Book Read Free

Las Vegas

Page 3

by Sheila Horgan

  Anna glanced at her printout. “I don’t know any details of the crime scene thing. I have no experience with it, but it gets good reviews. I figured I’d find out if you had any interest at all before I did more research.”

  Adeline handed Anna a pen. “We’ll mark that one as a possibility.”

  “From what I could find on the Internet, we can rent a car and drive to Hoover Dam. The information I found indicates that it takes just over an hour. We could take a couple of tours and then drive back. I believe you have to sign up for the tour and they only let so many people through at a time. First come, first served, so we’d probably want to get there pretty early. We could do the tours, have a meal, and then head back. Maybe rest a bit, depending on how we feel, and then do a show in the evening?”

  Adeline pointed toward the list. “That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day.”

  Anna made a note. “Well, like we agreed, we’ll play it by ear. I have all these things bookmarked on my phone, and I’ve printed out all the necessary information and have it sorted in a number of different ways. Best time of day. Proximity to the strip. Proximity to other attractions. Energy required. Rental car required and a number of other criteria.”

  Adeline looked chagrinned. “All that work, I’m sorry you had to do all that.”

  Anna glowed. “I love this kind of stuff. I should probably become a travel agent, although I’m not sure anyone uses them anymore.”

  Carolyn touched her hand. “Sure they do, and it isn’t as if you want to support yourself. It would be for the pleasure of it.”

  Anna pointed to the brochures. “And the discounts.”

  Adeline studied the brochure. “If they still exist, my guess is that they would cater to more mature people. I would not know where to start to plan a trip like this. To be quite blunt, I have no desire to learn. If I could pay for someone else to have that headache, I’d be happy to do it. I’m sure there are many people in my position. I do not care to learn everything I would need to know about running a computer and such just to enjoy my vacation. In days past, you simply hired a professional for these duties. It wasn’t necessary to learn all the intricacies for every simple function.”

  There was a tinge of wonder in Anna’s voice. “Haven’t things changed in our lifetime? Every once in a while it catches me off guard just how much things have changed.”

  Carolyn smiled. “I was walking down the street the other day and saw a very pregnant young woman. She was wearing a little top and a skirt riding low with the majority of her belly out in the open for the world to see. I remember my mother-in-law snapping at me because I dared to sit on the porch when I was pregnant with my son. She said the world did not want to see me in a family way. She insisted that I belonged in the house.”

  Adeline shook her head. “I remember maternity wear being modeled in the fifties on women that were not pregnant because having a pregnant woman model clothing would be unseemly.”

  Anna shook her head. “Now they have young men modeling young women’s clothing and little tiny girls buying padded bras.”

  “Obviously not all change has been for the better. We’ve lost so much along the way.” Adeline’s aura became slightly haughty. “Privacy. Decorum.”

  Carolyn smiled. “I’m not concerned. Things will find their way back. They always do. With luck, I’ll see dignity again in my lifetime. I have hope that my grandchildren will see the mistakes that my children made and provide a better life for their own children.”


  “GRAN, ARE YOU sure you don’t want me to pick you up?”

  Carolyn tried to keep the frustration out of her voice. “Suzi, I’ll be fine. You really need to stop worrying about me so much.”

  “Well, you can’t really blame me.”

  “I had a hard time when your grandfather died. I think that is a lovely statement about what we shared. I still miss him every day, but I’ve decided to move on with my life. I can’t very well sit and wait to die. I’ve got a lot of living left to do.”

  “You don’t know how much it means to me to hear you say that.”

  “I’m glad. Now, I’ll be there on time. Don’t you and Barry be late! I have an appointment in the area when we’re done.”

  “A doctor appointment?”

  “Don’t be silly. I have an appointment at the spa. I’m having a facial, mani-pedi, my eyebrows shaped. As we speak, they are warming a mind-boggling amount of wax. Would you like to hear about the details?”

  “I can imagine.”

  “Can you? Well then, good. I won’t bore you with the details. See you in a little bit.”

  Anna was already at Carolyn’s condo. It had been listed as a loft, but the only nod to being a loft was that the ducting was exposed. One more thing to dust. There was also a bit of brick. The floors were a Brazilian hardwood. The counters granite. The bedrooms had beige Berber carpet. Even Carolyn had to admit the surroundings, while beautiful, were a bit bland. She liked her modern furniture, mostly because it was a leather recreation of what she had back in the fifties. The view was good. Even in this market the condo had held its value, there was enough room for the occasional guest or two, and the whole condo wasn’t too much to handle. All in all she’d made an excellent decision when she’d purchased it.

  The roads between Anna’s house and Carolyn’s condo were now second nature to both of them. With Adeline staying at the condo until they returned from their vacation it seemed to be the most logical meeting spot.

  Anna and Adeline were going to have breakfast at Barbara’s Brownies and Baked Goods — just down the street from the spa — while Carolyn had breakfast with her granddaughter Suzi. Adeline was in the mood for a ham croissant, and Anna had her heart set on a chocolate éclair.

  Carolyn put her phone in her purse and joined them in the living room. “I’m off to meet my granddaughter. I will meet you at Spa Berman’s at ten.”

