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Around the Way Girls 11

Page 16

by Treasure Hernandez

  “Ask what you got to ask because I’m sure I don’t know anything about whatever you trying to get on, my nigga,” Jerron said, showing absolutely no fear of the man standing in his home with a gun in his hand.

  “Oh, you know plenty, youngsta. All of this here is because of your shenanigans.”

  “Like I said, whoever gave you your info has played you.”

  Crip Jack looked at his watch, then sighed. “Whatever, cuzzo. Look here, though, I need the tape you have of you and Judge Burdine. Give that up without any issue, and all is good. Try to play me, and you die. After you give up the tape, if I find out you made a copy then I’ll come back at you again, and you will die real slow. Now do you understand why I’m here, li’l nigga?” Crip Jack said in a menacing tone.

  Jerron’s cocky tone changed after he heard what Crip Jack told him. The cockiness was now replaced with fear. That broad sent a killer at me. Well, I’ll be damned, he said to himself. “Look, man, I’ll give up the tape with no problem. And you don’t have to worry about me getting at Tammy again. It’s a wrap. I was just trying to get my big brother out of jail. It’s not like I was asking for money or nothing like that. I really like her, but I figured this move could help my big bro out is all,” Jerron said nervously, which made Crip Jack feel real good.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know the entire get-down, and I don’t give a fuck what the reason is. All I want from you is the fucking tape and your word as a man that it’s a wrap with you ever bringing it up or getting at Judge Burdine ever again for any reason whatsoever. You do that, then we good. If you don’t, you die real slow like I told you. Now that we are clear about why I’m here, get me the tape so I can get the fuck on and you can enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  “My phone is in my pocket. Can I pull it out? That’s where the recording is.”

  “Go on, but if anything other than a phone comes out your pocket, you dead,” Crip Jack said as he raised his gun and aimed it at Jerron.

  Jerron pulled out the phone and keyed in his security code and then said, “Here it is.”

  Crip Jack told him to toss him the phone. Once he had it in his hand, he started the recording and watched the freak show with Jerron, Judge Burdine, and Dynasty. He watched the recording with one eye on the screen and one eye on Jerron. After about ten minutes of the recording, Crip Jack hit the delete button and deleted the video. He then went into the deleted video setting and made sure that the video was deleted there as well.

  He tossed the phone to Jerron and said, “Okay, we good. You make sure that I don’t ever hear about you trying this shit again. I give you my word on Crip if she gets at me again and tells me you still have a copy, I’m going to feel like a fool for not doing you right now, and I don’t take lightly to being made a fool. You feel me?”

  “Yeah, I feel you. I don’t have anything else. That’s it right there, I swear.”

  “You’re lying, but time will tell,” Crip Jack said and started laughing as he turned and headed toward the front door, giving Jerron much relief as he realized that he wasn’t about to die.

  Crip Jack stopped suddenly, turned around, and asked, “Tell me one more thing before I go, cuzzo.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Did you really think that I was going to leave here with you still breathing?”

  Before Jerron could answer, Crip Jack raised his gun and shot Jerron three times: once in the chest and twice in the head. He then stepped to the dead body and shot Jerron three more times because he was disgusted by how he had tried to do Tammy.

  “A woman who has worked her whole life to do right and make it out the hood didn’t deserve to be treating the way you did her, fuck boy. Now you dead and your brother still on lock. Stupid fuck.”

  Crip Jack then proceeded to search Jerron’s home until he found what he was looking for. He sat down at a desk in Jerron’s den and went through all of the surveillance footage and deleted everything that was on there from the time of his arrival to him killing Jerron. He made sure everything was turned off, then calmly got up and left the house as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Once he was back inside the stolen SUV, he picked up his phone and made a call. When the other line was picked up, he said, “You got that nigga yet, cuzzo?”

  “Yeah, I got this bitch nigga. Want me to do him now or wait for you, cuz?”

  “Yeah, hold up for me. I got to take care of that there business. I’ll be back in the city in a couple of hours. Had to come to Dallas to handle something real quick.”

