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A Guardian's Passion

Page 15

by Stein Willard

  “What's so funny?” she asked.

  Trinity chuckled softly. “Vampire magic. I like that.”

  Aghast, Gabriella frowned.

  “How…? Can you read my thoughts?” Her tone was accusative and Trinity quickly held up a hand.

  “I do not do it often, my love, but it helps to know what you are thinking sometimes. You are a very unpredictable woman.” Trinity explained quickly.

  “How often is not often.”

  “Only twice since I have taken your blood the first time we made love at your apartment.”

  Gabriella’s mouth fell open.

  “Why don't I remember you doing that?”

  Trinity smiled tenderly, her green eyes soft.

  “You were distracted at the time.” Trinity gently pulled her closer, the green eyes darkening with desire. “I want you, my love.”

  Gabriella's gaze narrowed slightly.

  “Why don't you just read my mind and pick your answer from there,” she snapped, turning away. The idea that her thoughts were not private any more spooked her.

  Gabriella gasped when she was roughly pulled around and her startled eyes connected with Trinity's. This forceful person standing in front of her didn't resemble the tender lover she knew. The green eyes were so hot; they almost looked transparent.

  “Will you bite me again?” she asked carefully and Trinity blinked quickly and loosened her grip on Gabriella’s arms.

  “Probably,” Trinity answered gravely and took a slow step away from her. “I’m scaring you. Maybe I should go and come back later when I have more control over my emotions.


  Chapter Fourteen

  Trinity rummaged through all the hot erotic thoughts and emotions inside of her to find a shred of control. The beast in her clawed at her insides, demanding sexual release and it seemed as if it didn't want to take no for an answer. She raked a trembling hand through her hair and closed her eyes for a few seconds. Gabriella's nakedness didn't make it easy for her to hold on to her control. Seeing Clarissa again caused the sequence of the events that took place four hundred years ago to loop through her mind. She needed Gabriella to ground her, to help her clear her mind and take away the morbid thoughts Clarissa’s appearance sparked to life. Looking at Gabriella, Trinity knew she’d gone about it the wrong way. Using sex to expunge thoughts of Clarissa was tantamount to abusing the love she felt for Gabriella. She averted her gaze, ashamed.

  “Who says I'm scared of you, vampire?” Gabriella said suddenly. Trinity’s head jerked up. Gabriella had a small smile on her lips. “I know you will not hurt me.” She was speaking softly as if trying to soothe a scared child.

  Trinity felt herself relaxing a little. She knew the truth, even as Gabriella was trying to reassure her. She smelled her fear earlier and it was still there—a faint whiff. They looked at each other, each trying to reassure the other. Breaking the stare, Trinity noticed that the bathroom was steaming up with the taps in the shower still running.

  “Take your shower. I will wait for you in the bedroom.”

  At the door she turned and looked at Gabriella standing there looking at her, slightly bewildered. She shamelessly probed her lover’s mind and felt elated at what she found. Gabriella wanted her too—bad.

  “Hurry up, love, I still want to spend time with you before dawn approaches.” This time her voice sounded almost cheery and she saw the tension leaving Gabriella's body.

  “I won't be long. I promise.” Gabriella said, her eyes gleaming. She turned quickly and disappeared behind the frosted glass partition.

  Trinity turned away to leave, briskly walking to the door. She let the fake jovial mood seep out of her. It had actually hurt knowing that Gabriella feared her, even if it was just for that moment. She won’t ever forget the look in the amber eyes as they had looked back at her a while ago, the lingering apprehension in their depths as she'd bravely tried to soothe her.

  At the door she turned back to take a last look. She realized her mistake immediately. The arched, naked shape of Gabriella was visible through the frosted glass. Trinity was mesmerized. Gabriella had her face turned skywards, taking in the full blast of the jets of water while her hands slicked back wet raven locks.

  Trinity swore it was the sexiest pose she'd ever seen.


