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Accidental Love

Page 3

by Lacey Wolfe

  His hands teased the bottom of her shirt. “Are you okay with this?”

  She nodded. Please, she thought.

  He yanked her shirt off and tossed it across the back of the chair. His eyes devoured her breasts. She realized then she was wearing a plain, white bra. Why hadn’t she opted for the lacey black one that morning? Though Ben didn’t seem like he cared. He planted light kisses to her cleavage and let his tongue dance around the top of the bra. Her eyes closed and she decided to just feel what he was doing. To enjoy the pleasure he was willing to give.

  A finger dipped inside and swirled around her nipple, then he lightly pinched it.

  “Does this feel good?” he asked.

  The way his hot breath felt on her skin was about to have her come right there.

  “Talk to me, Jane.”

  Did she have to? “Yes, it does,” was all she was able to get out.

  His mouth claimed hers again, and he pushed her back against the couch. He wasn’t gentle about it, and that turned her on even more. He was a take charge kind of man, and Jane was realizing more and more that she got a kick out of that.

  Her legs spread open so he could easily position himself between them. She tugged at his shirt and let her hands slide underneath it. Rubbing her palms across his chest, she moaned. He was so hard and built. This was a man who took care of himself. Damn, she couldn’t wait to see him out of his clothes.

  “Uh, Jane,” he said.

  Realizing he was no longer feasting on her, her eyes opened and she stared up at him.

  “By any chance, your feet aren’t wet, are they?”

  “Huh?” What was he talking about?

  “I didn’t think so.” Ben pulled away from her and Jane looked around him. Toby had joined them at some point and was licking Ben’s back.

  “Oh my God!” She jumped up off the couch. “Toby, no! Bad dog! Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” she shrieked.

  Could this get any more humiliating? She glanced at Ben and saw he was laughing.

  “It’s okay,” he said.

  She shook her head.

  “He just got overexcited. It’s fine, really.”

  She sat back down beside him and buried her face in her hands. “I don’t know how you’re laughing. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Really.”

  Looking at him, she saw he actually was amused and not at all mortified by her dog. Where had this man come from? Ben handed her shirt to her and she slipped it back on.

  “It was probably a good thing we stopped anyway,” he said. “I think we should get to know one another better before we go where we were most likely headed.”

  Yes, she was a goner. Was this man sent from heaven? What man ever wanted to get to know a woman better before getting her into bed?

  “How about I pick you and Toby up tomorrow and we work on a little training?” he asked.

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”

  “I’d like to. Maybe a picnic at my place and while we eat he can play with my danes. Does that sound good?”

  She nodded.

  Ben laughed. “Francesca was right. You really are a woman of few words.” He cupped her face and kissed her. “I like it though. It keeps me on my toes. I never know what you’re thinking.”

  He stood and pulled her up with him. Taking her hand he led her to the front door.

  “I’ll pick you up around five tomorrow. Sound good?”

  “Perfect,” she said.

  He cupped her face and kissed her again. A light and sensual kiss that restarted her engine and told her a cold shower was in order.

  “Sorry, I had to have one more taste.” He kissed her hand and then left.

  Once again, she stood in awe as he went to his car. He was amazing.

  Turning toward her dog, she pointed a finger at him. “You. I don’t even know what to say. You licked his back? Geesh.” Jane scratched the dog behind his ears. Perhaps the dog did do her a favor. She didn’t need to sleep with Ben. At least not yet.

  Chapter 5

  Ben was ecstatic to be picking Jane up. This woman was a mystery. She was a woman of few words, which surprised him. She came across as a bubbly type person and he had expected her to talk his ear off—which was what he was used to. Most of the women he’d dated were stuck on themselves. Everything revolved around them and what they liked to talk about.

  He wasn’t getting any younger, and since he was almost over the hump in the forties, he was ready to settle down. He’d had his fun. Jane seemed like someone who didn’t want to play the field. Someone that was ready for what he wanted too.

  The only thing he had to figure out now was did she actually like him? Or was this all about her ex? Francesca had made it seem as though Jane wanted the guy back, but that wasn’t what he was getting from her. In fact, as he got to know her more, he was clueless about how she’d gotten caught up in a scheme like this. She seemed so levelheaded, there was no way she came up with this idea. He was sure Francesca had dragged her into it.

  He’d known Francesca for years. He’d debated a few times about asking her out, but he knew she wasn’t the marrying type, at least for him. She cruised from man to man, let them spoil her rotten, and then moved to the next guy with money. Maybe one day she would finally settle down, but until then, there were plenty of men who would gladly hold their arms out for her to hang on to.

  Ben pulled up to Jane’s house. He liked her little place. It was charming and cozy. He wondered what she would think of his. Usually it impressed women, and while he wanted to do just that with Jane, he didn’t want it to be the same way. He really wanted her to just like him.

  Before he even made it to the door, Jane was on her way out, being tugged by Toby. Ben laughed and took the leash from her. This dog definitely needed some training and so did the owner. He hoped he could be some use to her.

