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The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too

Page 16

by Daniel Harris

  We went to my small room and Alba was crying softly. I went to her and held her. “You’re going to miss her terribly too, aren’t you my love?” She just nodded and clung to me. I said, “My timing here might be terrible, and I know that you aren’t a fan of jewelry, but would you mind wearing this ring as a symbol of our love and relationship?” I slipped a diamond ring on her finger and gently sized it.

  She held her hand up, looked and it and whispered “thank you, David. You know I love you, probably longer than anyone else here. I was the one flirting in Rosenwood if you remember.”

  I grinned, “Alba, even hurting you can still be ornery. That’s what I love about you.”

  Alba said, “So what do we do now to get these painful feelings out of our minds?

  I said, “I guess I should tell you, we may be going to war with your father. He told me that he was sending a couple of rich Lords to pick up to a half dozen of my wizards to be consorts. They were to go with them if they wanted to or not. I told your father that they could take them over my dead body. He then kicked me out of the throne room. Will that information help take your mind off things?”

  Alba threw her arms around me and gave me a kiss that made me dizzy. She drew away and said, “That is why we all love you. You’ll stand up for us even if it’s insane! I bet daddy isn’t thrilled, which thrills me to no end! Have you told Isa and Chloe yet?” I shook my head. “Then I get to do it! They’ll love the sheer insanity of it too!”

  I followed Alba to my living room where quiet a few people had gathered. I stood out of the way while Alba recounted my story of going to the king. There were looks of horror, awe and admiration on the faces of those present. Isa signaled me from across the room to meet on our bedroom. I walked in and presented her with a diamond ring, sized it and adjusted the size of her ruby ring for a more perfect fit. She then told me that I’d distracted her enough.

  “Is it true what Alba was saying? Did you get banished from Rosenwood?” she asked.

  “Yes, my love. I did get banished and I did tell your father that I wouldn’t obey his order to turn over up to six of the trainees as consorts. I won’t deny what I did and I am not sorry for it.” I said.

  “Do you know how many men my father could marshal against us?” she asked in a frightened voice.

  I answered sadly, “I would hate to have to kill all those men, but I won’t let him take them away. That would be to close to me allowing slavery to happen without taking a stand. It makes me ill to know that I could slay ten thousand men with a thought, and I hope he doesn’t force my hand.”

  Isa looked pale with a tremor in her voice she said, “You’re talking about your master magic again aren’t you. You know how much that frightens me.”

  “My love, the magic shouldn’t frighten you but how it could be used. If I were an immoral man it should scare you very badly. But I’m David, the kind, softie that you love.” I said soothingly.

  “I don’t want those men to die at my fathers command, but I don’t blame you for saying no. I didn’t like being forced into marriage, luckily it turned out well. I say we fight if we have to, but only if we have to.” she said softly.

  I smiled, “I agree, and perhaps if we put on a show of force, sparks over their heads and stun spells that might cut morale. I’m going to put domes over both Valeview and Wizard’s to prevent arrows or other projectile weapons and girls on the walls to stun anyone getting close. Would that work to make you feel better about a bad situation?”

  She hugged me as said, “Yes my husband. I’ll leave it in your capable hands.”

  I whispered in her ear, “May I sleep with my wife tonight?”

  She grinned and whispered back, “I’m not sure about the sleeping, but you most definitely may come to my bed tonight!”


  I woke with a sense of excitement and dread. This was the fifth day since I’d had my falling out with the king and if troops were on the way they should get here today. I had told Lord Pariset of Valeview Castle what was going on and he swore to stand by me. He had been living with us or as a neighbor for well over a year now and had seen more magic than almost everyone in the kingdom put together. I placed a dome over both castles that would stop projectile weapons and reveal magical invisibility, just in case Melodie decided to use this distraction to create mischief. I had gone over a shield drill with every one of my girls so they would always be shielded. They were told that, if combat occurred, they were to stun and not kill unless it looked like the walls were going to be breached, and then they were to use whatever force necessary to prevent it. If the Lords arrived and just wanted to see the innovations we had at Wizard’s Castle they were welcome to look around. If they laid a hand on a girl in an improper manner, the girl that was touched was to simply stun him. I’d be there to take care of any reprisal that might be attempted.

