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Down in Texas

Page 20

by Delilah Devlin

  “You do? I love it. ‘Breasts’ gets hard to enunciate when a man’s turned on.”

  She arched a brow. “You just came, so what’s your excuse?”

  “I wanted to shock you.”

  “You’ll have to work a little harder to do that.”

  A smile played at the corners of his lips. “I’m gettin’ there. Your tits are pretty, by the way.”

  “Really? I always thought they were kinda small.”

  “I like brown nipples. And yours are shiny and smooth. Not bumpy.”

  “Save for one prominent bump.”

  His tongue fluttered against her “bump.” Then he released a loud sigh. “Not winning any prizes for compliments, am I?”

  “It’s not what you say that’s gonna win you medals, soldier boy.” She caressed the back of his head, urging him closer. “I like this.”

  “What?” he murmured, licking the underside of her breast.

  “No rush. You playful. Feels like we’ve done this before.”

  “Promise, I would have remembered.”

  She punched him. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah. It’s…comfortable. And something I hope we do often.”

  “You don’t see me objecting,” she said breathlessly.

  His thumb rasped the sensitive tip.

  Suki sucked in deep breath. “Maybe not so comfortable after all.”

  “Too sensitive?”

  “No, just right. Felt that all the way to my toes.”

  “Lie back, sweetheart. Let me do this right.”

  Suki rolled to her back and groaned as his mouth followed, suckling at her “tit.” Wet heat surrounded her breast. His mouth tugged and nipped until her legs shifted restlessly on the bed and sighs broke from between her bitten lips. “The other one?”

  His mouth came off her breast with an audible pop and then trailed to other breast. His lips drew on the tip, tugging side to side, driving her knees upward as an electric pulse shot straight toward her womb.

  Mac smoothed a hand down her belly, combed his fingers through her curls, and then sank one between her folds.

  “God, you’re wet,” he growled against her skin.

  “You make me that way.” She pulled on his ears, trying to direct him lower.

  His laughter gusted against her wet nipple.

  She tugged harder until, at last, he scooted down the bed, leaving a moist trail of kisses down her quivering belly.

  When he settled on his elbows between her legs, she reached for the pillow above her and shoved it under her head. No way was she going to miss a thing.

  His gaze gleamed in the moonlight filtering through the curtains, and then he bent toward her sex. His fingers spread her folds, and he dove down to lap along the furled edges of her inner lips.

  Suki threaded her fingers through his hair, offering unspoken praise for his efforts while her other hand caressed her breast, keeping the nipple warmed and primed.

  Mac pinched the hood cloaking her clit and pushed it back, exposing her clit to his warm breath and the stroke of his hot tongue.

  Her fingers tightened, pulling at his hair, plucking her nipple, and her hips began to dance, rising to meet his wicked mouth.

  He thrust two fingers inside her, swirling in the honey her body oozed. He pulled them out and licked them, sucking them into his mouth as she watched, his eyes closing as though he tasted ambrosia. Then he rimmed her opening, drawing more cream, and slid lower, painting a wet path as he dragged his fingertips down to her back entrance.

  Suki’s breath hitched. Her heart thudded hard against her ribs.

  As he circled her small opening, she held her hips still, held her breath, and then groaned as he pressed inside, slipping past the tight ring.

  His thumb entered her vagina, and he stroked both fingers in and out and then closed his lips around her clit to suckle it.

  Tension spiked deep inside her womb, and she slammed her hips upward, unable to control her movements as her orgasm swept over her in delicious waves of heat. Goose bumps dimpled her skin, and she squeezed her eyes closed as lights burst behind her lids.

  His strokes deepened. His mouth drew endlessly on her clit until at last her hips trembled and rested against the mattress.

  Suki came back to herself, noting the broad strokes of his tongue lapping at the liquid spilling from inside her. She straightened her legs and lifted her arms above her head. “Mac…” she breathed.

  He climbed up her body and settled on top of her, stretching to cover her from chest to curling toes. “Did I make up for leaving you behind?”

  Without opening her eyes, she grinned. “You’ve killed me. I’m totally boneless.”

  “I take it that’s a good thing?”

  She slowly opened her eyes, taking in the small, satisfied smile that curved his firm lips. “You know it was good. Do you need praise?”

  “If that smile’s anything to go by, I did all right.”

  “Better than all right.” She breathed deeply, dragging in the scent of sex. When his hands reached up to hold hers, she squeezed them. “I’ve never had it this good. This intense.”

  “Baby, I haven’t even gotten started.”

  Soft laughter shook her chest. Her eyelids drifted closed and then opened drowsily. “Think you’ve worn me out.”

  Mac’s smile deepened, and then he rolled off her. “Snuggle your back against me. I’ll hold you while you sleep.”

  Suki settled close, her head resting on his shoulder. She loved the way his arms enfolded her, and she slid hers over his, hugging him back. “Wake me in a while?”

  “Sleep, baby,” he whispered and then kissed the rim of her ear.

  With his breaths deepening behind her, she closed her eyes and fell blissfully asleep.

  Mac came awake in the darkness, not sure what had pulled him from the first deep sleep he’d enjoyed in a long time that wasn’t drug or alcohol induced.

  Lying beside Suki, he concentrated on the sounds around him—Suki’s quiet breathing, the wind outside sifting through the trees, a limb scraping the side of the house. Nothing out of the ordinary.

  However, now that he was wide awake, he decided to make another round of checks.

  Tomorrow they’d sleep under his roof. He’d make arrangements for the ranch hands to take shifts to provide him relief and the opportunity to relax a bit with Suki, maybe deepen the slender threads of affection beginning to bind them closer.

  Maybe he’d even try to sit on a horse.

