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Russian Mafia Boss's Heir

Page 19

by Bella Rose

  Suddenly she pulled away and turned around. She pushed her fingers into his hair and drew his mouth down to hers. The taste of her was exotic. She moved her lips against his and thrust her tongue into his mouth as though she intended to make love to him in this way.

  He put one hand on her thigh and drew her leg up against his hip. Keeping her open like this, he continued to kiss her without letting her come up for air. He took control, dominating her mouth with his. He wedged his cock into the V of her thighs and felt the heat of her pussy against his hard shaft. Only the thin fabric of their clothing separated them. He couldn’t help but think that this barrier needed to go.

  Pulling back, he bit her lip as he retreated. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to beg me to do it.”

  “Yes.” He saw the column of her throat move as she swallowed hard. “Here. Now. Before I change my mind.”

  Vitaly nodded. He took her hand and led her off the dance floor and toward a set of stairs. The bouncer moved aside without saying a word. There was a place on the second floor. A catwalk where only the privileged few were allowed, and anything could happen as long as the parties were willing.

  Chapter Five

  Alexandra was out of her mind. That was the only reason she could think of for allowing this to continue. She needed intel on Vitaly and she wasn’t going to get it just by spreading her legs and begging him to make her come. He had to have an office somewhere, or a place where she could convince him to take her. Except her brain wasn’t really calling the shots right now.

  They reached the top of the stairs and she found herself on a tiny balcony of sorts that was suspended above the club by a network of railings. There was a huge flat couch sort of thing in the center of the space. It was fashioned almost like a platform and appeared to be made of soft leather, for obvious reasons.

  “Do you come here often?” she asked, because she couldn’t find anything else to say.


  His answer was short and direct. Then Vitaly spun her around and took her mouth in a deep kiss. His tongue slid inside her mouth and laid claim to her so masterfully that she began to moan and undulate against him.

  She was so incredibly turned on. Her body was alive with sensation. His hands found her breasts through the thin fabric of her dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were on fire with the feel of his fingers stroking her. He circled each taut bud and then pinched them until they were standing up and begging for more. She arched her back and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pushed her breasts into the contact and reveled in the feeling of his touch.

  Vitaly pushed her back toward the platform until her legs hit it and she had to fall backwards. He held her, though, lowering her body slowly and continuing to kiss her as he did. She felt strangely protected this way. It was like he was cherishing her as he prepared to take what she was so eagerly offering.

  She kicked off her heels, placing her bare feet on the smooth leather and feeling its coolness through her thin dress. He continued to kiss her, licking her lips and biting her as he moved his hand to her thigh. She quivered at the feel of his hand sliding up her leg. Wetness from her pussy had completely soaked her thong. Alexandra could not ever remember being this wet for a man in her life.

  Vitaly gently brushed his fingers over the satin sides of her panties and began drawing them down her legs. He ended the kiss and glanced down at her with eyes full of lust. “You’re soaked. Do you want me so badly?”

  “Yes.” She boldly cupped the erection tenting the front of his slacks. “And you want me just as badly.”

  “Yes,” he admitted. “It’s impossible not to want a woman who responds like you do. I’ve never seen anyone sexier.”

  “Touch me, please?” she begged. “I’m aching.”

  He let her thong fall to the floor with her shoes. Placing his fingers on her swollen nether lips, he let them slide through the wet folds of her flesh. She groaned, her eyes sliding closed and every molecule of her body focusing on that touch. Her orgasm was so close she could taste it. She moved restlessly against his hand. He seemed to know instinctively what she wanted. He held her sex open and carefully circled her clit with his fingertips.

  Alexandra climaxed almost instantly. Her hips lifted and she screamed her fulfillment as she came hard. Every muscle in her body reacted to his touch. She lifted her arms above her head, her fingers clawing at the leather as she searched for something to hold on to.

  “Fuck,” he said in a harsh tone. “That is so damn hot. Come for me again, Alexandra. I want to see it one more time before I put my cock in you.”

  His erotic words sent her spiraling higher. He began to rub her clit. Seconds later he slid two long fingers into her pussy. The penetration put her over the edge. She felt a pinprick of intense heat at the tip of her clitoris, and seconds later she was flying. She screamed again. This time she might have called his name. Her legs were limp, her pussy soaked, and the insides of her thighs were smeared with her cream. She was the epitome of a woman satisfied, yet still ready for more.

  She felt restless. Her hands settled on her own breasts and she began squeezing her nipples as she searched for another release. She heard the sound of a zipper and then she felt the platform move as Vitaly climbed up beside her.

  He touched her face. His hands smelled of her juices and somehow that turned her on more. She opened her eyes and stared up at him. He was incredibly handsome for a lowlife mafia thug with his dark hair and sky-blue eyes.

  She reached up to draw him down for a kiss. Then he straddled her body. She welcomed him between her legs and felt the heightened anticipation of joining with him in the most primal way possible.

  Still he teased her a little more. He let his cock press against her opening, but did not penetrate. She could feel him watching her face. Instead of being self-conscious, it made her feel wanton and sexy. She moved her hips to beg him for fulfillment, but he continued to hold back.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked, panting with need.

