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The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too

Page 19

by Daniel Harris

  Della waved the back of her hand at Isabel sitting at the other end of the table. The ring was spotted by a number of my consorts and clapping started again. Everyone joined in because, that’s just how people are.

  After the party broke up I went back to work. I worked on my small room and justified it by telling myself that I didn’t want to be in the girl’s rooms without them. I also had to make the excuse in my mind that James might be asleep and I didn’t want to bother him. The real reason was that I hated cold much more than anyone else in the castle and could heat my room when I was done! Also, for justification, I told myself that I’d grown up with indoor plumbing and they’d always used chamber pots.

  I’d just finished my remodeling job on my room when I noticed the sun was getting low in the sky. I stuck my head out of my door and was handed a couple towels and told that I was to expect Della this evening. Having a valet like Roger was almost scary, but very nice. I told him that I didn’t think that I would need him anymore today and he was free to go. He gave a slight bow and I went inside. A hot shower, dry off and straight to bed with minimal travel was fantastic.

  I lay in bed wondering what my future would bring. Everything was going well and only the fear that Sir Gildon would somehow get more followers bothered me. That’s just another bridge that I’d have to cross when I came to it.

  I heard a gentle knock at the door and knew that my Pixie had arrived.

  Della removed her gown and crawled into bed beside me. She whispered in my ear and told me that she had been dreaming of this day for months. She once again reminded me that I was to allow her to do everything and for me not to worry. She put her leg across me and slid onto my chest. She held her ear to my chest and listened to my heart beat. With the warmth of her naked body pressed against me, my excitement was beginning to make itself known. Della rose up and looked at me. ‘You should be able to feel the magic now. It feels almost like ripples on a pond. Do you feel it?’ I could feel a faint rippling sensation that could have been caused by the magic she said I used, but I was distracted. Della slid down my chest and I found myself slightly inside her. I felt myself encounter the thing that I was most concerned about. Della moved her hips around slightly causing me to have to fight to not move. She took a deep breath, exhaled and pushed her self down until she engulfed me completely. She lay still for a moment and then looked into my eyes, her eyes shining with love and passion. She said ‘I knew that this could be done. The hard part is out of the way, so let’s spend the rest of the night on the enjoyable part!’ My fears put to rest; we were free to enjoy ourselves. After a time we lay cuddling and, for the moment, satiated. Della said, ‘David, I’d really love to go flying again.’ I told her, ‘Anything you want my beautiful Pixie.’ And I reached for my clothes. She smiled her mischievous smile and said, ‘I want to go dressed as we are. It’s night, it’s late and the only ones that will see us are the river and the trees.’ I grinned and said, ‘your wish is my command, My Lady!’ She wrapped her arms around my neck and I shielded us both in a warm shield. The shield was transparent but since I made the laws here and had never made any concerning nudity, I was safe. I ported us to the river and then flew skyward. I then laid back and helped Della to her back. We laid there in silence, enjoying the feel of each others closeness. Della asked if we could go lower over the river, but to take our time getting there. I started descending slowly and she began to move side to side as if dancing to her own music. The effect of floating weightless, with smooth feminine skin sliding across my body was instantaneous. As we dropped to five hundred feet Della sat up and I found myself inside her so quickly that I almost dropped us from the sky. Della giggled and said that she wanted to go down almost to the water, fly along to the trees and then we could return to the castle. I did exactly as she asked, as any man would in that same position.

  We returned to my room and finished what she had started and I asked, “Pixie, are you going to tell me what that was all about?”

  She answered and almost seemed sad, “Yes, my loving David. I will tell you what that was about, but not now. Tonight I just want us to be together.”

  I smiled and said, “In your own time, my love. In your own time.”

