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The Ghosts Omnibus One

Page 93

by Jonathan Moeller

  Caina laughed. “Ark’s wife had much the same reaction. Now what can I do for you?”

  “I wished merely to thank you,” said Hiram.

  “For the lordship?”

  Hiram scowled. “Please. A hassle and a bother. And the title itself isn’t worth much. I’ll have to sell the mansion and almost all the property to meet Agria’s debts. I should have just enough money left over to buy myself a mug of Zorgi’s beer. I never aspired to my brother’s title. No. I wanted to thank you for finding the truth. I was sure that Agria had murdered Lydia and Martin, and I was just as sure that she would never pay for it.”

  “I think she regretted it, at the end,” said Caina, remembering the look of horror Agria had worn in her final moment. “Not that it matters very much.”

  “Perhaps not,” said Hiram. “But Martin and Lydia have justice now.”

  “She loved you,” said Caina, remembering. “Lydia did. A great deal.”

  “I know,” said Hiram, voice quiet.

  Caina made a decision. “Then you should have this.” She drew out the silver comb she had found in the caverns. “Here.”

  Hiram blinked, his hand closing around the comb. “This…this is Lydia’s. It was her favorite comb. She wore it almost every day. Where did you find it?”

  “When I escaped the vaults,” said Caina. “It seemed out of place so I took it. Later I thought it might be the sort of thing a young noble girl would wear, so…”

  “It is,” said Hiram. “Thank you. I had best go. Lord Governor Corbould has ordered the tunnels below the Citadel sealed. No one is to enter them ever again.”

  “Good. And look upon the lordship this way,” said Caina. “Tribunes are usually noble-born…but Legates have titles. And you’re a Ghost now, and we need eyes and ears in high places. I would be very surprised if you were not Legate of your own Legion within the year.”

  Hiram smiled. “I’ll look forward to it. Thank you.”


  A few days later Caina sat talking with Ark and Tanya. Nicolai squatted on the floor, playing with some of Caina’s tools. She had been teaching him to pick locks, to his father’s amusement and his mother’s mild concern.

  “I think,” said Ark, “that we will stay in Marsis.”

  Caina nodded. She had been expecting something like this.

  “Lord Palaegus arranged a job for me,” said Ark. “A smith, in one of the Imperial foundries supplying arms and armor for the Legions. The pay is good…and, well, I have a family to feed now.”

  Caina hid her smile. Ark had killed Naelon Icaraeus, and the Emperor would pay the bounty for the traitor’s head. Ark and Tanya were in for a very pleasant surprise in a few months.

  “Feeding your family is hard to do,” she said instead, “if you’re wandering from one end of the Empire to the other.”

  “I was looking for Tanya and Nicolai,” said Ark. He shrugged. “And now that I’ve found them…I’ll also need to find a profession for the boy. Smithing is a good life; hard work, but it pays well. And better than soldiering by far.”

  “And the Emperor needs eyes everywhere,” said Caina.

  Ark nodded.

  “Halfdan wants us to keep close watch over Marsis,” said Tanya.

  “Understandable,” said Caina. “Lord Icaraeus is dead, and we’ve killed most of his organization. But someone might try to take over and start anew.”

  “Not if we have anything to say about it,” said Tanya. “No one else should have to endure what we’ve endured.”

  “Jiri and Lord Palaegus will be the circlemasters,” said Ark. “With any luck, no slaver will ever set foot in Marsis ever again.”

  “What about you?” said Tanya. “Will you stay with us?”

  Caina shook her head. “No. I go where I am needed. In fact, I’ll be leaving in a few days for the Imperial capital. Apparently the Emperor himself wants to hear what happened from my own lips.”

  Tanya laughed. “No doubt he wants to reward you.”

  Ark snorted. “He’d better, considering that you killed Agria, Icaraeus, and Jadriga.”

  “You killed Icaraeus and Agria,” said Caina. “I just helped.”

  “Will we ever see you again?” said Tanya.

  “Yes,” said Caina. “I think you will.”

