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A Guardian's Passion

Page 18

by Stein Willard

  “I am sorry you had to see that, my love.”

  “I hope I will never have to go through that again.”

  Trinity gently kissed her on the lips.

  “I promise you will not. It is late and you need to sleep.”

  Gabriella took Trinity’s arm and pulled it tighter around her. “Good night, darling.”

  “Good night, my love.”

  The next morning dawned bright and early and rolling over in bed, Gabriella smiled when she bumped into Trinity. Without opening her eyes she reached out and pushed her hand under Trinity's t-shirt, palming a naked breast.

  “What a nice way to wake up,” she murmured and nestled closer to Trinity. “What time is it?”

  “It is 8 a.m. You have half an hour to get ready before we have to leave.” Trinity said and stayed Gabriella’s hand. “If we continue doing this, we are going to be very late.”

  Gabriella smiled and pulled her hand out from under Trinity's t-shirt. Instead she rolled the vampire over and pulled the duvet off her lover. Maintaining eye contact with Trinity, she pulled Trinity’s pajama pants down and tossed them to the floor to join the duvet. At the first taste of Trinity, Gabriella moaned. She tasted divine, a blend of musk and a delicate earthy scent. She greedily pulled Trinity’s clit in her mouth and began to suck.

  She had been hot for Trinity since yesterday morning, but the day churned out a load of tense moments and emotions, which forced her to push her amorous mood to the back of her mind. Gabriella's tongue dipped into Trinity causing her to arch her hips off the bed. Gabriella felt Trinity tremble when she used her fingers to open the sleek, swollen lips.

  “Breakfast is served,” Gabriella murmured and licked and sucked Trinity relentlessly until she came noisily.


  Gabriella was busy making notes in a patient's file when Fran stepped in and closed the door behind her. Looking up fleetingly, Gabriella returned her gaze to the file, but she quickly looked up again. Fran looked different—sexy. The look in her blue eyes was darkly sensuous. She took her reading glasses off and folding them slowly as she watched Fran approach her desk. Yes, Fran was different and her guess was that the mysterious man in her life had everything to do with it.

  “I was scared I’d forget so I thought I'd ask you now. We are having a little get-together for Angel today after work and I was wondering if you could drop in for Diet Pepsi and chocolate cake. It's her birthday and I would also like to introduce you to Roger. He's dying to meet you since Angel is always bragging to him about her beautiful and famous godmother.”

  Oh gosh, Gabriella dropped her head on her folded arms. “I can't believe I forgot Angel's birthday. I’m so, so sorry, Fran. What time do you want me to be there?”

  “Six. It will only be you, me, Angel and Roger. With you and Jess breaking up, I'm sure you've had a lot on your mind.”

  “I'll be there. Let me check my appointment schedule.” She didn't have any after-hours appointments for today, which left her with enough time to quickly dash out to the shops to get Angel a gift.

  The buzzer sounded.

  “That should be your next appointment. See you later.”

  The couple had booked a double session and Gabriella was tired and starving when the door closed behind them two hours later. Glancing at her watch she saw that it was already 12:30. Her next appointment was booked at two. She considered going out now and finding a gift for Angel, but on second thought she'd rather stick to her plan of going shopping later. She wasn't in the mood to take on the bustling lunch shopping crowd. The intercom sounded and she pressed the answer button.

  “Yes, Fran?” Please don't tell me you've forgotten to pen in an appointment and that I have to squeeze in one now, Gabriella thought anxiously.

  “There’s a delivery for you.”

  Relieved, she asked Fran to accept it for her.

  “She insists that you sign it off yourself. The sender asked for it explicitly.”

  “Fine, send her through, Fran.”

  She was skirting her desk when the door swung open. Trinity stood in the doorway with a big paper bag under her arm and sexy a lopsided smile that made Gabriella’s knees turn to jelly. She quickly traced her steps back to her desk and pressed the intercom button.

