forget her wedding to the most amazing man in the world. Henry was more than she ever imagined. He knew how to make her feel loved, desired, and cherished.

  Their belongings were waiting for them inside the new country house he’d bought. For the last seven months, April had done nothing but redecorate their place. His apartment went up on the market, and she finished off the lease in her own. She stared in the kitchen, putting her own touches to the room. Henry wouldn’t allow her to spare any expense and demanded that she get exactly what she wanted. The appliances were top of the range, and he made sure Marcel helped her design the kitchen. She no longer worked at the restaurant, but she hung out with Marcel in the kitchen from time to time, to try his new recipes.

  When the kitchen was finished, she moved into the sitting room. The days stretched into weeks, and those weeks into months. The morning sickness ended, which she was thankful for. She couldn’t drink coffee, but the smell no longer had her running for the toilet. Throughout it all, Henry stayed by her side, loving her. The sickness was worth it to have his hands on her, rubbing her back and holding her hair away. She loved him.

  His only complaint during her decoration was for her not to overdo it. He paid several decorators to do the heavy work, and when she wanted heavy lifting, she called him to come home. She loved it when he came home. He always took payment out in the most illicit of ways. His touch ignited a fire that only he could put out.

  “Where is that doctor?” Henry screamed.

  April smiled as his panic drew her out of her memories. She’d been putting the finishing touches in the nursery when her waters broke. Instead of panicking, she grabbed her cell phone and stayed in the same place as she called him. They didn’t know what sex they were having and wanted it to be a surprise, so she’d settled on neutral colors for the nursery.

  “Don’t worry,” she said, groaning as another contraction took over. She tightened her grip on Henry’s hand as the pain increased, making it hard to stay quiet.

  When she called him, he’d been talking about plans for that evening. She silenced him with the news that her waters had broken. April smiled recalling the instant he understood what she said. He broke speeding laws to get to her. She’d been cleaning up the mess she created when he walked into the room.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he asked, shouting.

  “I made a mess, and I’m cleaning it up.” She hadn’t been in any pain, and there wasn’t even any sign of a contraction.

  “You’re insane.” He didn’t let her walk to the car. No, Henry carried her all the way to his vehicle even though she must be the size of a tank.

  “Okay, it hurts now,” April said, gasping at the pain.

  “Shit, baby, I’m so sorry.”

  The next contraction happened ten minutes later. There was no holding back the agonized screams. There’s no way childbirth is natural.

  “I’ve got you, baby,” Henry said, stroking her hair.

  “You did this to me!” Perspiration dotted her brow. She’d promised herself she’d never lose her cool during child birth. Sobbing, April stared at the man she loved. “I’m sorry. I love you, but this hurts.”

  “Call me whatever you want. I watched the videos and planned for this.”

  The doctor and nurse walked in seconds later. She flung her head back on the bed, screaming at the sudden wave of pain.

  “I hate this. Give me something.”

  The contractions were no longer minutes apart but seconds.

  “No, I can’t. She’s too far gone. We need to deliver this baby now,” the doctor said. One of the nurses threw a gown on him, and April whimpered throughout the pain. It was just a long stream of pain, refusing to let up. “Are you staying, Mr. Jones?”

  She stared at her husband. He’d gone pale.

  “You’re so not leaving me,” she said, crying.

  “I wouldn’t leave you.” He kissed her head, taking a seat. Henry took both of her hands as the doctor called for extra help. “No matter what happens, Doc, you make sure she survives, do you understand me?” Henry said.

  “Sir, it’s not going to get that bad. I see the crown. This is going to be a simple delivery, but I’m not going to lie, it’s going to hurt like hell.”

  April whimpered, hating that piece of news.

  The doctor didn’t lie. She was asked to push, and she pressed her head against Henry’s arm as she begged for a reprieve.

  “I promise, April, one last push and that’s all.”

  “I can’t,” April said, moaning.

  Henry kissed her head. “I love you, April. You can do this.”

  She shook her head, closing her eyes. Exhaustion was a horrible thing.

