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Page 2

by Hildred Billings

  Their noses touched. Aiko fought off the tingles in her loins, lest she succumb to Reina as readily as she desired. “You just want to hear me say something dirty.” Aiko didn’t usually say sexual things right out: she preferred bashful metaphors, unlike her girlfriend who was the queen of frank communication.

  “Jya, of course I do.” Reina’s breath huffed into her girlfriend’s ear, followed by the tip of her tongue. The first shiver rippled throughout Aiko’s body. “I like it when you talk dirty.”

  “Because you like corrupting me.”

  “Well, yes. That’s pretty fun.” Reina eased her body onto Aiko’s, her weight as blissful as love. “You’re very susceptible to corruption.”

  Aiko let her girlfriend kiss her throat, the sweet undulations of lovemaking beginning below. Yes! Here it began, the initiation of their new life together, as if they had just been... what? Married? The thought made Aiko blush more beneath Reina’s hot lips and gentle massages. Before that day their love life consisted mostly of trips to love hotels, an expensive venture that afforded them little time to make love and rest. Sometimes the opportunity arose to stay the night – alone – in Reina’s old house, but those chances were as rare as finding somebody like her to begin with. Now she can corrupt me whenever and for as long as she wants!

  “You still haven’t said it yet.”

  Aiko’s eyes snapped open, her girlfriend’s before hers. “Said what?”

  “The naughty thing.”

  “Iya da!” Aiko clasped Reina’s shoulders. “Don’t make me say it!”

  She smiled, her knee dividing Aiko’s legs and slinking toward her hips. “Why not? Do you want your first time in this bed to set a bad precedence? Can’t you ask for what you want?”

  Such a tease! Wasn’t that one of the things Aiko had fallen in love with? That and Reina’s charismatic candor? And the way she has sex. The perfect trifecta of seduction. And she’s all mine in this house, for as long as I want.

  “Come on, say it.” Reina’s knee pressed against her girlfriend’s vulva. As Aiko jerked back in carnal surprise, Reina continued, her visage crumbling from serious to disbelieving, “You’re not wearing any underwear!”

  That shocked voice summoned Aiko’s consciousness. “I came to bed prepared.”

  “Prepared for what?” Reina resumed her eager expression, knee grinding into her girlfriend’s most sensitive place.

  But Aiko couldn’t speak, her words caught in her throat as her eyes rolled back and her legs opened to accommodate Reina’s touch. Prepared for this. Was there any doubt they would make love the first night in their new house? Perhaps if they were too tired, but Reina could be easily convinced to have sex at any time. No way Aiko would let this perfectly good bed go its first night without some famished humping.

  “Ai-chan, your body is doing naughty things right now, and yet you won’t talk about them? Tsch.” Reina continued to rub her knee along the length of her girlfriend’s labia – sometimes she would pause and attempt to push through to Aiko’s clitoris. “Don’t you know how wet you are? It’s dripping down my shin!”

  No it’s not! Reina wanted her to think that. So I’ll... Aiko’s face scrunched up as her pelvis tightened and a small stream of relief exuded from her. She supposed Reina got her wish. And now it’s all over the sheets! That she would have to clean. At least love hotels were good for disposing body fluids.

  “Don’t stop...”

  “Don’t stop what? You’re not very helpful.” Reina slowly bobbed her knee along Aiko’s slickening clitoris. “If you don’t tell me what you want, how will I know what not to stop?”

  Aiko latched onto her girlfriend’s stiff arms. “You know!”


  “Making me...”


  Fuck! That’s what Aiko wished she could say, but even in these throes of desire she couldn’t say it. One day she’ll make me say all the naughty words as easily as she does. That would probably take five more years. “Iku.”

  “Ohoho.” Reina sat up, taking either of Aiko’s thighs into her hands whilst continuing to grind against the wet area below. “You really are a naughty girl. Do you want to come already?”

  Based on how hot her groin was, and how much every thrust made her skin prickle, Aiko could safely say that, yes, she was in the right frame of mind for an orgasm. She closed her eyes and nodded her head.