  “Thank you, Fran. She's an old college friend and we have a lot of catching up to do. If you want to take an early lunch, I'll be fine.” Her amber eyes were devouring Trinity as she stepped in and closed the door behind her.

  “OK, Gaby. I'll see you just before two. I'll lock up after myself.”

  “See you then, Fran.” She had barely turned away from the desk before Trinity was all over her, kissing her face and neck and pressing her up against the desk.

  “Why did you not wake me this morning when you left?” Trinity murmured between frantic kisses. “I cannot ever remember dozing off after sex. You must have bewitched me, wench.”

  Gabriella pulled back and pressed her finger against Trinity's lips.

  “Hush. We'll have enough time to talk…later. All I could think about all morning was you and how much I want to feel your tongue on me.”

  Trinity swung her up in her arms and walked over to the couch.

  “Wait…wait…we need to lock the door. Just for in case,” Gabriella said urgently. She would hate for Fran to walk in on them, especially after lying to her about not being ready to date yet.

  “Fran left already. I planted an urgent thought in her head to make her rush out to the shops.” Trinity whispered against her ear.

  Half an hour later, Gabriella sat naked on Trinity's lap, eating a juicy pear. Trinity looked on as she devoured the pear with juices dripping from her chin. Every now and then Trinity would lean closer and lap up the juices with her tongue and then sit back and wait until she had to do it all over again. When she was done with the pear, Gabriella pulled the paper bag closer and rummaged through it.

  “What’s next? There's pizza, cheese, ham and grapes.”

  Gabriella could image Trinity’s stomach convulse at the thought of putting any of those items in her mouth.

  “You choose for us.”

  Gabriella lifted her head and looked intently into Trinity's eyes. She knew Trinity was making a great sacrifice just to accommodate her. She pressed a wet juice–stained kiss on her lips to show her gratitude.

  “Cheese. You can open the champagne in the meantime.”

  It felt like old times again, when she would snack on fruits and cheese and then wash it down with non-alcoholic champagne, while Trinity watched. The only difference now was that sex was a prelude to their bedroom picnics. She looked at Trinity and smiled when she found her staring at her nipples. “Don't even think about it. That's dessert.”

  Gabriella ate most of the food, passing tiny pieces to Trinity, who obediently opened her mouth and hastily swallowed without chewing. Afterwards they made love again and while Gabriella was busy in the bathroom cleaning herself up, Trinity cleared up the leftovers.

  “When should I come pick you up?”

  Gabriella popped her head around the bathroom door, fastening her bra.

  “I almost forgot. Today's my goddaughter’s birthday and Fran has asked me to stop by later tonight for a quick slice of cake and a Diet Pepsi. If you want you can come shopping with me later to find her a gift.”

  “Then I will wait for you at the car around five. I have been buying you gifts since you were seven years old and I think you can actually learn a thing or two from me.” Trinity teased.

  “Yep, I would say that makes you an expert.”

  “When will you be done, so I can pick you up again?”

  Gabriella shrugged into her silk blouse.

  “I don't know, but I don't think we'll be longer than two hours. Angel won't be staying up too long.” Digging in her purse she took out her make-up case and began to touch-up her makeup. “I will let you know when I'm ready to leave.”

  Trinity lifted her head sharply.

�Your receptionist is on her way up.” She shook her head slowly. “She has a peculiar smell about her.”

  “What does that mean?” Gabriella asked distractedly as she added the final touches to her make-up. “Is it her perfume?”

  Trinity reached out and playfully pulled a lock of raven hair.

  “No, silly. Maybe I am simply paranoid. Where will the party be, by the way?”

  “At Fran's. It's just a few blocks from my apartment.”

  Trinity nodded.

  “Hurry up and let me out. I do not want to bump into her again and answer awkward questions


  Chapter Seventeen

  As soon as she could, Gabriella made a dash for the shops hoping to avoid the after-work crush of shoppers. Trinity walked next to her as they rushed through the shops and finally settled on a beautiful dollhouse. A curt nod of approval from Trinity and they paid for the item and were off to Fran's apartment. In the car Gabriella threw a sideways look at Trinity who, although not much of a talker in general, was extra quiet tonight.

