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Breaking The Drought

Page 5

by Lisa Ireland

  He forced himself to listen to Trish.

  ‘Of course, it’s not all fun,’ she was saying. ‘It’s heartbreaking when we lose one.’

  ‘I’m sorry?’ What sort of a teacher was this woman?

  ‘Despite the advances of modern medicine, some of the children do still die, you know.’

  Oh bloody hell. She was a nurse, not a teacher. He could throttle Maggie for this. Surely she wouldn’t have teamed him with a nurse on purpose? Since the accident he hated any discussion about medical matters, full stop.

  ‘Shall we dance?’ he asked in the most charming voice he could summon.

  Trish smiled as he took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor.

  Luke was an accomplished dancer, thanks to his mother. When he was 17 she had insisted that he partner his cousin in the annual Barlow District Debutante Ball. ‘You’ll thank me one day,’ his mother had said. 14 years on Luke raised his eyes to the heavens in a silent gesture of thanks as he twirled Trish around to the strains of Cole Porter.

  Now that the dancing had put an end to Trish’s chatter, Luke could concentrate on looking for Jenna without hurting his date’s feelings. It didn’t take long for him to spy her glittering gown. She was sitting at the bar, seemingly engrossed in conversation with…surely that wasn’t young Jason Jackson? He couldn’t be more than 19 years old and Jenna was looking at him like he was the most desirable man she had ever seen. Luke manoeuvred Trish closer to the bar so he could get a better look.

  Yep, it was Jacko, and she was holding his hand. What on earth would a woman of the world like Jenna want with a kid like Jacko? She had to be seven or eight years his senior and it wasn’t as if he was the most mature kid around. ‘Let’s get a drink,’ Luke said, pulling Trish to a halt.

  Trish’s smile faded, but she followed him to the bar in silence.

  Jenna stood up as they approached. ‘Hello,’ she said. ‘Luke, have you met my new friend Jason?’

  ‘G’day, Jacko. Enjoying yourself, mate?’

  Jason blushed. ‘I’m having a great time,’ he said.

  Jenna held out a hand to Trish. ‘Jenna McLean,’ she said.

  ‘Pleased to meet you. I’m Trish Morris.’

  ‘Are you up from Melbourne for the weekend?’ Jenna asked.

  ‘Sydney, actually. A few of the girls that I work with were making the trip and I thought I’d tag along.’

  ‘Wow,’ Jenna said. ‘That’s quite a trip. Where do you work?’

  ‘I’m a paediatric nurse at — ’

  Luke cut in before she could finish. ‘Hey Jacko, I’m sure Jenna would love to see your moves on the dance floor. Why don’t we all get out there and get this party moving?’ Surely once Jenna saw that Jacko was no more than an awkward teenager she’d leave him alone.

  Jason squirmed in his seat. ‘I’m not much of a dancer,’ he said.

  ‘Neither am I,’ said Jenna gently. ‘But it’s a slow number. I’m sure we can fake it together.’ She smiled at Trish. ‘Lovely to meet you.’

  With that she was gone. Luke stared at his feet for a moment, ashamed of his ill-mannered behaviour. He looked up to see Trish slumped on a bar stool, toying with her drink. He leaned over and clasped her hand. ‘I’m sorry, Trish. I haven’t been much of a date so far. It’s just that…’

  ‘You’d rather be with Jenna,’ Trish finished for him.

  Luke winced. He was being an idiot and apparently not disguising it very well. ‘No, no it’s not that. I’m just a bit distracted tonight. I have a lot on my mind at the moment.’

  Trish looked unconvinced.

  ‘Come on, I’ll introduce you to some of my friends. Let’s try and have some fun, hey?’

  * * *

  Jenna led Jason out to the middle of the dance floor and wrapped her arms around his neck. The lights had been dimmed and, to Jenna’s amusement, an 80s-style disco ball twirled above them. ‘Now gorgeous, who do you want to impress tonight?’


  ‘Well, there must be one of these local girls that you’d like to ask out.’

  ‘None of them would ever go out with a bloke like me.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because I’m tall and awkward and funny looking.’

  Jenna stopped dancing and looked right at him. ‘You listen to me, Jason Jackson. Yes, you are tall. That’s a good thing! Awkward we can fix and you are not funny looking. You have gorgeous hair and beautiful green eyes. You are sweet, sensitive and kind. I can see that after spending just an hour with you. Any girl would be lucky to have you.’

