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Around the Way Girls 11

Page 14

by Treasure Hernandez

  He had beaten some Crips out of their money. When they found out it was Chris who had robbed them, they threatened to kill him if he didn’t pay the money back. Problem was, he had already invested that money into opening his barber shop. He dipped off to ATL and had been keeping a low profile out there. Now that he was back in Oklahoma City, he knew it was only a matter of time before they found out he was back in town and he had to pay the Crips back or they’d kill him.

  Fuck! The only way he could get the money he owed them was by asking Debbie if she would loan it to him. He prayed that he had put the dick down good enough for her to want to look out and give him what he needed. He cared for her, but he knew her feelings for him were much deeper than his. He didn’t love her like she loved him. He knew he was wrong for playing with her emotions but he was hoping her love for him would make her say yes to giving him some money. His life depended on it.

  He sighed then smiled at Debbie. “Baby, I need to talk to you about something real serious.”

  Debbie stretched and said, “Can we chat after you give me a little more dick, baby? I need to have you inside of me some more since I won’t be seeing you until later this evening, and by then I’ll be asleep so I can be good for work in the morning.”

  Before he could answer her, she rolled on top of him and put his dick inside of her. She began to ride him so good that he chose to put the dreaded conversation aside while he enjoyed the early morning sex.

  * * *

  Jerron was staring at Tammy, wondering if he should stick to the script and follow through with his plans on blackmailing Tammy so his brother could be free from the feds. Never did he think he would catch feelings for Tammy. She was older, true, but she was classy as ever and a stone-cold freak, and that combination was deadly. He loved it! He was confused because his feelings were way too strong and that was something that was totally unexpected. He loved his brother, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for him, but now he was doubting his moves, and that was rare for him.

  He tried to shake off the feelings for Tammy but, as much as he tried, he couldn’t. He was falling in love with Tammy, and that wasn’t cool at all. It was fucking with his head, and there could be no room for that. He took a deep breath and told himself, no matter what, he had to do what he set out to do.

  He rubbed Tammy’s smooth ass under the sheets and sighed. Damn, I’m going to miss this good pussy, he said to himself. “Wake up, ma. I need to holla at you about something important.”

  Tammy opened her eyes and smiled. “Do you really think I was asleep with your big man hands rubbing all over my ass like that? Look what you done to me,” she said as she grabbed his right hand and placed it onto her pussy. “See how wet you got me? So before you holla at me, I need for you to cool this hot pussy off, baby.”

  Jerron smiled and said, “Say no more,” then put his face between her legs and began sucking her pussy slowly. Yes, might as well give her one last go at it because when I drop the bomb, it’s a wrap, he said to himself as he put his dick inside of her raw dog and began fucking her as good as he could.

  * * *

  Debbie came out of the bathroom and saw Chris sitting on the edge of the bed with a sad look on his face. She instantly thought something had happened with his mom and she quickly went and sat next to him on the bed. “What’s wrong, baby? Is your mom okay?”

  Chris stared at her for a moment in silence, then nodded. “She’s fine. I got more problems than just my mother’s health issue. I fucked up, baby. I fucked up real bad, and I’m in trouble.”

  “What do you mean, Chris? Talk to me, baby,” Debbie said.

  “To make a long story short, I fucked up in a major way. When I was trying to get the money to open up my shop in Atlanta, I felt as if it would take too long cutting hair and saving until I had enough to make the move. I needed a hustle to get the money and make the move. Why I was putting so much pressure on myself for that baffles me to this very day. Anyway, I was cutting the hair of this Crips guy named Cabbage, and he was telling me how he sold weed by the pound, just shooting the shit in the chair while I was cutting his hair. When he said that I thought about my cousins and some other people I knew who sold weed. So I asked him how much a pound of weed was. He told me he would give it to me for two thousand dollars. I told him I needed to make some calls and I would get back to him.

  “After contacting my cousins and a few people whose hair I cut, I found out that if the weed was good, I could sell it for twenty-seven hundred, easy. So that meant I could make seven hundred dollars off every pound of weed I sold. So I got with Cabbage and bought a pound and sold it quick. Everything was going cool. I was selling like three to four pounds a week, so I was reaching my goal, so I could move way faster, and I was like, cool. Then the greed factor kicked in, and that’s when I messed up bad.”

  Shaking her head from side to side she asked, “What did you do, Chris?”

  He sighed and rubbed his bald head before speaking. “Cabbage said he needed to go out to Denver to get more weed and he needed me to do a favor for him. He had ten pounds left but had to go, so he wanted to let me handle them while he was gone and give him the money when he came back to the city. While he was gone, I sold his ten pounds in a day or so. I had his money plus I made mine, so it was all good. But like I said the greed factor kicked in, and I did something I never should have done. I took the money I made plus the money I made selling Cabbage’s pounds. I left and went to Atlanta to open up my shop, figuring OKC would be forever in my rearview.”

  “So that’s the reason why you just up and left and was like fuck me, huh? Let alone not thinking that something like what happened to your mom could happen. On top of that, you playing with a gangster’s money? You don’t think he was looking for you? You didn’t think that you could have left your loved ones in danger because of your impulsive decision? You are a damn fool, Chris, for real. So, what are you going to do now?”

