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A Guardian's Passion

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by Stein Willard

  A Guardian’s Passion

  Book 3 - Guardian’s Series

  By Stein Willard

  First Edition Copyright 2013

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form other than that which it was purchased and without the express permission of the author or publisher. Please note that piracy of copyrighted materials violate the author’s right and is illegal.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Editor: BMac

  Editor: R. Lee Fitzsimmons

  Editor: Peetsden

  Cover Design: DEPE

  Desert Palm Press

  Swakopmund, Namibia

  Back of the Book

  Converted four hundred years ago, Trinity O’Riordan went through the mechanics of life, carrying an extremely painful past with her. Then one night, while hunting renegades, she saved a beautiful girl from a band of vicious vampires and suddenly life didn't look so bleak any more. She wasn't alone any longer and for a while she was blissfully happy. But her past eventually caught up with her and this time Trinity knew she only had this one chance to finally lay it to rest.

  Orphaned twice, Gabriella Talos had made the best of a bad situation. She'd risen above all odds to become a well-known and respected expert in her field. She had it made…or so she thought. One night in a dark alley, she was confronted by a past she'd thought she'd successfully buried eighteen years ago.


  First and foremost I would like to thank the readers who had taken the time to read my work and in particular the Guardian series. You are all a true inspiration and its great honor for me to have been able to write for you. Thank you so much!

  Special thanks to Nancy, my Number One fan and the reason my books are being publish. Nancy, your e-mail was the first ever e-mail I’ve received in my inbox. I have received many more from you since then, but I will always remember the first one. Thank you for talking me into publishing the Guardian series!

  To the usual suspects, my betas: rleef, peetsden and Dan who worked on the manuscript when it was still in a very, very raw form. I dedicate A Guardian’s Passion Thank you.

  Too many people have played a vital role in my growth as a writer. I can’t name you all but you know who you are. I pride myself on the fact that I’ve replied to each and every e-mail you’ve sent me because I loved getting to you all. Great friendships came from this and for this I will always treasure you. Please take note that I’m still growing and I would always need your guidance and support.

  A talented team worked on this book. I thank you for the great work you’ve done on the book.


  To You

  Chapter One

  Tears blurred her vision, but her eyes didn’t leave the scene playing out in front of her. When she'd decided to come home early from her trip she had expected something—anything—but not this. Never this. The conference ended earlier then she'd thought and as luck would have it she was able to catch an earlier flight. Only to be confronted by this.

  All of sudden, it was too much for her and she was about to close the door and slink away, when her Latin temper flared. This was her apartment, and she refused to run away like a coward. With a hand that shook slightly she pushed the door open further, startling the couple on the bed. The blonde's face, which was contorted by pleasure a few moments ago, now registered bewilderment. But she wasn't of any interest to Gabriella. Her anger was directed at the dark haired woman whose muscled arms were still around the blonde.

  “I'm sorry for interrupting,” she said in a calm voice. “I was just about to start on supper, and wanted to confirm if your guest will be staying.”

  The couple stared at her in mute shock, before scrambling for the sheet to cover their nakedness.

  “I take it that's a yes. Please wash your hands before you come down to eat.” She pulled the door close and walked down the hallway to the stairs.

  No, nothing could have prepared her for what she'd just witnessed. The loud moaning still rang in her ears, but it was the image of her girlfriend, using their favorite toy on the blonde, that would stain her memory forever. Attentive, loving Jessica. Who would've thought? She opened the fridge and scanned its contents. She reached inside the fridge and took out the ingredients for egg white omelets. She had to keep busy, otherwise…otherwise what?

  After six years of absolute bliss, she had the impression they were doing well—that their love was secure. Now this. She had left for Los Angeles on Wednesday to go to the International Female Reproductive Health Conference. As the guest speaker, not going was not an option. On Tuesday when she'd come from the office, Jessica had taken her out for a movie and dinner and the rest of the night was spent making love in front of the fireplace. That's one thing Jess was good at—all-night sex was her specialty, she though absently. She was still a bit sore and groggy when Jessica drove her to the airport the next morning. But she was happy—so incredibly happy.

  Angry with herself for her naiveté, she slammed the fridge door shut and stiffened when she caught Jessica's reflection in the mirrored doors. Jessica’s short black hair was still a bit ruffled, just the way Gabriella liked it after they'd had sex. Looking at Jessica now, Gabriella hated the look—for obvious reasons. The grey eyes were miserable as they stared back at her, but it only strengthened her resolve not to allow Jessica to talk her way out of this situation. Turning around she placed the eggs on the counter.

  “I thought omelets would be quicker to prepare. I take it you and what's-her-name must be famished after…” She swallowed hard. She was never one to act out emotionally. Jessica told her once that her cool outer façade was at most times a turn-on and just as well a turn-off. Only when they were in bed did she lose control, allowing her fiery Latin nature to surface. Jessica loved seeing her like that and Gabriella loved what it did to her lover.