  Anna smiled. “I’ve booked us each a massage along with everything else, so we should be ready for anything when we get on that plane tomorrow. Are you packed?”

  “I am. I even brought that bathing suit you insisted I purchase, although I’m quite sure I will never put it on.”

  Anna smiled. “That’s okay. It doesn’t take up much space.”

  “Precisely the problem.”

  The women laughed as they headed out the door.

  “Gran! You look great.”

  “Thank you, dear.”

  “No, I mean you really look great. I haven’t seen you look this great since that big anniversary party Mom and Dad had. The one when Dad got drunk and Mom got mad and you and Grandpa started a conga line — or was it the chicken dance? — to keep the whole thing from imploding.”

  “Chicken dance?”

  “I guess it was a conga line.”

  “Anything in a pinch, dear. Shall we get a table? There’s one right there for three.”

  “Oh, I thought we might want to sit by the window. In a booth.”

  “I’m sure that would be better. Oh, look, there’s your brother. What a coincidence.”

  Suzi waved at A.J. like a mad woman.

  “Should I ask him to join us?”

  “Please.” Carolyn was almost successful in hiding her smile.

  The server escorted them to a booth once A.J. arrived.

  They were looking at their menus when Carolyn said, “Suzi, I couldn’t be happier that you and Barry are moving back to town. I’ve missed you both.”

  Barry blurted out, “We’re having a baby.”

  As the wind escaped his sister, A.J. gave her an encouraging smile.

  Carolyn jumped to her feet and gave each of them a hug. “You will be a wonderful mother, Suzi. Barry, congratulations. Congratulations, Uncle A.J.”

  The news out, they ate quickly. The celebration had taken a different tone when Barry blurted the news; most of the joy had effectively been skimmed from the celebration, and all that was left was a mixture of a
nnoyance and defeat. Feelings rare in Carolyn’s life. The two men excused themselves as soon as their plates were cleared and headed off to work.

  “So, tell me, Suzi, what’s really going on?”


  “It’s not my place to intrude, but I’ve the feeling the bloom is off the rose.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that you and Barry do not appear to be at all happy.”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. We’re just trying to get moved, and he has all this pressure at work because of the transition. I don’t think that this area was actually his first choice.”

  “Well, I certainly hope you didn’t come back on my account. You don’t need to worry about me or, worse, feel that you have to take care of me.”

  “I wish I could lie and say that we came because of you, Gran. You’ve always taken care of me and A.J. But that isn’t what happened. Barry made the final decision. We came here because he decided it was the best place for advancement. He wants to be on the fast track, and he thinks his best chance is here.”

  “I’m happy to hear it, but, Suze, what’s really going on?”

  “Well, it’s been stressful. He works all the time. We never see each other.”

  “My dear, you must have seen each other at least once in the last few weeks.” Carolyn winked at her granddaughter.

  “Gran! I can’t believe you said that.”

  Suzi’s deep red blush made Carolyn laugh all the harder.

  “Suze, you know that if you ever need anything, anything at all, you can come to me.”

  “Of course. Gran, don’t worry. We’re fine. Every marriage has a rough spot now and then.”

  “That’s true, but it’s a little soon. Your marriage is still measured in weeks or months, not years. You have a good attitude. Most young people run at the first bump in the road. The world is full of disposable everything. Still. If you need me.”

  “It’s fine. I’m fine. We’re fine. And we’re having a baby.” Suzi beamed. “Your first great-grandchild.”

  “Have you told your parents yet?”

  “Before telling you? Never.”

  “Well, I’m sure they will be thrilled.”

  “I’m sure they will want to be called Aunt Deena and Uncle Charlie. Mom will swear she isn’t old enough to be a grandmother. It will be one of those stupid Glam’ma stories you hear about.”

  “Dear, if your mother is such a fool that she cannot enjoy the gift of a grandchild, then it is her loss. I will tell you truly, my grandchildren are the very best thing that has ever happened to me, with the possible exception of your grandfather. I’ve enjoyed every moment of being your grandmother, and I can’t imagine what a pleasure it will be to enjoy your child. I can’t begin to communicate just how excited I am.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad somebody besides me is excited.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Oh, nothing. I just don’t think Mom will be excited.”

  “Well, I’m sure that Barry is over the moon. Cara will be beside herself. I’m sure your brother has never been happier.”

  “A.J. and Cara have been so sweet. I’m thinking about having them stand up for the baby in church.”

  “That sounds like a lovely idea.”

  “Gran, I’ve gotta go. I have a million things to do today. Did I tell you? I think I got my old job back.”

  “Are you sure you want to work for that man again? He was somewhat inconsistent.”

  “It’ll only be a few months before I’m on maternity leave, and who else would hire a pregnant woman? I plan to waddle as soon as possible.”

  It was good to hear Suzi laugh.

  “If there’s anything at all you need, you call me. I’ve filled the pantry and fridge for your stay at the condo. By the time we get back from Hawaii, Adeline will be moving into her rental place. You and Barry are welcome to stay at the condo for just as long as you please.”