  The water felt nice on her skin, but Gabriella didn't want to linger long in the shower. Trinity was waiting for her in the bedroom. The vampire was probably pacing the room, berating herself for her earlier behavior. She reached for the bar of soap, but found the soap holder empty. Damn, she could swear that she'd seen the soap when she'd entered the shower cubicle. Just then she felt a soft touch on her back and with a shriek, spun around to find a naked Trinity standing very close to her, the bar of soap in her hand.

  “I thought you might need help washing your back,” she said in a husky voice.

  Gabriella felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter to life as her eyes traveled over the vampire's body. Trinity was gorgeous. Gabriella's eyes slowly caressed the flat abs, leisurely travelling downwards to the copper-colored triangle and then the long, leanly muscled legs. Absolutely gorgeous. Gabriella felt the green eyes watching her intently as she continued her quiet perusal. When she finally looked up to make eye contact; she smiled at the look in the green eyes.

  “Don't look so apprehensive, baby. Except for a few blisters, you have a great body.”

  Gabriella was stunned to see utter relief on Trinity's face. The woman was unbelievably gorgeous and she wasn't even aware of it. What a find! She leaned close for a kiss, but a soft finger on her lips stopped her. Trinity’s eyes were suddenly sad and contrite.

  “I am sorry for my behavior earlier, Gaby.” The green eyes darkened with shame. “I never meant to scare you the way I did…” she held up her hand. “I know you said that you were not scared of me, I know, but I beg you to forgive me…please.” She ended her heartfelt apology with a voice thick with emotion and eyes pleading for forgiveness.

  Gabriella felt her heart constrict at the forlorn sight of her lover and she kissed the soft fingertip. She will have to allow Trinity to make amends. That was the kind of person Trinity was. Gabriella owed her the opportunity to restore the balance.

  “Think nothing of it, darling. You are the most wonderful, gentle, and loving partner I know. You have my complete forgiveness.” She reached out and gently cupped Trinity's cheek, willing all the love she felt for Trinity to show in her eyes. “You do realize that the minute you entered the shower naked, you did so at own risk.”

  Trinity smiled and took Gabriella’s mouth in a hungry kiss. Gabriella sighed as she felt the effects of the kiss down in her toes. She closed her eyes, savoring the kiss. It made her feel incredibly light as if she was floating in an air bubble. She felt something cool against her back and her eyes fluttered open. Trinity had backed her against the cool tiles of the shower cubicle and one of her legs was nestled between her legs, her muscled thigh pressing snugly against her now-throbbing sex. Using her strong leg to keep her pressed up against the tiles, Trinity's hands were free to grab her arms and hold them over her head. The move made her back curve and pushed her breasts out.

  “I love you so much, Gaby.” Trinity whispered against her lips before her mouth greedily sucked in a hardened nipple into her mouth, making Gabriella moan.

  The tender assault went on for a time before Trinity moved to the other breast and repeated the same action there. Gabriella hadn't even noticed when she'd begun to ride Trinity's thigh. The friction parted her swollen lips and the pleasure from the erotic massage was burning a hole in the pit of her stomach. Gabriella threw her head back against the tiles as she panted loudly. She felt Trinity pull away and clutched her closer.

  “No, don't move. I'll die if you do,” she pleaded urgently and Trinity started to kiss her again.

  This time the vampire's tongue slowly explored the inside of her mouth, emulating the frantic movements of Gabriella’s lo
wer body. Gabriella was so close by now that it took her only one more push before she came in a rush of musky wetness and husky moans. Her body quaked under the powerful climax. Trinity had stopped kissing her a few seconds before her climax and as she shuddered and moaned, Gabriella knew the green eyes were quietly studying her. The thought of those hot green eyes watching her in the throes of passion, set off another wave of mini orgasms which crashed through her body towards the hot throbbing spot between her legs. Only once the worse shudders had subsided did her body slump forward against Trinity's.

  “Was I very loud?” she asked with her face buried in Trinity's neck.

