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Badass and the Beast: 10

Page 31

by Shrum, Kory M.

  By day, Jasie is a paralegal lackey in NYC. This line of work has finally convinced her that she really doesn’t want to be a lawyer. She’d rather be a starving poet. She lives in Queens with her girlfriend Lucy and their dashing python, Jon Snow. (He knows nothing.)

  You don’t find Jasie. She finds you…

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  Jason T. Graves

  “Sand and Smoke”

  Jason T. Graves is an author, editor, and illustrator with a somewhat unhealthy fascination for folded and bound paper. He spent a bit of time acquiring some small rectangles of such material for the walls of his man cave—something about toxicology and genetics, although he tries not to think about that too much. He likes dark beer, black coffee, and red wine, and you can find him, most days, spinning stories of similar gravity. The author of several obscure codices on vampires, fairies, and other bump-in-the-night critters, he invites you to enjoy cheese.

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  Selene Morningstar

  “Baseline Shift”

  Selene Morningstar is thankful to have been raised by two strong women, who encouraged her creativity and love of beauty from a young age. She credits their influence for everything that she does. Apart from her own work, Selene has a profound respect for the natural world. Her greatest wish is to dedicate her life to its protection, conservation, and restoration.

  Monica La Porta

  “Shifting Loyalties”

  Monica La Porta is an Italian who landed in Seattle several years ago. Despite popular feelings about the Northwest weather, she finds the mist and the rain the perfect conditions to write. Being a strong advocate of universal acceptance and against violence in any form and shape, she is also glad to have landed precisely in Washington State. She is the author of The Ginecean Chronicles, a dystopian/ science fiction series set on the planet Ginecea where women rule over a race of enslaved men and heterosexual love is considered a sin. She also published two other series: the futuristic love story across the universe, Elios & Gaia, narrated in two books; and the paranormal romance/urban fantasy series The Immortals set in Rome. Stop by her blog to read about her miniatures, sculptures, paintings, and her beloved beagle, Nero. Sometimes, she also posts about her writing.

  Monica La Porta's blog:

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  Kathrine Pendleton

  “Protect Her, Protector”

  Kathrine Pendleton is a fiction writer and freelance editor. She has an MA in creative writing from Austin Peay State University where she received the Dogwood Award for fiction. Most of her days are spent working in a library, ordering books and helping with research. When not reading or writing, Kathrine can be found learning a new song on the ukulele or obsessing about polar bears. She lives in Tennessee with her husband. You can visit her at

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  Angela Roquet

  “Hair of the Hellhound”

  Angela Roquet is the author of the Lana Harvey, Reapers Inc. series. She is also the author of CRAZY EX-GHOULFRIEND, BACKWOODS ARMAGEDDON, and BLOOD MOON. Angela is a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and the Horror Writers Association (HWA). She collects Danger Girl comic books, owls, skulls, random craft supplies, and all things Joss Whedon. She's a fan of renewable energy, marriage equality, and religious tolerance. As long as whatever you're doing isn't hurting anyone, she's a fan of you, too.

  Angela lives in Missouri with her husband and son. When she's not swearing at the keyboard, she enjoys painting, goofing off with her family and friends, and reading books that raise eyebrows. GRAVEYARD SHIFT, the first novel in Angela's Lana Harvey, Reapers Inc. series, is now available for FREE on Kindle, Nook, iBooks, & more.

  You can find Angela online at

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  Liz Schulte

  “Dire Offering”

  Many authors claim to have known their calling from a young age. Liz Schulte, however, didn't always want to be an author. In fact, she had no clue. Liz wanted to be a veterinarian, then she wanted to be a lawyer, then she wanted to be a criminal profiler. In a valiant effort to keep from becoming Walter Mitty, Liz put pen to paper and began writing her first novel. It was at that moment she realized this is what she was meant to do. As a scribe she could be all of those things and so much more.

  When Liz isn't writing or on social networks she is inflicting movie quotes and trivia on people, reading, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family. Liz is a Midwest girl through and through, though she would be perfectly happy never having to shovel her driveway again. She has a love for all things spooky, supernatural, and snarky. Her favorite authors range from Edgar Allen Poe to Joseph Heller to Jane Austen to Jim Butcher and everything in between.

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  Kory M. Shrum

  “Life’s a Gas”

  Kory M. Shrum lives in Michigan with her partner and a ferocious guard pug. She has dabbled in everything from fortune telling to martial arts and when not reading or writing, she can be found teaching, traveling, and wearing a gi. She writes dark fantasy and supernatural suspense featuring quirky smart asses and women you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley.

  She'd love to hear from you:

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