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Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance

Page 46

by Lara Swann

  God damn it! That was not meant to happen.

  But I relent anyway. “Yes, okay, he was good. Very good. We had a good time.”

  The best I’ve ever had…by an awful long way. But I’m not going to say that.

  “Must’ve done, if you were at it the whole day, too.” Lily says beside me, “That is what you were doing in there, right?”

  “We had some pizza too.” I add, but I’m sure my expression says it all.

  “Hah, oh girl, that’s amazing.” Mel grins again, “So when’re you seeing him again?”

  This time I really do hesitate, and then just shrug. “I don’t know. Not sure I will.”

  “What?” Lily frowns.

  “Well, you said it yourself Mel, this was just a bit of casual fun. So…maybe that was it. A day of an awful lot of fun.” I say reasonably, ignoring the slight disappointment that still twinges in me at the thought.

  At least the lecture gave me enough time to decompress and come to terms with that idea.

  “Yeah, but…you liked it, right?” Lily continues, “So, why not?”

  “I don’t know.” I start, but then it comes out anyway. “We left it a little…awkward this morning.”

  “What happened, babe?” Mel’s voice turns softer immediately - behind all her exuberance, she really does care.

  And I’m done thinking about this alone anyway.

  I just shrug. “He got pissy about me coming out to the lecture. It was stupid - and my education is more important than all that. What we did may have been fun, but…not worth screwing up my degree over.”

  “So tell him that - he’ll get it.” Mel suggests.

  “I did.” I respond immediately, “And now that he’s realized I’m not the kind of girl to fuck twenty-four seven, that’s probably the end of his interest. I mean, that’s obviously the sort of girl he goes for - this thing with me was just a fluke.”

  Mel snorts and shakes her head. “I doubt it, babe. Have you seen yourself? You’re fucking gorgeous - and he’s had his eye on you from the start.”

  I laugh, but the unexpected compliment makes me feel good anyway. That’s one nice thing about Mel’s directness - occasionally her saying anything that crosses her mind works out well for you.

  “Yeah, honestly Alana - I don’t think you’re giving him enough credit here.” Lily chimes in. “He’s a guy. He was horny, getting laid…of course he didn’t want that to end. It doesn’t mean he’s trying to sabotage your education.”

  “Plus,” Mel adds, picking up steam. “Like you say - he’s probably not the kind of guy that girls just walk out on the next morning. Bet it injured his ego - but it’ll probably just leave him wanting more. Seriously, girl, you’ve got this.”

  I roll my eyes at her description of men, but they’re making me feel better, and I grin anyway. Even if nothing more happens with Caleb, I know I’ve got these two - and I don’t need much else.

  I still feel uneasy about what happened this morning - their explanation doesn’t quite fit with the vibe I got from Caleb, and the memory of the way he looked at me is just…unsettling. But maybe I’ll give it all the benefit of the doubt, and see what happens. It’s just another layer to the enigma that is Caleb.

  “Hey.” I whirl around at the deep voice behind me, part of me hoping to see Caleb even as I know instinctively that’s not his voice.

  “Tom!” Lily grins, and the guy walks past me to put an arm around Lily’s shoulders, squeezing and smiling down at her.

  “Hey, everyone - this is Tom. Tom, these are my friends, Alana and Mel.” Lily makes quick introductions, and I try not to stare at him.

  You’re Tom?!

  I manage to give a quick “hi” instead of saying that, but it’s difficult.

  Tom is about three-hundred pounds of muscle, over six feet tall, and built like a fucking machine. He’s either on the football team or a fucking bodybuilder, and he completely dwarfs Lily.

  “There’s an open-air film showing just outside town in a couple of days,” Tom says, mainly to Lily but with a glance to include all of us, “A group of us are going and I thought I’d come by and see whether you’d like to join.”

  “Yeah, I’d love to.” Lily responds immediately, and Mel seconds it.

  Taking the cue, I nod along, still confused as hell.

  “Awesome.” He gives Lily another smile, bending for a quick kiss, before waving at us and making his way back to the other end of the food hall.