  “You listen to me, April Jones, you will push one last time or I will make sure you don’t come for a month.” He whispered the threat against her ear so only she heard.

  Sobbing, she sat back up, holding onto Henry. With one last push, she heard the most precious sound in the word.

  Gasping, she watched as the doctor worked and then her baby was wrapped in a blanket. She didn’t see any of the blood or anything else.

  The nurse handed the baby back to the Doctor.

  “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, you have a beautiful healthy baby boy with a nice set of lungs on him.” He handed her son to her, and all the exhaustion and pain swept away as she stared down at the most precious, beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  Henry kissed her head. “You did it, baby.”

  She looked up at him, smiling. “We did it.” She gripped his neck, drawing him down for a kiss. “Look what we did,” she said.

  “I know. We made a beautiful baby boy.” Henry touched his cheek, and her son’s gaze looked between them. She knew from the books he couldn’t make them out, but it didn’t matter. “You were amazing.”

  “I was awful.” She kissed the top of his head, smiling down at the tiny person they created.

  “We’re not going through that again,” he said.

  April chuckled, knowing in her heart they were going to have more kids.


  Twenty-five years later

  “Sure, honey, you can call whenever you want, but if you’re driving home, warn us first,” Henry said, talking to their daughter, Michelle. “Why? Well, I’m making up for lost time with your mom. We could be in a compromising position.”

  April chuckled as she imagined their daughter vomiting over the line. Henry knew exactly what to say to get what he wanted. If he didn’t want to have any unexpected visitors he knew what to say to give them plenty of warning.

  “You’re bad,” she said when he hung up the phone.

  “Our daughter is an hour away at college. She could make it here every day. I’ve not been looking forward to this day since her birth for her to spoil my plans.” He joined her on the sofa, kissing her hard.

  Her body melted against his touch. Her pussy awakened, and she wanted Henry deep inside her. The last twenty-five years had been pure bliss. They were still happily married and the loving parents of five kids. She didn’t know how she got him to get her pregnant not once but five times. After the birth of Blake, he’d seemed reluctant to get pregnant again. When Leon came next, he made her wait a whole year before he’d even consider another kid. For their third child they were blessed with June. Henry wouldn’t budge on the name. April hated her name, but he loved it.

  Their next two kids came not long after, Shaun and then their last, Michelle. April would have happily had more kids, but the doctor advised for her to stop. Her body wo
uldn’t take more kids, and if she wasn’t careful, she may not have survived another delivery. Michelle’s birth had been complicated and stressful. From three months, April was ordered on bed rest as she’d been spotting and almost lost their daughter. If she was stressed, that didn’t compare to the pain Henry went through. She knew he’d ended up on anti-depressants for a few months during her last pregnancy. He was her rock even if he fell apart a little. She didn’t push him though and took all the precautions the doctor advised.

  Their life was still perfect even without any more kids. Michelle became the most spoiled of all of the kids, her brothers and sister helping to take care of her while Henry was away on business.

  “You’ll love Michelle visiting,” April said, staring into his eyes.

  “I know I will, but I’ve got plans for you, dear wife.” The lust sparkling in his depth couldn’t be mistaken for anything else.

  “Oh, yeah, and what might those plans be?” she asked.

  He reached out to unbutton her shirt. After all the years together she was no longer firm but had aged well, or at least she thought she had. Her breasts were heavier, her hips a little wider, but Henry still couldn’t resist her.

  “Most of them involve you being naked or possibly on your knees.”

  She moaned at the picture he painted with his words. “Do you know what you’re doing to me?”

  “Exactly what I’m doing to myself.” He took her hand, placing it over the evidence of his erection.

  Within minutes they were tearing each other’s clothes off. April needed him inside her. The passion and chemistry hadn’t died between them. In fact, over the years they’d been together, their passion had only gotten stronger.

  Henry had her on the floor and was inside her minutes later. The cried out together. Their first time together in a house without children was frenzied. They were in desperate need of each other. April held him close as he took her hard. The carpet burned her back, but the pain was worth the pleasure he created.

  “You’re so perfect, so beautiful and perfect.” He kissed her lips, going down to suck on her neck.


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