  Jason smiled properly for the first time that night, revealing a set of perfect teeth. ‘Do really think so?’

  ‘I know so. They need to get to know the real you, that’s all. Tonight we are going to put on a little performance. I want everyone here to see how desirable you really are. As part of that performance I might have to kiss you. I hope you don’t mind.’

  Jason’s face broke into a grin, ‘Why would I mind?’

  ‘Because it’s just playacting, Jason. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I really like you, but I’m 27 years old. It just wouldn’t work between us.’

  ‘Geez, I don’t care about that. If anyone sees me kissing a girl like you I’ll become an overnight legend.’

  ‘Precisely,’ said Jenna.

  They danced silently while Jenna surveyed the room. She was looking for the group Jason had been with in the foyer. Even if she couldn’t get him a date she wanted to bring him up a notch or two in the eyes of the local lads. There was a large group of young men sitting at a table near the bar. A couple of girls stood nearby looking bored. Jenna danced Jason in the direction of the bar until she was sure it was the foyer crowd. They were a rowdy lot and the boys seemed to be engaged in a type of drinking game. Jenna steered Jason as close to the table as she could and then began her act.

  First she threw back her head and laughed, and then she leaned close to Jason and whispered in his ear. ‘Help me out here, Jason. Laugh a little, look like you are having a good time.’

  Jason managed a grin and a small laugh. Jenna cast a glance towards his mates. Two or three were looking in their general direction, but the others were still caught up in their drinking game. This called for drastic action. Before she could think about it further, she placed her hands at the back of Jason’s head and drew him to her. She parted his lips with hers, and kissed him softly. He seemed to freeze momentarily, before kissing her back. Jenna hoped he remembered that this was just for show as she drew him in a little closer, tilting her head back for effect. She opened her eyes, just enough to check whether their act was drawing an audience. She needn’t have worried. It seemed their performance was a crowd pleaser. A number of people were looking, some even nudging their friends or pointing towards them. A little jolt of joy shot through Jenna when she realised that this might actually work. If Jason Jackson could get a date as a result of her kissing him then the whole weekend would be worthwhile.

  She pulled away from Jason slowly, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. ‘Well, Lover Boy, looks like you’ve got yourself a reputation.’ She ran her fingers through his hair and whispered, ‘Now would be a good time to get me a soft drink. Take your time.’

  Jason looked at her quizzically.

  ‘Go revel in your 15 minutes of fame. I’m going to powder my nose, so there’s no rush.’ She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and turned on her heel to find Luke’s steely gaze fixed upon her. She averted her eyes but could feel his stare following her as she walked towards the bathroom. What was his problem? Surely he didn’t care who she kissed. It wasn’t as if he’d shown any interest in her.

  ‘What are you playing at, Jenna?’ Luke’s voice was cold.

  Jenna swung around, flabbergasted. ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘With Jacko, I mean. He must be nearly 10 years your junior.’

  ‘10 years! How old do you think I am? Anyway, what business is it of yours?’

‘I just don’t want to see the boy hurt.’

  ‘Jason Jackson is all grown up. I’m sure he is quite capable of making his own decisions. Besides it doesn’t seem to have done him any harm.’ She inclined her head towards the bar, where Jason was standing surrounded by his mates.

  The hostility drained from Luke’s expression. Vindicated, she picked up her skirt and swished off to the ladies’ room.

  * * *

  Luke stood alone on the dance floor, feeling like a fool. Jenna was right, it was none of his business who she kissed and he couldn’t understand why he even cared so much. He watched as Jacko was given a good-natured ribbing from his mates. Jenna may not know much about life in the bush, but she obviously knew a thing or two about people. In one evening she had managed to transform a hayseed into a stud, or at least the beginnings of one. Maybe she did have a heart hidden beneath that hard shell of city sophistication.

  Luke realised his own heart was thumping noticeably and he had to resist a sudden urge to run after her. God, what was wrong with him? He could not afford to let a woman like Jenna get under his skin.

  Maggie came up behind him and slid her arm around his waist. ‘How’s your date going?’

  Damn. He had forgotten all about Trish. ‘Um, I think she’s getting a drink.’