  This moment however, she was committed to keeping her cool, staying clearheaded. In all of her thirty-two years she couldn’t remember ever losing her cool. Sure, she got irritated and frustrated, but always managed to keep her temper in check. Today was a close shave and Jessica was very lucky. As calm and collected as she looked outside, inside she was boiling, wanting desperately to throw something—heavy things—at Jessica's head.

  “I'm sorry, Gaby.” Jessica's usually husky voice sounded broken. “I never meant to hurt you.” Jessica came closer, but the slight hardening of the amber eyes, made her stop. “It was just sex.”

  Gabriella reached above her head and pulled a pan from its hook. She noted with grim satisfaction how Jessica eyed the pan before taking a small step backwards.

  “I'm a sex therapist, Jessica, and I could see that the two of you were having sex. My problem however is that you were having sex with someone who isn't your partner.” She cracked an egg and threw it, shells and all, into the mixing bowl. It felt so good to break something other than Jessica's head. She went on cracking six more eggs, while the silence stretched between them.

  “Was this the first time, Jessica?” She sounded calm, but the amber eyes were spitting fire.

  “What do
you mean?”

  “Was…this…the…first…time…you…have…cheated…on…me? Is that clear enough?”

  She saw the hesitation in Jessica's eyes and nodded, her heart weighed down by the pain.

  “On second thought, I'd rather you and your floozy have dinner elsewhere.” She pushed the mixing bowl away. “I’m going to take a shower. I want you out of my apartment by the time I’m done. You can leave the key on your way out.”

  She turned and walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into the bedroom. The bed was still unmade and the smell of sex hung heavy in the room. Like a zombie, Gabriella ripped the sheets off the bed and threw them in the corner. She would throw them in the trash after her shower. She stripped off her black pantsuit as she walked through to the bathroom, tossing the items on the floor as opposed to her habit of hanging and folding her clothes carefully. Nothing felt normal today.

  Naked, she reached for a towel and stopped in the act as she caught the reflection of her body in the full-length mirror. She often told her patients that they should embrace their bodies, no matter the size and shape. What was important for them to remember was how they shared themselves with their partner. She was comfortable with her body even though it was on the curvaceous side. She rested her hands on her heavy breasts, gently touching the dark nipples. She was fourteen when her breasts started to fill out, making her quite popular with the boys in the neighborhood and at school.

  College was a joy for her and despite her being labeled a geek; her unmistakable voluptuous dark sultry look still drew a lot of attention. She closed her eyes, trying to shut out the image. Still it wasn't enough for her to keep her girlfriend from cheating. No matter how many times she had indulged Jessica's sexual demands and fantasies, it seemed she was but yet another warm body. Gabriella took a deep sigh to ease the pain echoing in her heart and ran the taps. When the temperature was right, she stepped under the lukewarm jets of water, leaning her head against the cool tiles.

  She heard the bathroom door open, alerting her to Jessica's presence. Earlier she would've been pleased to have her lover join her in the shower. Not tonight however, especially not when she felt so numb inside. She'd met Jessica, a fashion photographer, six years ago at a fashion show that a friend dragged her to. While Valery, a publicist, was busy networking, Gabriella had walked over to the bar to get a drink. As she'd waited for her turn to be served, she'd watched a tall, dark woman ordering a light beer. Reading the stranger's body language, Gabriella immediately recognized the woman as a highly sexual being. The aura around the woman was crackling with sexual confidence. It was evident in the way she held herself and making bold eye contact as she subtly flirted with the cute female bartender. Taking a swig from her beer, but keeping her brooding grey gaze on the flustered girl, Gabriella could tell the brunette was a master at foreplay.

  She'd felt a twitch between her legs all the while she was studying the woman. The bartender noticed her standing there and quickly came over to take her order. While she waited for her drink, she could feel the dark woman's gaze on her. Refusing to acknowledge her scrutiny she'd continued to study the various bottles behind the bar. Her drink was placed before her and after a muttered ‘thank you', she'd picked it up and turned to leave. A deep husky voice stopped her and she’d known instinctively whom it belonged to.

  “Dr. Talos, I would hate to let you go without telling you how much I admire your work. Marion Shaw's rating skyrocketed after she had you on her Woman's World show last month.”

  Despite the woman's obvious confidence, she'd half expected a flimsy pick-up line, such as the usual ‘You look familiar. Haven't we met before' lines.’ She'd never expected the woman to be so unassuming in her approach. Impressed, she turned to face the woman and almost drowned in the dark grey eyes looking at her. There'd been no leering, not even an indication of romantic interest—just obvious recognition. The stranger had stuck out a hand. “Jessica Milroy.”

