Vengeance of Hope
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For Nikita. You are my wife, my soulmate, my best friend and quite frankly, you’re awesome. I could never have achieved this without your love and support.
For Nora, our wonderful baby daughter.
Special thanks also to my parents, Anni and Mark Berman and to the Watling Street Writers Circle, the Verulam Writer’s Circle, Chris Perera, Tina Ellis, Jonny Lee, Jonathan Grewcock, Andrew Houseman, Sarah Kennedy and Suzanna Hart. Your help and advice has been invaluable.
For Evie, our crazy Labrador, who has probably chewed up the first copy of this novel by now!
And finally, for Bailey, our gentle Cavalier. May his beautiful, kind, loving soul rest in peace.
Also by P.J.Berman
Vengeance of Hope Series
King of the Republic – Due 2019
War of Mercy – Due 2021
‘Mother of many, Mother of none, a Queen will fall and a Warrior will come.’
An ancient prophecy of disputed origin and meaning
The characters depicted in this book and the following series are fictional. Any similarities between these characters and any real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.
Copyright © 2018 P.J.Berman
The right of P.J.Berman to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted and by him in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Apart from any use permitted under UK copyright law, this publication may only be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, with prior permission in writing of the the publishers or, in the case of reprographic production, in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency.
First published in paperback by Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing in 2018
ISBN: 9781731387721
Congressate – A council of politicians with hereditary titles who assist the sitting monarch in the governance of Bennvika.
Congressor – A member of the Congressate.
Demokroi – A low ranking politician whose role it is to represent the common people of Bennvika.
Archpriest – The head of the Hentani faith.
Divisio – A unit of professional Bennvikan soldiers. Each province has ten Divisios, the first of which is a heavy cavalry unit, with the others performing the role of heavy infantry.
Chief Invicturion – An officer in charge of all ten of his or her province’s Divisios. The Chief Invicturion personally leads Divisio One. They are often referred to in the same way as the more junior Invicturions.
Invicturion – An officer who leads a single Divisio unit.
Corpralis – An officer who assists either a Chief Invicturion or an Invicturion. The Chief Invicturion’s Corpralis is the second highest ranking soldier in the entire province.
Divisioman – A professional soldier who serves within the Divisios.
Pilum – A throwing weapon similar to a javelin.
Longship – A fast warship with a shallow hull and a single sail.
Ship-of-the-battle-line – a large, heavy warship with multiple sails and armed with cannon.
Longbow – A large bow of simple design, but with a very long range in the right hands.
Crossbow – A shorter range hand-held that uses a pulley system to fire the arrow.
Militia – A group of part-time soldiers that can be raised in times of war and disbanded in times of peace.
Militiaman – A member of the militia.
Character List
The House of Alfwyn
Silrith – Princess of Bennvika and heir apparent after Fabrald’s death
Lissoll – King of Bennvika
Fabrald – Silrith’s deceased elder brother
Gidrassa – Silrith’s deceased mother, Queen of Bennvika
Monissaea – Lissoll’s deceased sister, wife of Yathrud Alyredd and mother of Bezekarl and Yathugarra
Bastinian the Great – The previous King of Bennvika. He was Lissoll’s father and Silrith’s grandfather
Aebrae – Bastinian’s first wife, mother of Lissoll and Monissaea and grandmother to Fabrald, Silrith, Bezekarl and Yathugarra
Tefkia – A Defroni Princess who was sister to Chief Faslo, second wife of Bastinian, mother of Turiskia and grandmother of Jostan
The House of Kazabrus
Jostan – Silrith’s cousin, Lissoll’s nephew and Governor of the Verusantian province of Bruskannia
Dionius – Jostan’s deceased father, the previous Governor of Bruskannia
Turiskia – Jostan’s mother and Lissoll’s younger half-sister
The House of Aethelgard
Oprion – Governor of Hazgorata. Haarksa’s second husband
Haarksa – Oprion’s Medrodorian wife
Jorikssa – Haarksa’s daughter and Oprion’s step-daughter
The House of Alyredd
Yathrud – Governor of Bastalf and Silrith’s uncle
Bezekarl – Yathrud and Monissaea’s teenage son
Yathugarra – Yathrud and Monissaea’s young daughter
Kintressa – Yathrud’s second wife
The House of Rintta
Feddilyn – Governor of Asrantica
The House of Tanskeld
Aeoflynn – Governor of Ustenna
The House of Haganwold
Lektik – Governor of Hertasala
