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Calix (Areion Fury MC, #6)

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by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Calix” Areion Fury MC #6

  By Esther E. Schmidt

  Copyright © 2018 by Esther E. Schmidt All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, places, characters and other stuff mentioned in this book is the results of the author’s imagination. Calix is a work of fiction. If there is any resemblance, it is entirely coincidental.

  This content is for mature audiences only. Please do not read if sexual situations, violence and explicit language offends you.

  Cover design by:

  Esther E. Schmidt


  Virginia Tesi Carey


  Christi Durbin

  Cover Model:

  Mike Minervini


  Reggie Deanching


  Christi. We share a brain and so much more. One soul, two bodies and all that shit isn’t just for romance, it’s what friendship is all about too. Proud to have you as my best freaking friend out there. We started this journey together when I wrote the first book in this series. You’ve touched every single book I wrote. Now, with closing this series...all these years still make me laugh at the moments I need it the most, smack my head and ass when needed, and listen when my heart is full. It’s an honor to return the favor any time of day, because having a friend like you is the most precious of gifts this life can give.

  Thanks, babe, I fucking love you.

  Table of contents

  Chapter 01

  Chapter 02

  Chapter 03

  Chapter 04

  Chapter 05

  Chapter 06

  Chapter 07

  Chapter 08

  Chapter 09

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Chapter 01


  Leaning back, I cross my arms in front of my bare chest and glance around the dimly lit room. It’s busy for a Thursday night, but it’s the third Thursday of the month and that’s the day members are allowed to bring a non-member. Kinda like an introduction night but with rules set in place. They have to be familiar with the BDSM scene, otherwise they need to take the training class first.

  There are sounds of pleasure flowing through the air along with slaps, skin on skin action, growls, and sharp commands. Everyone around is busy with their own scene, leaving the bar empty. Hence the reason I can take a moment to relax. This place used to give me some kind of comfort. Watching, teaching, doing the occasional scene on stage, yet nothing about this appeals to me anymore.

  Glancing down, I debate putting my cut back on. I stashed it on a shelf underneath the bar when Otis asked me to show off my abs. Normally I wouldn’t even give anyone a moment of consideration if they’d asked me that question, but I was feeling generous and Otis wanted to teach the sub he picked for the night a lesson. Openly gawking at another Dom isn’t a smart move for a sub. Therefore he needed to educate her; she won’t be making that mistake again any time soon.

  Besides...Otis is a good friend of mine who I’ve only recently made a partner. I deliberately made myself a silent partner so I can step away from the club for as long as I want or need to for that matter. This will be my last night in here for a while. I need it. Time for myself to figure out what I want to do. I’ve had too many damn jobs. Next to owning and running this club, I was a police detective and a bartender at the Purple Bean a few nights per week.

  The Purple Bean is a bar owned by the Areion Fury MC. Oh yeah, I’m also a biker if the mention of my leather cut didn’t make it clear yet. Though I only wear my cut inside the club. Outside? Detectives need to dress the part and wearing suits was something I always did. With a preference to serene white ones in particular. Except I recently turned in my badge.

  Everything’s lost its appeal for some fucked up reason and I feel like I’ve lost my grip on things. Hence the reason I’ve stepped back from everything. My brain is always working, nothing new there, that’s why I have...or had, so many jobs. I also have the personal obligation to visit my parents next week, so my ass will be on a plane for a mini vacation in London. After that? The hell if I know what I’ll do.

  The door connected to the hallway opens. Behind it exists a small entry room where people have to sign in to get inside the club. Esmee, the one who staffs the desk on Thursdays and Fridays, strolls inside and behind her follow two women. All I can make out is that one’s a brunette and the other one is a blonde.

  Esmee looks back at the women. “Please sit down, I’ll be right back.” She turns her attention to me. “Sir, could you please get them something to drink? I have to search for Master Mike to double check something.”

  “Very well, Esmee.” I push myself off the counter I was leaning against and stroll over as Esmee dashes away from the bar, heading for the dungeon in search of Mike.

  “Ladies, there’s a one drink rule, so if you intend to play you can have one now or after. Otherwise it’s bottled water, tea, or coffee,” I tell the two women whose faces I haven’t seen yet. The both of them simply ignore me.

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into bringing you along with me,” the brunette whispers to the blonde.

  The blonde leans forward. “It’s not like I have a choice. My dad said this was our only shot so,”

  “Ladies,” I snap. “It’s rude to ignore someone who’s speaking to you and offering you a drink.”

  The blonde slowly turns and when our eyes connect it feels like I’m touching a live wire. Damn. Where everything in life was dull and plain a moment ago, suddenly something spectacular rises within my reach. It’s rare for my body to react in such a way, even more when it’s because of a woman.

  Even with the dim light I can easily see the tiny scar on her chin. I can’t tell what shade her eyes are and that somehow nags me, yet they are striking no matter the color they would be. It seems like she has syrup sweet lips, and I make a mental note to find out soon. High cheekbones, strong jaw, she’s elegant, yet...bubbly? I don’t think I’ve ever described a woman as bubbly.

