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Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance

Page 37

by Lara Swann

  He looks from us to the groups of jocks and hangers-on Mel just pointed to, as if considering for a moment.

  “Alright.” He stands up in one smooth movement and starts walking in that direction before we can say anything more.

  “Hey—” Mel calls after him - those aren’t the kind of guys you just walk up to - but he continues obliviously.

  But then, even as we’re still staring at each other in confusion, he sits down among them with the kind of confidence that isn’t even deliberate and strikes up a conversation. And the guys move over and make room for him, slapping him on the shoulder a moment later - then he’s talking and laughing as if he’s known them all his life.

  “Well, that was brief.” Lily says with slight bemusement.

  “Thank god for that.” I mutter.

  Mel just laughs at my reaction. “And why is that such a good thing, hmm?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” I retort, “He’s infuriating, and arrogant, and…and completely inappropriate! That’s why I didn’t mention it - I didn’t think he’d even come ‘round. He so doesn’t fit with us - see?”

  I gesture back over towards him and then go back to my fries - now cold, thanks to his interruption.

  But despite the obvious relief that the awkwardness is over, I’m kind of pissed off that he just left like that. And confused about why he even bothered with us in the first place - of course we weren’t going to get him invites to the hottest parties on campus.

  “He didn’t seem so bad…” Lily comments, “And hey, we agreed—”

  I look up to point out it’s largely irrelevant now, only to see Caleb headed back in our direction.

  What does he want now?

  Mel and Lily notice my pause and glance over their shoulders, then turn back with naughty, suggestive expressions that only make me laugh.

  “Okay, that’s sorted.” Caleb slides back into the chair next to me he’d claimed earlier, and we all look at him blankly. “House party Friday night - Joe’s place.”

  I blink, then glance between him and the guys now waving to us from across the hall. I have no idea which one is Joe.

  It can’t have been that easy. Can it?

  “Really?” The same thing is clearly crossing Mel’s mind, and she answers before Lily or I can get a word in. “Okay, sure. Yeah, we’ll totally be there. Won’t we girls?”

  She gives us both intent looks, and Lily turns sheepishly towards me, clearly interested in the suggestion. I almost can’t believe these are the same two girls I spent first year hiding out in the library with, relieved we’d found a way out of the awkward parties and idiotic-drunken conversations most of the other students were having.

  “Umm…we could think about—” I start.

  “Oh, c’mon, Alana,” Lily interrupts, “It could be fun - and we were just saying how—”

  “Okay. Alright, I’ll give it a go.” I cut in before she can mention anything about the pact we just made - this is already embarrassing enough without Caleb hearing about that.

  Even if this whole idea really isn’t my scene. I’m all for having a little more fun, but watching everyone get too-drunk at a college party definitely wasn’t what I would’ve picked…

  “Great.” With our reluctant agreement, Caleb rises easily and gives the table a little wave. “See you Friday, then.”

  He turns to leave while I’m still busy processing everything that just happened - but as he walks past, his hand brushes lightly across my shoulder and I have to fight an instinctive shiver of response.

  I twist around to stare after him, disbelief and need flaring in me simultaneously - but he’s not even looking back at me, the bastard. Cursing myself for the completely inappropriate response, I turn back to the table - only to see Mel and Lily looking straight at me.

  “What?” I say defensively, knowing what’s coming.

  “He likes you, babe.” Mel’s smile widens, even as I shake my head emphatically.

  “He’s probably like that with everyone - typical cocky college guy, you know what they’re like.”

  “Mmhmm…” I can feel Mel’s incredulity and brush it off before she can say anything more.

  “Besides, I definitely don’t like him. He’s really not my type.” I might not know what my type is, but there’s no way it’s him.

  Mel and Lily ease up a little, letting the conversation turn to other things as I bury myself in the last of my food and try to ignore the way my blood pulses at the thought of Friday night.

  Chapter Five


  I start regretting it before we even arrive.