  “Is something bothering you, baby?”

  Trinity turned to look at her. Her eyes were shadowed.

  “Something is not right with your receptionist. I cannot figure out what it is, but I do not feel you should go to her place alone tonight.”

  Gabriella put her hand on Trinity's thigh. Not even the intimate touch managed to take the somber look off Trinity's face and Gabriella removed her hand. Anything remotely sexual usually distracted Trinity, but whatever was bothering her must be more serious than she'd thought. Maybe she just feared the distance, she thought and smiled. They had been inseparable for almost two weeks.

  “Maybe you are just uncomfortable with letting me out of your sight, my love? Fran is an old and dear friend and I trust her completely. You just need to get to know her.”

  “It is not that,” Trinity insisted. “My instincts tell me something is not right.”

  Gabriella sighed. Who would've guessed that vampires were just as paranoid as humans?

  “Do you want to come up to the door and see for yourself that there's nothing to be worried about?”

  Trinity nodded; eyes intense as she stared straight ahead.

  “It will put me at ease, yes.”

  Ten minutes later they pulled up in front of a five-story apartment building. She glanced at Trinity. She still looked troubled. Maybe she should trust Trinity’s instincts.

  “Shall we?”

  They were walking up the steps leading to the front door of the apartment building when Trinity inhaled sharply and spun around.

  There, standing on the pavement on the other side of the street was Clarissa. Sensing Trinity's tension Gabriella followed her gaze. She too gasped when she saw Clarissa looking back at them.

  “What's she doing here?”

  “I will go find out. Wait here for me and do not go up without me.”


  Trinity crossed the street and came to stand before Clarissa. She felt a dull ache in her chest at the sadness she saw in Clarissa's brown eyes. Clarissa took a step closer, but came to a stop when Trinity held up her hand—signing for her to keep her distance.

  “After your stunt the last night, I think we should keep our distance from each other,” she said sharply. The green eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What are you doing here?”

  Clarissa's mouth twitched at the question.

  “I am spying on you, waiting for the right moment to pounce on you when your mate is not looking,” she said as she took another step closer. Trinity saw that the brown eyes looked even sadder now. “What is it about her that made you fall in love with her, Trinity? Why could you not have waited for me?”

  Trinity turned around to see if Gabriella had obeyed her and was still waiting for her. Gabriella was staring at Clarissa with raw suspicion. Trinity turned back to Clarissa and sighed inwardly at the look in the brown eyes.

  “Does it make you feel uncomfortable to know that I still want you? Love you?” Clarissa asked in a soft husky voice. “I miss you so much.”

  Trinity exhaled softly.

  “What are you doing here, Clarissa?”

  Clarissa lowered her eyes and when she looked up again, the brown eyes were cold.

  “Are you sure there is no chance for us to ever be together again?”

  Trinity quickly closed the distance between them with one stride and grabbed Clarissa by the arm, her grip hard and bruising.

  “I am getting tired of your games, Clarissa. What are you up to? You would not hang around here for no apparent reason.” She tightened her grip for emphasis. “So, I will ask you again. What are you doing here?”

  Clarissa tried to jerk her hand out of Trinity's grip. This time the brown eyes flashed with anger.

  “Take you hand off me, Trinity,” she said in clipped tones. Trinity removed her hand and stepped back, her green eyes glowing red.

  “Remember what I told you last night. If anything happens to Gabriella, I will hold you and your brother responsible. I have sensed something ominous in the air tonight, but I never thought that you were the sibling I had to be worried about.”

  Clarissa's hand shot out, but Trinity grabbed it mid-air.

  “Do not compare me to him. I am nothing like Tristan.” She wrenched her arm free and with one final look, turned and walked down the street.