  “You’re right. I am a fool, and I’m worried now that I’m back in the city Cabbage will get wind of it and come get at me.”

  “So, that’s why you been at the hospital and here only, huh? Using me to hide your scary ass. Stupid, plain stupid. I can only assume that you don’t have the Crips’ money now, right?”

  “I used it all on getting my shop together and my place. I knew I messed up, but I figured once I got everything going out there I’d make the money back and pay Cabbage back. But it didn’t work that way. Things are moving slower than I expected. Then this cancer shit hit my mother, and I had to come home.”

  “So, what are you going to do, Chris?”

  “I have half the money. I need you to loan me the other ten thousand dollars so I can pay Cabbage back. That way I won’t have to worry about him or his homeboys hurting me.”

  Debbie stared at him in silence for a few seconds while she processed what he had just asked of her. So this lame tried to play me. Fuck me real good, show me all this fake-ass love and attention, all along thinking he could get at me for ten thousand dollars! Ain’t that a bitch! And to think I was falling in love with this clown, she said to herself. Before she spoke, she had another thought: what if he’s genuine and just needs help from me?

  She battled with herself then finally asked him, “Chris, be totally honest with me here because right now you got me real fucked up, and I need to be sure about you before I tell you whether I’ll loan you those crumbs you need. I feel as if you have used me for a place to hide while you tried to figure this mess out. Is that true?” she asked him as she looked deep into his eyes. “Please take your time and think about what you’re going to say before you answer that question, because one wrong word and I’m going to go find that Cabbage guy and tell him exactly where your ass is at. I respect honesty, Chris. Real recognizes real. I mean that.”

  “Use you? No, I got money. I could have easily stayed at the hotel I was at. Being with you has been a blessing, baby. I mean that. I love you, Debbie, I really do. I can pay you
back the money. The shop is producing more and more each month. You just have to give me some time to get it all together. I’m asking you to loan it to me because me being out here knowing Cabbage may find out I’m back scares the shit out of me. That’s the only reason I asked you for the loan, and that is exactly what it will be: a loan. I will pay you back every penny. I promise.”

  He answered her next question without her having to ask: he loved her! Now she was really confused as she stared at him to see if her female intuition could spot some games being played. He returned her stare and looked so sincere that her heart melted, and that made her nervous. She hoped and prayed that she would make the right decision, because she knew she loved Chris. She wasn’t nobody’s fool, though, so she would process this and speak with Tammy about it before she made her decision.

  She sighed and said, “Okay, Chris, I need time to think about this. You go on to the hospital and be with your mom, and I’ll let you know when you get back what I will do. Please don’t say anything else right now. I really need to thoroughly think this through.”

  He smiled at her and gave her a tender kiss on her lips and said, “I understand, baby.” He felt as if she would loan him the money because he saw the adoration she had for him in her eyes, and he hoped and prayed he was right. All he could do now was wait and see. He just prayed that Cabbage hadn’t found out he was back in OKC.

  * * *

  Jerron made sure he went all out and sexed Tammy crazy until she begged him to let her rest because she felt like she was going to pass out if she came one more time. She loved this man, and she knew she was headed for something crazy with him, but she was willing to throw all caution to the wind.

  She watched as Jerron got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned he had a look of confusion on his face, so she asked him, “What’s wrong, baby? You look funny. Are you okay?”

  He stood in the doorway of the bathroom contemplating for a few seconds; then he decided what route to take. He decided to just keep it real with her first and see if she would be willing to help out with his brother’s case off the fact that she loved him. Jerron was positive that Tammy loved him because he could see it all over her face. Now, if she straight-up said no to helping him get his brother out, then he would pull out his phone and go with his original plan to blackmail her with the video he had of her. He was hoping that she would take the easy route on this. He knew for certain that she loved him and what was even more crazy was that he knew for certain that he loved her too. But if she said no to what he was about to ask her, he would say, “Fuck that love shit,” and push the line with his blackmail move.

  He took a deep breath and said, “I’m good, but I need to talk to you about something very serious. I need your help in a major way.”

  God, please don’t let this young man screw up what we are building by asking me for money, she said to herself silently. “What is it, baby? Talk to me.”

  He came and sat down at the end of the bed and said, “Well, I appreciate you coming clean and telling me your real name after you gave me that fake name in the D. With you being a judge and all, I need your help to get my brother out of prison. He’s been gone for seven years and still has a stretch to go.”

  She sighed and thought, thank you, Lord! “Baby, the federal system doesn’t work like that. I can’t just make a call and have your brother released from prison.”

  “I know that, but you can help in this case because you were his sentencing judge. You have the power to grant his appeal.”

  “What? What is your brother’s name?” Tammy wasn’t expecting this at all.

