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Personal Best

Page 18

by Sean Michael

  “Love you, Coach. Honest.”

  He purred, hugged Mike tight. “I know. I know.”

  Mike stretched, sliding on his prick. “Good.”

  His cock throbbed, thought about staying hard and maybe getting harder again.

  “I put the toys into the bedside table drawer. You think you can reach the collar and the clamps?” He wanted to play, but he sure as hell didn’t want to slide out of Mike.

  He reached out one of those long, long arms and dug in the drawer. Each stretch squeezed him.

  He shuddered and whimpered. “Christ, baby. I’m not even going to get soft here at all.”

  “Is that bad?” He got another squeeze.

  His chuckle turned into another moan, finding Mike’s hips with his hands and holding on. “No. No, it isn’t.” Except maybe he was too old for this.

  “Oh, good.” Mike laughed and he felt it, all around him.

  He closed his eyes and held on, feeling Mike’s body, enjoying the heat and wonder of it. “Love you, baby.”

  The toys were put on the bed, Mike rocking beneath him. Humming, he picked up the collar, slid it over Mike’s skin, and slowly pulled it up into place around Mike’s neck.

  “Oh….” Mike swallowed, flushed, suddenly hot beneath him.

  He moaned softly. “You do like the collar, don’t you?”

  “Uh-huh… Is that okay? You don’t mind?”

  “Shit, if I minded I wouldn’t have bought it for you. I wouldn’t have started doing it in the first place.” He kissed the back of Mike’s neck, then nuzzled the warm skin there. “And not only don’t I mind, it turns me on big-time, doing it to you.”

  “Oh. Oh, good.” Mike relaxed some, rubbing and rocking again.

  Purring again, he fastened the collar, made it snug. Mike’s body tightened around his, started milking him nice and easy.

  “Baby…. Oh.” He fumbled for the clamps, wanting to get them on before he was totally and entirely distracted and unable to think.

  “Want to turn over. Want to see you.”

  “Yeah, okay.” With a groan, he pulled out of Mike’s body. Oh, he wanted back in that tight heat, wanting to feel Mike all around him again.

  Mike turned, spread for him, reaching for his shoulders. Settling back between Mike’s thighs, he pushed back into that perfect heat, moaning out his pleasure.

  “Oh. Oh, good.” Mike’s eyes closed, sliding his tongue over his lips.

  “Christ, it’s not good; it’s the best.” Bending, he followed the path Mike’s tongue had taken, licking the kiss-swollen lips.

  “Uh-huh….” Mike arched, moaned low, lips parting for him.

  Moaning himself, Jessy turned the teasing touches into a real kiss, taking Mike’s mouth, pushing his tongue in deep. Mike moaned, arching, rubbing beneath him.

  He reached for the clamps again, breaking their kiss so he could put the first one on Mike’s nipple.

  “Oh. Oh. Jess. I. Oh.”

  “Yeah?” He chuckled and bent to lick around the clamp.

  Mike whimpered, bucking, rubbing beneath him. “So big.”

  He chuckled, thrusting once. “Thank you.”

  Mike looked confused for a second, then laughed.

  He moaned as that tightened Mike around his cock again, bent to kiss Mike, taking that mouth hard. Mike landed his hands on Jessy’s shoulders, squeezing tight, riding him. He moaned into Mike’s mouth, moving faster, thrusting harder.

  He got a hold of the leather tie and tugged it a little to tighten the collar. Mike’s eyes went wide, hot, needy, a purr pushed into his lips. Christ, that was something else, the way Mike lit up like a Christmas tree whenever he did this.

  He tightened it a bit more, forcing Mike to start fighting for breaths. Mike’s ass was so tight, motions of those hips speeding.

  “Sexy. Something else.” He gasped the words out, speeding his own movements to match Mike’s, the two of them working to make it good.

  Their bodies slapped together, Mike bucking furiously. He tightened the collar, speeding his hips as he watched Mike gasp for breath. Mike’s eyes rolled, cheeks flushed.

  Harder and harder, he fucked Mike, watching his baby’s face, so fucking turned on his balls ached. Mike reached up, grabbed the headboard, eyes fastened on him.