  Maggie laughed and pointed to a table at the rear of the hall. ‘Luckily for you, she’s found her own entertainment.’

  Luke squinted until he spotted Trish deep in conversation with Cameron Richards. He let out an audible sigh of relief.

  ‘Really, Luke, you could have made a bit more of an effort.’

  ‘I know, I know. Look I’ll make it up to her. I’ll scoot over in a minute with a glass of champagne, make sure everything’s okay.’

  ‘I’m sure you will, now that you know she’s not interested in you.’

  Luke grinned. ‘She just wasn’t my type, Maggie.’

  ‘Oh I see. So none of these lovely ladies are to your liking, sir? Surely at least one of them takes your fancy?’

  To his dismay Luke felt his face colour.

  Maggie smiled delightedly. ‘So who is she, this woman who has captured your heart?’

  ‘Now you know none of them can hold a candle to you, Maggie,’ he said, forcing a smile.

  She shook her head. ‘Don’t tell me then, but you know I’ll work it out.’

  Luke decided silence was his safest bet and fortunately Maggie didn’t push any further.

  ‘I was looking for you to tell you I am heading off home. We’ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow and I’m exhausted,’ she said.

  Luke creased his brow in concern. ‘Are you okay? Do you want me to drive you?’

  ‘No, no. I’m fine. I just wanted to make sure you would see Jenna and Brooke home safely.’

  ‘Sure.’ Luke looked at his feet.

  ‘That’s not going to cramp your style is it?’

  ‘Not at all. I’d be happy to do it.’

  A knowing smile settled on Maggie’s face. ‘Good. I’ll be off then. See you in the morning.’

  Hell, this was crazy. The mere mention of Jenna was making him twitch. Thank God Brooke would be in the car on the way home because there was no way he could trust his heart, or his hands, if he was left alone with Jenna.

  * * *

  Of course there was a queue. After two champagnes, Jenna actually did need to use the bathroom and it looked like she might have to wait a while. At least the break would give Jason a chance to ham it up a little with his friends and maybe Luke would cool down if she was out of the picture for a while. He obviously didn’t approve of her little stunt with Jason, but that couldn’t be helped. The smile on Jason’s face as he walked towards the bar was worth every ounce of Luke’s disapproval.

  ‘Psst come with me,’ a voice whispered in her ear. She turned to find Brooke grinning behind her.

  ‘I need to use the bathroom,’ Jenna laughed. ‘Can you wait a few minutes?’

  ‘No, you need to come now,’ Brooke said. ‘Come on!’ she grabbed Jenna by the hand.

  ‘Where are you taking me?’

  ‘Somewhere you won’t have to queue,’ Brooke said as she led Jenna outside and around the back of the hall. A tall, dark-haired man in a tuxedo greeted them with a key.

  ‘Jenna, this is my date, Rob.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Rob,’ Jenna said, ‘but why the clandestine meeting? Is there a reason we’re all standing here outside in the dark?’

  ‘Rob has the key to the outside facilities.’

  ‘I’m sorry?’

  ‘The toilets, Jenna. Rob is president of the cricket club so apparently he has the key to all the clubhouse’s facilities.’

  ‘Oh Rob, I think I love you,’ Jenna enthused.

  Rob smiled, handed her the keys and gestured to the toilet block. ‘Be my guest,’ he said.

  Brooke followed Jenna into the washroom. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘This is fantastic! We would have had to wait for ages inside.’

  ‘No, silly. What do you think about Rob?’

  ‘I don’t know, Brooke. I only met him for a moment. He certainly has come in handy though.’

  ‘Oh, Jenna, he’s gorgeous, and such a sweetheart.’

  Jenna smiled warmly. ‘I’m really pleased that you’re having such a good time.’

  ‘He wants to take me to the lookout, just outside the town. He says the town looks beautiful from up there at night.’

  ‘You can’t be serious. You’re not going to go off alone with a man you have only known for a couple of hours?’

  Brooke laughed. ‘Don’t be so paranoid, Jenna. He’s a gentleman. It’s not like I picked him up in a King Street night club.’

  ‘But — ’

  ‘Don’t worry. I just checked him out with Maggie. She gave me her approval.’