  “No problem, cuz. I’ll be here with this nigga waiting on you,” the man on the other line said and then ended the call.

  Crip Jack was laughing as he turned out of Jerron’s neighborhood headed toward I-35 South. “One down and one more to go.”

  Crip Jack pulled into the driveway of a raggedy-looking house on the northeast side of Oklahoma City. He checked the time on his phone and saw that he made the three-plus-hour drive from Dallas to Oklahoma City in under three hours. He had kept his foot to the floor because he was in a hurry to get this business handled.

  He knocked three times on the front door and waited as his young homeboys inside did their due diligence by making sure that it was a friend, not a foe, knocking on their door. Two minutes later the door was opened, and he was greeted by his homeboy Lowdown.

  “What’s up, cuz? I see you made it back from Texas real fast,” Lowdown said as he stepped aside and let Crip Jack enter the house.

  “Yeah, cuzzo. Had the pedal to the metal. We need to get this shit wrapped up. Where that fool at?” Crip Jack said as he gave a nod to two other Crips who were sitting on the couch in the living room.

  “Got his crying ass in the back room. That’s a fuck boy for real, cuz. When I took his phone, I made him give me the code to unlock it, and that bitch-ass nigga has all types of fuck boy shit in there. He be watching the he-girl fag shit.”


  “You know, transsexual shit. That fool is either gay or bisexual. He even has flicks of him and what looks like females, but when you look closely, you can see they are men for real, cuz.”

  Crip Jack laughed loudly and said, “Damn, cuzzo, my li’l cousin is going to be super salty when I tell her that shit. Make sure you give me that nigga’s phone so I can show her that shit.”

  Crip Jack then went to the back room where Chris was. It was time for him to play his hand to see if he could make a few dollars before he murdered Chris.

  When Chris saw the two Crips enter the room, his heart started beating faster because he hadn’t seen the other Crip before, and he could tell by his demeanor that he was the top Crip. He had his head held high with that cocky gangster swagger. Chris already knew he was a dead man simply because neither of the Crips had chosen to hide their identities. That told him out of the gate that they were going to kill him, and he was terrified. He knew it was useless, but he had to see if there was anything he could do or say to get them to spare his life.

  “Say, brother, I don’t know what this is about, but I can get you money if that’s what you want. Please, anything, just don’t kill me,” Chris pleaded with tears sliding down his face.

  “It’s like this, cuzzo: you fucked up in a lot of ways. But, listen, I might be able to get you outta this shit; but it’s definitely going to come at a price and, honestly, I don’t think you can come up with enough to save yourself.”

  “I can, brother! Just tell me how much you want, and I can get the money from my girl. She will get you whatever you need, I swear!”

  “Are you talking about Debbie? If so, then you’re dead for real for real because she won’t be giving me shit for your ass.” Crip Jack laughed at the shocked and deflated look on Chris’s face. “Yeah, Debbie is outta the country right now waiting on my text to inform her that you are no longer breathing.”

  Shaking his head in confusion, Chris said, “I don’t understand any of what you’re saying. That doesn’t make any sense. Debbie loves me.
She wouldn’t do anything to have me hurt.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, cuzzo. See, Debbie is from Prince Hall; and, though you can take the girl from the hood, you can’t take the hood from the girl. She peeped you was trying to play her for her money to get you out that jam with Cabbage, and she decided it would be better to have your ass deleted from her life permanently. Your game wasn’t as tight as you thought, cuzzo. So now it’s up to me to finish this, or it can be up to you to try to convince me to let you live. If you don’t want to die today, you’ll have to get me at least twenty racks. Who else can you get at, cuzzo?”

  Chris stared at the wall with a look of total shock on his face. He couldn’t believe that Debbie did this to him. His mother told him all his life that if his heart wasn’t pure with love, he would be punished by God; and now here he was about to be murdered all because he tried to trick Debbie out of some money to pay a debt that he should have never had. Greed. Greed had cost him his life.

