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Calix (Areion Fury MC, #6)

Page 3

by Esther E. Schmidt

  She spins around, her arms gripping her bosom. “Don’t bother. I won’t be coming here again.”

  The first thing that races through my head is ‘thank fuck’ because for some reason I don’t want her here. In my bed? Hell to the fuck yes. In here for all to see? Fuck, no. Again, dual emotions fill me up. Dammit, am I getting old? Ready to head over to Florida to soak in the sun and retire? I need to take a breath and get some distance between us.

  “Go change. I’ll do the same and we’ll meet right here,” I tell her and stalk off to get my clothes out of my own locker in the men’s changing room.

  Changing fast, I grab my bag with the change of clothes I just stashed in there and glance inside my locker where my bag sits with all my damn toys and equipment. I debate what to do and without realizing it, I’ve locked my locker and walk out without it. I don’t even have time to lean against the wall to wait for Ten because she strolls right out in front of me.

  Ten is wearing leather pants that were made for that tight ass of her. She’s got a leather jacket on, like me, and she’s wearing her cut over it, me. She turns and my heart gets jabbed with an electric current. The VP patch on her tit is there, clear as day...a damn fine woman, and a motherfucking VP of an Areion Fury chapter. How the hell is that even possible?

  For these last few months I’ve felt life and meaning slip from my fingers. The vision in front of me is like an inferno of challenges that rips away all boundaries. Boundaries I itch to find new ways to put back in place. She’s like a damn unsolvable puzzle that will keep my mind occupied for a lifetime. I need this challenge and I’m already set to face anything she’s going up against.

  We stroll out and I check the parking lot while I ask, “How did you get here?”

  She points to the side where I’ve parked my bike and I now see one that’s parked next to mine.

  “That one’s mine,” she states.

  That’s an oldie. “Is that a BMW R80 RT? What year?”

  “1982,” she says with a tiny smile.

  “Nice choice,” I say and stalk over to mine, stashing my bag into one of the saddlebags.

  “Custom Harley for you, huh?” She eyes the bike I’ve rarely been riding.

  I usually take my Aston Martin but I totaled it a few weeks ago and haven’t thought of buying a new car. I just started riding my bike again.

  “That’s right.” I give her a wink and add, “Try to keep up, sweetness.” I hit the throttle and gain speed, heading for my Prez’s house.

  My heart is pounding in my chest with just the thought that she’s behind me on her bike. I don’t look back and she doesn’t pass me until we hit a red light. She comes up next to me and places her boot on the ground. I lick my damn lips at the sight of her on that bike. She doesn’t spare me a glance, her eyes set on the traffic lights. That’s the whole reason I fail to take lead when she speeds off.

  All worth it because now I get to be on her ass. She’s one damn fine vision when she leans into the curb, going around the corner so smooth, my dick hardens even more. Yes. I have a boner with just watching her ride and let me tell you’s damn uncomfortable. I’m happy when my Prez’s house comes into view. Ten is already swinging her leg off her bike when I park next to her.

  “How did you know where I was heading?” I question.

  The corner of her mouth twitches. “My dad told me where you lived. You headed into the other direction and I happen to know where Zack and Blue live.” She shrugs. “Easy enough.”

  “That it is,” I tell her and shoot a message to Zack, letting him know I’m here.

  I’d ring the doorbell but my Prez is a bit on edge with his ol’lady on the verge of popping out twins. I don’t want to interrupt her sleep or anything, it’s late enough as it is. The door swings open and it’s not Zack but a very pregnant Blue standing there trying to rip my eardrums out with her high pitch squeal before she tries to hug Ten. That belly of hers getting in the way of dragging her close.

  “Get into the house, dammit,” Zack growls from behind Blue. “You’re not wearing socks.”

  Is this man for real? There’s protectiveness and there’s exaggeration. This man is balancing on insanity when it comes to his woman.

  “Oh, hush, I’m not complaining about cold feet, am I?” Blue mutters while she pulls Ten into the living room.

  Zack closes the door behind me and whispers, “You just wait, it will be less than five damn minutes before she asks me to turn on the heat because she’s cold. The damn woman is always cold.”