  The moment I see Alana and her friends waiting for me, I know I’m screwed. She’s wearing a strapless shimmery-gold dress that hangs to mid-thigh and hugs her curves just right, with her hair curling around her shoulders and revealing little glimpses of perfect pale skin that make me want to step up to her, run a hand through that artfully mussed hair and nip and nuzzle at her neck. All the blood leaves my head in an instant, and the nerves I’ve been fighting with all day suddenly explode as I wonder how the hell I’m going to get through this while she’s actually showing off that smoking hot body of hers.

  I’m supposed to be protecting Alana - and here I am taking her to a college party full of drunken guys and loud music and dark rooms…it’s a disaster waiting to happen, and I can just feel it.

  I don’t say much as we walk along to the frat boys’ house just outside campus, barely even noticing the girls’ excited-nervous chatter as I’m too distracted by the contrasting images of the seductive sway of Alana’s hips in front of me - and the ever-darkening thoughts of how someone might try to kill her on this fun little outing.

  “Soo…what should we be expecting at this party?” Mel grabs my arm and leans in almost conspiratorially as we walk down the street to the large house at the end.

  She seems like a lovely girl - definitely the liveliest of the three - and her raven hair spills across my shoulder as she smiles up at me.

  But instead of answering her, I have to fight my instinctive reaction to break away and pull a gun out. Which is not what a pretty girl should be doing to me - except tonight, I’m too on edge for anything else.

  Forcing myself to take a breath and deal, I glance down at her, surprised at just how uninterested I am in the attention, even after that initial reaction. Only to notice her sneaking more looks at Alana than at me - making me wonder what the hell is going on.

  Alana either feels those glances, or something else, because she drops back level with us and I forget about her friend as I barely manage to stop myself from putting an arm around her shoulder - which I’m pretty sure would just piss her off. Plus, if I start that, I might not stop - and I can’t risk that tonight.

  “Too-loud music, too-drunk people, shouting and sweat.” Alana answers for me, but her eyes are sparkling despite the irreverent words.

  Unfortunately, that’s exactly what I think it’ll be like, too.

  “Wow…why’d we never consider doing this before, girls?” Lily comes up behind Alana, laying her arm across her friend’s shoulder - exactly where I’d wanted to be - with a light laugh that quells my momentary surge of jealousy. Their obvious enthusiasm makes me smile, regardless of my doubts about the evening.

  Mel leans in front of me to give them both a grin. “Don’t worry - Caleb here’ll look after us. Won’t you, babe?”

  Her eyes are wide and not-quite-innocent and I swear I can feel them all looking at me, an expectant attention just waiting for me to step in and act as the guy they think I am. The college party guy, ready for a good time.

  And I can’t help feeling almost responsible for that - I’m the one dragging them along to this, so it’s hardly fair to bail now.

  C’mon, bastard, get yourself together!

  “Sure thing.” I slip my arm around Mel’s waist, giving her a wink as I let myself slide back into the role I’m supposed to be playing.

  Not that being a seductive hear
t-throb is much of a role to me. Though for some reason, flirting with Mel like that feels strange - even if it’s just fooling around - and as we approach the end of the street I let my arm slip away, using it to gesture at the house practically vibrating from the deep bass tone of whatever speakers they’ve hooked up. Not quite some of the clubs I’ve been to, but not a bad effort for students.

  “Whatcha think, girls? We at the right place?”

  A high-pitched scream cuts me off, followed by a scantily-clad girl running across the lawn in front of us, clutching her chest and chasing after a couple of guys laughing and waving a black lacy bra around. From the indignant shrieks and slight glaze of her eyes, she’s obviously loving it - though as my gaze travels over Alana and Lily, it occurs to me that might not be so obvious to them. To our right, another couple of guys lean against the wall clutching cheap beer and raise it in our direction a moment later, hooting something incomprehensible.

  The expression on Alana’s face tells me she might be seriously considering my question, but before she can say anything Mel grabs them both by the hand and charges ahead.