  Everything was covered, or so I hoped. I was in my living room holding James when I heard the bell and squeaking portcullis from Valeview. I handed James to Alice and asked her to stay out of any fighting. She smiled sweetly letting me know that she’d do exactly as she pleased. And I was in the courtyard of Valeview.

  I went to the guardhouse and asked what was going on. I was told that there was a force of fifty men outside the gate. They said that Pariset had been notified and was on his way. Pariset came to the gate and called out to the men asking what they wanted. I heard someone say that they had escorted two Lords to see the Wizard’s Castle and the water workings in that had been placed inside. Pariset told them that the wizards castle was south down the road behind them. I heard them thank Pariset and horses moving back to the west. I nodded to Pariset when he came through and I was in the courtyard of Wizard’s Castle, waiting for them to show up. I went through the guard gate when I heard the horses, shielded of course, and was asked if this was the Wizard’s Castle. I said that it was and if they were the Lords that were wanting a tour, they were more than welcome.

  Two men dismounted and came forward on foot, followed by four guardsmen. I didn’t offer to open my gate to let the rest of the troop inside. The men introduced themselves as Lord Rostand and Lord Tassin.

  Lord Rostand asked, “Did the king inform you that we were coming?”

  I answered, “Yes sir, he did. He said that you were interested in some of the water works that I’d added on to my keep and dorm. I would be happy to give you a tour and show you how it works.”

  Lord Tassin spoke up, “Did the king tell you how many consorts that we would be taking today?”

  I smiled, “The king told me how many consorts you said that you wanted to take. I informed him that you wouldn’t be taking any.”

  Lord Tassin went red, “What do you mean we won’t be taking any? The king said that we could take two or three apiece! The king said it and that’s the way it will be.”

  I shook my head, “There you are mistaken. Not a single girl in my care will be leaving this place today. If that is the only reason you are here, I’m sorry that you wasted your time.”

  Lord Tassin growled, “I’ll get what I came for if I have to take it by force!” He made a hand signal over his shoulder.

  I said, “That was a mistake. You don’t want to do this.” Tassin’s two guards started to draw their swords and were moving forward when they were struck with stun spells and dropped on the spot. “They are just stunned and will be fine in a few minutes. If you decide that you want a violent confrontation be aware that the wizards of this castle are more than capable of taking your force quite easily. I don’t like violence and prefer that you stand down.” I said.

  “How were they knocked out like that? Where did those balls of light that hit them come from?” sputtered Tassin.

  I answered, “Those balls of light that knocked them out came from some of my younger wizards. They are thirteen year old twins that have been with us for several months now. They are also among the girls that you think you can take and force to be your consorts!”

sp; Tassin growled, “I heard that you had over a dozen and a half lovely young ladies here. You’ll give us our choice and we’ll be on our way.”

  I turned and said, “Lord Rostand you don’t seem to be as adamant as your associate. Do you feel the same as he?”

  Lord Rostand replied, “Good Wizard, I came to learn about your technique for running water. If I took home consorts that would be a bonus but not my main reason for coming. It’s certainly not something that I’d fight about.”

  I bowed slightly, “Spoken like a gentleman. Now, Tassin, are you going to give up this foolish pursuit and take a tour of the well and water tower or leave my castle?”

  Tassin had now turned so red I feared for his health! He said, “I’ll leave your castle and blockade your road, trapping you in this river canyon! When you get hungry enough then you’ll give me what I want!”

  I laughed loudly, “You couldn’t keep us here and starve us! I doubt if you could even catch one thirteen year old if she was standing beside you.”

  Tassin was sputtering mad by my laughter and my claim, “Bring her out and we’ll see. I won’t promise to be gentle when she is captured!”