  I shake my head while wearing a smile. “I need to have a word with you, is it okay we go into your office?” I ask him.

  “Sure, one sec,” Zack states and just stands there...waiting...on...what?

  “Zack, sweetie, can you turn on the heat? It’s a bit chilly in here,” Blue asks in a sweet tone.

  Zack on the other hand has his eyes wide, hands palms up and out in front of him in a ‘for Christ’s sake I told you so’ movement.

  I’m having a hard time keeping my laughter to myself. I don’t have to mention to Ten that I need a private discussion with Zack. For one, that’s none of her business, but it’s mainly because she’s wrapped up in a deep discussion with Blue.

  Blue’s got the tips of her hair dyed blue, leaving the rest a bright blonde. Ten’s hair seems blonde but when the wind blows, the lilac underneath shines through. Or when I fist it, the bright color will seep through my fingers. Shit. I need to put a pin in those thoughts.

  Zack leads the way to a room down the hall he uses as his office. Dropping himself in the chair behind his desk he waits for me to take a seat before he gestures with his hand for me to start.

  “That’s Big Oaks daughter in there, asking for my help.” I keep my eye on my Prez who doesn’t even seems surprised.

  “I know,” he simply states.

  “You know?” I snap. Somewhat pissed at the fact that I come bringing old news.

  Zack pins me with a glare. “Didn’t the welcome Blue gave her state the obvious? Those two have met a few times already over the last few months. You know how it is, Calix. Shit rarely passes by a Prez if another chapter wants to reach out to a biker that doesn’t belong to them.”

  Dammit. He’s right. “Well, that’s all I know about that woman, so feel free to fill me in what you’ve heard.”

  He releases a deep sigh and places his forearms on the desk, leaning in to face me head on. “Before I tell you, there are a few things I need to get off my chest first. So, shut up and listen. The last few months I’ve seen you change. And I’m not talking about you inking yourself beyond what the suit can hide from plain view. I couldn’t care less that your hands are inked and your damn neck for that matter...but that’s it right? Sealing the deal to back away from it? Turning in your badge, quit bartending at the Purple Bean, signing over your club Ares. You’re bored, Calix. You need a challenge. And I believe a challenge just reached out that would be perfect to get you back on track.”

  I really hate that man. Sometimes I feel like Zack is a pussy. That Blue would be more capable to run this MC with the type of balls that chick has...but the fact is...Zack is right. I am bored of how my life is going these last few months. Nothing is appealing. Except for the ten types of dynamite that’s sitting in the living room right now, waiting for me.

  I rub a hand down my face before I say, “Tell me what you know.”

  “Doctors gave Big Oaks a few months, a year, tops. His kidneys turned to shit among other things, but he basically told me he’s old and his time has come. Tenley knows her dad is sick but not to what extent. They both don’t want Dane Gilton taking over. He’s a bad seed they haven’t had a chance to get rid of. You know Dane is Willy’s kid. Willy being one of the first who founded the Ohio chapter...Big Oaks couldn’t vote him out with his father, the VP, sitting next to him at the table. Then Willy died, and through an opportunity Tenley proved herself and became the VP. Dane wants her as his Ol’lady
and wants to rip the gavel out of Big Oaks’ hands. Big Oaks caught Dane messing with his meds. He didn’t tell Tenley but reached out to me. Only Feargal and Hugo are aware Dane wants Big Oaks dead so he can take his place. He wants you, Calix. He’s always seen you as someone who should be Prez, and to be honest? You fucking deserve to be one. You’re capable as fuck and in this moment in life I’m dead sure you need it.”

  I’m out of my chair with my next breath. “You want me to head out and grab that gavel, snatch up that Prez patch and sow it on my pecs?”

  “What?” Tenley gasps.

  She’s standing in the doorway, clearly hearing me state the shit I was repelled by. That was the damn reason I voiced it back to Zack. I’ve been close to being a VP once, but a Prez? That’s not something that’s been on my mind the last years, that’s for sure.

  “Now just wait a goddamned minute,” I growl, trying to contain this situation that I’ve clearly lost control over when her fist hits my jaw.