  “Not even a peep slipped out,” Trinity said tenderly, holding Gaby's still quaking body tightly against her naked body. Gabriella chuckled softly and planted an open mouth kiss on Trinity's neck causing the vampire to tremble.

  “You’re great for my ego, Vampire,” she whispered and Trinity pulled away to look into her eyes. Gabriella stared into the dark green eyes and smiled. ‘What?”

  “You must be in a good space judging from that smile.” Trinity said, her eyes gleaming with sexual pride. Gabriella touched her fingertips to Trinity's lips.

  “I'm smiling because I can't believe my luck.” She replaced her fingers with her lips. “You could have any woman you want, but you chose me.”

  “Other women fade into obscurity when you are around, Dr. Talos?”

  Gabriella basked in the warm sincerity of the compliment and pushed her fingers through Trinity's wet copper locks. Her amber eyes stared long into the beautiful face. They traced the beautifully sculptured face, the expressive eyes, and the gorgeous lips. Trinity hadn't changed much physically since the last time she'd seen her eighteen years ago, but Trinity still made her palms sweat and her heart race. Trinity’s eyes narrowed slightly the longer Gabriella stared until a bold question flickered in the emerald depths.

  “I had a crush on you as a teenager, but was scared to let you know in case it scared you off. You were so strict with me and always looked upon me as your baby sister, patting my head and scolding me over homework.” Her eyes studied the changing expressions on Trinity's face. “I lived for the moments when you would materialize in my bedroom, looking so dangerous and sexy.”

  Trinity's eyes darkened suddenly.

  “But still you sent me away.” Her tone was even, but Gabriella could still detect the undertone of hurt in her voice.

  “I was devastated by Luisa's death and I wasn't thinking straight.” She planted a soft kiss on Trinity's lips. “For years afterwards I waited for you to appear next to my bed and hold me until I fell asleep. But you never came back.”

  “I was never too far away. It was only when you started seeing Jessica that I stopped following you around. It was too painful for me to see how happy you were with another woman. I always thought that I would be the one for you once you were grown up.”

  Gabriella's hands framed Trinity's face gently, her thumbs softly rubbing the cool cheeks, before she pressed her lips against Trinity's. The tip of her tongue gently poked against Trinity's closed lips, demanding entry. With her eyes staring deeply into Trinity's, she probed the warm, silky interior of Trinity's mouth. It was only when a deep groan reverberated through Trinity's body that she stopped the kiss.

  “Even then, I thought about you. On a few occasions I did wonder what it would be like with you. It was…”

  She never got to finish the sentence, because Trinity was kissing her again. With one hand she reached out and closed the taps and still carrying her, they left the shower and moved to the bedroom. Trinity carried her with such natural ease that Gabriella wondrously touched the lean muscles on Trinity's arms.

  “Vampire magic, my love.” Trinity whispered, her green eyes teasing. The bed came into view and Gabriella sighed when Trinity laid her down. Trinity was sitting back, studying Gabriella’s naked body as if contemplating where to start.

  “Tell me what you want to do to me, Trinity?” she murmured softly and Trinity's eyes lifted slightly to meet hers. Gabriella almost swooned at the tender look of love she found in the sea-green depths. What was it about this woman that made her just go so crazy for her? She craved her constantly.

  “I would rather show you.”

  Gabriella gasped when Trinity scooted lower and placed a hard open-mouthed kiss between her legs. Her pelvis shot up off the bed at the first warm touch of Trinity’s tongue. First it swirled around her nub and then lapped at the entrance of her sex where a slight pool of dampness was forming. Then it was back to her swelling nub again. This time Trinity flattened her tongue and tormented her with long, wet, lazy licks that made her break out in a cold sweat. The pleasure was almost too painful to endure.

  Gabriella tried to wiggle out of Trinity's grasp. She needed a break from the relentless assault, but Trinity held her firmly in place while her tongue was ravishing her. Just when she thought the torture would end soon, Trinity lifted Gabriella’s pelvis off the bed and stabbed her tongue as far as she could into Gabriella. The action wrung a sharp cry from Gabriella as she felt her eyes glaze over and her body started to quiver.