  She looked at the three of them, envious. That was something she would never know, to sit quietly with a husband and a child.

  But Caina had work to do. Tanya wasn’t the only one who wanted to keep something like this from ever happening again. There were more men like Icaraeus out there, and more men and women like Jadriga, corrupted their by sorcerous powers. They would commit atrocities, if left unchecked, rip apart more families the way they had torn apart Ark and Tanya and Nicolai.

  But not if Caina had anything to say about it.


  Thank you for reading "Ghost in the Blood", and the omnibus edition of the first three Ghosts books. If you enjoyed them, please consider leaving a review on the ebook site of your choice.

  Turn the page for the first chapter of Ghost in the Storm, the next Caina adventure. For immediate notification of new releases, you can sign up for my email newsletter here, or watch for news on my Facebook page.

  GHOST IN THE STORM Bonus Chapter

  Caina saw the dead sorceress standing in the center of the room.

  The woman was beautiful, radiant. She looked like a maiden of eighteen years, with long black hair and red lips. But that was only an illusion. She was the Moroaica, a sorceress of legend and terror, and her black eyes were ancient and cold with dark knowledge.

  And Caina had seen her die.

  The Moroaica stirred, those ancient eyes falling upon Caina.

  "No," said Caina. "You're dead. I killed you myself. I saw you die."

  The woman who had called herself Jadriga smiled. "Did you?"

  "I saw you die," said Caina, reaching for the dagger at her belt, "but if by some trick you have returned, then I will slay you again!"

  The smile on Jadriga's red lips widened.

  "Child," she said. "You should prepare yourself for what comes."

  The world dissolved into blackness.


  Caina awoke with a sharp gasp, dawn sunlight filling her eyes.

  She sat up, yanking a dagger from beneath her pillow, and looked around. Her room at Zorgi's Inn looked just as it had last night - the same soft bed, the same windows with a fine view of the ships filling Marsis's harbor. Caina looked back and forth, expecting to see Jadriga in the corner.

  But Caina was alone.

  A dream. It had been nothing more than a nightmare. Jadriga had been dead for two weeks, killed by the dark forces she sought to conjure below Black Angel Tower.

  Just a dream. Yet the uneasy feeling lingered. Dreams were the scars of the mind, Halfdan always said. And perhaps Jadriga had left more of a scar than Caina had thought.

  Caina pushed aside the blankets, rose, and began to stretch, her limbs moving through the exercises Akragas had taught her at the Vineyard years ago. She looped a rope to the beams of the ceiling and pulled herself up by the strength of her arms, over and over again. She stood balanced on her right leg, left foot raised to her jaw.

  Then the unarmed forms. High punch, middle block, leg sweep, backward throw, all the moves she had practiced over and over again until they were imprinted upon her very muscles. When she finished, sweat soaked her shift, and her arms trembled just a bit, and she felt much better.

  Work was the only cure for dark feelings.

  Caina bathed, washing the sweat from her skin and black hair, and put on a green dress with black trim on the sleeves and hem. A curved dagger went in a sheath at her belt. Most of the women of Marsis wore a dagger, but Caina also hid a pair of daggers in her boots and strapped a set of throwing knives to her forearms.

  She would have felt naked without the weapons.

  After she dressed, Caina went to the common room for breakfast.

/>   Zorgi's Inn overlooked the Plaza of the Tower, the richest district of Marsis, and wealthy merchants and minor nobles preferred to stay at his inn when visiting the city. The common room had hearths crackling at either end, and guests broke their fast at long tables, while maids in livery brought out trays of food from the kitchen.

  A stout Szaldic man in his middle forties hurried over to Caina, smiling beneath an enormous bushy mustache. He smiled a lot, but when Caina had first met him, the smile never reached his eyes. But since his son had returned with the other slaves from the dungeons below Black Angel Tower, a new vigor had appeared in his step.

  And he would never know that Caina was the one responsible.