  “That’s Tom?” I finally get to exclaim.

  That’s the romantic guy Lily kept talking about? The one who’s “nice” and “fun” and “sweet”?

  “Yes, why?” Lily looks over at me, obviously confused.

  I glance at Mel for backup, and she just laughs.

  “Yeah, maybe I should’ve warned you.” Mel says brightly, “I caught a glimpse of him at that party.”

  Lily looks between us both, before Mel finally answers her. “It’s nothing, babe, just…”

  “We didn’t think that’d be your type.” I finish for her, smiling at my small, be-speckled friend.

  “Oh,” Lily seems to consider it for a moment, then asks, “Why not?”

  Mel just laughs again. “I love you, girl. I really do. And he seems great.”

  Lily frowns back at us and I just shrug, smiling and happy for her, but completely unable to explain how strange it is to see my mostly-ordinary, geeky friend with a guy like that. I love Lily to bits, but she’s never been someone to turn heads - and I suppose that just shows my own biases more than anything. I feel oddly pleased for them both for going against all my unconscious assumptions.

  I guess Mel was right - Lily doesn’t need any help at all.

  “Yeah.” I agree, “He does. I just guess he wasn’t quite…what I was expecting.”

  Lily grins. “Well, maybe you’ll both get to know him a little on Wednesday. Hey - you could invite Caleb too.”

  “Mm, maybe.” I say, noncommittally.

  Something in my stomach flutters at the thought, but I try to ignore it as Mel makes a show of groaning.

  “Don’t tell me that I’m going to start becoming the fifth to your double-dates now, guys.” She complains.

  “You’re the one that insisted on setting us up.” I point out, “Guess you’re just going to have to find your own guy.”

  She grins, and her eyes flicker upwards as she considers. “Mm, working on it.”

  “Ooh, do tell.” I jump on that.

  She laughs and shakes her head, “In good time, all in good time.”

  Lily rolls her eyes and switches the conversation back to our plans for Wednesday evening, and we continue chatting until the next lecture. I even manage not to think about Caleb for most of it.

  * * *

  By the time I get back to my room after the long day of lectures and seminars, I’m tired and feeling irritable with how I left things with Caleb. I haven’t seen him all day, and there was part of me that had hoped he’d come up and apologize, or just…you know…something.

  And then I keep wondering whether I should be the one apologizing. Which is so not what I need to get into right now. There are tests to study for, and seminar questions to answer and at some point I need to start thinking about my research project…

  I push the door open, wishing my mind would shut up, and then just stop in the doorway.

  The bombshell I left has been completely turned around. No sign - or smell - of pizza boxes, all the clothes lying around have disappeared, the bed is straightened and the whole place looks a hell of a lot better than it was before I even had Caleb over.

  It’s clean and fresh and neat. Which isn’t quite me, even at the best of times.

  I glance over to Caleb’s door, a little bemused, but he’s not there - obviously.

  When did I start expecting him to find him there, leaning against the doorway and watching me?

  I hadn’t even noticed how much I’d started looking for that recently, those half-a
mused, half-hidden eyes of his as I walk past in the morning. The way he looks at me. My pulse leaps just thinking about it.

  Can I really miss something so quickly? Am I going insane?

  I shake it off and step into the room, catching a glimpse of paper fluttering on the bedspread as I get closer.

  Sorry for being an ass.

  The scrawled writing wraps around an unexpectedly lifelike picture of a guy’s ass. I stare at it for a moment, picking the paper up and flicking it over to see if he’d written his name. Instead I get:

  If you’d rather, I can go back to being a dick.

  Accompanied by an even more impressive drawing of a throbbing, veined cock on the other side. I feel myself standing there in disbelief for a quick moment, and then I just laugh. My cheeks heat and I shake my head at the idea of Caleb leaving this.

  It’s exactly the sort of thing he would do. Arrogant prick.

  But something in my chest eases at the light-hearted gesture and within moments, I’m knocking on his door.