  Crip Jack sighed at Chris’s silence and knew he wouldn’t be getting any payday from Chris. “Okay, cuzzo, I take it you can’t come up with anyone who can save your ass. I appreciate you not wasting my time by trying to play me, because that would have only made your death that more painful. I’ll do you a solid and make it quick.”

  Crip Jacked turned to Lowdown and said, “Make it quick, cuzzo. One to the head.”

  Without saying a word, Lowdown pulled out his gun, stepped to Chris, and shot him point-blank in his temple. Chris had been so shocked that his brain didn’t have time to register for him to scream.

  Lowdown turned and walked out of the room followed by Crip Jack. Crip Jack pulled out his phone and sent a text to his cousin: Done deal! You make sure you get right at me when you get home. I have something to tell you that you need to know.

  “Good looking, homies. When I get this next sack in from the West, y’all got a blessing coming for this good work.”

  The three Crips nodded and thanked their big homie. Crip Jack then gave them instructions on how to get rid of Chris’s body, and left the house with Chris’s phone in his hand, shaking his head as he looked through his photos of him and several different transsexuals.

  Sad, when men don’t live in their truth. If you’re on some gay shit, then let it be known and do what you do. But to trick females is flat-out fucked up. That nigga deserved to die for that shit, Crip Jack said to himself as he got into his vehicle and sped away. Two murders in less than four hours. What a day.


  Debbie and Tammy’s trip turned out to be exactly what the doctor ordered. They were able to leave all their troubles behind and enjoyed themselves immensely. The levels of freakiness they saw and participated in blew their minds. The self-proclaimed party girls were able to take their sexcapades to a whole new level. They did things that they never thought they’d be able to do, and they even did things they swore they’d never do. Urinating on a man or having a man urinate on them seemed so disgusting to them. Yet, when they were asked to do it on the cruise, it had actually turned them on. They participated in all the orgies they could get to. They did female-only orgies as well as coed orgies. They had never had so many orgasms in their lives.

  By the time the ship docked and they caught an Uber to catch their flight back to Oklahoma City, they were totally spent. They came back to learn that their man troubles had been taken care of.

  The girls were both relieved and extremely grateful that their dilemmas had been taken care of by Crip Jack. Tammy had mixed emotions about the entire ordeal. She was glad to know that her career was no longer on the line and it would remain intact. On the other hand, she was sad that things turned so sour with Jerron and how it ended up costing him his life. Overall, though, she was glad it was all over and she could move on with her life.

  Debbie felt no remorse whatsoever for what happened to Chris. She was happy that she had gotten rid of that bugaboo, pain-in-the-ass prick who thought he could play her. Bye, Chris. Good riddance, nigga. She was interested in hearing what it was that her cousin wanted to speak to her about, though. First chance she got, she called her cousin.

  “What’s up? You need to tell me something?” Debbie asked Crip Jack when he answered the phone.

  “It’s more like I need to show you something. You back?”

  “Yes. I’ll be home in about twenty-five minutes. Can you meet me at my house?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  “’Kay,” she said and ended the call.

  After she dropped off Tammy at her home, she went to her house and saw that her cousin was right on time pulling into her driveway right behind her. She got out of the car, gave him a hug, and let him carry her luggage inside. After pouring some drinks, she said, “I’m going to have to take you on a cruise like I just went on and watch you lose your mind.” She told him about some of their sexual exploits, and Crip Jack couldn’t stop laughing.

  “Oh, you definitely going to have to do that for me and with the fucking quickness. Let a nigga enjoy some freaky shit like that before I leave this world.”

  “Stop that. You ain’t going nowhere, boy, so don’t even speak on shit like that,” she said seriously.

  “You never know. I’ve had God on my side a long time, but this life is a mothafucka. But, anyway, I got that fuck boy Chris’s phone, and there’s some shit I’m positive you wasn’t up on. That nigga was on some foul shit, for real.”

  “For real? What was he up to?”

