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In The Red: Nomad Bikers (Devil's Due MC Book 1)

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by Chelsea Camaron

  Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2016

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Chelsea Camaron, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

  This is a work of fiction. All character, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  1st edition published: May 23, 2016

  Editing by: C&D Editing and Asli Fratarcangeli

  Cover Design by: Cover Me Darling

  Formatting by: IndieVention Designs

  ISBN-13: 978-1530882601

  ISBN-10: 1530882605

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Thank you for purchasing this book. This book and its contents are the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied, and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download/purchase their own copy. Thank you for your support.

  This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. Content involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18. All characters are fictional.

  This book is not meant to be an exact depiction of a motorcycle club but rather a work of fiction meant to entertain.

  In The Red

  The event that shook one small town to its core was never solved. The domino effect of one person’s crime going unpunished is beyond measure.

  He’s no saint.

  Dover ‘Collector’ Ragnes rides with only five brothers at his back. Nomads with no place to call home, they never stay in one place too long. Together, they are the Devil’s Due MC, and their sole purpose is to serve justice their way for unsolved crimes everywhere they go.

  She’s not afraid to call herself a sinner.

  Emerson Flint still remembers the loss of her elementary school best friend. She is all grown up, but the memories still haunt her of the missing girl. Surrounding herself with men at the tattoo shop, she never questions her safety. Her life is her art. Her canvas is the skin of others.

  However, danger is at her door.

  Will Dover overcome the history he shares with Emerson in time? Will Emerson lead him to the retribution he has always sought?

  Love, hate, anger, and passion collide as the time comes, and the devil demands his due.


  To the words I, is, was, had, and, just, so … and every author out there who understands the fight against crutch words. In this book and many others I’ve written, I once again have failed, and it all begins and ends with one person: ‘I’. One day, I may learn to break the habits I have, but until then, the ‘Is’ have it on lockdown.

  To every reader who has ever hated a book I’ve written, thank you for pushing me to do better.

  To every reader who has ever given me a chance to have a book in their library, whether digital or print, thank you for making my little girl dream come true. Thank you for pushing me to write the next book for myself and for you. Thank you for embracing these fictional worlds and characters as much as I do. Thank you for letting me live in my crazy head and not judging me for it.

  Thank you to each and every person in my life who is my sunshine on a cloudy day. I cannot express how much the support and encouragement of those closest to me keeps me going. You know who you are and you have my love, respect, and loyalty always.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  About the Author

  Other Works

  Below The Line (Devil’s Due MC Book 2) Excerpt

  Check out these releases:

  Challenged (Vipers Creed MC Book 1) by Ryan Michele Excerpt

  Letting Lox In (Marcos MMA Book 1) by SM Donaldson Excerpt


  I hang my head and sit in silence. The television blares as strangers move about our house. Some of them are trying to put together a search party, and others are here with food and weak attempts to comfort. I want them all to go away so I can scream or break something. I want each and every one of them to stop looking at me like I should be beaten within an inch of my life then allowed to heal, only to get beaten again. Do I deserve that?

  Hell yes, I do, and more.

  There is no reprieve from this hell we are in. I would sell my soul to the Devil himself if I could turn back time. Only, I can’t.

  The reporter’s voice breaks through all of the clamor.

  “In local news tonight, a nine-year-old girl is missing, and authorities are asking for your help. Raleigh Ragnes was last seen by her seventeen-year-old brother. According to her parents, he was watching Raleigh after school when the child wandered outside and down the street on her pink and white bicycle with streamers on the handlebars.

  “Raleigh was last known to have her brown hair braided in two braids with a yellow ribbon tied at the bottom of each. She wore a yellow shirt under a black denim dress that went to her knees. She wore white Keds with two different color laces: one pink and the other purple.

  “There is a reward offered for any information leading to the successful return of Raleigh to her home. Any information is appreciated and can be given by calling the local sheriff’s department.”

  The television seems to screech on and on with other reports as if our world hasn’t just crumbled. My mom’s sobs only grow louder.

  God, I’m an ass. Raleigh was whining all afternoon about going to Emerson’s house. Those two are practically inseparable. She had made the trip numerous times to the Flint’s home at the end of the cul-de-sac, so I didn’t think twice about her leaving.

  Since Gretchen was here, we were locked in my room, doing things that didn’t involve studying or thinking about my kid sister. The more Raleigh asked to leave, the more Gretchen would get distracted. I knew I had to get her gone or suffer the worst case of blue balls I could imagine. My hand was just making it down her pants when I yelled at Raleigh through the door to just go, not wanting the distraction. Not once did I give a second thought to her leaving.