  I looked over the man’s head to the top of the gate behind him and made a slight gesture. Alba, who had heard the whole conversation, flew down behind them men and walked up beside Tassin.

  Alba said sweetly, “Good day, Lord Tassin. Welcome to Wizard’s Castle!”

  Tassin jumped when she spoke because he hadn’t seen her approach. He turned suddenly and attempted to grab her in a bear hug. Alba wasn’t where he grabbed, she was fifty feet away. She smiled sweetly and flew up to a hundred feet and hovered there looking down.

  Tassin was actually spitting when he spoke, “Have them surrender or I’ll have my archers’ rain arrows on this place until your all dead!” He stopped and went pale. He bowed and said, “Princess Isabel, I didn’t know you were here. Forgive my loud voice but I feel I’ve been wronged!”

  Isabel said, “Lord Tassin, of course I’m here. This is my home and I heard a threat of raining arrows until we were all dead? I saw your attempt to grab my sister, Princess Alba. Are you aware that I have a son that is with me here? Do you intend arrows for him too? My husband has been very tolerant of your behavior and has impressed me with his leniency. Enough is enough. Tour the water facilities or leave.”

  Tassin looked like a whipped dog, “I suppose I’ll learn about the water. I don’t want to have come here for nothing. I’m sorry for the uproar but do have a question. You said your husband was tolerant? I’d heard that you’d married but who is your husband?”

  Isabel smiled her royal dignified smile and said, “The man you’ve been yelling at, Master Wizard David Stephenson, my husband and father of my child.”

  Tassin turned ghost white and said, “Blessed stars! I feel lucky to be alive! Master Wizard, please forgive my behavior. I have been acting the fool and know it was idiots’ quest. There is no way that a man could force a girl so powerful to be a consort.”

  I leaned over and kissed Isa and said, “Thank you, My Lady.”

  She smiled and said, “I should have come sooner but the baby was awake.”

  I turned back to Tassin and Lord Rostand and said, “If you would like to start the tour I’ll show you around. There would be quite a bit of walking but if you’ll permit me to use my magic I can get us there faster.”

  They were both quite interested to see how I got around and could take them with magic. I asked if we needed their guard, who had regained their feet and they said that it wasn’t necessary. I had them send the guard back outside the gate and then we were standing by the well. I told them that the well had been dug with magic and the young lady that did it is a consort of mine and is with child. I said that if they needed assistance digging a well I would be willing to help. I told them that we were going to move and we were at the geothermal drop that heated our water. I explained it and took them to the roof. I told them that I thought I had a couple sketches of the pump I’d made to attach to my windmill and that they could have them. We walked into the keep from the roof and down to bottom foyer. Constance was walking across the foyer to the stairs and Tassin said “I love the way they dress!” When Constance got close he reached out and swatted her behind. The flash was almost instantaneous! The man was unconscious on the floor and Margery went running for water. Constance looked at me and I smiled and signaled for her to continue about her business. I used master magic to wake the foolish man.

  Tassin shook his head and said, “Well, I guess I’ll think twice before I swat another cute backside!” He accepted the water from Margery with a thankful nod.

  I laughed and we went to the showers. They were quite impressed and said that they would love to take my ideas back to their own castles.

  I said, “If you would, when you get to Rosenwood talk to the king and find out if I’m still banished. He wasn’t happy either when I told him that I wouldn’t let my wizards be taken as consorts. I think if you told him that taking a wizard, even a novice like you just met, would be impossible.”

  They nodded and said that they would do what they could and neither man had realized that the girl that had taken Tassin down so easily was a novice! I asked if they really wanted to take the five day trip to Rosenwood or would want to get there faster if I had a way. Of course they wanted to get there faster, who wants to sit on a horse for five days? I told them to make sure that their men knew I wasn’t to be attacked and I would have them beside Rosenwood in ten minutes. They were skeptical but willing to try.