  "Anna Callenius!" boomed Zorgi, bowing over Caina's hand and planting a kiss upon it. "It is good you have awakened. Our humble inn is all the brighter for your beauty."

  Caina let herself smile. "Anna Callenius", her disguise in Marsis, was a flighty merchant's daughter. Anna appreciated compliments. Besides, Caina liked Zorgi.

  "How could I stay away?" said Caina. "All of Marsis knows the splendor of your table, Master Zorgi."

  "Ah," said Zorgi, taking her arm and steering her across the room, "your compliments bring to a tear to the eye of this weary old man."

  "I have seen many tears in your eyes," said Caina in a quiet voice, "since your son returned."

  Zorgi's face softened further. "Aye. Did I tell you? The Balarigar himself brought my son here, after he slew the dread Moroaica and freed the slaves."

  Caina kept her expression still. The Balarigar. The Demonslayer, in the Szaldic tongue. The freed slaves had given that name to the masked and hooded figure that defeated Jadriga, little dreaming that the Balarigar was in fact a woman.

  That Caina was a nightfighter of the Ghosts.

  "But enough of such talk!" said Zorgi. "Your father awaits you. Perhaps he has found you a rich husband, eh?"

  He led Caina to a table in the corner. Two men, a woman, and a boy sat there. One of the men was in his fifties, and wore the cap and furred robe of a prosperous merchant, his craggy face shaded with a gray beard. The second man was in his forties, with balding, close-crapped hair and the hard look of a former Legionary. His left hand rested atop the woman's right. She was no older than twenty-seven or twenty-eight, and looked a great deal like Caina, though taller.

  The boy had the Legionary's gray eyes and the woman's black hair.

  "Ah, daughter," said Halfdan, adjusting the sleeve of his robe. "You've joined us. Thank you, Zorgi."

  "My pleasure, Master Basil," said Zorgi, using Halfdan's false name. Just as he did not know that Caina was a Ghost nightfighter, he did not know "Basil Callenius" was a circlemaster of the Ghosts, the Emperor's spies and assassins. "I shall have tea brought for her at once."

  He bustled off, and Caina sat.

  "Still drinking tea, daughter?" said Halfdan, his gravelly voice amused. He spoke with a Nighmarian accent, though like Caina, he knew how to change his voice and accent as needed. "You'll never pass as a merchant's spoiled daughter. Spoiled daughters prefer to have mixed wine with breakfast."

  Caina lifted an eyebrow. "Perhaps I'm hung over."

  The former Legionary snorted. "You? Doubtful." Unlike Zorgi, Ark had a hard, unsmiling face, with cold eyes the color of steel.

  Yet some of the hardness had vanished from his face since Caina had brought his wife and son out of the darkness below Black Angel Tower.

  "You've never been hung over," said Ark, "since you would never let yourself lose control enough to get drunk."

  "Or I simply do not care for the taste of wine," said Caina.

  "She may drink," said Tanya, Ark's wife, "whatever she wishes to drink. And I will bring it to her myself."

  "I like tea," announced the boy, with all the solemnity a six-year-old could manage.

  Ark snorted. "Wait until you're twelve, Nicolai, and you can have ale."

  "Fourteen," said Tanya.

  Caina grinned, and this time it was not feigned. She would never have a husband and children. Not after what Maglarion and her mother had done to her. Yet it pleased her to see Ark and Tanya happy together. She had seen the despair in Ark's eyes as he spoke of his lost wife and son, the horror on Tanya's face as she described Jadriga's plans for Nicolai.

  It pleased Caina very much to see them happy.

  "Will we depart soon, Father?" said Caina. "I had thought we would have left by now. You have pressing business in the Imperial capital."

  "Soon," said Halfdan, taking a bite of cheese and swallowing. "After we attend to a small business matter here."

  Caina frowned. "Business?"

  "I want to see the ships," said Nicolai.

  They all looked at him.

  "Ships?" said Caina. "There are hundreds of ships in the harbor."

  "But these are special ships," said Nicolai. "Master Basil said so, when he was talking to Father. I want to see them."