  “Jayson Lellis. You gave him two hundred and ten months for conspiracy to distribute seven kilos of crack cocaine. His whole case was weak, but the rats who told on him forced him to take the deal. He’s a first-time, nonviolent offender so it won’t look funny if you granted his appeal. You have the power, ma, and I need you to do this not only for me, but for my family. My mom is getting up there in age, and her biggest fear is that she won’t get to live long enough to see her oldest child as a free man again.”

  Tammy sat up while Jerron was talking and the feelings that were going through her head made her feel nauseated. Never one to beat around the bush, she asked Jerron. “Is this the reason why you got with me, Jerron?”

  “No way, ma. I didn’t even know you were a federal judge until you told me during our marathon phone conversations. When you did, I thought about it and realized that you were my brother’s sentencing judge.”

  His words relieved her, but she still had doubts. “How do you feel about me, Jerron? Do you see something other than just great sex happening? I don’t want to get caught up playing games. I’m looking for something real. I know we have the age difference thing but, like I told you on the phone, you’re very mature, and I feel like we could make it long term. If you don’t feel the same way then just be honest about it, so then I’ll know where we stand.

  “As for me helping your brother, I will have to pull his case and see if there’s some kind of loophole. If I choose to grant his appeal, I have to make sure it won’t reflect negatively on my seat. If you think I will do this for you strictly on the love that I have for you, then you’re wrong. If I can do something to get your brother released that is within my means, then I will. But if I have to do something shady or illegal then I won’t. I cannot and will not do anything to mess up my career. I’ve worked too hard to let that happen to me.”

  “I hear you, ma, and I totally understand. I am not asking you to do anything illegal, nor would I ever ask you to do anything that will compromise your position. You have become important in my life. In reference to your question, yes, I am looking forward to a long relationship with you. Like I told you before, that age shit don’t mean nothing to me. If anything, it’s a plus ’cause you can teach a guy, and that’s always good because I’m always eager to learn. On top of all that, your fine ass is putting women twenty years younger than you to shame, so don’t ever have any doubt about how I’m feeling you. You hear me?”

  His words made her blush and feel like all would be good with them. “Yes, I hear you, baby. I’ll look into your brother’s case and see what I can do. Now, I need to get some rest; but, first, I desperately need some more of that dick before you head back to Dallas, ’kay?”

  He smiled and said, “Now you know that ain’t a problem, ma.”

  He lay next to her as she dozed off and he smiled. Yeah, hopefully she can find the right way to do it, then it can be all good with us. If she can’t, then, fuck it. I’ll make the next play where she won’t have a fucking choice, he said to himself, feeling real good knowing that, either way, his brother would be coming home soon.


  Tammy sat in her chambers feeling sad because she had spent the better of the morning going over Jerron’s brother’s case, and it looked like the U.S. assistant attorney had another iron-clad plea agreement. There was no legal way she could see herself overturning the conviction. Even if she did, the U.S. attorney’s office would only appeal her decision and then she would get overruled. That would then reflect negatively on her, and that would not be a good look for her career. Unfortunately, that was something she couldn’t risk, not even for Jerron, the man she was falling in love with. Now she dreaded the call she was about to make, but it had to be done. She really hated the fact that she had to let Jerron down but, once again, her hands were bound by the rules of the law, the rules she swore to uphold.

  When Jerron answered the phone, she wasted no time and got straight to the point. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, baby, but I’ve been going through your brother’s case all morning, and there is nothing I can do to help him. The U.S. assistant attorney on his case had him sign an iron-clad plea agreement, and even if I did try to wiggle in an argument in his favor, all they would do is appeal and win. Then I would be discredited. No judge can stand for that on their record. It puts on a scar that never fades. I really wish I co
uld help you and your brother, but my hands are tied on this one, baby.”

  “So, there’s nothing you can do to help my brother?” he asked in an icy tone.

  “No, baby, there really isn’t. Like I told you, even if I did rule in his favor the U.S. attorney’s office would only appeal to a higher court and would win, and I’d have egg on my face.”

  “Well, wouldn’t egg on your face be worth it for trying to do this for me?”

  “Don’t do that, baby. Please look at this in a broader sense of things. It would be a moot point and a temporary victory if I ruled to grant your brother some relief on his case.”

  “That’s bullshit. I know all y’all law enforcement people are close enough where you could get at them and ask them to do you this one favor and not appeal this ruling. Y’all be having them power lunches and shit. You could make it happen if you wanted to. You just don’t give enough fucks about it.”

  Now it was her turn to speak in an icy tone. “No, you are wrong, sir. I don’t operate like that. I do what I do strictly under the federal guidelines. I don’t ask for favors, and neither do any of my colleagues, so wherever you got that from you need to forget about it because nothing like that happens with me. Furthermore, I told you from the start that I would look into your brother’s case and see what I could do, and the truth is there really is nothing that I can do. I hate that I can’t, but that’s how it is, Jerron.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I hear you, but now you gotta hear me, so please listen to me good, ma. You are going to rule in favor of my brother’s relief, and if they appeal or do whatever bullshit you said they’re gonna do, you are going to find a way to make your ruling stand. And that’s that!” Jerron yelled with such attitude that Tammy pulled the phone away from her face and stared at it, shocked at what she had just been told.


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