  I walked out the front gate and the Lords reclaimed their horses. I told them to wait until I signaled them and then come to me. I went close to our target area and visualized for the gate portal. When it came into being I connected it to one away from the road but close to Rosenwood and waved for the Lords. They rode to me and I explained that they needed to ride through the circle and they would be there but not to stop because the next man in line might run into them. Still skeptical, they rode through. After the last man went through I followed. The Lords saw me standing by the gate, dismounted and bowed. I bowed in return, stepped into the gate and closed it.

  I went inside my living room and sat on the couch. James was sleeping quietly in his crib. Isabel came in and sat beside me. She told me that Lord Tassin had been a regular in her father’s court and knew her well. That is why he reacted the way he did. The law states that an attack on the king’s children is an attack on the king. She knew that when he learned that she was in the keep that he would stand down. She said that she knew that I’d had a very stressful day but had been very lax in my duties. I was told that a consort that I’d accepted had been waiting a very long time while I’d been slipping into my wife’s bed! She enjoyed all the time I’d been spending with her but she wanted to be fair. She told me that she’d gotten me a present and it was right outside the door. I walked to the door expecting a naked Nineve, but a boy of fourteen was waiting there. His name is Roger and is to be my Valet! Joking with my wife often has unexpected consequences. I greeted Roger and invited him in. He explained his duties to me including laying out clothes, running errands, bringing meals if I wasn’t going downstairs and keeping track of appointments. Isabel chimed in and said that the appointments included the consorts. Roger said that he had been taught at Rosenwood and had been recommended for me by the Queen herself. He also explained that he had taken an oath of discretion and would keep anything he saw or heard his Lord do to himself. I asked Isa if he’d been given a room and she said that he was on the second floor, first room on the left. I was told that the second floor was almost empty now that the girls that weren’t consorts had moved. Everyone had been told that Roger was here and wouldn’t be roaming the halls naked. I said that I was thrilled and welcomed Roger to the family. I was sure that we would get used to each other and become friends. I said that I’d been told to find Nineve and I’d better go. Roger said that she had been located and she was waitin
g in my other room. I smiled and shook my head saying that I could get used to service like that! Isa smiled and said your welcome. I got up, kissed Isa good night, nodded to Roger and went to my room.

  I knocked softly on the door to my room and heard a voice requesting that I come in. I opened the door to a dimly lit room and Nineve was lying in the bed under the covers. I smiled at her and she said, “David, a few years ago I was with a neighbor boy once. It wasn’t the most pleasant experience but I’ve been told that things would be different with you. I know exactly what to expect and I won’t waste time arguing with you about the position that I’ve requested. Please join me and we’ll talk for awhile.

  I smiled and said, “You know exactly what I’m going to do? My other consorts have giving away all my secrets, have they? Alright, I would be honored to join you!” I stripped off my clothes and carefully laid them in a chair in the corner, full pockets and all. I walked back to the foot of the bed and pulled the tuck of the sheet free, enjoying Nineve’s quizzical look. I crawled under the sheet at the foot of the bed and found her dressed the way I expected. She was naked and I stopped my journey halfway to the pillows. Nineve quickly recanted her statement of knowing what to expect and then no more intelligible words were heard from my room for quite some time.


  A week has gone by since our visit from the Lords and things have returned to normal at Wizards Castle. We no longer had any novices because the instructors decided that it was promotion time for everyone. All of the girls that we had picked up from the ‘wizards in black’ were promoted to Adept and I was told that Della would be in line for Apprentice very soon. She was learning at an astonishing rate and frightened me with knowledge that I had assumed that only I had. Diana and Jennifer from Clodfey were promoted to Apprentice and with a small ceremony we promoted Kiena to Expert. She mastered the meteor swarm and could stop the summoned burning rocks in mid-air, hold and direct them. It was a very powerful and dangerous spell. For a young lady who had joined us because she wanted to help people, she sure had chosen a destructive force to tame!


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