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Calix (Areion Fury MC, #6)

Page 14

by Esther E. Schmidt

  I’m already blocking C.Rash’s voice out, surrendering to the way Calix claims my mouth exactly the way he claimed my heart. Taking, dominating, and never letting go. Just as I intend to do with his.


  Sixteen years later


  There’s something to be said about walking into your own home. One you feel inspired, loved, and challenged by the family you’ve surrounded yourself with inside said home. My ol’lady is sitting at the table, finishing up homework with our fifteen-year-old daughter, Linden. Our son, Racer, is barely nine and fussing with his brother about some video game they’re playing. Kyan is clearly losing. He might be four years older than Racer, but those two normally get along great.

  Linden stretches her arms above her head at the same time Ten’s eyes meet mine. Stalking over, I lean down and place a kiss on my ol’lady’s mouth. Or I might also say my wife’s mouth since she’s been that too for almost sixteen years. I knew Big Oaks didn’t have much time left on this earth so when we hit three months together with the same intensity as day one, I asked for her hand.

  Thank fuck Big Oaks, that old hardass fucker, was tough enough to last almost a year after that. He saw Linden being born, his first grandchild...before he died two months later. That was a hard as fuck time for all of us. One of the things that pulled us through was that the club, mine as well as Zack’s, were all showing so much support. That’s when brotherhood, trust, respect, and friendship shine through.

  I had the honor of taking her on a ten-day vacation two months after that. I planned the whole thing to make her relax and able to let herself go to focus on the future. We both needed it. Beach, sunshine, sipping weird fruity cocktails while getting sand in our butts. We both came back stronger and dammit...we manage to love one another a tiny bit more every day since then. Just imagine how big ass our love for one another is right in this moment in time. Bigger than this fucking universe, that’s for fucking sure.

  “I left C.Rash and his ol’lady in charge of the last details for the barbeque for tomorrow,” I tell Ten.

  “How many are coming over?” Ten questions.

  The corner of my mouth twitches and I let my eyes wander to Linden before I answer. “Almost all of them, including kids.”

  Linden’s eyes light up and I have to keep my laughter at bay when I hear Ten’s worried sigh. Oh, yeah. I didn’t just give up a chapter when I transferred to this one. We’re still in close contact. Not only that but seeing everyone had kids...well, Zack and Blue had twins. Twice. You might say our kids have also settled friendships. Or crushes, whatever, that’s for those youngsters to find out and to be’s funny as fuck. Even more when the teenagers are showing off or get into a fight.

  “Is it okay if I make some cookies?” Linden asks Ten.

  “Sure,” Ten says while Kyan and Racer jump up, asking if they can help out.

  And yeah, my sons both love to bake and do the kind of stuff daughters do too because I’m not like my father. I don’t believe in his kind of upbringing. And the way Ten was raised as a daughter of a Prez shows how fierce and strong she turned out. That’s the kind of thing I want for my kids, all of them. To let them be themselves without forcing them into a direction that’s implied on us by our ancestors. Fuck that.

  “Just be careful, kids. And remember those things are hot when they come out of the oven.” I chuckle, because every damn time someone forgets and shoves a cookie into their mouth the second they’re out of the oven.

  “I’ll take number two,” Ten murmurs.

  See? What did I tell you? “Fine, I’ll take number one.”

  I can’t help but chuckle because it’s come to the point where we take bets on who burns their mouth with a hot cookie first.

  Ten stands up and slides her arms around me. Holding each other close, we watch how our kids start to take over the kitchen. Yeah, we’re one tight family in the club, with other chapters, but the one that fills my heart the most is the one I’m surrounded by now. My woman in my arms, our kids taking pleasure in the little things in life.

  I intend to grab and hold on to the best things life has to offer. And switching chapters all those years ago was the best damn thing that ever happened to me.

  Six years after that...

  “It’s like watching a swan dance.” Blue chuckles.

  Ten groans. “That’s not funny and it’s all your fault. Why did you have to pop out twins? Your boys are giving our daughter hell.”

  “Aw, Tenley, don’t worry so much. Our girls are strong and can hold their own,” C.Rash’s ol’lady chimes in.

  Tenley turns to me. “Maybe we should rethink these monthly barbecue parties with both chapters?”

  I turn to Zack and that fucker has a huge grin on his face. “No can do, Tenley. Us Prez’s need to have these face to face discussions and since our chapters have grown close over time...hell, some brothers have jumped from one to the other so we’re all one big happy family. Us meeting like this can’t stop.”

  “Don’t talk about a big family,” Blue squeaks. “I had twins, twice. Our boys are ol’lady hunting and our girls are throwing looks at Feargal’s sons. Dammit, what if they hook up? We need laws. No dating until they’re forty. Yes. That sounds good.”