  “Ohh, no you don’t!” Her voice is breathless and laughing as she pulls them along, her enthusiasm not dampened in the slightest. “We’re doing this, girls - a night of freedom and fun!”

  I laugh as I watch their exuberant gait up to the door, something about the idea of Alana’s uptight attitude meeting a party full of drunk college students teasing me for a moment.

  Then they disappear inside and my brief merriment is interrupted by the now-familiar beat—


  That happens any time she leaves my sight.

  I jog to catch up, then push past the couple on the verge of making out in the hallway, relieved to find the three of them only a few steps inside. Alana turns back to look at me - not nearly as affronted by the half-naked guys or loud music as I was expecting - and I force myself to relax under her curious gaze.

  “Not planning on waiting for me?” I cock my head at them, but my words are lost in the sea of noise and the deep pounding beat that seems to shake the house.

  “Let’s get something to drink!” Mel shouts at us, her voice barely rising above the music.

  “What?!” Lily yells back.

  “I said - let’s get a drink!” Mel leans in closer to us, and I finally see Lily nodding.

  This is why I never bother to talk at parties - well, that and I’ve never needed words to get a girl interested.

  Alana shakes her head as Mel tries to pull her away. “I’m good! I’ll stay here!”

  She gestures at me, and Mel gets a look on her face that I could only describe as devious as she grins and nods.

  Alana rolls her eyes as they leave - a silent communication that I can read far too well.

  Now if only I could follow up on her friend’s obvious encouragement...

  Then they disappear and I’m left alone with Alana. Which should be a good thing, I guess - if for no other reason than that it’s far easier to make sure nothing happens to her when we’re one-on-one.

  Except I suddenly realize it’s awkward as fuck.

  She’s just standing there, looking at me and then around, clearly out of place and unsure about this whole thing, even if she was trying to act enthusiastic earlier. And I’m left with a whole lot of guilt about whether I should be showing her a good time - corrupting her in all those sweet ways I’ve been picturing - or keeping Sullivan’s precious daughter innocent and naive. She’d definitely be safer that way - from stupid college pricks at least, if not hitmen and mafia dogs, and I’m sure this wasn’t what the boss was picturing.

  I take another look at her, the slightly puzzled line across her forehead and unsure-but-game expression in her eyes and - fuck it, you’ve got a role to play.

  I give her my best cocky grin and step closer, putting an arm around her with the excuse of bending closer to speak into her ear. To my surprise, she doesn’t even step out of it. “You sure you don’t want anything?”

  “No, I don’t really drink.” She shrugs as I give an inward sigh.

  Of course you don’t.

  Instead, my grin sharpens. “Dancing it is, then.”

  And before she can react, I’m pulling her towards a group in the middle of the living room - it’s cramped and crowded, but it’s maybe a little lighter in here. Just in case.

  The college party guy slash hitman-bodyguard might be a hard thing to balance, but hell, I’m going to at least try.

  To her credit, Alana does actually get into it. And dancing with her is fucking hot.

  The way her body moves in that shimmering dress, it’s almost as though I can see what she’s hiding underneath and imagine those soft curves shifting under me instead of right there beside me. Waiting to be touched and taken and enjoyed. It’s hard to keep it innocent, and I find myself moving closer, taking her hand and letting her twirl around with a light laugh, then bringing her in, just a bit closer.

  I’m getting hard, right here in the middle of the house, but it’s far too dark for anyone to notice so I pretend I’m safe, and focus on trying not to freak her out with all the things I’d normally be doing at this point. This is the most innocent dance I’ve ever had.

  She has to be the most unconscious cock-tease I’ve ever known too, and the way she grins up at me - life and happiness shining from her eyes - I can’t decide whether I want to protect that sweet naivety forever, or take her right here as we’re dancing.