  Dammit. What’s with her and punching dudes in the face? I snatch both her wrists and manage to spin her around while I cage her against my body.

  “Calm down, Ten. I was getting intel from Zack and stating stuff back that he told me. I don’t have any damn ambitions to snatch the Prez patch from your father. Now sit down and listen in for all I care but be civil or I’ll drag you over my damn lap and spank your ass if you attack me again. Clear?”

  I shove her away from me and she turns to face me head on, standing on her damn toes to snarl in my face but before she can, I wrap my fingers around her throat and give a slight squeeze. “Remember, sweetness. Be. Civil.”

  The heat of the flames that are shooting from her eyes? That shit is giving the skin on my face third degree burns. Truth is...I fucking revel in it.

  Underneath my fingers I feel her heartbeat pick up. I lean closer and tell her, “I don’t want it, Ten. But even more? Ohio’s still got a Prez I respect more than my own damn father. The only one close to having that kind of respect is standing behind the desk over there. And now that we’ve got this cleared up, either sit down and shut up, or go back to the living room because Zack and I aren’t done yet.”

  Her brow wrinkles in confusion. “You’re giving me a choice?”

  I poke a finger against her firm bosom where the VP patch is. “This ain’t just a piece of fabric, right?”

  She steps away from me and plunks down in a chair, crossing one very sexy leg over the other. I’m fighting a damn smile as I face my Prez who does nothing to hide his smirk. His face clearly telling me shit I’m not ready to accept.

  “What’s your thoughts about handling Dane, Prez? You’ve known longer than me what he’s been up to, any ideas yet?” I ask.

  “You need to step up, but I don’t want you going in alone, not when a chapter is this unsteady. C.Rash will go with. See how Ransom is doing. He can’t ride a bike but it might be good to drag him along so he can plant his ass in the clubhouse to have your back.” Zack taps his finger on his desk. “You’ve gotta be careful, Calix. We don’t know how far Dane’s reach is. Big Oats said Dane didn’t have a lot of bikers backing him up but you never know with this shit.” Zack eyes Ten and I damn well know what he means.

  By the look on Ten’s face she’s fully aware too. “Go on, say’s because of me. No one likes a woman as a VP. Cunts are only good for one thing, right? Well, when they don’t have an ol’lady status that is. But that’s where this all started, because I turned down Dane and his ego is crushed. Fucker.”

  Slowly, I turn my gaze to her and ask, “Mind expanding on that topic?”

  Her eyes narrow. “What? That guys like to screw? Either with my pussy, mind, or my damn life? Long story short, Dane thought he could claim me as his ol’lady after one night I landed in his bed and couldn’t even remember how I got there in the first place. He vowed he would make my life a living hell if I didn’t become his ol’lady. You know...because his father used to be VP, entitled to step up as Prez when the time comes.”

  I groan internally. It’s one huge soap opera and they want to drag me into that shit. Wait. “What was that about a night you couldn’t remember?”

  “Nothing,” Ten snaps. “One drink too many, never made that kind of mistake? Stick with the basics. Dane needs to back off. He’s never going to be president. He already took it to the table once, demanded a vote, he didn’t even gain more than five votes.”

  “Who were the five?” Zack asks. “We need to know who has his back.”

  “Ryke, Steel, Beck, Hank, and Bo,” Ten states like it doesn’t affect her.

  Yet I damn well know it does, because, “Beck? Really? Big Oaks practically raised that sonofabitch.”

  “Yeah, well, what other option is there? A Prez with a cunt? Dane can smooth talk those brothers into having a higher status in the club than they have now. Or make changes, take risks, that Big Oaks never would do or take.” Ten swallows the rest of her words and it may seem like she’s ready to raise hell, but I can see right through that shit.

  She’s breaking. It’s personal. I’m very aware and Big Oaks might not have been completely honest to her about his health, but she ain’t stupid either. With him gone...what does she have left? Because I know Big Oaks lost his ol’lady to cancer seven years ago. Her mother.