  His lips brushed her mouth, her jaw, and then her neck. “The perfect moment,” he told her. “I want to fuck you when the time is just right.”


  Vitaly felt her opening quivering against the tip of his cock. Never had he wanted a woman this badly. He would be lucky if he didn’t spill his seed across her belly before he even entered her pussy.

  This stranger was the most passionate lover he had ever found. Her body seemed made for his. His touch made her fly. And yet she was continually ready for more. Even as he began to press inside her, he felt her inner muscles surrender to him. The pretty way she yielded brought out the possessive beast inside him.

  Need overwhelmed his control and Vitaly slammed his cock inside her soft body. He bottomed out and felt her gasp with delight. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he repeatedly rammed his cock into her pussy.

  He braced his weight on his hands and gazed down at her. Her eyes were glazed over with passion, her lips parted, and a soft cry emerged with each thrust. He felt her tighten. He knew she was approaching yet another orgasm. The thought made him growl and snarl as he realized she loved being with him just as much as he wanted her.

  Abruptly getting to his knees, Vitaly wrapped his arms around Alexandra and pulled her upright with him. She was now riding him and he enjoyed every second. He held her tight, keeping his cock fully sheathed inside her as she went absolutely wild with passion.

  She threw her head back, her hands tangling in her long loose hair as she gyrated against him and ground his cock against the sweet spot right inside her body. She came hard, once, and then he felt her rising to yet another orgasm. Never had any woman been this responsive. Vitaly grabbed her hips and began thrusting up into her body with each rocking motion of her hips.

  The combination was incredible. The friction pushed him quickly over the edge. His lover was panting and moaning as he finally found his own fulfillment and spilled his seed deep into h
er womb. He continued to move, pushing and thrusting into her body until he felt her orgasm just one more time. She stiffened around him, every muscle in her body going rigid as she cried out. It took him a moment to realize that she was saying his name over and over again.

  Exhaustion overtook him and he rolled them both from their knees onto their sides. She snuggled in close, and for the first time in longer than he could recall, Vitaly felt the urge to cuddle after sex. The thought made him laugh.

  “What?” she asked in a sleepy tone.

  “I don’t even know your name. That makes us an odd couple to wind up in this position.”

  “I would agree.”

  He gently stroked the hair away from her face. “Are you going to give me a name?”

  “Perhaps. What if giving you my name ruins the chemistry?”

  “I find that difficult to imagine.” In fact, he couldn’t imagine anything affecting the explosive chemistry between the two of them.

  Her snort of amusement made him smile. “You can call me Alexandra.”

  “Alexandra,” he murmured, loving the sound of it rolling off his tongue. “It’s perfect.”

  Alexandra’s fingers plucked at the buttons on his dress shirt. He hadn’t even managed to get naked for this little interlude. She heaved a giant sigh. “I suppose we go our separate ways and never see each other again, don’t we?”

  “Unless you want to have dinner with me tomorrow night,” he asked casually, surprising himself with his own candidness.

  “Dinner?” She seemed genuinely surprised. Then she bit her lip and her expression settled into one of deep thought. “I suppose I could give you my phone number. Maybe we should just start there.”

  “Are you afraid you cannot resist me?” he teased.

  “Apparently I can’t. I would think what just happened is evidence of that.” She gave a lusty yawn. “From now on I will be prepared.”

  “How will you manage that?”

  She seemed to think it over. “I suppose I could make sure I’ve had sex right before I see you again.”

  Vitaly found that idea did not set well with him at all. He shouldn’t care with who or when she had sex. Yet somehow the idea of someone else enjoying her incredibly passionate nature made him angry.

  “Or I could just keep a vibrator in my purse,” she suggested. “That way when I see you, I’ll just pull that out and take the edge off so I can withstand whatever pheromones you’re putting out.”

  “I can promise you,” Vitaly said with amusement, “if you start masturbating in front of me at any time, I’m not going to stand by and idly watch it happen.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that,” she mused. “So what would you suggest?”

  “That I fuck you again whenever we see each other next.” Vitaly knew how insane that was even as he suggested it.

  “Fine. Dinner at your place tomorrow night. Sound good?” she asked hopefully.

  Vitaly started laughing. The sound echoed around the empty rafters and made him wonder when the last time was he’d felt so relaxed. “How about we meet at The Samovar for dinner at eight o’clock?”

  “That works, too.”

  Chapter Six

  Alexandra rolled over in bed and groaned. She didn’t have a hangover, but she was sore between her legs and feeling a little too satisfied for her own comfort. What in the hell had gotten into her? It was like she’d been possessed by some demon that had decided that sating its lust was the only thing that mattered.

  Her phone began bleating on the nightstand. Groping blindly, she managed to knock over the lamp and the alarm clock before she managed to find it. “What?” she said grouchily.

  “Woohoo! Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed,” Joe said in a disgustingly chipper voice.

  “What do you want?” Alexandra wasn’t about to apologize to this supercilious asshole. “It’s freaking—what time is it, anyway?”

  “Nine o’clock.” Joe seemed to relish the opportunity to inform her of that. “You missed our morning meeting.”