  "An embassy," said Halfdan. "The Padishah of Istarinmul is sending a new ambassador to our Emperor. A noble named Rezir Shahan, an emir from the Vale of Fallen Stars. He and his entourage are traveling to Malarae to present their gifts to the Emperor, but first he will stop to pay his respects to the Lord Governor of Marsis. He is due to arrive this morning."

  "I do not," said Tanya, voice quiet, "care for the Istarish." Little wonder. Most of the slavers in the Moroaica's and Lord Naelon Icaraeus's service had been Istarish.

  "The are an unpleasant folk," said Halfdan, cutting himself another slice of cheese. "The Istarish slavers' brotherhood dominates the Cyrican sea, selling slaves in the markets of New Kyre and Cyrica and the free cities. But war between the Empire and Istarinmul would profit no one, and both the Emperor and the Padishah know this. So Rezir Shahan comes to present himself to the Emperor as Lord Ambassador."

  "Rezir Shahan," said Caina, frowning. "I'm sure I've heard that name before."

  "I want to see the special ships," said Nicolai.

  "Perhaps later," said Tanya. "Soon we will go to Malarae with Master Basil. Then you will travel upon a ship."

  "I've never seen a ship," said Nicolai. "Mother would read about them in the Moroaica's books. But I've never seen a real ship."

  A shiver of agony went over Tanya's expression, and she looked from Nicolai to Ark and back again. It was not hard for Caina to decipher that glance.

  Tanya wanted Nicolai to have a younger brother or sister.

  "I'll take Nicolai to see the ships," said Caina.

  Tanya blinked. "You will?"

  "A walk would do me good," said Caina. "And Nicolai does want to see the harbor."

  "And I suspect Rezir Shahan's entry into the city will be quite splendid," said Halfdan. "The Istarish do love their pomp and ceremony."

  Ark snorted. "So does Lord Governor Corbould, to hear Hiram speak of him."

  "It will be no trouble," said Caina. "And you'd prefer some peace and quiet for a morning, no doubt."

  "A good idea," said Halfdan. "Come, daughter. Walk with me a moment. I have an errand you can do while you're out and about."

  Caina frowned, but followed Halfdan as he strolled to the hearth.

  "It's warmer here," said Halfdan. "And we are less likely to be overheard."

  "What errand did you have in mind?" said Caina.

  "I want you to take a look at Rezir Shahan," said Halfdan.

  "That's it?" said Caina. "Just look at him?"

  "Just look at him," said Halfdan. "Our lord emir is not a good man. He ranks high among the slavers' brotherhood, and has many friends in Istarinmul's College of Alchemists. He..."

  Caina blinked. "That's why I remember his name. I saw him in Lord Haeron's ledgers."

  "Aye," said Halfdan. "Rezir sold slaves to Haeron Icaraeus, and bought slaves from Naelon Icaraeus. You remember those slavers we killed in the Vytaagi swamps? Those were Rezir's men. He is a powerful man in Istarinmul, and a cousin of the Padishah. So I wonder..."

  "Why he would serve as an amba
ssador," said Caina.

  Halfdan nodded. "He is up to something, I'm sure of it. Some plan, some stratagem. Else he would not have become the ambassador. Whether his plot is aimed at the Empire, or some enemy within Istarinmul, I know not. But I intend to find out."

  Caina frowned. "If there's any danger, I should go alone, and leave Nicolai here."

  "No, there's no danger," said Halfdan. "Rezir will have an honor guard of three hundred men with him. Not enough to make serious trouble. Lord Governor Corbould will meet him in the Great Market with his own honor guard, and they'll process to the Citadel. Crowds of commoners always gather to watch the pomp and pageantry of these ceremonies. No one will notice one woman and a small boy. You have a knack, my dear, for observation. So I'd like to see what you can observe about our new ambassador. Then you can walk to the harbor and let Nicolai see the ships." He snorted. "Though the boy will likely take it into his head that he wants to be a sailor, and break his poor mother's heart."


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