  He was about to lean in for a kiss, but she turned her back to him and locked the door. She put her key in her purse then smiled brightly and asked if he was ready to go. Without a glance back she trotted toward the car. He followed with Toby, wondering if she’d purposely brushed him off.

  As she climbed in, he took a moment to look her over. She was dressed in khakis and a light pink blouse. Before she shut the car door, he caught a glimpse of a light brown heel on her foot. He chuckled, she was dressed up more than he was. He’d actually dressed down for today. A feeling of concern came over him now as he wondered if she was doing it because she felt she had to.

  Toby hopped into the backseat and then Ben sat down in the driver’s side. Jane looked serious, but she was still breathtakingly beautiful. Once again her long brown hair had a slight curl to it. Even though he thought she looked nice, she had looked downright sexy yesterday in her torn jeans and baggy t-shirt. Her hair had been in a messy bun and he still imagined himself grabbing her by it and possessing her mouth.

  He had to brace himself. He’d always been a take control kind of guy, especially in the bedroom. Each time he was with Jane, he just knew she was perfect. She wouldn’t mind letting him take the lead. Blinking his eyes, he warned himself yet again to get away from this thinking.

  “How are you today?” he finally asked.


  Ben couldn’t help but feel a bit frustrated. And he didn’t play games. “Are you upset about yesterday?”

  She shook her head.

  Normally he found it cute the way she didn’t speak a lot. But at the moment, it was irritating. “You don’t seem like yourself.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s obviously something. I’m not driving until you tell me what’s wrong. If you don’t want to go to my place, just say so. I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want.”

  “I want to go. I guess I’m still a little embarrassed about yesterday. It was awfully forward of me to have been doing what you and I were doing on the couch. I don’t normally move so fast. There’s just something about t
he way you make me feel…I don’t always feel like I’m in control,” she rambled.

  “You have no reason to be embarrassed about anything. We were both there. Like I said before, don’t do anything you don’t want to.” He grinned and leaned closer to her. “Though I must admit, it does this old man’s pride good to know you have a hard time controlling yourself around me.”

  She averted her eyes, and he dropped his gaze and stared at her lips. They parted slightly and he knew that if he wanted to, he could take them. Suck them, lick them, treasure them. But not yet. He settled back in his seat and started the car. When he glanced back at her, he could see the slight disappointment on her face. He would make up for that later.

  The drive to the house was mostly quiet. The dog panted the whole time and he could tell Toby didn’t go on many car rides. Maybe that would change if he and Jane started to see one another. The dog needed some interaction with his kind and his girls would be perfect.

  As they pulled up to his driveway and he came to his gate that required a code to punch in, he was actually nervous. Never before had he wanted a woman to not be impressed by his place. He worried it would be too much for her and she wouldn’t want to see him again.

  He looked at his house with new eyes as they pulled up to the almost mansion looking place. There were four white columns that went from the ground floor up to the second. The house was mainly brick with white siding at the top. Windows were all over. He liked light. The yard was well cared for by a weekly landscaping crew.

  He looked over at Jane. She appeared to be in awe. Her eyes were wide as she took it all in.

  “Wow, this is your house?” she asked.

  “It is.”

  “And only you live here?”

  “Me, Olive, and Pepper.”

  She smiled over at him.

  He parked the car outside the garage. He didn’t dare open the door for her to see that he had three other vehicles.

  He got out of the car and got Toby first. As he jogged around to get her door, she opened it herself and stepped out. He let his eyes take her in again. She looked sexy. Her blouse was unbuttoned low enough that he caught a glimpse of a white camisole playing peek-a-boo. There wasn’t any way he couldn’t explore today. If she was willing, he was definitely taking. He wasn’t turning her down.

  He took her hand and like always it fit perfectly in his. With Toby’s leash in the other, he took her inside his house. Right as they entered and before he got the door shut Olive and Pepper came running to greet them. Jane’s eyes lit up as she saw his giant girls sitting in front of them, doing their best to control themselves as they waited for him to pet them.

  “I get knocked over by Toby each time I come in.”

  “I had to train them not to do that. Could you imagine two one-hundred-and-fifty pound dogs knocking me over every day?”

  She shook her head.

  He pet both his girls and then led them all through the house to the door in the kitchen where it took them to his fenced in back yard.

  “Let’s go out here a moment and let them get acquainted.”

  He kept Toby on the leash, but left it slack so the three dogs could freely sniff one another. It only took a few minutes before the dogs all had wagging tails and he decided to let Toby off the leash. The dogs ran around the yard and seemed to be instant buddies.

  “I need to make a quick phone call. Want to come inside for a bit?” he asked.


  Inside he offered her a drink but she declined. He wished he could get into her head and know what she was thinking. Maybe after a few minutes to herself she would be more open.

  * * * *

  As soon as Ben left the kitchen, Jane worried she just might faint. She had only seen houses as big and as gorgeous as this one on TV. This place was magnificent. The countertops were a dark marble and all the appliances were chrome. The kitchen had one of those islands with pans hanging above it. You could probably fit an entire army inside of the kitchen. She was completely out of her element.