  He moaned and tightened the collar a bit more. “Love you, baby.”

  Mike’s lips moved, shaping his name, muscles shaking. He nodded and wrapped his hand around Mike’s cock, tugging as he fucked his baby hard.

  Heat sprayed over his fingers, wet and slick, Mike’s ass clenching tight. He cried out, hips jerking convulsively as he came hard, Mike’s orgasm dragging out his own.

  He collapsed onto Mike, fumbling with the release on the collar. Mike slumped, wrapping his arms around Jessy.

  Jessy licked at Mike’s face, nuzzling where the collar met Mike’s neck. His baby tasted good with a hint of leather.

  “Love.” The word was soft, whispered.


  He nodded, sliding his fingers along Mike’s body to the nipple clamps. “You want these off yet?”

  “Mmm…. Yeah. Burns when you take them off.”

  “That’s a good thing, yeah?” He slid down Mike’s body a bit, teasing the swollen flesh around the clamps with his tongue.

  “Jessy….” Mike arched, purring, moaning.

  He chuckled and then took one off. “Yeah?”

  “Oh. Oh. Oh, fuck. Burns.”

  He licked Mike’s flesh, pulling the other clamp off. Mike’s body jerked, working his cock again. He groaned, shaking his head. “No way. I can’t.”

  “Not doing it on purpose.”

  He chuckled and kissed Mike hard. “God, I love you.”

  “Oh, good.” Mike stroked his face, his cheeks.

  He slid out of Mike before his sexy swimmer tried to get him hard again. He pushed up, searching the side-table drawer for the plug. Mike moaned, gaze following his hand.

  He smiled at Mike, pulling out the silver plug. “You should suck on it. Warm it up.” He pressed the tip to Mike’s mouth.

  Mike parted his lips, eyes going wide and dark. Jessy moaned as he fed the plug into Mike’s mouth. Shit, that was the sexiest thing he’d seen. Mike groaned, sucking, shifting his hips beneath Jessy in time.

  “Christ, I’ve never seen anything as sexy as you.” It wasn’t flattery either, simply plain truth.

  Mike’s eyes closed, a low moan muffled around the plug. Whimpering, he bent to lick at Mike’s nipples, the skin still dark red, flushed with blood and hot beneath his tongue. Mike arched, making some of the most amazing noises.

  He fucked Mike’s mouth with the plug, licking and sucking at those sensitive nipples all the while. Mike’s cock filled, going hot and hard against his belly. He finally pulled the plug from Mike’s mouth and slid it down along his skin. Jessy rubbed it against Mike’s cock, against his balls.

  “Oh. Oh, fuck. Jess. You. You make me burn.”

  “Yeah? I want to make you forget about everything else in the world but this. Us.”

  He nudged the plug against Mike’s ass. “How’m I doing?”

  “G… good. Good. Oh. Good. Need.”

  “I know.”

  He pushed a little, letting Mike’s body take in the plug, swallow it up until that tight ring of muscles closed around the base. He jostled it, for good measure.

  “Uhn….” Jessy could see Mike’s muscles tense, see him jerk.

  “Christ, you’re amazing.” He settled in, curled around his baby, nuzzling the collar again as he pulled up the covers.

  Mike whimpered, pushing close.

  “Rest awhile. We’ll keep playing later.”

  Mike shivered, nodded, rubbed against him. He kissed Mike softly and held him close, touching lightly.

  It took a while, but Mike relaxed, leaned into him, breath easing.

  “That’s it,” he murmured, kissing Mike’s forehead. “Just rest, love.”

  He could
feel Mike’s heartbeat, steady against his skin, Mike settled and quiet. Happy. His.

  Smiling, happy, he closed his own eyes and rested.

  Chapter Thirteen

  HE TURNED the music up loud, focus on the water, the beat fast and hard. His first meet in months. Fuck. His first final. His first real swim after the Big Mess.

  What if he fucked up? What if he didn’t? He really wanted pizza. He was really queasy. Man, he was ready for the race to start.

  Warm, solid hands landed on his shoulder, Coach’s voice low and gravelly against his ear. “The wall.”

  “Right. Yeah. I am. Sorta. The wall.” Right. Big concrete thing around the pool. Got it.