  He answers immediately, glancing at the note in my hand before giving me a broad, wicked smile.

  My lips curve up in response.

  “Very funny, Caleb…” I cross my arms and look up at him, but my eyes are already alight and somehow things are better just being around him again.

  “It was.” He smirks at me, then reaches out and pulls me closer, making me stumble into him and semi-reluctantly wrap my arms around him. “And you thought so too. Come to take me up on my offer?”

  I take a deep breath, inhaling his unique scent, and relax a little bit.

  Why the hell does this feel so much like making up after our first argument? I keep trying to remind myself we’re not actually together. We just had sex that one time. Five times. Maybe more. Whatever.

  “Maybe.” I murmur, and he lifts my head to look at me, eyes burning as they meet mine before he takes me in a fierce kiss.

  I melt into it without another word, stepping closer into his arms and pulling his body to mine. I can’t believe how much I want it. Maybe the lectures were more important, but now that they’re done…the rest of the work can wait until after this.

  His tongue tangles with mine as he pulls me back into his room - a quick glance around tells me that whatever effort he put into mine, he didn’t spare on his at all. But that just amuses and pleases me a little more, and move back with him, tearing at his top while he lifts my skirt.

  “Fuck, Alana.” His voice grinds against me, and the need there sends a little thrill through me again.

  Maybe it wasn’t just me who was messed up after leaving like that today.

  “Are you going to show me that dick, then?” I challenge.

  I would never have been so forward a couple of days ago, but now…now I can’t think of anything else.

  I try to steer us towards the bed, but he doesn’t move an inch. Instead, he pushes back - and pure solid muscle has me pressed up against the wall in an instant.

  “Ohh, god…” I breathe, as his eyes spark fire and his mouth dips to suckle and tease at my neck.

  One hand catches mine and forces them up above my head, and I’m already wet for him. Wanting him. Thinking of that inked cock and wondering whether he modeled it on himself.

  “I can’t believe you kept me fucking waiting for this.” He growls in my ear, and I shudder.

  This time, I have no inclination to argue with him. I can’t believe I kept us waiting either.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you come and find me then?” I shift under him, pressing my hips as far forward as they’ll go, my skirt wrapped around my hips and just my already-wet panties exposed.

  “What, you wanted me to take you in the back of a lecture hall?” He asks, darkly amused. “Would you have liked that, hun? The good little student, trying desperately to muffle her cries of pleasure from anyone passing?”

  Moisture floods my panties and I moan out loud. I’m pretty sure I don’t want that. Pretty sure. But fuck me if he isn’t convincing as hell. And the image drives me crazy.

  “Fuck, Caleb…you’re so…” I grunt at him, tugging at where he’s got my wrists trapped and wanting more.

  “Sexy?” He suggests, grinning at me. “Hot? Unbelievably amazing? The best you’ve ever had?”

  “I’ll go with unbelievable. And impossible.” I scowl at him, but I’m struggling not to laugh.

  He’s outrageous. In all the best ways.

  “God damn it, fuck me already.” I complain, pressing up again.

  Caleb would be the last person I would’ve expected to hold back and talk.

  “I don’t know, babe…” He looks me up and down, “I quite like seeing you like this. Just enjoying the view…”

  I growl and launch myself at him as best I can, swinging my legs up to wrap around his hips and relying on him to catch me since I have no leverage with my arms like this.

  He obliges - laughing and supporting my ass against him, before finally pressing me against the wall and kissing me deeply.

  “You’re so fucking hot, Alana.” He mutters. “Don’t you dare stay away from me like that again.”

  The demand is dark and intoxicating, and I refuse to think about whatever might be behind it now. Instead I moan and arch up into him again, and he finally - finally - opens the clasp of his jeans and pushes them down.

  His cock springs up between us, and I can’t help comparing it to the inked picture he’d left me, making me laugh even as my hips grind against him. Caleb pushes forward and kisses me roughly, my back pressed up against the wall as I try to hold onto him with my legs, wishing his cock was rubbing against more than just my panties.