The House of Froilainn
Shappa – Prince of Etrovansia
Kessekla – King of Etrovansia
Ravla – Prince of Etrovansia and younger brother of Shappa
The House of Vaaltanen
Accutina – Princess of Medrodor as daughter of King Spurvan and Queen of Bennvika as wife of King Lissoll
Spurvan – King of Medrodor
The House of Dronnareidius
Graggasteidus – Emperor of the Verusantian Empire
Minor Nobles and Congressors
Zethun Maysith – A minor young nobleman from Asrantica
Hoban Salanath – An experienced Congressor from Kriganheim
Dongrath – A Congressor of Kriganheim
Gasbron Wrathun – Chief Invicturion of Bastalf
Candoc of Rildayorda – Gasbron’s Corpralis
Yortha – A Divisioman of Rildayorda
Telvaen – A Divisioman of Rildayorda
Kinsaf – A Divisioman of Rildayorda
Laevon – A Divisioman of Rildayorda
Ostagantus Gormaris – Jostan’s bodyguard and head of the Verusantian Lance Guardsmen in Bennvika
Vinnitar Rhosgyth – Chief Invicturion of Asrantica
The Hentani
Ezrina – A dancing girl
Jezna – A dancing girl
Hojorak – Chief of the Hentani
Kivojo – Prince of the Hentani and brother of Hojorak
Blavak – Hentani translator
Jakiroc – A Hentani priest living in Rildayorda
Askorit – Hentani Archpriest of Rildayorda
Voyran Attington – A ship’s Captain
Emostocran – Voyran’s First Mate
Viktana – A Bennvikan Translator
Hozekeada IV – Empress of Rilana
Janissada Attington – An experienced Admiral and Voyran’s mother
Faslo – Chief of the Defroni
Lomatteva – Bennvikan Goddess
Vitrinnolf – Bennvikan God
Bertakaevey – Hentani Goddess
Ursartin – Bertakaevey’s companion, who takes on the shape of a bear
Estarron – Verusantian God
Ibbez – Rilanian Goddess
Jithrae of Sevarby – A farmer from the province of Asrantica
Vaezona of Sevarby – Jithrae and Mirtsana’s eldest daughter
Mirtsana – Jithrae’s wife
Kanolia – Mirtsana’s sister
Naivard – Kanolia’s husband, a magistrate’s clerk based in Kriganheim
Capaea – A servant on the Bennvikan royal household
Lyzina – Accutina’s Lady’s maid
Afayna – Silrith’s Lady’s maid
Taevuka – Silrith’s Junior Lady’s maid
Ridenna – Servant of the House of Alyredd
Avaresae – Servant of the House of Alyredd
Braldor – Hoban Salanath’s bodyguard
Helmets of Divisio Ranks
Chief Invicturion – Single large white transverse horsehair crest with black stripes
Invicturion – Single small metal crest running front to back. The Invicturion also wears a white sash across their chest.
Corpralis – Single small metal crest running front to back
Standard Bearers and Divisioman – No crest
About the Author
P.J.Berman grew up in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England. Subsequently, after a brief but enjoyable spell living in Plymouth, he has now settled in Carmarthenshire, surrounded by the beautiful countryside of his adopted nation, Wales, where he lives with his wife and daughter.
Given where he has lived, he is probably one of the few people who is a fan of both Stevenage Football Club and the Scarlets. When not writing, aside from watching sport, he enjoys dog walks, travelling with his family, as well as reading.
For more information about P.J.Berman’s upcoming books, check out the following web pages:
P.J.Berman Books official Facebook page -
Twitter/Instagram - @pjbermanbooks
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Chapter 1
With a start, Afayna came to as icy water hit her face, swiftly followed by a stinging slap to her cheek. Sprawled on her back, she attempted to rise but realised with terror that each of her limbs were tied down with rough, coarse rope.
‘Help! Gods! Where am I?’
Laughter rang out from the darkness. Only the smallest flicker of brazier fire lit the room through a window in the door, but as her eyes adjusted, she made out the shapes of two men.
‘Awake again are we Afayna my sweet? That’s a good girl.’
‘Why am I here? Tell me,’ she pleaded. The two men smirked at her distress.
‘How strange it must be for you,’ one of them said; his neat blonde hair and chiselled cheekbones more visible now. ‘One moment you’re just another maid going about her daily business in the palace. The next, you wake up here.’ Afayna scanned the room, desperately trying to control her panic. She was spread-eagled on a torture rack and now she could see that the walls had many shelves and hanging hooks that were littered with various blades of different shapes and sizes. Yet it was not the weapons that filled her with dread, but the man’s calm and yet sinister tone. Every word sent paralysing fear shooting through her body once again.
Strangely, something about his confident manner and educated voice reminded her of Lord Jostan, but it wasn’t him. From his dark profile, she could tell that this man lacked the foreign nobleman’s exotic virility and rugged handsomeness.