  “Well, then, guess I have no choice but to let you have first dibs in this bed.”

  At first Aiko felt no difference beneath the comforter and between her legs – her labia remained spread around Reina’s knee, her swelling clitoris receiving a jolt every time either one of them moved a little. But then Aiko realized her girlfriend’s insidious plans: Reina swirled her knee in a circle, its bony point acting as a rough tongue against Aiko’s vulva. She’s the naughty one! Aiko collapsed into the bed and thrust herself against Reina’s leg. It did not take much longer for her neurons to rile up and send her brain to the “good feeling” place she had hung out at since first dating Reina five years before.

  “Look at you go!” Reina’s taunts continued to echo in the back of Aiko’s foggy mind. “I don’t even have to do anything anymore. Although maybe you should let these air out.” She yanked the top of Aiko’s negligee down. “There. Now I can admire your tits.”

  Because the sensitive onslaught going on beneath the comforter wasn’t intense enough, Aiko now needed to watch her own breasts wobble back and forth. Or not. She could close her eyes and concentrate on how good it felt to stimulate herself on her girlfriend’s leg, but then she wouldn’t be able to gaze into those roguish eyes searing above her. She tried to whisper her affection, but all she could utter was a single whimper.

  That whimper turned into a whine, and that whine turned into a cry of pleasure. The comforter flailed upward as Aiko’s legs twitched like two rubber poles.

  “That’s my girl.” Reina slapped her hands on Aiko’s breasts and stroked her nipples while she came. “My naughty, naughty girl.”

  The moment Aiko’s orgasm subsided, Reina fell atop her, their mouths meeting in a gentle kiss. “That wasn’t what I had in mind,” Aiko said between kisses, once her breath had returned to her lungs.

  “Oh?” Reina nipped her teeth around her girlfriend’s bottom lip.

  “Never mind.”

  Aiko still couldn’t say what bothered her. No point now, considering the first round of lovemaking was over in that bed. It should’ve been more romantic. With Reina embracing her, their tongues tied together like they were now, and their lovemaking vigorous throughout every curling limb. Instead, it was me. Was this a sign their bed was destined to become one-sided?

  “Are you done?” Reina asked, her face diverting to Aiko’s cheek and throat.

  One deep breath later, Aiko noted the state of her sensitive areas. They did not tremble at the thought of more lovemaking, like they sometimes did when Reina was thoroughly finished with her. “I can go on.”

  “Good! Because I don’t think you’re done being naughty yet.”

  God, what now? With Reina, what she said could mean anything – especially in bed. “What are you going to do?”

  Reina slid her body along Aiko’s, her descent beneath the covers hypnotic. “What do you think I’m gonna do?”

  Her tongue dragged against her girlfriend’s thigh. Aiko swallowed, the lump in her throat crashing past her rib cage and into her rolling stomach. “Don’t you want to do it together?” This was their first night living together, after all. At some point Aiko would like to have an appropriate celebratory moment with her girlfriend that didn’t include bony knees and disappearing heads.

  “We have all the time in the world tonight.” Reina pulled the comforter past her head and Aiko’s waist.

  They may have had time, but Aiko didn’t have all the energy in the world to pull off a marathon with her girlfriend. Not on moving day. Still, perhaps it was a nice gesture on Reina’s part to give them
each relaxation before they went full tilt banging the headboard against the wall.

  The only things Aiko could see were her knees pushing the comforter up – not even Reina’s bulbous head appeared as an indentation. Yet she felt her breath on her skin, and the tip of her tongue along the responsive folds. Aiko lifted her arms above her head and waited.

  For two seconds Reina was gentle, caressing Aiko’s clitoris with an easy tongue; then she shoved her tongue inside, as far as it could go, until Aiko cried out and flung an arm over her eyes. Wherever that gentleness went, it was soon replaced with flickering licks and two fingers wiggling their way inside.