  “Shit. So I did.” Dammit. That was not good. Especially considering the fact that Joe was gunning for her job. “And did anyone have anything to report?”

  “I found out what the little dopehead’s name is,” Joe announced. “It’s Jacob Lowenstein.”

  “Nice.” Alexandra forcefully suppressed the urge to laugh. Jacob’s last name was actually Trachtenberger, but Lowenstein was the first layer of his identity. Nobody generally got past that. “And your next step?”

  “I’m going to pick him up.”

  Okay, Alexandra had not anticipated that. “Based on what?”

  “Suspicion. What else? I’ll just use some Patriot Act bullshit or something.”

  “You can’t do that, Joe.” Alexandra almost groaned under the weight of her annoyance. “Why do people think you can pull that out for everything? He’s not a freaking terrorist.”

  “Organized crime is domestic terrorism.”

  “And so far the only thing you know is that he hangs out at the laundromats that now fall under the holdings of Vitaly Volkov.” Alexandra sighed. “Why don’t you go pester anyone who’s picking up their dry cleaning if that’s all the link it takes to interest you.”

  “Because the customers won’t talk to me,” Joe said grumpily. “I already tried that.”

  Alexandra did not give in to the urge to laugh. She would have loved to see Joe just start interrogating random people in that neighborhood. Those people would talk circles around a stubborn FBI agent. “Sorry, Joe. You’re going to need more than a blanket charge of suspicion to bring in your dopehead.”

  “Johnson already okayed it.” Joe’s superior tone said it all. “He gave me the green light.”

  “Did he?” Alexandra refused to panic. Maybe it was time to go have a chat with Johnson on her own.

  “So I’ll let you know when we pick him up if you want to be there when we interrogate,” Joe said loftily.

  “Gee, thanks. You do that.”

  Alexandra hung up and immediately pulled up a text box. She texted off a series of seven numbers to a burn number that was part of a sequence of such things she and Jacob had established years ago. Then she rested on her back and stared at the ceiling, trying to decide what to do next.


  Vitaly hadn’t felt this good in years. In fact, he rolled out of bed and into the shower without pushing snooze on the alarm clock. He whistled his way through his morning routine and then headed down to the kitchen.

  Uday gazed at Vitaly as though he’d grown a tail or something. “What the hell happened to you last night?”

  “He got laid,” Dimitri hypothesized. “Nothing else puts that big of a smile on a man’s face.”

  Anton snorted. “He did go to Club 360 last night. Jonas said the boss disappeared for quite a while with some really hot chick he’d never seen before.”

  “Who is Jonas?” Vitaly demanded, his good mood gone. “It does not make me happy when random people are speculating about my activities.”

  “Whoa.” Anton held up his hands. “Jonas is one of our guys. He works those stairs you used to go up to the private loft.”

  “Oh, right.” Vitaly had actually known that.

  “I’m going to guess that was some serious piece of tail,” Dimitri mused. “And we’ll drop the subject because it’s making the boss twitchy. Got it, guys?” He eyeballed his brothers.

  Uday’s phone trilled in his pocket. He pulled it out and then frowned after glancing at the screen. “Jacob says he’s going to ground for a few days. Apparently some FBI agent is on his tail.”

  Dimitri and Anton were busy with their exclamations of anger and surprise. Vitaly was wondering if Agent Alex had turned on his friend. And, if she had, how could Vitaly capitalize on it?

  “The boss has a plan,” Anton commented. “Look at his face!”

  “Tell Jacob I want him to come here instead of going to ground,” Vitaly told Uday. “We’re going t
o let him get picked up.”

  “He’s not going to like that,” Uday predicted.

  Vitaly waved off the comment. “He and I discussed it yesterday. I want him to turn informant to the FBI and feed them bullshit. In fact, I want to feed them info about the O’Learys’ operation to the east of our territory.”

  “That oxycodone operation they’ve got going?” Dimitri looked thoughtful. “That’s a pretty good idea.”

  “I’m not the boss for nothing, you know,” Vitaly said drily. “So let’s go figure out what we want the feds to know and what we’re willing to sacrifice to get rid of some O’Learys.”

  “Boss?” Uday looked confused. “Jacob wants you to know that it was some agent named Alex that tipped him off.”

  “Interesting,” Vitaly said thoughtfully.

  Now Uday looked even more flabbergasted. “Is that important?”

  “I’m not sure yet. But it could be.” Vitaly headed for his office. He wondered how he could spin this to his advantage, yet he worried about sacrificing Jacob. This was a dangerous game they were playing.


  “Agent Johnson will see you now.” The administrative assistant peered over her glasses, looking speculatively at Alexandra.

  It was always difficult to deal with admins because she never knew how much these people got to hear about operations and things of that nature. How much did this woman know about Alexandra? Did she know Joe was trying to bump Alexandra out of her job? Did the lady have an opinion? And why was Alexandra worrying about it now?

  She drew herself up straight and smoothed her black pencil skirt. Striding into Johnson’s office, Alexandra offered her hand. “Thank you so much for agreeing to see me on such short notice.”

  “Of course, Alexandra.” Johnson waved his hand at a chair. “Please have a seat. Do you want coffee?”


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