  A glance out the window showed the dogs having a fun time. If she had driven here she most likely would’ve grabbed Toby and ran while Ben was busy with his phone call. This house probably impressed many women right into his bed, but all it did for her was make her feel embarrassed that he had seen her tiny house.

  As she watched the dogs she started to think about the future—if they had one. Her parents weren’t too much older than him. What would they think? Plus, he had never been married, which was a bit unusual for a man his age, and she wondered if maybe he had a commitment phobia. After the games Matt had played with her, was she willing to be with someone who might not want a long-term commitment? This was all a lot to think about, but if she didn’t clear her mind soon, she was going to have a panic attack.

  She moved away from the window and peeked her head out of one of the kitchen doorways and saw a grand dining room. It had a huge table that sat eight people on each side. Good God, who had that many people over at once? Stepping back into the kitchen she decided that maybe she needed that drink. Her mouth was feeling dry.

  As she was about to open the fridge Ben returned.

  “Miss me?” he asked.

  She smiled at him, knowing it was one of those awkward smiles that would leave him asking questions to himself.

  “Just thirsty, actually.”

  “What can I get you?” he asked.

  “Water would be fine.” Jane stepped back as he moved toward the fridge and opened it for her.

  He pulled out a bottle and she saw it was no store brand water. It came in a glass bottle with a name she couldn’t even pronounce. The man even bought expensive water. Didn’t he know water was water? Geesh, rich people.

  Ben removed the cap and handed it to her.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “Want a tour?”

  She hesitated, taking a long sip of water before setting the bottle down. The more she saw of the house, the more out of place she felt. But then she remembered her manners. “I’d love one.”

  Thankfully, he skipped the dining room and led her to the living room then to his study. Each room was spotless and looked as though it had been professionally decorated. She couldn’t find anything out of place. He took her up the spiral staircase where she saw a row of doors closed, except the one at the end. He took her straight to the open one. When they went inside her eyes widened and she burst out laughing. The room was a wreck. Clothes were strewn everywhere, the bed was unmade. Books and DVDs were in piles all over.

  “I think the maid forgot this room.” She crossed her arms with a smirk on her face.

  “This is my room, and I take care of it. I keep it the way I like it.”


  “Damn right. Did you see the rest of the house?”

  She nodded.

  “Then you see why this place is a wreck.”

  “I wasn’t expecting to see your room like this. It makes you seem a little more human.” She felt a lot more comfortable in here than anywhere else.

  “Believe me, I’m not clean. You’ll either find me in my study or up here. I never use the dining room or the living room. I’m too afraid I might get a fingerprint on something.”

  “But it’s your house. You don’t have to keep it that way.”

  “You’re right, but I don’t really need all those rooms anyway.”

  “Why the big house then?”

  “To be honest, I thought once I had the house I’d find my wife and we’d fill this giant thing with kids.”

  “You might still find her.”

  “I might.” He smiled.

  He took her hand and walked toward the double doors. When opened they led out to a deck that overlooked the back yard. Toby ran around with Olive and Pepper, having a grand time it looked like. Hopefully he would be good and worn-out and not be too much of a pest later when they got home.

  As she looked over the yard, two strong arms wrapped around
her waist. Ben’s warm breath tickled her neck, and she braced herself for his lips to meet her skin. It didn’t take him long. He kissed a line from the back of her neck to her chin. Spinning her around, he slammed his lips against hers and she gasped from the force.

  “I can’t control myself around you.” He groaned. “I just have to touch you.”

  “Then touch me,” she panted.

  His hands yanked at her waist and his erection pressed into her. Just the feel of him hard made her squeeze her legs together to contain the wetness. He kissed her from her mouth, down her jaw, and to the spot right at her collarbone that made her moan. His kisses were light and fluttery and sent shivers through her. At this point she didn’t care how far they went, just as long as his mouth was on her.

  Jane rubbed her hands across his chest and then up around his neck and into his hair. It was softer than she expected and long enough that she could curl her fingers into it. One leg came up out of instinct and wrapped around his waist, pushing his erection right into her core.

  He leaned her back against the railing, and she silently prayed it was strong enough to hold them both, otherwise it was going to be a long, hard fall to the ground. But as one of his hands snuck under her shirt and into her bra she no longer cared about that fall.

  Jane was greedy and she needed his lips back on hers. She tilted his head up and took them. There was nothing gentle about this kiss. It was raw and full of desire.

  He fiddled with the top of her pants and when she thought about what was to come her pussy grew more moist. She couldn’t wait to see how his fingers would feel. Would he be rough and just drive into her, or would he take his time, getting his fingers fully coated with her juices before he thrust up into her?

  His hand slid in and right before he met her sex his lips left hers and returned to the spot on her collarbone that drove her insane. His finger dipped into her pussy and she groaned. He circled her clit several times before she got her answer. Two fingers at a time he entered her.

  “Oh my…” she called out.

  “Do you like that?” he asked.

  She couldn’t answer. Not only was he entering her, but with his thumb he flicked her clitoris and she saw stars and fireworks.


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