‘Let me go. Princess Silrith will hear about this and when she does, she’ll tell the King and then you’ll be sorry.’
‘You honestly think you’re in a position to threaten me?’ The interrogator gave a nod to his accomplice and the other man, a hulking, musclebound type with short hair, moved round to the end of the rack to stand behind Afayna’s head. He heaved on the roller and stretched the ropes tight, drawing an inhuman howl from the girl.
‘People are always so cocky at the start. They forget who’s got the power here. You see Afayna, and it surprises me that you don’t already know this, the King is dying and the Princess, like you, is a traitor.’
His final word turned Afayna’s blood to ice, yet her fear was laced with confusion.
‘What? No. It’s not true.’
‘Do you deny that you served the King his last meal?’
‘I did, but-’
‘Oh! So you knew it’d be his last meal then, eh?’
‘No! I meant-’
‘And is it true that you stole the Amulet of Hazgorata?’
‘No! Why would I? How could I?’
Afayna bellowed in pain as the torturer heaved on the roller again, stretching her limbs while the rope tore into her skin.
‘You were seen with it Afayna. One of your fellows has testified against you. Now, I’m going to ask you once more. Did you steal the Amulet of Hazgorata?’
Afayna’s reply was to spit at him in defiance, launching a good amount of sputum at least three feet in the direction of the interrogator’s face, though it only hit his shoulder.
‘Your passionate defence is impressive,’ he laughed. ‘But I’m afraid the question still stands.’
‘I didn’t steal it.’
‘Then why were you seen with it shortly before the King was taken ill, carrying it, then twisting the lid and pouring the contents on to the King’s meal?’ Afayna’s eyes widened in horror as she realised what she had done.
‘It was given to me. I was told it contained some new flavouring that the King liked.’ She realised she’d been foolishly trusting.
‘Well unfortunately for you, you left some inside the Amulet and on discovery, it turned out to be poison hemlock. Deadly. What’s more, you added just enough to kill him, without it being instant, giving you a chance to make your escape. If only you hadn’t been seen. Looks pretty bad for you now doesn’t it?’ He gave a disturbing smile. ‘So, if it was a gift, as you claim, who gave it to you?’
‘Lord Jostan,’ Afayna said eventually, still breathing hard. She suddenly became aware that her body was now soaking with sweat.
‘Don’t play around with me. I know Lord Jostan. It’s not him.’ He nodded for her to be stretched again. Afayna gritted her teeth, but nonetheless, she couldn’t hold back an animalistic scream.
‘It’s true!’ she shrieked in desperation. The effort of each breath sent searing pain burning through her body.
‘I was in…Princess Silrith’s entourage when…when she and the others welcomed him…into the Palace,’ she gasped.
‘So you’re saying that Lord Jostan Kazabrus, our King’s own nephew, sailed from his lands across the sea, marched all the way from Asrantica to the palace under escort, just so that he could plot with some inconsequential maid? Somehow I find that a little hard to believe. I doubt that if he had planned on undertaking regicide, he would have chosen you as an accomplice, instead of a person of rank and consequence.’
‘It was him! He noticed me…soon after he arrived last summer.’
‘So you say he was an opportunist?’ the interrogator asked.
‘Yes. He took…an interest in me. I thought…I thought he cared for me. He said he’d marry me if I-’
‘-He said he’d marry you? A maid? I don’t believe this. Don’t waste my time. Just because he had his way with you doesn’t mean he cares about you. The King is on his death bed because of your treachery. Now, who gave you the Amulet? How about Princess Silrith? Wanted to be Queen, did she?’
‘No! How can you say that?’ Afayna couldn’t believe he was making such an implausible accusation.
A laugh escaped him once more.
‘She did have the most to gain out of his death and through you she had the chance to bring it about. Anyway, you were heard by one of your fellow servants only days ago talking to her about what she’d do when she was Queen.’
‘She wasn’t talking about that.’
‘She wasn’t. She…she was talking about the K
ing of Gilbaya…and how he dishonours…his Queen. She was talking…she was talking about what she would do if…if she were the Queen of Gilbaya!’ She used all the strength she could muster and yet her words only came out in gasps as her body endured the waves of excruciating pain.
The torturer began to stretch her again. The ropes dug deeper, ripping the skin from her body, pulling at her joints so that her bones threatened to dislocate from their sockets.
‘A likely story. It’s interesting that you were so quick with an explanation. Anyway, you prepared the King’s meal and you were the food taster. You must have known that the food was poisoned. It’s hard to believe that just by chance, you tasted a bit that the poison hadn’t touched.’