  Only, while I was making my way to home base, my little sister never made it to her friend’s house. None of us knew until dinner time that my sister had never come home. The phone call to Emerson’s sent us all into a tailspin.

  While other families watch the eleven o’clock news to simply be informed, tonight, for my family, my little sister is the news.

  ~Three weeks later ~

  The television screeches once again. I thought the world had crumbled before, but now it’s crushed beyond repair. The reporter’s tone is not any different than if she were giving the local weather as the words crash through my ears.

  “In local news tonight, the body of nine-year-old Raleigh Ragnes was found in a culvert pipe under Old Mill Road. Police a
re asking for anyone with any information to please come forward. The case is being treated as an open homicide.”

  In the matter of a month, my sister went from an innocent little girl to a case number, and in time, she will be nothing more than a file in a box. Everyone else may have called it cold and left it unsolved, but that’s not who I am. The ease in which they gave up on her molded my entire future. Detective O’Malley broke the news that they were giving up, and I made the decision I would give my life to finding the guilty party, no matter the cost.

  The domino effect of one person’s crime going unpunished is beyond measure.

  Chapter One


  Giving up is not an option for me. It never has been.

  “There’s a time and a place to die, brother,” I say, scooping Trapper’s drunk ass off the dirty floor of the bar with both my hands under his armpits. “This ain’t it.”

  The bar we are in is a hole in the wall joint, the kind we find in small towns everywhere. It’s a step above a shack on the outside, and the inside isn’t much better: one open room, linoleum floor from the eighties. The bar runs the length of the space with a pair of saloon-style swinging doors closing off the stock room. We have gotten shit-faced in nicer, and we have spent more than our fair share in worse.

  At the end of a long ride, a cold beer is a cold beer. Really, it doesn’t matter to us where it’s served as long as the brew has been on ice and is in a bottle.

  “I’m nowhere near dying,” he slurs, winking at the returning from the bathroom. Waiting and watching for her to return to his lap is how he fell to the floor. She’s another no name come guzzler in a slew of many we find throughout every city, town, and stop we make. “In fact, I’m not far from showing sweet thing here a little piece of heaven.”

  “Trapper.” Judge, the calmest of us all, gets in his face. “She rode herself to oblivion. Until you fell off the stool, she might have come back for a round two. She’s done got hers, man. Time to get you outta here so you can have some quality time huggin’ Johnny tonight.”

  We all laugh as Trapper tries to shake me off.

  “Fuck all y’all. That pussy is mine tonight.”

  “Shithead, sober up. She’s headed to the bathroom again to snort another line, and she won’t be coming back for another ride on your thigh. Time to go, brother,” Rowdy says sternly as we watch the broad make her way the restrooms. Rowdy was ready to leave an hour ago. This isn’t his scene.

  Trapper turns to the long-haired, six-foot-six man of muscle and gives him a shit-eating grin. “Aw, Rowdy, are you gonna be my sober sister tonight?”

  I wrap my arm around Trapper, pulling him into a tight hold. “Shut your mouth now!”

  He holds up his hands in surrender, and we make our way out of the bar.

  Another night, another dive. Tomorrow is a new day and a new ride.

  Currently, we are in Leed, Alabama for a stop off. The green of the trees, the rough patches of the road, like every other place—it all does nothing to bring any of us out of the haunting darkness we each carry.

  We are nomads with no place to call home, and that’s how we like it. The six of us have been a club of our own creation for a few years now. We each have a story to tell. We all have a reason we do what we do. None of us are noble or honorable. We strike in the most unlikely of places and times, all based on our own brand of rules and systems.

  Fuck the government. Fuck their laws. And damn sure fuck the judicial system.

  Once your name is tainted, no matter how good you are, you will never be clean in the eyes of society. I’m walking, talking, can’t sleep at night proof of it. Well, good fucking deal. I have learned society’s version of clean is everything I don’t ever want to be.

  The scum that blends into our communities and with our children, the cons that can run a game, they think they are untouchable. The number of crimes outnumber the crime fighters. The lines between law abiding and law breaking blur every day inside every precinct. I know because I carried the badge and thought I could be a change in the world. Then I found out everything is just as corrupt for the people upholding the law as those breaking it.

  Day in and day out, watching cops run free who deserve to be behind bars more than the criminals they put away takes its toll. Everyone has a line in the sand, and once they cross it, they don’t turn back. I found mine. Then I found the brotherhood in the Devil’s Due MC. Six guys who have all seen our own fair share of corruption in the justice system. Six guys who don’t give a fuck about the consequences.