  Coach started massaging. “Come on, Mike. You know how to do this. Focus.”

  “I do.” Mike nodded, eyes closing, nothing but Coach’s touch and the music and the wall. He could almost feel the water.

  “That’s it.” Coach’s voice was almost a part of him, a part of the water. “This race is yours, so you don’t even need to think about anything but the wall. Just go for the wall.”

  He listened to that voice, hearing it echo inside him. Yeah. Yeah, Coach. He heard.

  Coach stayed right there with him, a solid, quiet presence behind him, until they called his race. “The wall.” They were Coach’s last words. They always were.

  He handed over his CD player, his jacket. He had the fifth lane, was between two incredibly strong swimmers. Life was good. The buzzer sounded and he was off, the water pouring through him, Jessy’s voice urging him to the wall.

  One turn, two.

  By the third turn, the other swimmers were gone. All he could hear was Jessy. “The wall. The wall.”

  When he hit the wall and came up, there was a roaring in his ears, but he did what he always did, searched out Coach’s face.

  Oh. Oh, Jessy was shouting, yelling, or screaming, he wasn’t sure and he couldn’t make out the words, but Jessy was happy. Maybe even ecstatic.

  He shook the water out of his eyes, blinking at the scoreboard, looking for his name.

  There it was right at the top, the letters WR right next to his time.

  Mike blinked.


  Then he looked over at his coach, needing to know this was real.

  He got the thumbs-up from Coach. Two of them. Coach looked like he was about to burst. Then, like it was in slow motion, Coach Samuels was clapping Jessy on the back, giving him a hug. He got out of the pool, the UT team swarming around him, congratulating him, slapping his back.


  Coach gave them a few moments before wading in and giving him a bear hug, lifting him off his feet. “I knew you could do it.”

  “We won.” He met Jessy’s eyes, heart pounding furiously. “We broke the record.”

  “You did. I am so damned proud of you I might bust.” He was given another bear hug, and Jessy laughed.

  He nodded, the reality starting to sink in. “I. Wow, Coach. Wow.”

  Jessy laughed and hugged him again. “Yeah. Wow.”

  The other swimmers all came over to congratulate him, with Brad, the favorite of the day who’d wound up with second, giving him a hug. “That rocked, man. You were flying.”

  “Thanks.” He nodded. “It’s cool what the right coach can do for you.”

  Brad nodded. “I’ve heard yours is a real hardass, but it sure got you results.”

  “He’s got what I need.”

  “I swam a personal best today, and you still blew me out of the water.” Brad was grinning, though, obviously no hard feelings toward him. “I’ll see you at the medal ceremony.”

  “Great race, Brad,” Jessy called out as Brad turned to go.

  “Thanks, Coach.”

  He turned to Jessy, shrugging on his jacket. “I get pizza.” It wasn’t a question.

  Jessy laughed. “Hell, I’m tempted to let you have a Dr Pepper to go along with it.”

  “Oh, hell, yes!” He hugged Jessy again as they headed to pick up their stuff.

  “I said tempted; I didn’t say I was giving in to temptation.” Jessy winked at him. “You want to stay for the mini ceremony or wait and pick up your medal at the closing ceremonies along with the rest of the ones you win?”

  “Let’s wait. I hate those things.”

  “Okay. You realize you don’t get your pizza until after all your races, right?” Jessy gave him a grin. “You still need to focus on that wall.”

  “Yeah, I know. I still want some food and a hot shower.” He gave Jessy a hopeful. “And a massage?”

  Coach nodded. “I think a massage can be arranged.”

  “Oh. Oh, cool.” He looked over, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I broke a world record.”

  “Yep. And at an official meet. That’s going to go in the books alongside your name. The first of many.”

  He met Jessy’s eyes, a little wigged. “I don’t believe it. I just can’t.”

  Coach smiled gently, stroking his cheek and then going to squeeze his shoulder. “Mike. You don’t have to believe it. All you have to do is get in the water again tomorrow and go for the wall.”

  “Oh. Okay. I can do that.” He bounced. “I can so do that.”

  Jessy’s arm came around his shoulders, his coach walking in step with him. “I know you can.”