  Crip Jack gave her Chris’s cell phone and watched as she scrolled through some of the many pictures and videos he had saved of him and several different transsexuals. There were explicit pictures and videos of Chris giving and receiving oral sex to different trannies, as well as Chris being fucked and him doing the fucking.

  When Crip Jack saw tears start to fall from his cousin’s eyes, he took the phone from her and said, “You need to go get yourself checked out, li’l cousin. That nigga was foul and not living in his truth. Now, I don’t give a damn about what type of freaky shit people are into. A man has the right to live his life the way he chooses to, but to hide that type of shit ain’t right.”

  “Fuck that bitch-ass nigga! I’m so glad his ass is dead! I fucking hate him! Burn in hell, bitch nigga, burn in hell!”

  Crip Jack hugged his cousin as she cried her heart out, terrified that she may have some type of disease from having unprotected sex with Chris.

  * * *

  Tammy unpacked as soon as she got home. Once everything was back in its place, she decided to take a long, hot bath. When she finished, she made herself some tea and pulled out a few motions she had to go over for the upcoming workweek.

  Her phone rang with a Dallas area code, and she instantly felt panicky. She was about to send the call to voice mail, but something told her she needed to answer it. “Hello.”

  “Hi, Tennelle, this is Dynasty. Do you remember me?”

  “Now, how could I ever forget you, girl? You gave me a very memorable time in Texas. How are you doing?” Tammy was nervous and shaking but did her best to sound nonchalant over the phone.

  “Not too well.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Everything is going wrong right now,” Dynasty said as she held back tears. “I’m out here in Oklahoma City. Jerron told me once that you live out here. Can we meet somewhere? I really don’t want to talk over the phone.”

  “Well, to be honest, I just got back in town and I’m very tired. Could we meet tomorrow?”

  “No. I’m going back to Dallas tonight. I don’t really want to, but I need to get everything in order for Jerron. I just left his mom’s home. I really need to speak with you.”

  “Get things in order for Jerron? What’s going on with Jerron?” Tammy pretended to act as if she had no idea what was going on.

  “Tennelle, can you meet me? Please, this is important!”

  “I can’t meet you, but you are welcome to come to my house. I’ll text you the addres

  “Thank you. I’ll be there just as soon as I can,” Dynasty said and ended the call.

  Tammy slipped on a pair of jeans and waited for Dynasty to come over. She figured Dynasty was distraught over the news of Jerron’s death. She figured she could have Dynasty over and let the girl get it all out. She would have to put on the best acting job of her life to make sure Dynasty didn’t suspect her of having anything to do with Jerron’s demise. All right, Tammy. Time to put on the waterworks, she said to herself as she went into her living room to wait for Dynasty.

  Twenty minutes later, Dynasty was at her front door. Tammy let her in, and the ladies took a seat in the living room.

  “Do you want anything to drink? I have water and orange juice.” Tammy smiled at Dynasty. “Other than that, I have vodka and Southern Comfort. Unfortunately, I’m all out of wine.”

  “I’m not thirsty. Thank you,” Dynasty politely declined. The girls looked at each other, and an awkward silence filled the room.

  “Okay, now, tell me what has you so terrified, girl,” Tammy said. She made sure to sound concerned.

  “Let’s not play any games, because I don’t have time for them and neither do you,” Dynasty said with attitude and certainty. “Jerron is dead, and I know you know it. I can’t prove that you had something to do with it, so you don’t have to worry about me going to the cops about it.”

  “Look, I don’t know where all of this is coming from but—”

  “You know exactly where all of this is coming from, Tammy, or as some call you, Judge Burdine.” Dynasty crossed her legs and smirked. “Now, here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to pay for Jerron’s funeral expenses, and you’re going to give me twenty thousand dollars cash on top of that.”

  “And what makes you think I’m just going to pay for that nigga’s burial and just give you my hard-earned money? Like you said, you have no way of proving anything,” Tammy said calmly. Inside, her blood was boiling. She couldn’t believe she had fallen for the girl’s trick. Just twenty minutes ago she sounded like a sad woman over the phone, and now here she was sitting in her living room, trying to extort her for money.


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