  The thing about her, however, was that Reina knew how to play with women – any woman, including Aiko, or the scores she had slept with before and sometimes still did with girlfriend in tow. She knew Aiko’s breaking points, how far she could push her until she either came too soon or too late. Reina was only patient when it came to bestowing orgasms. Like Aiko’s: one quickly, and the second as long and grueling as necessary.

  Time was thus lost in the back of Aiko’s awareness. What use was there for time when her pelvis was bombarded with X-rated kisses and her sex was invaded by frisky fingers? No use. Especially now, when they had all this time that they rarely had before. In their own home. In their own room.

  In their own bed.

  Aiko’s second orgasm snuck up on her, rising like a phantom and slowly sinking into her body. The two things making it arrive so terminally were the combination of her hardened areolas piercing the air like two furious pebbles, and the muffled sound of Reina’s sucking somewhere beneath the comforter. Together they tickled Aiko’s brain until she could no longer contain her pleasure, and her body conspired against her to shut out every sensor until she could only feel her girlfriend’s attentions.

  “Mm.” Reina flung back the comforter. “You are delicious.”

  Aiko used the last of her strength to laugh. Beside her, Reina disrobed and wrapped herself around her girlfriend. I suppose it’s her turn now. “That is a ridiculous thing to say. And now I’m worn out. You’ll have to wait.”

  “I can’t help it. I really wanted to bury my face in your omanko.”

  “Was it worth it?”

  Reina gazed into her satisfied countenance. “Definitely.”

  She patiently waited for Aiko to rebound, giving tender kisses to her cheek while stroking her arms and stomach. Aiko closed her eyes and wafted into a dreamlike state, where they truly had all the time in the world.

  By the time she accepted Reina’s frantic lovemaking again – in which they both tumbled and grunted in pleasure – Aiko decided there was nothing to be more thankful for than a blessed new life with the woman she loved. From the way Reina shouted into her ear, she guessed her girlfriend felt much the same.

  July continued its solar torment that Monday, with temperatures over thirty degrees Celsius and humidity liable to out-sweat a fish. Aiko took one step out of the comfort of her air conditioned house and promptly choked on the heat.

  How in the world does Reina walk to work in this? She wore black trousers and a blazer every day for her job, and even at 7:45 in the morning the weather was sweltering.

  Aiko forged ahead, determined to finish her tasks before mid-afternoon, when the sun would be its nastiest. As she walked through the gate and latched it, her armpits began to dampen and a trickle of sweat stole down her forehead. She squirmed: was there anything more disgusting than feeling one’s clothing sucked to the skin?

  First things were first, however, before she could rush to the nearest store and duck into another air-conditioned paradise. She had to remove the old nameplate from the front wall lining the street. Reina promised she had loosened the screws so Aiko could take it with her to the craftsman. She wrapped her fingers around the metallic edges of the plate declaring somebody named OKAZAKI lived there and pried – naturally, it did not budge. Reina! That lazy ass! Odds were Reina walked out, felt the oppressive heat, and turned right back around again.

  It took two more sweat-inducing lurches to get the damn thing off.

  “Ohayou gozaimasu!”

  Aiko spun around, a trio of middle-aged women jogging up and carrying pamphlets and parasols. The oldest looking woman shook a quaff of graying hair out of her otherwise youthful face and repeated, “Good morning, little sister! Welcome to the neighborhood!”

  The nameplate almost fell from Aiko’s hands. “Go…good morning!”

  “You moved into Okazaki-san’s old house this weekend, right?” The woman adjusted her glasses and snapped for her companions to hand over fresh leaflets. “My name is Riko Uchiyama. I live two houses down across the street. My husband and I are in charge of the neighborhood association. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.”

  The four of them bowed to each other before Aiko replied. “Oh, thank you for meeting me like this. I am Aiko Takeuchi. Pleasure to meet you as well.” She took the pamphlets talking about garbage collection and an upcoming festival into her hands.

  “Takeuchi, is it?” the center woman asked politely while her two friends tittered like schoolgirls. “What a solid name. Going to replace the nameplate? You must go to Kawaguchi’s shop two blocks from here.”

  “That’s where I was headed.”

  However, the women did not remove themselves.