  Gabriella had returned the gesture and had mumbled a modest ‘thank you' for the earlier compliment. They were still chatting when Valery joined them and Gabriella was surprised to notice that Val was actually flirting with Jessica. She had known Val almost all her life and never once had she suspected that her friend might've been bisexual. Had she known she would've come out to her a long time ago. Two completely unfulfilled relationships with men had clued her in a long time ago that she might be attracted to women, but Gabriella had never acted on it. It was not for a lack of female admirers, but because she'd been waiting for the right woman at the right time. Unbeknownst to her she had struck gold that night. Jessica charmed Gabriella off her feet on their first few dates and their courtship progressed rather swiftly from then on.

  The first time they’d made love, Gabriella had doubted her knowledge and expertise on the sex topic. Jessica was simply magnificent and over the course of the years had seemed to get even better. Sex with Jessica was almost surreal. The woman turned her inside out, leaving her a raw quaking mass every time. It hurt to think that she was not the only woman who felt like that after all.

  “I know you are very upset right now, but I don't think it's good for us to part ways without clearing the air.” Jessica said from the other side of the frosted glass cubicle, breaking into to Gabriella’s reverie.

  “Let's face it, Jessica, what more could we possibly have to say to each other. I came home and found you screwing another woman in our bed. Not to mention, you admitted to cheating on me, before this?”

  The silence greeting her mini tirade broke Gabriella heart even further. She’d foolishly expected Jessica to deny the accusation, but she didn't. Jessica had never been predictable. That was one of her best traits. Jessica was a stimulating companion—in so many aspects.

  “I want to…need to…ask for your forgiveness and another chance to prove to you that I really regret what happened.”

  “Why should I consider giving you another chance? You are obviously bored with me and wanted something different—hence the affairs.” Gabriella felt warm tears cascaded down her face, as for the first time she voiced Jessica’s transgression out loud. It somehow felt like it was only sinking in now.

  Jessica pushed the glass sliding door open and stepped into the shower, fully clothed. She was soaked almost immediately. With her black hair plastered to her forehead and her tight white t-shirt clung to braless breasts, Gabriella was momentarily distracted. Jessica was gorgeous and after six years together, she was still very much attracted to her. She felt the first stirring of desire in the pit of her stomach and it was only when Jessica spoke again, that she realized she was in fact still staring at Jessica’s breasts.

  “Let me hold you tonight and then we can talk tomorrow after you have had a chance to calm down. Six years is too long a commitment to just sever it like this.” The grey eyes were troubled. “Please.”

  They would have sex. Many times over the past six years when they'd had an argument, they would fall into bed and have sex over and over again until they were both too sore to move. If she allowed Jessica to stay, that's what was going to happen.

  Even after the shock she'd gotten when she entered their bedroom earlier and the numb feeling in her heart, she doubted if she'd be able to resist Jessica's appeal. As much as she didn't want to be alone tonight, she couldn't risk allowing Jessica to stay. She turned away from Jessica, lifting her face into the downward spray of water. She needed to put space between them, if she was going to make such an important decision. Before tonight, their arguments were silly misunderstandings, about either of them claiming negligence by the other or the shopping not having been done by the person assigned to do it.

  This however was different. Jessica had cheated on her before and tonight she caught her red-handed. She felt the light touch on her back and turned sharply. Any other night, that soft questioning touch would have been endearing and sexy, but tonight all she could think about was those same hands holding the blonde in position while she'd screwed her.
She saw those hands touching other faceless women, touching them there…she looked up into the grey eyes, her decision made.

  “No. I want you out of here in the next ten minutes.” She squeezed passed Jessica and left the shower cubicle.

  She was dressed in her pajamas, sipping from a mug of hot chocolate, when Jessica came down the stairs, a duffel bag swung over her shoulder. They just stared at each other for a few seconds before Gabriella looked away.

  “I will come back later for the rest of my stuff.”

  “I will ask Anita to pack your things and have them ready by tomorrow.”

  When Jessica still didn't move, she looked up to find the grey eyes swimming in tears. “I never meant to hurt you, please believe me. I just don't know how I could've screwed up like this. You're the only woman I've ever loved.”

  When Gabriella didn't respond, Jessica turned and after a few seconds Gabriella heard the door closing softly. Alone at last, she broke down. Deep, shuddering sobs shook her body as she surrendered to the sadness inside. She couldn’t remember when she last cried like this. It was such a long time ago. In fact, it was eighteen years when the police found her best friend's body in an alley. After Luisa's murder, she had cried and cried for days, until she finally managed to get through a day without crying. She hadn't felt like that again until now. Jessica's betrayal had wounded her deeply.

  She didn’t know how long she’d sat there after the crying had subsided, but desperate for anything to take her mind of Jessica; she reached for the remote and flicked on the TV set. The news was on, showing visuals of the city morgue.

  “The discovery of two more bodies in Central Park has left the City's police force baffled. Last week the body of a teenage girl was found with no traces of blood in her body. NYPD Detective Mike Orson confirmed that the latest grisly murderous corresponds with that of the suspect dubbed the Leech. The police urge anyone with any information about the deaths to contact Detective Orson at …”


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