  Well, that’s where me and my boys ride in. No one’s above the devil getting his due. We are happy to serve up our own kind of punishments that most certainly fit the crimes committed, and we don’t bother with the current legal system’s view of justice served.

  Wayward souls, damaged men who have nothing more than vengeance on our minds, we ride as six with no ties to anyone or anything from one city to the next. We have a bond. We are the only family for each other, and we keep it that way. No attachments, no commitments, and that means no casualties.

  We are here by choice. Any man can leave the club and our life behind at any time. I trust these men with my life and with my death. When my time is called, they will move on with the missions as they come.

  “Fucking bitch got my pants wet,” Trapper says, just realizing she really did get off on his thigh and left him behind. “You see this shit?” He points at his leg.

  Trapper mad is good. He’ll become focused rather than let the alcohol keep him in a haze. He could use some time to dry up. He’s sharp. His attention to detail saves our asses in city after city. However, things get too close to home when we ride to the Deep South like this, and he can’t shake the ghosts in the closets of his mind. At five-foot-ten and a rock solid one eighty-five, he’s a force of controlled power. He may be drunk, yet once the wind hits his face, he’ll be solid. He always is. He uses his brain more than his brawn, but he won’t back down in a brawl, either.

  We help him get outside the dive bar we spent the last two hours inside, tossing beer back and playing pool. Outside, the fresh winter air hits him, and he shakes his head.

  “It’s not that cold,” X says, slapping Trapper in the face. “Sober up, sucka.”

  Trapper smiles as he starts to ready his mind. As drunk as he is, he knows he has to have his head on straight to ride.

  “Flank him on either side, but stay behind in case he lays her down. We only have four miles back to the hotel,” I order, swinging my leg over my Harley Softail Slim and cranking it. The rumble soothes all that stays wound tight inside me. The vibration reminds me of the power under me.

  Blowing out a breath, I tap the gas tank. “Ride for Raleigh,” I whisper and point to the night sky. Never forget, I remind myself before I move to ride. With my hands on the bars, twisting the throttle, I let the bike move me and lift my feet to rest on the pegs.

  As each of my brother’s mount, I pull out and relax as the road passes under me, knowing they will hit the throttle and catch me.

  At the no-tell motel we are crashing at, X takes Trapper with him to one of the three shit-ass rooms we booked while Judge and Rowdy go to the other. The place has seen better days, probably thirty years ago. It’s a place to shit, shower, and maybe sleep if I can keep the nightmares away. I have never needed anything fancy, and tonight is no different.

  I give them a half-salute as they close their doors and lock down for the night.

  Deacon heads on into our room. Always a man of few words and interaction, he doesn’t look back or give me any indication that he cares if I follow or stay behind.

  I give myself the same moment I take every night to stand out under the stars and smoke.

  I look up. Immediately, I can hear her tiny voice in my mind, making up constellations all her own. Raleigh was once a rambunctious little girl afraid of nothing. She loved the night sky and wishing upon all the stars.

  Another city, another life, I
wish it was another time, but one thing I know is that there is no turning back time. If I could, I would. Not just for me, but for all six of us.

  I light my cigarette and take a deep drag. Inhaling, I hold it in my lungs before I blow out. The burn, the taste, and the touch of it to my lips don’t ease the thoughts in my mind. Another night is upon us, and it’s yet another night Raleigh will never come home.

  The receptionist from the hotel lobby steps out beside me. She isn’t the one who was here when we checked in earlier. However, when she smiles up at me, I can tell she has been waiting on us. Guess the trailer trash from day shift chatted up her replacement. Well, at least this one has nice teeth. Day shift definitely doesn’t have dental on her benefit plan here.

  “Go back inside,” I bark, not really in the mood for company.

  “I’m entitled to a break,” she challenges with a southern drawl.

  “If you want a night with a biker, I’m not the one,” I try to warn her off.

  “Harley, leather, cigarettes, and sexy—yeah, I think you’re the one … for tonight, that is.” She comes over and reaches out for the edges of my cut.

  I grab her wrists. “You don’t touch my cut,” I growl in frustration. She is playing with fire and seems to get off on it, biting her bottom lip with a sly smile.

  There is a rasp to her tone as she tries for seduction. “Oh, rules. I can play by the rules, big daddy.”

  I drop her hands and walk in a circle around her before standing in front of her then backing her toward the wall. I take another drag of my cigarette and blow the smoke into her face. “I’m not your fucking daddy.” I take another long drag. Smoke blows out with each word as I let her know, “If you wanna fuck, we’ll fuck. Make no mistake, though, I’m not in the mood to chat, cuddle, or kiss. I’ll fuck, and that’s it.”


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