  I was up with the sun the next morning. I looked beside me to see if Della was awake yet, and she wasn’t there! This was the first time that a consort had made it out of bed before me. I sat up and allowed my vision to lose its sleep induced blurriness. Lying on Della’s pillow was a rolled up parchment held closed by a diamond ring. When I saw it I got an instant lump in my throat and an ache in the middle of my chest. I picked it up and slid the roll of parchment through the ring and unrolled it. It was a letter from my Pixie that read,

  My Dearest David

  First of all you must know that I’m not going away by choice and that I will return in the spring. I love you and have loved you since I met you. Please keep my ring safe for me because I want it back upon my return, if that’s alright with you. I hope that what I tell you here won’t change the way that you feel about me and hope that you’ll keep this to yourself for now. Your wife and my sister consorts can know of course because they’ve already shown that they love me. Now, about our naked trip down the river last night. That was to prove to the messengers of my father that I was no longer chaste. That way, he won’t require me to leave you again after this winter. As for using master magic, you’ve learned it decades ahead of me! That is why I came to you as soon as you broke Sir Gildon’s mind control spell. When you called me a pixie and explained it to me I was amazed. I’m not a pixie of course, but I am not a human either. I told everyone that I was an eleven year old girl because that is the way that I look! I had to have my birthday yesterday because I knew I had to leave soon and wanted to be with you before I did. David, my people are called naiads. We tend the rivers and wild areas of the kingdom. That is why I’m being called back for the winter, to tend to this river behind the keep. I won’t be able to communicate with you until spring. Knowing the man that you are, I know I’ll be welcomed back with open arms.

  Yours Forever,

  Your Pixie, Della

  I read and reread the letter and then lay on the bed, already missing her. It was going to be a long winter without her. It wasn’t because of the night we’d just had together, even though that would be missed too. It was her bouncy, lighthearted spirit that lifted everyone in the castle. Her quick wit and ability to completely confound me would be missed also. I had no idea how long I was staring at the ceiling but was brought around by a gentle knock on the door. I called; ‘come in.’ and Isabel opened the door.

  She said, “Good morning my love. I came to see how your night was. I was a bit worried that things wouldn’t…work out.”

  I sighed and said, “Everything went perfectly and she was gentle with herself. She wasn’t hurt at all but she did leave me this.” I handed over the letter and felt my eyes burn again.

  She read letter, and just as I did, read it again. She said, “Oh David, this answers so many questions and raises so many more. As soft hearted as you are having her leave for so long must be hurting you!”

  I gave in to the tears and hugged Isa. I said, “At least it’s only until spring. We’ll all miss her until then but she will be back. That’s what I’m going to tell myself anyway.”

  “I love you my husband because you are so soft hearted. If you need me to stay I will but I’m sure that James is getting hungry. I’ll send in someone for you if you’d like.” Isa said.

  I shook my head, “Della wouldn’t want me moping around because of her. I need to shake this off and get around. I love you, my wife.”


  Winter, the worst idea that nature ever came up with was finally letting go. We’d trained some during the cold weather but most of the time we just sat and talked to each other. Cabin fever can even happen in someplace as luxurious as the castle; it just takes a bit longer to arrive.

  I was behind the keep, walking along t
he river and enjoying the sorely missed warm rays of the sun. There was a loud crack from the ice on the river and my Pixie appeared on the bank. She was naked as the day she was born! I ran to her and threw my arms around her, picked her up and ported us to her room. I pulled her ring out of my pocket and dropped to a knee, and saw a tiny belly protruding!

  She grinned and said, “I wondered how long it would take you to notice! I guess with my advanced age I get pregnant more easily than some of the other consorts!”

  I grinned back, “Take your ring back and don’t leave me again! How old are you anyway? Do I have to be careful to respect my elders when talking to you?”

  She shook a finger at me, “A gentleman never asks a lady her age, and a lady never tells! But, for you I’ll say that when your father was born I could have been your grandmothers midwife.” and she giggled.

  I shook my head, “It is so good to have you back Pixie. I haven’t been confused in quite awhile. You’re back for a few minutes and have me scratching my head.”