  “Thanks, Gran. Barry is insistent on finding a house. A big one. I’m not sure this is the best time to be buying property. How do we even know we will be here for more than a few months? We thought we were going to be in the last place for years, and we’re already here. It’s not like Barry is settled in his job. Shouldn’t we at least wait long enough to see if he likes his new position? If Barry doesn’t like it, doesn’t matter what it is, he isn’t going to stick around.” Suzi took a deep breath and shook her head just a little. “But once Barry makes up his mind, there’s not a lot anyone can do to change it.”

  “I’m sure the two of you know best, you’ll work it out, but the offer stands.”

  “Thanks, Gran. I’ll call you tonight.”

  “I’ll look forward to it. The car is picking us up early in the morning, and we’ll be back on the twenty-seventh. We have a layover in Las Vegas, just a couple of days, but we’re looking forward to seeing some of the shows and maybe a trip out to Hoover Dam. Suze, had I known you would be back in town such a short time I would have made other arrangements.”

  “Don’t be silly, Gran. You go. Have a great time. We’ll get together when you get back. You can help me find a house.”

  A quick hug, and they parted ways.

  Carolyn drove past Barbara’s Brownies to make sure Anna’s car was not in the lot. She had anticipated a longer celebration. Now that she thought about it, breakfast couldn’t really be considered a celebration at all. Barry saw to that. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be one of those childish, insecure males that can’t relinquish a bit of Suzi’s attention and becomes jealous of an innocent child. She felt guilty about her negative feelings about Barry. She’d once felt he was a godsend, but lately there was something dark about him, and she just couldn’t put her finger on it.

  Not seeing the car in the bakery lot, she took the most direct route to the spa, hitting every green light on the way. Some days life gets better as the minutes tick by.

  She found the girls in the foyer of the spa, accepting goblets of orange juice from a pretty brunette.

  “I was right. I’m going to be a great-grandmother.”

  The girls said all the right words. The pretty brunette gave the politically correct response: “You? A great-grandmother? I just don’t see it.”

  The girls passed a knowing look.

  The brunette caught it. “I know that’s what I’m supposed to say, but I actually mean it. Look at you. You’re gorgeous. You have beautiful skin. Your eyes are bright. Your hair is healthy, although it could use a good conditioning to bring the shine level up some and a few low lights would frame your face and boost your eye color. You have a beautiful smile — we have a teeth-whitening service that would take five years off your look — but you could turn around and walk right out of here just the way you are and ask anyone passing on the street, and they wouldn’t believe for a minute that you’re going to be a great-grandmother.”

  Carolyn laughed. “Sold! Do you have time for those treatments?”

  Anna shook her head. “Don’t you want your teeth bleached by a dentist?”

  The brunette jumped in, “Oh, we don’t bleach teeth. We whiten them. There are no bleaching agents in our system at all. It is one hundred percent natural. There’s no pain. There’s no sensitivity. It not only cleans your teeth and whitens them, but it keeps them white longer. It actually protects your teeth. Takes off the stain, coats the teeth, and even gives you fresh breath. We give you a three-piece kit to maintain your beautiful smile once you’ve left the spa.”

  The girls exchanged a look.

  Undeterred the brunette continued, “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t I have one of our consultants meet with each of you right now? He or she can create a treatment program that will address all of your needs. Then you can decide which, if any, of the treatments you want today and which treatments you’ll come back for.”

  Anna quizzed. “Come back for?”

  “Well, I see here that you have come in for a full leg wax. Wouldn’t it be better to have l
aser hair removal done, and then you wouldn’t have to wax anymore?”

  Caroline took her turn with questions. “So, if I get laser hair removal, the hair is gone, and I never have to wax or shave again?”

  “Unfortunately, that’s not the case. What it will do is reduce the number of hairs that grow. For most of our clients, that is about an eighty percent reduction. Some of our clients have repeated programs and eventually have a virtually hair-free surface. Oh, and I should mention that the process is not single visit. It takes repeated visits to destroy the hair in all of its growing phases.”

  Anna asked, “Will that work on my skin?”

  “The best outcome is for someone with light skin and dark hair. As the hair gets lighter or the skin gets darker, the outcome is less ideal.”

  Anna smiled. “Then I think I’ll skip that one. Thank you for your honesty”

  The brunette smiled. “Oh, we want the best outcome for each of our clients. If we don’t think that a treatment is optimal for you, we will give you our honest opinion and let you decide. Our goal is to create a relationship with you that will have you come back time after time and, equally important, for you to become an ambassador by your appearance and by your opinion of your experiences here.”

  Adeline winked. “You have my business. I don’t know how long you have been working here, but I hope the owner knows just what a valuable asset you are.”

  The brunette smiled. “Oh, she knows. I’m the owner.”

  Anna laughed. “Either I’m getting older, or young people are just looking younger every day.”

  The brunette laughed, squeezing Anna’s arm. “It’s us. Actually, for me it’s mostly genes. My mom gets asked all the time if she’s my sister, and people are not just being kind. I really want to use Mom in a commercial — she’s beautiful and ageless — but that would just be wrong. Although she really enjoys all of our treatments, she would be just as stunning without any of them. But let’s stay focused on you.”


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