  “Ah, Takeuchi-san, you must tell us,” piped up another woman, with black hair pulled into a bun and a tiny stature, “how are you related to Okazaki-san? We heard you are kin.”

  Aiko shoved the fliers into her purse alongside the nameplate – her purse instantly grew a kilo heavier. “She was my great aunt.” Aiko hadn’t met her many times in her life, and inheriting the house came as a large, glorious shock. The explanation she received was a combination of her being one of the only relatives with no home of her own, and “She and that nice boyfriend of hers should get married and move into my lonesome house.” When Reina later asked how Aiko came upon it, she had decided not to share that last piece of information.

  “Your great aunt! We knew she had extended family, but none as young as you. We also saw your…companion.”

  Aiko froze, regardless of the heat. Oh, no! What would they say about Reina, who was surely the most unfeminine woman in the entire neighborhood?

  “Yes, yes! We saw him going to work earlier this morning!”


  All three women grinned as if they were at a sleepover. “Your husband? Newlyweds!” They then dismantled into girlish giggles. Their wedding rings glistened in the sunlight.

  “No, we are not married.” Not only was it illegal, but Reina was not the marrying type.

  The giggling stopped. The women flanking Mrs. Uchiyama covered their mouths while their leader basked in the scandal. “Not married? Do you mean to say…?”

  Yes, living together in sacred sin, fornicating every night like godless dogs. Thus far she and Reina had made the most out of every night in their new house. “I mean to say that she is my roommate. Reina is a woman.” She put on a fake smile. “Clearly we cannot be married!”

  A pause, and then the trio of women both laughed and expressed their clarity – even though at some point each of them scrunched their faces at the thought of that person in a man’s suit and haircut as a woman.

  “Oh, so you are using this place as like a share house then?” Mrs. Uchiyama flipped through more fliers. I wonder if she has a flier for lesbians.

  “No, not really. It’ll be the two of us. Reina has a job right now, and I’m…going to look for one.” That’s what she told Reina, anyway.

  “Oh. Working women. Well! It’s the future.” Hands clasped together, Mrs. Uchiyama took a step back. “We must be going now. Hope to see you join the neighborhood association!”

  By the time they were out of sight, Aiko’s skin was on fire, and not in the fun ways. She considered popping into the house to get a parasol, but knew the moment she walked inside she would never leave again – she tightened her purse strap
and marched down the steaming street.

  It’s already begun. Did Mrs. Uchiyama suspect something about her and Reina? She must have. Reina’s clothing and demeanor; the fact they were “roommates.” Mrs. Uchiyama seemed young enough to consider homosexual leanings.

  Aiko wanted to believe it didn’t matter. After all, a new millennium approached, and gays the world over were becoming more accepted…in other places. One of Reina’s favorite things to remind Aiko was that Japan was still caustic toward queer kind. They probably have kids and think we’ll infect them. Aiko remembered when Reina infected her.

  She ran into more hurdles at the nameplate shop: with Reina’s monetary considerations in mind, Aiko could only afford two plates similar to the old one. When she showed OKAZAKI to the proprietor, he declared he had other designs like it. He also had fancier ones, with Swarovski crystals and blown glass. Yet he balked at the implication that Aiko needed two names on the plate, or two exactly the same but with different names. It took twenty minutes to explain her situation to him, and he still didn’t understand why OKAZAKI was no longer viable. Because that’s not our names! Finally Aiko settled on a matching pair of cheap nameplates. The blow came when the proprietor said he had a surplus of Yamada, Reina’s common surname, but would have to special order Takeuchi.

  After leaving that mess behind, Aiko headed to the corner Shinto shrine to pay her respects to the local deities and to register her “household,” whatever that entailed. The local priest was more than obliged to tell her about the deity, but took a step back when he went to register Aiko and her “husband” on the family rosters. He got as far as “Takeuchi” before asking Aiko to explain why he had to add “Yamada” to that list as well. He was then further perplexed when Aiko insisted they be listed together. She wondered if straight, unmarried couples had to deal with this bullshit.


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