  As she dressed Della asked, “Where is everyone else?”

  I said, “Where they have been for most of the winter I assume. They’ve been either in my living room or bedroom.”

  Della smiled, “I think that I’m supposed to tell your wife and the other consorts when I discover I’m with child. I knew on our night together but didn’t want to write that in a letter. I suppose that we better go and let them know.”

  I nodded and held the door for her, followed her down to my room followed her in. There were happy squeals of excitement as people noticed who I was walking in with. Everyone was talking at once and Della looked at me for help quieting the room. I held a hand over my head and the noise died down abruptly.

  Della looked at everyone and in her shy, childlike way said, “Ninety-six? I don’t know what I missed so I have to guess.”

  The squealing and giggling started again I walked over by Roger to hide.

  Roger said, “I hope you don’t mind me saying so but you have the most unusual consorts in the kingdom. I’ve been around many lords and many consorts but you would be hard pressed to have three consorts from a family in a room with out a fight. Here you have your wife and nine consorts all laughing and talking. They all obviously love each other. Do you have a secret?”

  I replied, “I would guess, and you’d know better than I, that many lords have consorts only for their personal pleasure. But I love each and every one of my consorts. If they didn’t want to lie with me, we could just talk and enjoy each others company. I don’t insist on formality and have an open door policy that lets anyone come to me with any problem. Maybe that answers your question.”

  Roger shook his head, “Yes that would answer the question. Lords look upon their consorts as trophies. Consorts are usually looked down up as prostitutes but even when we go to cities and the people know that the girls are your consorts, they are treated with respect. It isn’t because they are wizards either. You’re a lucky man, David.”

  I nodded, “I know it’s true, but how about you? Found a girl to spend time with?”

  He nodded hesitantly, “I didn’t know if you would mind if I were seeing someone, but I have been talking to one girl a bit. You wouldn’t mind if I were to see a wizard girl romantically would you? She isn’t one of your consorts, I wouldn’t do that. She is the same age as I am and we get along quite well.”

  I chuckled, “Are you going to tell me who you’re talking about or keep rambling?”

  He sighed, “Sorry, I have been thinking about how to bring this up and it has made me talk circles. Sarah and I have been talking. I mentioned to her once that I’d like to take her on a picnic or something this spring and she said that she wouldn’t go until I’d asked you. So, I’m asking.”

  I laughed, “Now, that wasn’t so hard was it? Of course you may and with my blessing. I know you’re a gentleman and wouldn’t do anything untoward. But remember that she may not have been born a Lady but became a Lady Wizard.”

  He nodded vigorously and said, “And she is also your charge. I’m no fool and wouldn’t offend a charge of yours. Not even the King got away with that!”

  I laughed and said, “I don’t think that we should remind the king of that!”

  Spring progressed and warmed beautifully. Farmers started growing crops near the road that ran by the tree line again for the first time in decades, or so I’m told. Della has become our local historian and, though she’ll never tell, I’m convinced that she is very old.

  One morning I was getting my monthly report from Margery when the warning bell started ringing. I walked out of the keep and saw the last people that I thought I’d ever see standing there.

  I crossed the courtyard and said, “Hello Melodie and I presume, although we’ve never met that you’re Sir Gildon?”

  The man smiled and said, “Yes, I am! Nice to finally meet you David! Enjoying this spring weather?”

  I said, “I am! I hate the cold. I was raised in the desert where it’s only cold after dark. I’ve never learned to like it.”

  He smiled a friendly smile and said, “I’ve come to offer you a deal. First, this girl Melodie did you wrong and betrayed you. I think that you should return the favor. Right here in the courtyard in front of everyone, you should deprive her of that virtue that she’s always talking about.”

  I thought, that is a good idea. Who does she think that she is stealing my spells and teaching without knowing what she was doing? I should rip her robe off and… what the hell! Whew! This guy is good!

