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The Warlord's Daughter

Page 26

by Susan Grant

  The admiral nodded, understanding.

  A new life, she thought, in the Earthling land called Australia. Advised by the prince’s family, they’d chosen a private stretch of beach on the western side of the continent, far from prying eyes.

  Three months later

  WIND FILLED THE SAILS of the small boat, pushing it swiftly across the water off the Australian coast where Wren and Aral were building their home. Aral dropped the sails when they were far enough from shore. Wren carefully unwrapped the urn containing her mother’s ashes, and unplugged the lid. She’d thought long and hard about whether to scatter her mother’s ashes on Issenda or here. In the end, she’d decided that it was only right that they finally be together. In her heart, she knew it was the right choice. The sun gleamed on Aral’s bare chest as he made his way to stand next to her. Her hair whipped around her face as she turned away from the wind, tipping the urn to release the ashes. They flew away in the breeze, disappearing into the air and water. “You’re free now, Mother.”

  Aral’s arm looped over her shoulders as she pulled another item from her bag. The pouch of gems she’d intended to use to bribe Keir and secure passage out of Zorabeta had never been used. Gems that Sabra had given her. They were her only tangible connection to her guardian. In lieu of ashes, she’d scatter the gems at sea to honor her. “You were the mother I never knew, dear Sabra. You taught me what love was. Else I may never have known.” Tears in her eyes, she tossed the gems out to sea. In making the galaxy whole again, I became whole.

  Aral moved behind her, holding her close, his chin on her head. His fingers laced over her stomach, his marriage tattoos blending with hers.

  “You would have known of love,” he argued sometime later as they drifted on the water. “I would have come for you no matter what, and we’d have fallen in love.”

  She smiled, turning in his arms. “My lost boy.”

  “Lost…and found.” His handsome face lit with mischief, a quality emerging more and more as his nightmares ceased to haunt him. “So, what do you say, goddess. A swim?”

  She stripped down to her bikini, a scandalous garment by highborn Drakken standards. Whooping, she dived after him, following him into the water soaked in warm sunshine. The battlelord and the warlord’s daughter were finally, inarguably free.


  For everyone who stood by me and put up with me throughout the writing of this book (that some might call a labor of love, but I would put the emphasis on labor) with special mention, thanks and love to Connor and Courtney, George, Carolyn, Tara and Linnea. I could not have gotten through it without your patience! Special hugs and thanks to Kendra, Carolyn and Linnea for early reads. And muzzle kisses to Tala, the world’s best doggie. We’ll do that agility course now, I promise!

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-2737-2


  Copyright © 2009 by Susan Grant

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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