  They headed for the car, sort of leaning together.

  Together. Yeah. Him and Jessy, his coach, his lover. His.

  Now that was a personal best.

  Exclusive Excerpt

  Personal Best 2

  By Sean Michael

  Personal Best: Book Two

  Swimmer Mike Gauliet is moving up in the elite ranks of the American swim team, despite his repetitive stress injuries. He’s hiding his pain from coach Jessy Turner, not wanting to give in to it or let his coach and lover down, and by the time he gets treatment, it’s almost too late.

  Jessy helps Mike heal, both in an out of the bedroom, and their need for each other grows as quickly as Mike’s career. They’re scorching hot and ready to go to the top competitions when another injury forces Mike to the sidelines. Jessy thinks this one is no accident, and Mike has to work hard to recover the lost ground.

  Mike needs a break from the nonstop stress of training, and they move to the coast so Mike can recuperate once again. But their struggles don’t end with getting him back in competition form, and they can’t truly call it a victory unless they can find the balance between their romantic relationship and Mike grabbing the success he’s earned.

  Coming Soon to

  Chapter One

  JACKET AROUND his shoulders, Mike turned up his music, Trent Reznor screaming in his headphones. He kept his eyes closed, lost himself in his music, in the beat and in the growl of the guitars.

  Nothing mattered right now.

  Not the meet.

  Not the crowd.

  Not the heat or the water or the competition.

  It was just him and music and being loose, being ready, being relaxed, just like Coach had taught him. Breathing and music, and that was it.

  Large, warm hands landed on his shoulders, massaging.

  Mike leaned his head forward. Four races this morning, and his times were good. Better than good, maybe. Better enough that people were starting to notice, starting to talk.

  “Stop thinking, Mike.” The low growl penetrated the music.

  “Huh?” God, how did the man know? “Sorry, Coach.”

  “Just forget about the big picture, kid. Stay in your body. Stay in the water and swim your race. Everything else’ll still be there when you hit that wall.”

  He nodded. That’s right. Him and the water and the wall. That was it.

  “That’s it. Nice and loose.” Coach’s hands worked their magic, making sure there wasn’t an ounce of tension in him.

  The bell rang and he stood, stripped off his jacket and baggy shorts, handing his CD player back without looking. He was in lane f
our, his favorite lane. “Going to win all four, Coach, and you’re taking me for steak.”

  “The wall, kid. Focus on the wall.”

  “You know it.” He looked back at his coach, nodded. The man was a hardass, but what he wouldn’t give for the growly son of a bitch. “I’m up.”

  Mike settled his goggles and stepped onto the starting block. Four hundred meter freestyle. Let’s go.

  The buzzer sounded and he was off, slicing through the water, focusing on the wall.

  JESSY WATCHED Mike eating, hiding his grin. The kid had done good, won all four of his races, and was working on a twenty-ounce porterhouse.

  He didn’t want the kid to get too cocky, though; they were close, moving up in the ranks on the national team, and if things kept up this way, the Worlds and then the Olympics were theirs. He’d known. The minute he’d seen Mike swim, he’d known. He had a knack for that kind of thing.

  “Man, Coach. This is going to put thirty pounds on me. Maybe forty.” Dark brown eyes twinkled over at him, almost the same color as the roots of that bleached hair.

  Jessy snorted. “I’ll make you work them off.”

  He got a laugh, Mike sticking his tongue out at him. “Bastard.”

  “That’s my job.”

  He winked at Mike and waved the waiter over. “I’d like the cheesecake, please. And a cup of coffee.”

  “Oooh…. Do I get a Coke, Coach?” Mike was fighting the no-caffeine regimen for all he was worth.

  “Nope. The deal was a steak. That’s what you’ve got. The biggest one they serve.” God, the kid amused him. Among other things.

  “Damn it.” Mike dug into the steak, but Jessy could see the wheels turning. Mike kept him on his toes. Two years they’d been working together, the kid pushing, him pushing back. It was maybe a little unconventional, but it worked for them.

  He leaned back, smiling as his cheesecake and coffee were put in front of him. “Thanks.” He took a bite. Damn, that was good. “If you promise to be good, I’ll let you have a bite.”

  “Define good.”


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