  “NO!” she screamed her frustration when Trinity lifted her head. Half-sobbing, Gabriella tried to use her own fingers to bring her release, but Trinity grabbed them and held them above her head.

  “It is still too early. I have another surprise for you, my angel.” She reached under the pillow. “I knew you put it there last night.” She pulled out the dildo. “Now behave while I put it on, because I promise to bring you even greater pleasure. Do you promise?”

  Gabriella nodded quickly, her slightly unfocussed eyes fixed on the toy. It took Trinity a few seconds to secure the toy and roll back to Gabriella, lifting her body from the bed and positioning her on all fours.


  Trinity hissed as she watched the dildo slowly entered Gabriella, stretching her gently. When she was sure that she was in all the way Trinity pulled back and started to thrust slowly. She purred her satisfaction when Gabriella adjusted her position, flattening her torso on the bed, pushing her behind upwards, allowing Trinity to go even deeper. A little while later, sweating profusely, Trinity pulled out and positioned a squirming Gabriella on her side before she continued her loving assault.

  The rest of the night passed like that. In between bouts of wild sexual acts, they would rest for a few minutes until the urge to make love again overwhelmed them. It was only when dawn gently crept over the horizon that Trinity gave a sleepy Gabriella a goodbye kiss and rushed to her underground chamber. She grinned when she rounded a corner and saw an exhausted looking Paloma exit Inger's bedroom quietly.


  Fran whistled cheerfully as she opened the door to the office and Gabriella raised her eyebrows. Since she'd moved into the Marsden Mansion she hadn't been in the office since Monday and today was Friday. Judging from Fran's pleasant mood, a lot must have happened in her absence. She flipped through her appointment list. The usual suspects, she thought with a smile. Her after-hour appointment was not listed, but she knew who it was and she couldn't wait for the hours to fly by so that she could see her patient. A slow smile came over her face,

  The door to her office swung open and Fran gasped when she saw her sitting behind her desk. Inger had to be at the office earlier today and Gabriella jumped at the chance of having an extra hour to prepare herself before her first appointment.

  “You’re early. I wasn't even sure if you'd come in today,” Fran said once she had caught her breath. Her sharp pale blue eyes were studying Gabriella closely. “You still look a bit tired though.”

  Gabriella's stomach clenched when she thought about the reason why she looked worn out. Trinity. Since they made love on her second night at the mansion, Trinity had come to her bed every night since and only left at the crack of dawn. She shrugged and rolled her eyes at Fran.

  “I'm fine. Nothing a good night's rest won't fix.” She took off her reading glasses and smiled at Fran. “
How about you? You seem to be in a very good mood?”

  Gabriella chuckled when a dark red blush crept up from Fran's neck all the way to her cheeks. Yep, there was definitely a man involved.

  “It's still in the early days, but I think I finally met someone.” She nervously pulled at her blonde strands and flashed a shy smile. “But as I said it’s still early days.”

  Gabriella got up and walked around her desk to give Fran a hug. Gabriella had been there when Fran’s husband, George, had disappeared mysteriously five years earlier. She was also there to support Fran through the birth of their daughter, Angelique, a few months later. A new man on the horizon after five years was a good sign and a new adventure for them both.

  “You do know that I'm with you every step of the way?”

  Fran smiled as she squeezed Gabriella tighter. “I do. Thank you once again for everything you've done for me over the years. You took a chance on a country bumpkin eight years ago and you stuck with me.”

  Gabriella brushed a soft kiss on Fran's cheek. Their relationship had never really been that of boss and employee. After having been through so much together they had become friends—close friends—so close that Fran had asked Gabriella to be Angelique's godmother.

  “You have been there for me too,” she said softly. Fran gently pushed out of the embrace and looked into Gabriella's eyes.


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