  He seems to have the same thought, because he glances down and then his expression turns fierce, his mouth hovering over mine as he causally reaches down and rips them off me.

  I stare at him for a moment, taken out of the wild passion by the sheer absurdity of it. And—

  “Hey - those were nice, Caleb!” I protest.

  “I told you I wanted to see the others.” He grins at me. “Besides, didn’t you want me inside you?”

  Then his cock is against my entrance and I lose any ability to argue. I want it too badly.

  I just moan and flex my arms against where he’s holding them, trying to reach forward to get closer and kiss him. He pauses for a moment, impossibly still as he looks into my eyes - and then he’s finally moving.

  He thrusts into me hard and if we hadn’t spent the last few days fucking I’m pretty sure my pussy wouldn’t have been able to take it - but as it is, it feels perfect as he opens me up and stretches me, mouth clashing with mine as he slams me back against the wall again and again.

  It’s crazy over-the-top mind-blowing sex, the kind I never would’ve expected to have, but I’m loving every second as I try to gasp for breath. My lust rises up hard and fast inside me, and I’m slamming my body up into him, craving more.

  His thick cock shifts inside me, angling just right, and then it’s hitting the perfect spot every time. My breathing hitches and gets higher with every thrust, and my body spasms against his, every part of me pressing forward and into him.

  Caleb’s eyes are wild as they meet mine, passion flushing his features and I pull my legs in ever closer, wanting to feel him, wanting him stretching me in every possible way.

  “So. Fucking. Hot.” His words are hot grunts in my ear, and they send shivers down my spine.

  He finally releases his grip on my arms and pushes me even harder against the wall, surging forward while I clutch his shoulders closer to me, seeing stars behind my eyes as sparks shoot through me with every…perfect…stroke.

  “Ohhh, fuuuck…” I finally grind out, and then everything explodes within me, white pleasure overwhelming everything else.

  I can hear his ragged laugh as if from a distance as his teeth clamp down on my neck, cock spasming inside me while my pussy clamps down hard.

  That sends another series of shocks through me and I find my
self humping helplessly against his hips as I come down from the intensity, body shaking in his arms.

  What the hell happened there?

  My head finally sinks back against the wall, and after a few moments Caleb withdraws and lowers me back down to the floor again. His muscles are tight and beautifully taut, but a quick glance shows me he’s barely worked up a sweat. God damn, the stamina on this guy.

  I’ve got hair stuck to my head with sweat and I’m pretty sure my muscles can’t support me right now…

  Not that that matters, since he just leads me over to the bed and pulls me down into his arms again, lying beside me and looking at me with those warm green eyes.

  He kisses me a little, which seems to be his go-to for recovery - not that I’m complaining. I’m still trying to work out how we ended up in bed. Again.

  “So…I take it my apology’s accepted?” Caleb asks lightly.

  “I’m not sure that really counted as an apology…” I retort.

  “Seemed to satisfy you.” His eyes twinkle at me, and I can’t help laughing, worming my way closer to him again.

  Is it really that simple?

  Shit, Mel might be right. Maybe I do just over-think everything. And maybe this time, it can just be simple.

  “Yeah, okay.” I say, “But Caleb…I really do have to study.”

  I look up at him, suddenly serious again, but this time he just nods.

  “I know.” His lips curve up into a smile. “I’ll try not to distract you…much.”

  I shake my head at him, but I’m smiling and enjoying this. I hadn’t realized how good it could feel to simply lie with him, and I’m not ready to let this thing with Caleb become a simple weekend fling.

  “It wouldn’t exactly hurt you to study either, you know.” I poke him as he makes a face at me.

  “I think it might.” He quips.

  “I mean it…we’ve got exams coming up soon. I don’t mind helping if you like - if there’s a few concepts that you’re struggling with, I’m pretty good at explaining this stuff—”

  He leans in to kiss me, cutting me off, but when he breaks it again his face has turned serious. “Don’t bother - seriously Alana, I’ll just slow your studying down and I’m not interested. You focus on what you’re good at…and I’ll focus on what I’m good at.”


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