  Unfortunately, it’s almost immediately obvious that I’m not the only one with that idea, and as I catch guys checking her out and sidling up towards us, every protective instinct starts boiling inside me. And not because I think they’re about to fucking kill her.

  I’m not even sure why I care. I never have before. But I’m not entirely sure Alana can take care of herself, and she doesn’t seem to have a clue just how much attention she’s attracting. Plus, usually I get to smirk at them, then casually step it up a level and start making a real move, showing everyone else just how out of my league they are. Which is the one thing I can’t do here.

  So I just glare at them - and mostly, it works. I can be pretty intimidating when I want to be. But there are still the couple that come too close, that look too long, and set my body on edge.

  It’s enough that I’m about to suggest we take a break, when Mel and Lily come back to find us, looking a little tipsy and happy and relaxed.

  “Hey, babe! I’ve got to show you something!” Lily grabs Alana’s arm and before I can react, she starts dragging her away, giggling a little.

  I make to go after them, only to have Mel get in my face. Her cheeks are tinged a little pink and she has a slightly high-and-mighty look on her face as she leans into me. Maybe she’s more than a little tipsy.

  “Hey, you.” She grabs my arm and I fight the instinct to throw her off and follow Alana, my gut tightening. I don’t have time for this even if she is Alana’s friend. “I know you like her. Aand that’s great…I’m happy…but, listen here. You better treat her right. Don’t…don’t hurt her…”


  I stare at her for a moment. I’m really getting the protective-close-friend speech?

  Fuck that shit.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to her—” Mel’s staring at me like she’s trying to decipher my ulterior motives, and all I can think about is the sharp fear in my stomach at letting her out of my sight, even for a moment.

  “Then don’t fucking leave her alone in a party full of drunk college guys.” I snap back, breaking her hold easily and pushing past the people that have re-formed in front of us, ignoring the spluttered protest behind me and trying to find Alana and Lily.

  Which is damn hard in a party full of drunk students, even if I’m better than most at elbowing and slipping my way through. It’s too dark in here, even if I feel like I’d recognize Alana in a heartbeat anyway, and there are too many people. The music is too loud. And I can’t
think beyond the constant beat of horrific images in my mind.

  I finally make my way out of the throng of dancing people and look around, having no idea which room they headed to. I should have asked Mel. But I couldn’t wait for that.

  I find myself in full fight-mode as my head swings around and I scan every area, my body tense and alert and ready to act. It’s a ridiculously over-the-top reaction, but I can’t help it. And if it means I find her, I don’t care.

  I finally catch a glimpse of them as I push through into the kitchen area - just in time to hear a startled scream and see an overbearing guy grinding himself up against Alana’s back, running his hands down her and copping a feel.

  My vision goes red instantly, and despite the endless time it felt like it took to get here, I’m over there in an instant. Alana’s whipped around and I’m pretty sure she’s about to lay into the guy, but I don’t give her a chance.

  I pull him back and throw him up against the wall, getting into his face without a moment’s hesitation. I want to punch his lights out, but I’m pretty sure these college kids have never seen my kind of violence, and scaring Alana off would be even worse than letting this dickhead get away unscathed.

  So instead I grab the collar of his t-shirt and push him back again, holding him there and letting him see the murder in my gaze. He’s muscled and fit, but obviously not a trained fighter and the wide-eyed way he’s looking at me makes it clear he knows he’s outclassed.

  “You fucking asshole. Stay the hell away from her. You got that?” I snarl it at him, leaning forward again and watching as he splutters and coughs from the pressure.

  When he nods quickly, I scowl and finally push him away from us, watching as he staggers backwards and then disappears.

  I’m still fighting the blood lust and adrenaline surging through me, and I take deep breaths as I try to calm down.

  Why the hell am I so wound up?

  A distant part of me is dimly aware that I’ve done far worse than he tried - and I was usually successful, too. Fuck it.

  A few people are looking over at us uncertainly, but most are either too drunk or simply don’t care, and a quick withering glare at those that do puts an end to the attention.


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