  Damn that long neck, leading to a stunning bosom that is strapped tight in a leather corset. I’m feeling so off my game for a moment that my fingers are digging into the wood of the bar. I haven’t done a scene in here in a while, not to mention I haven’t had sex in a very long time...but I want it all, and I want it right fucking now. But all of this aside? I’m the one being rude now, and that never fucking happens. I’m still openly gawking at this beauty in front of me.

  The woman is about to say something when the door to the hallway bursts open and two guys step inside. They are both wearing Areion Fury MC cuts but I don’t recognize either of them. Glancing down I notice the Ohio patch. The big one looks somewhat familiar now that I take a second look and yet I can’t remember why or how.

  I’m glad Esmee wasn’t in her seat because I doubt she could have stopped these two from getting inside the club. Otis stalks toward them. “Gentlemen. Can I help you?”

  “No. Ah, there she is. This will only take a moment, then we’ll be gone.” The big one steps around Otis and gets in the face of the blonde. “Did you really think you could find some kind of miracle worker in here? One who would stand a chance against me? Stupid cunt. Don’t you realize that there’s nothing you can do? Your fathe
r will blow out his last breath soon and then,”

  The blonde punches the fucker straight in the eye and makes him stumble back, not expecting her outburst. I’ve seen enough. Why can’t people ever be civil? I grab my cut, pull it on and jump over the bar. I’m just in time to intervene with the idiot who wants to lay a hand on a woman.

  Grabbing his fist midair, I snap, “You don’t have any authority to do business here. Obviously, you are no longer welcome. I suggest you take your brother along with you and leave.”

  The big one eyes my cut and suddenly, standing this close, I can place the fucker. Dane Gilton. I fought this one a few times in underground fighting matches over a decade ago. He always lost but never gave up and kept challenging me. I hope he wants to have another fight because my hands itch to get a few punches in. I’ve been craving a chance to blow off some steam.

  “Well, well, well. Who do we have here? Calix. Man, I thought you fell off the face of the earth ten years ago, but it seems you’ve just been hiding in this stinkhole, huh?” Dane chuckles.

  I have to take a deep breath because I’m anything but calm right now and I never lose my shit. I’ve been brought up learning to control my temper, and I’m not going to start losing it right now in the middle of my own damn club, and we’re drawing a crowd as it is.

  “Leave,” I snap.

  “Not without Tenley,” he barks back.

  Tenley? “Who?”

  There’s a hand sliding over my shoulder as I feel a hot breath stroking my ear. “You’re the Calix?”

  She empathizes ‘the’ as if I’ve got a reputation. If she knows this idiot in front of me, she might know I’ve done my fair share of underground fighting where I had a reputation that made a lot of people envy me. I don’t look back but keep my gaze on the threat, Dane, and give her a grunt as an answer instead.

  “Big Oaks is asking for a favor. He said if anyone could help me, it would be you.” Her whispered words might mean nothing to anyone but for me? Fuck.

  Big Oaks, President of Areion Fury MC, Ohio Chapter, and also a man I felt was more a father to me than my own ever was. Big Oaks was my trainer when I started underground fighting. The week I would have become his VP, I got transferred with a job offer as a detective I couldn’t pass up. Big Oaks understood and wanted me to take the opportunity and called in a favor Zack owed him. That’s how I ended up here, with Zack as my president.

  “You know damn sure there’s no other way around this, Tenley. Hiding behind Calix here won’t do any good either. He’s not a part of our chapter.” Dane sneers.

  “Last and final warning before I call it in. I’m sure my Prez would love to hear a biker from another chapter is pissing on his turf.” My voice is matter-of-fact. On the inside I’m fuming and ready to punch this guy’s lights out like I did so many times in the past.

  He eyes me and realizes his mistake. Tenley gets a deadly glare before he seethes, “This ain’t over VP.” He’s out the door, taking his brother with him.

  I double check my pecs and although I know damn well I’m not wearing a VP badge, but that would, that’s not possible. Spinning around, I lock eyes with Tenley, the fucking gorgeous woman. “You’re his VP?” I ask stunned. “Fucking A. Ohio’s got a woman as a VP? How’s that even possible?”

  Her delicate finger with a long nail that’s all shiny with lilac nail polish pokes into my leather cut. “Yes. I’m the VP. Do you have the same mindset as those bozos who just left? Think I’m incapable of my tasks because I don’t have a cock between my legs? Because I can tell you right now, I do have the balls.” Her hands cup her damn bosom and give them a squeeze.

  Shit. I think my cock just jumped a few inches inside my leathers, cheering for the size of her balls. Again, my insides don’t match my outside when I calmly say, “That’s a count of ten for mouthing off.”

  Her well-groomed eyebrow raises. “A count of...what?” she squeaks.

  “Tenley, what the hell did I tell you before we got here? Shut up and put your head down. He’s a Dom, you’re in his BDSM club. Quit while you’re ahead, girl,” the brunette mutters to her friend.