  I said, “If it’s all the same to you I think that I’d rather toss her in my dungeon and soften her up a bit. That is, if you’re going to be giving the traitor to me.”

  He nodded, “Oh yeah. You can have her. She doesn’t do me any good anyway. Prostate cancer awhile back got rid of the only thing that she’d be good for. But I do want to make a deal with you if you’ll hear me out.”

  I said, “Sure, just one sec.” I signaled Chloe who was watching the exchange from the door of the keep. She came out and I told her to toss Melodie into the dungeon and nodded for her to agree. She took Melodie’s arm and led her off. Then I grinned and said, “Alright, you gonna sell me a vacuum?”

  Sir Gildon laughed loudly and said, “Close! I was a purveyor of pre-owned automobiles! I thought that we might have come from the same place. Chicago here, you?”

  I smile and looked around at my castle, “I’m just a country boy from Arkansas.”

  He grinned that annoying grin and said, “Well it seems like you’ve done well for yourself Arkie! Now the plan that I have will help you do even better and me to profit too! It’s a simple thing really and I’m sure that you know how it will be done. I want powers like yours and since you’re the only male in the whole place to have them, should know how I can get them. Here’s the bonus. When you get me my powers I’ll stay north of Wodor and you can have the south. Together we’ll take out the king and split the place!”

  I nodded emphatically, “Sounds like a great deal to me. I guess everyone heard up in Wodor what the king did to me? Unprovoked attacks and even said that he was gonna take my girls! I have no problem taking him out when we get powers for you. Let me run get my jacket, there’s still a bit of a chill and I hate the cold!”

  He nodded, “Alright man! Let’s get this thing done!”

  I ran inside and Isabel said, “What are you doing? Are you ok? You act as though he has you in his spell!”

  I said, “Good, that’s exactly what I wanted him to think. Is Melodie alright?”

  Isa said, “She’s dazed but coming out of it. What are you going to do?”

  I said, “I think I have a way to get rid of this monster once and for all.”

  Isa hugged me and Roger handed my jacket. I nodded and walked back outside.

  I called out, “Alright my man, are you ready for this? It’s a simple thing. I can’t believe that you didn’t do it when you got to this backwards place. Hell, this place is eve
n behind Arkansas! Well, a little!” and I laughed.

  He said, “Alright, what do I have to do?”

  I said, “All you have to do is stand there. I’ll transport us to the place I came into this realm. I’ll talk you through from there. Easy thing, if I could do it, any one can.”

  I transported us to the place where the fairy ring was located. It brought back a lot of memories! Sir Gildon said, “Hey! That looks like the thing that I was jumping around on when I found myself here! How is that going to get me powers?”

  I grinned and said, “When you got here, did you try to spin around on it to get back home? I thought it would work both ways and after spending a freezing night sleeping on the ground, I stood on it and spun in a circle. It didn’t send me home but I felt all these powers and abilities! Better than a radioactive spider! You gotta try it man! Then you get the north and I get the south. That is our deal, right?”

  Gildon nodded his head, “That’s all there is to it huh? When I got here I didn’t know I had and wandered around in the dark and the woods for hours. Then in the daylight I headed north and finally, after forever, I found Wodor. So wizard power was right here if I hadn’t walked off.”

  I shrugged, “Yup.”

  He grinned and said, “Well then what the heck am I waiting for?” He walked to the fairy circle, jumped up on the rock and spun in a circle. And then he vanished. I cast an explosion spell on the fairy circle and went home.

  I ported myself into the courtyard and walked toward the keep. Most of the girls were still in their defensive positions on the wall. They watched me walking in with looks of suspicion, caution and the most painful, fear.

  I walked into the keep and saw a tearful Melodie being tended to by Isabel and Chloe. I signaled Isa and she came over to me.

  “Is she going to be alright?” I asked.

  Isa shrugged, “She is coming out of the spell that I believe that Gildon had her under. The guilt of what she’s done is catching up with her now. What did you do with Gildon?”


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