  “I second that.” Ten nods.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Nerd interrupts. “Our girl looks so sweet in the arms of Deeds and Lips’ son. I was against it at first, another damn MC...scary as hell, but you know what? Those bikers were brought up with the kind of values we respect and would want for our children. It could be Lips’ daughter running off with,”

  “Nooooo, we shall not speak of that incident again.” Tenley slaps a hand over Nerd’s mouth.

  “Yeah, that was a war both our chapters barely survived. Fucking Lost Valkyries MC. We should have handled that differently.” I sigh, remembering the head to head that mess brought us.

  “That’s the burden we carry, right Prez? Hence the reason we meet regularly to talk shit through and back each other up,” Zack tells me.

  “Ain’t that the truth.” I smack him on the back.

  I’ve never had a vision in mind to become a Prez yet it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Well, second best because first place goes to my wife and children. I’m proud as fuck about all of them.

  Standing strong behind me with all the screwed-up moments and dilemmas our life and this club has faced. Yet we’re as strong as ever. The tie between chapters has strengthened through the years. It already was from the start, since Zack has been my Prez for years. Though when you’ve been friends, have a group of ol’ladies who all get along, have kids that grow up together all around the same age...that shit grows an even tighter bond.

  So here we stand. Old fuckers keeping an eye on the youth that’s going to be the future of Areion Fury MC. Who the fuck cares if they’re Ohio, Illinois, Rockford, or whatever. As long as they carry on the Areion Fury legacy. One we as Prez, VP, and brothers worked and fought hard for.

  With the dance in front of us, heated glances from young brothers checking out their future ol’lady...yeah...not one fragment of worry tainting the air around us. That’s the future right there, allowing us to revive the good old days. Putting our feet up and enjoy a quiet retirement.

  “Aw, fuck. Your son did not just punch mine,” Dams growls at C.Rash.

  “Pretty sure ours is now heading for yours, Blue. Dammit, great comeback though. Shit. Shouldn’t you guys interfere or something?” Ten eyes me and Zack.

  I grab my beer and sit down. “I’m gonna pass. should handle it.”

  C.Rash groans. “If I get hit in the fucking eye again, I’m taking your private jet for a week in the Bahamas with my ol’lady.”

  I raise my beer. “Deal.”

  “Come on, Dams, us VP’s gotta stick together,” C.Rash states.

  “Any chance I get the same deal as C.Rash?” Dams eyes Zack.

  “Fuck, n
o.” Zack chuckles. “Then you should have joined their chapter, but instead you’re stuck with me and I don’t own a damn jet.”

  “Handle it, Dams!” I snap. “They’re about to bump into the bar and that means no more beer. You guys pull the youngsters apart, I’ll make sure the jet is fueled up and at your disposal. For the both of you.”

  Dams grins and jogs off with C.Rash, pulling our kids apart. C.Rash takes a punch in the face by Feargal’s son so hard it makes even me wince.

  “Damn,” Zack mutters from my right.

  “You can say that again,” I mutter and take a sip from my beer. “You coming over to our place next month?”

  Zack grins at my question. “Hell yeah, we’ll bring the kids...let’s see who gets punched in the face next time. And you owe me fifty bucks. I think it was less than an hour before the first punch was thrown.”

  “You sure?” I ask. “Because I thought I took the ‘within thirty minutes’ bet and I even had the brother right who got one in the face.”

  “I’m taking C.Rash next time. That fucker always gets one in the face. Easy money,” Zack states and we both clink our bottles together.

  “Shouldn’t you two be ashamed of yourselves?” Nerd glares at us along with the other ol’ladies.

  “What?” Zack shrugs. “That right there,” he points behind the women, at the fight that’s now broken up, “is exactly what we did when we were their age and look how we turned out. We’ve fought harder battles, faced even tougher enemies and each of us still manage to have a damn hot ol’lady, fine kids, amazing brothers and friendships. The past is solid, nothing to change about that...but seeing those youngsters, they are the future. They’re not backing down but standing ground. So yeah...from the way I think we turned out and how I’m looking at it? It’s pretty damn good, if you ask me.” Zack holds out his beer bottle again.

  I clink mine against his again. “Pretty damn good, brother,” I agree.

  This Areion Fury MC series is complete, but Areion Fury MC will return with a new series! With Calix as their Prez, the Ohio Chapter will have enough bikers who need their story to be told.

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  Special Thanks:

  My beta team; Neringa, Tracy, Judy, Tammi,

  my pimp team, my bestie Christi, and to you, as my reader...

  Thanks so much! You guys rock!

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  Also by Esther E. Schmidt

  Areion Fury MC






  Calix (Coming Soon)

  Broken Deeds MC






  Death by Reaper MC


  Lost Valkyries MC





  Swamp Heads


  Claiming Elsie


  Loving Mae

  The Dudnik Circle




  Wicked Throttle MC





  Peacock (The Faults Of Our Sins)

  Tis the be inside my brain




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