  “Clarissa is up to something.” Trinity said when she reached Gabriella's side. “I have a bad feeling about this.” Her eyes were pleading with Gabriella. “Let me take you home.”

  “What about the gift?” She looked at the window on the fourth floor which she knew was Fran's apartment and turned back to look at Trinity. “We’re already here and might just as well go up to…”

  “No,” Trinity said sharply. She felt a tremor in the air and the hair at the nape of her neck bristled. “He is here. I can sense him now. That is why Clarissa was hanging around here. Which apartment belongs to Fran?”

  Gabriella's face turned as white as a sheet.

  “Tristan? Here?” The gift-wrapped box dropped from Gabriella’s hands as she brought her hands to cover her face. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Fran and Angel!”

  Trinity pulled her into her arms, but her eyes darted up and down the street.

  “I will have to go up and see if they are alright. Now which is Fran's apartment?”

  Gabriella's hold around Trinity's waist tightened as she looked up into Trinity's face.

  “He will kill you if you go up there?” This time she didn't hold back the tears as they trickled down her cheeks “What will I do if he kills you?”

  Trinity gently brushed the tears away with her fingertips.

  “Hush now, my love. If I do not go up he might harm them.” She looked down into the wet amber eyes. “It is me he is after and I cannot let him hurt anymore innocent people.” She placed a gentle kiss on Gabriella's lips. “I promise to be careful.”

  Gabriella sniffed loudly and wiped the tears off her cheeks before looking back at Trinity.

  “You're right.”

  Trinity took Gabriella's hand and walked with her to the front door. With a shaky finger, Gabriella pressed Fran's number. There was a long silence before the intercom crackled and Fran's cheerful voice sounded.

  “Gaby, is that you.”

  “Yes, Fran. Am I late?” she tried to sound as normal as she could, but the thought of Fran and Angel in the hands of the killer vampire was almost too much to bear.

  “No. Come right up. Angel can't wait to open her presents.” There was loud buzz and the door clicked open. Trinity took the gift from Gabriella.

  “Get into the car and drive home. The others will be here soon.”

  Gabriella nodded and ran down the stairs. When she reached the car she turned to find Trinity looking at her.



  t to see you drive off.>

  Gabriella got into the car, but couldn't get herself to drive off and leave Trinity there. She turned her head to the door and saw that Trinity was still standing there looking at her.


  Trinity smiled and entered the building.


  The brown eyes brimmed with tears as she watched the couple kiss. Full realization finally dawned. Trinity was forever lost to her and not even the death of the human will make her come back to her. Nor would the death of Trinity make the pain of rejection lessen.

  Clarissa crossed the street. She'd been following Tristan discreetly since yesterday and had followed him here to this apartment building. Tonight she had followed him here and when Trinity and her mate showed up, she'd known right away that it was a trap. She walked up to the car and saw the shock and fear in the woman's eyes when she recognized her.

  “I want to talk to you.”

  “Go away,” Gabriella's muffled voice came from inside the car. Clarissa sighed. As much as she wanted to wring the woman’s neck, she needed Gabriella’s help if she wanted to save Trinity.

  “Trinity is in grave danger.” She saw the amber eyes widened and knew she had her full attention now. “Tristan will kill her and everyone else he holds hostage up there. I need your help.” She saw a faint flicker of doubt in the woman's eyes before she rolled down the window.

  “How can I help?” She could smell the woman's fear and grimaced at the thought that she was the one putting it there.

  “Could you get one of the other tenants to open the door for me?” Clarissa tried to keep her voice even so as not to spook Gabriella further.

  Gabriella nodded and got out of the car. It took them four tries before a young couple buzzed them in.


  Tristan felt like he was going to explode. It was all coming together, finally. After two weeks of patiently biding his time, he was a step closer to victory. The euphoric feeling soaked into his blood and he felt his fangs lengthening. His bloodlust aroused, he turned to the only other source of fresh blood in the room. The child stood with her back to him, peering out the window, waiting for her dear aunt Gaby.


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