  She doesn’t have anyone except for the MC. An MC with a biker who wants her as his personal fuck hole while screwing everything else in sight. Because I know how Dane is, he likes his variety in pussy. He was an asshole back when I knew him and I’m pretty damn sure he only got worse over time by the sound of it.

  I stand up and hold out my hand. “I gave you an option. You chose me. So that’s it, sweetness. Let’s go. I need to grab some stuff from my place before we head over to yours.”

  Relief washes over her. She stands up and takes my hand, shaking it once before letting it drop. “Let’s go, slick. We have some business to settle.”

  Slick? I’ll show her slick. I remember the agreement we had before we got here. Something about scratching an itch to get both our rocks off. Good thing we’re headed to my house. Perfect place to settle the score before heading out of town to handle Dane once and for all.

  Chapter 04


  I’m still annoyed by the fact that Zack and Calix had a little moment of whispering to one another when Zack handed Calix an envelope right before we left. Clearly, they didn’t want me listening in because when I stepped closer, Calix told me to stay put. And let me tell you, when he uses his voice in that sharp and hard tone? Every cell in my body dances to his tune only. It’s insane. That man has way too much effect on me.

  It’s strange. I’ve been around lots of bikers my whole life and yet this one manages to bring my body alive. I know my dad and him go way back...but that was before I was even allowed to be at the club. My mom kept me away when I was a teenager and it’s only been seven years since I’ve been helping out around there. First with handling the business, chipping in because they were making a mess with the administration.

  My mom used to keep everything in line but when she became very ill she couldn’t and everyone just neglected that task. After the funeral I needed something to do. I was done with school and wanted to make myself useful. I even made a business plan to turn things around for the MC. Well, with hard headed bikers no one wanted to give me the time of day when I told them I thought of something to make good cash. In the end? I really showed earned me my VP patch.

  “Are you coming up or are you going to stay here until I’ve packed a bag?” Calix’s voice rips me out of my thoughts.

  “Yeah, let’s see your apartment, slick.” And I am kinda curious because this guy is like an enigma.

  Hot to cold, all stuck to principle, that’s all I’ve summed him up to till now. Checking out his apartment would surely give more insight to this man. With all that muscle and ink, his bike, his house...nothing makes sense. His apartment is in a building that looks mor
e like a high-class hotel. We went into an underground garage to park our bikes. This whole floor is filled with expensive cars.

  We step inside the elevator. Calix takes out a key card and doesn’t even press a button to get the elevator to move. It’s a quick trip to what I now become aware is the top floor. When the doors open, I realize we’re stepping straight into Calix’s apartment.

  “Penthouse, huh?” I give him a wink and whistle at the amazing view.

  I’m thankful Calix doesn’t flip the lights on but leaves the room dark as I walk right up to the floor to ceiling windows. Bright city lights that paint an amazing décor of depth. I could stand here for hours just enjoying this view.

  “Magnificent, right?” Calix’s voice whispers from behind me.

  I can feel him standing close to me.

  “Breathtaking. I think that’s one of the most exquisite views I’ve ever seen,” I admit.

  His fingers slide my hair away from my neck, making a free path for his nose that’s now trailing my neckline.

  “You don’t know half the things I would do to you,” Calix murmurs, immediately putting my body on edge.

  “Tell me,” I breathe.

  “You smell so good. Makes me want to trail my tongue over every single inch of your body. To kiss, lick, suck, but most of all...I want to bite you. And I don’t mean a little nip either. I want to really sink my teeth into your delicate skin so you will carry my mark for days. Just the thought gets my cock even harder, because, Ten. Feel.” He grabs me by the hips and grinds himself against me.

  Making me fully aware how huge, and mostly, how hard his erection is. I shiver from the promise in his words. Even if he’s doing nothing more than roaming his hands over my body, his lips feathering over my skin...I can feel myself getting wet. I shouldn’t do this. I should keep my brain functioning. I hardly know father trusts him, vouches for him...what the hell am I doing?

  “I can feel you,” he whispers. “I can taste your heartbeat with my tongue, feel your thoughts invading your body. I should tell you to stop thinking, but I like the mouth you have and your feistiness.” He nips my damn ear after the whisper of words on a hot breath.


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