  All the while she’s still glaring at me, so now I’m the one raising an eyebrow, and fuck...this is the first time in months I actually love the fact that I’m a Dom and have a very nice sub standing in front of me that is due a count of ten by my hand.

  “I don’t belong to you or to this club, I just came in to find you.” Her eyebrows go down, clearly not understanding what she’s in for.

  “Well, congratulations, you found me,” I tell her and grab her upper arm to spin her around and head for one of the private chambers. “Otis, take over bar duty.”

  I don’t even hear my friend’s reply and to be honest, I don’t care. Taking the first available room on the right, I guide her in and close the door behind me, activating the red lightbulb next to the door on the outside to make others aware the room is occupied.

  She turns around to face me and starts, “Listen.”

  “No,” I snap. “You listen. I’m going to ask you three questions. Depending on the answers, I will decide what happens next. There’s only one other option...and that’s throwing you out on your delicate ass right now. You got me?”

  She doesn’t say anything, but that upper lip of hers is twitching with anger and those brilliant eyes I now notice are blue flames with a healthy dose of temperament are making my cock twitch. Dammit. Why did I bring her here to have a talk when this room is designed for a scene, one I’m sure would create fireworks between us?

  “First question. How do you know Big Oaks?”

  Her features soften a bit before I can see her putting a hard mask in place. “He’s my Prez.”

  I get the sense she’s not telling me everything but I can tell she answered truthfully. “Second, why does he think I could help you?”

  “Because he said the only one who could beat Dane Gilton at his own game was you.” Her hands clench, making those lilac fingernails press into her skin as she places her tiny fists on those damn lush hips of hers.

  “Third. And remember, be civil. It’s just a question.” I wait for her to give me a nod before I ask, “How come you’re the VP of the Ohio chapter? A woman isn’t allowed that kind of title. Hell, a woman isn’t even allowed in church.”

  “It might be unheard of but times change. And besides, I worked hard for it. I took the same road everyone else took and earned it. But it’s also my right,” she tells me in a defensive tone before her voice tinges with a hint of worry. “And with that, it should also be my birthright to become Prez when my father dies. If I was a guy, there would be no question about it. Except Dane Gilton thought if I was his ol’lady, he would become Prez automatically. Not to mention the fact that he would like to help my dad draw his last breath so he can claim me by force and take that gavel himself.”

  “I see.” Leaning back against the wall, I let all of this work over in my head.

  “That’s all you’ve got to say?” she practically snarls.

  “Didn’t I tell you to be civil?” I raise my eyebrow and yet she doesn’t even back down or anything. Nope, she narrows her eyes at me.

  I don’t think I’ve had a chick stand up to me like this, and fuck...that does fuel the lust that’s burning inside me already.

  “Did you sign the papers at the front door? The ones Esmee gave you?” And I might just feel my heart pause to wait for her reply.

  “Yes,” she snaps, all damn innocent as to why I’m asking that pesky little detail.

  “Good.” Fuck yeah. My heart kicks back in and my hands start to itch. “See that bench over there? That’s called a spanking bench. That’s where I want you. That tight black, latex skirt you’re wearing needs to be tugged up over your hips. Present me that ass so you can take your punishment.”

  Her eyes go wide and she begins to sputter.

  “Relax. You owe me a count of fifteen. That’s how many times my hand will touch your ass. Nothing mo
re, nothing less. You’ve signed an agreement to follow the rules of the club, you’ve misbehaved twice. And if there’s anything you want my help for, I would advise you to settle this between us first.” I’ve not moved one muscle and yet her breathing is rapid and so is her eye movement.

  She’s bouncing her gaze between the spanking bench and me. “You can’’s not...I’ve not done anything like this.”

  “Ah, your first time, well...normally I would advise you to take the training class, but it’s a little late for that.” I can’t help but smirk. “You’re lucky, you know...this was my last night here at the club.”

  “Jeezzz, yeah, lucky me for getting my ass spanked by the only one who can save my club. Now that sounds promising,” the woman mutters.

  “Hey.” I make sure to harden my voice. “I haven’t decided if I would help you...yet. But presenting that ass of yours and taking your punishment would make a good start.”

  I only have time to blink once before she launches herself at me. I manage to dodge her fist, grab that wrist and spin her around so her back is pressing against my front. I’ve got both her hands in one of mine and with my free hand I grab her by that thick, long blonde hair and now realize that underneath, near her scalp, it’s lilac. Fuck, that’s fitting to her fierce yet bubbly attitude.

  “You want my help?” I growl.

  “Yes,” she growls right back at me.

  “I have two conditions. Non-negotiable ones,” I state and tug the blonde and lilac silk that’s running through my fingers.

  Her damn eyes dilate as her gaze slides to my lips. “Deal,” she breathes, not even questioning what the two conditions are.

  “Good answer,” I tell her before I slam my mouth down over hers.

  Chapter 02


  Sweet heaven above, now this is kissing. But it’s also very dangerous. This man has a hold on me with one arm, a tight grip on both my wrists while his fist is in my hair guiding my head. He’s dominating me, consuming me, surrounding me in a world that revolves around him. And I damn well revel in it.


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