  ‘Oh…well, I guess Maggie would know. Still…’

  ‘I’ll be fine, Jen. Honestly, I know what I’m doing.’

  Jenna smiled and gave Brooke a quick hug. ‘Have fun then and I guess I’ll see you in the morning.’

  ‘So you’ll be fine on your own?’

  ‘Yes, go on. Enjoy yourself!’

  Brooke kissed her quickly and headed off into the night. Jenna decided she had better head back inside and chase up Jason. He was probably wondering where she had gone.

  Inside the lights were dim and the band had picked up the pace. On the dance floor the elegant coupling of the early evening had given way to a thrashing horde. Once her eyes adjusted to the light Jenna searched the bar area for Jason but he was nowhere to be seen.

  ‘Lost your partner, eh?’ Luke’s voice sounded somewhat conciliatory.

  ‘Seems that way.’

  ‘Looks like your little act worked.’ Luke pointed to the middle of the dance floor, where Jason was dancing with a pretty young woman.

  ‘All I did was give him some confidence.’

  ‘It was very sweet of you.’

  Jenna looked up to see if he was being sarcastic, but there was no sign of mockery on his face. Obviously she was forgiven. ‘Thank you,’ she said.

  ‘I’d ask you to dance but this music is not really my scene.’

  Jenna laughed. ‘Just an old-fashioned kinda guy, huh?’


  ‘What does your date think about that?’

  ‘Oh, she’s found other sources of amusement.’ He inclined his head towards the dance floor once more.

  Jenna saw Trish in the embrace of another man. ‘I see.’

  ‘I haven’t seen Brooke around. I take it she’s enjoying herself.’

  ‘Very much so. She’s headed off to see the local sights with the president of your cricket club.’

  ‘Rob?’ Luke seemed to sense Jenna’s concern. ‘Don’t worry yourself about Rob. He’s a good bloke and he knows how to treat a lady.’

  ‘I hope so.’

  Luke smiled. ‘So it’s just you and me then.’

br />   ‘Brooke’s off gallivanting and Maggie left a little while ago. Guess you’re stuck with me for the ride home.’

  Jenna’s stomach somersaulted. ‘I can think of worse things,’ she said in what she hoped was a suitably casual tone.

  ‘Shall we have one for the road then?’

  Jenna nodded her agreement. Luke gave a formal bow and then offered her his arm. Together they made their way to the bar.

  * * *

  As Jenna sipped her wine Luke noticed her hard shell melting away. The air of city sophistication, which she wore like a suit of armour, was just a ruse. Beneath it laid real warmth and, once she relaxed, Luke discovered Jenna was surprisingly easy to talk to. He realised what a relief it was to have a real conversation with someone — someone who knew nothing about him, who didn’t think of him as poor Luke, broken Luke, never-be-the-same-again Luke.

  Jenna had no idea about who he was, or what he had done, and being with her was like being on vacation. Luke knew it couldn’t last, but it was fun basking in the sunlight for a while.

  Jenna’s infectious laugh drew his attention. ‘What are you laughing at?’

  ‘Check out Jason.’

  Luke followed her gaze to the middle of the dance floor. Jacko was doing his best John Travolta impression, to the delight of a number of female onlookers.

  ‘You’ve created a monster there.’

  ‘Mmm. I seem to have that effect on men.’

  Luke raised an eyebrow but she dismissed his unspoken question with a wave of her hand.

  ‘Long story,’ she said. She sipped her drink. ‘What about you? I was surprised to find you amongst the bachelor group.’

  Luke shrugged. ‘I guess I don’t have much to offer. I’m so busy running Tandarra I have no time for dating.’ He looked away and said quietly, ‘And I made a promise to Joe, my brother, to look after Maggie and the baby.’

  Jenna nodded silently and placed her hand gently on his arm. She seemed to understand that he didn’t want to talk about it further. ‘Have you always worked on the farm?’ she asked.

  Luke laughed. ‘No, Tandarra was Joe’s love not mine. My father always hoped I’d help run the property, but I had other ideas. I guess Dad finally got his wish.’ Luke stared sombrely into his drink for a moment. If only he’d listened to his father. Medicine wasn’t for the likes of him, a boy from the bush. He wasn’t good enough, or smart enough; he just didn’t have the ticker for it. Now the evidence of that would haunt him forever.


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