  It felt like forever since the last ride he’d taken before he’d shipped out. He’d wanted to be alone, slipping away from Lyssa, who’d wanted to remain close in those last days. She hadn’t understood his need to surround himself with quiet.

  While she’d wanted to fill their days with memories to hold close over the coming months, he’d wanted to empty his heart and mind—go a little numb.

  As much as he believed in what he had to do and never questioned his commitment to go with the men he’d trained with for years, still he’d needed to leave a part of himself behind on the wide-open plain.

  Always self-reliant, he’d had to submerge the cowboy to be a part of a team. He hoped now he could find the part of himself he’d shed. He wanted to rejoin his old life, reconnect with his sister and his friends, and slowly rebuild his relationship with the land he’d loved since he’d taken his first steps across a dusty corral.

  Then maybe he’d feel like he was man enough to be with a woman like Suki.

  She deserved someone whole, someone who didn’t flinch at noises, didn’t grit his teeth against pain when he made love.

  He pulled on his jeans, dug through his duffel for a pack of smokes, and made his way through the house, tilting his head to the side as he strained to listen.

  He turned off the porch light and stepped outside, lit his cigarette, and dragged nicotine deep into his lungs.

  One last crutch he’d have to discard if he was serious about pursuing Suki. But, f
or now, he enjoyed the pleasant buzz and leaned forward against the porch rail to stare up into the starry sky.

  A heavy footstep trod the planks behind him.

  Mac grew rigid but calmly lifted his cigarette up for another draw. Whoever it was, Mac couldn’t outmaneuver him. He just wasn’t quick enough. And he hadn’t touched the Glock since surrendering it to Suki. Hadn’t seen or heard a hint of danger…until now.

  Beneath his feet, he felt the subtle shift of the boards as someone stepped closer.

  Mac dropped the cigarette, pivoted on his good foot, and drew back his fist.

  Moonlight glinted on a long, cylindrical object just before it jabbed at his belly, forcing him to double over against the pain and the sudden loss of air.

  Mac opened his arms and plowed forward, taking his assailant to the floor.

  As they fell, Mac knew instantly he didn’t have a hope in hell of besting the man in a fair fight. Even without the heavy metal pipe Manny used to pummel his back and leg, the man was heavy, built like a goddamn rock.

  His only hope of survival was making enough noise to rouse Suki from her sleep. If she could get to her gun, she might save herself.

  Digging deep for the strength inside him, Mac reached for the arm wielding the pipe and crashed the other man’s knuckles against the porch.

  Manny pummeled his side with his fist, bucked his knees and thighs, hitting Mac squarely in his injured leg.

  Pain sliced through Mac, taking away his breath, giving Manny the advantage. Manny rolled them, coming up on top of Mac, the pipe pressing hard against Mac’s windpipe.

  Mac fought for breath, shoved at the pipe, straining his arms and chest to get it off before he passed out. Slowly he pressed it upward, his arms burning and trembling with the effort. He sucked in a deep breath. “Suki!”

  Manny’s lips drew back from his teeth. He pulled the pipe away from Mac’s grasp and lifted it above his head.

  Mac raised his forearm to prepare for the blow, but an explosion ripped the air; gunpowder flashed.

  Manny slumped forward, the pipe rolling away from his limp fingers.

  Mac shoved him off, rolled to his good knee, and glanced up.

  Suki stood nude in the doorway, the barrel of her shotgun sagging toward the ground.

  Mac reached up to take it from her, spared only a glance at Manny to make sure he hadn’t moved, and then reached out an arm to snag Suki’s waist and draw her close.

  He sank his head against her trembling belly, gave her a quick, fierce kiss, and then pulled himself up her body.

  She trembled, but her knees locked. As soon as he stood in front of her, she launched herself into his arms.

  Mac held her close, swaying on his feet as his chest billowed, drawing air deep into his lungs. His heartbeats slowed, as did the shudders that racked his body. He kissed the top of her head, which was buried against his chest. “You did good, sweetheart. You saved us both.”

  A soft sob shook her body. “I was so scared,” she whispered.

  “Shhh…it’s over. We’re both safe now,” he crooned as his hands glided up and down her bare back.

  The blare of a siren sounded from the highway, slowing as the vehicle turned onto the gravel road.

  “Think you can help me inside?” he asked softly.

  Her head shook. “Can’t move. My knees are shaking too bad.”

  “We’re about to have some company.”

  “Don’t care.”

  Mac’s lips curved up. As soon as she realized she was buck naked, she’d care, all right. But he’d kill any man who raised an eyebrow.

  As the blue lights strobed closer, he turned to shield her slim body from their glare.

  She whimpered and drew a ragged, indrawn breath. “I was afraid I’d hit you…. Wasn’t sure which one was on top until he raised the pipe…. Saw it shining in his hand. Knew it couldn’t be you.”

  “I’m glad you waited for a clear shot,” he murmured.

  Footsteps crunched on the gravel path beside the house. “McDonough, you and the lady okay?”

  Mac aimed a glare over his shoulder. “Nothing more than a few bruises here.”

  A deputy ran up the steps and knelt beside Manny. “This one’s gonna need the coroner. Sure you don’t need EMTs?”

  Mac shook his head. “No.”

  “He hit you!” Suki cried.

  “I’ll survive it. Had worse getting kicked by my horse.”

  The deputy gave Suki a quick glance and then headed into the house. A few moments later, he returned with a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. “We’re about to have company,” he said softly, his gaze meeting Mac’s.

  “She knows.”

  “You two want to come inside and have a seat?”

  “Suki,” Mac whispered, “can you make it inside now?”

  She nodded against his chest but didn’t move away.

  Mac wished like hell he could carry her, but even without bruised ribs he knew he wouldn’t manage. “Deputy, can you take her?”

  The deputy stepped close, and Mac pried her fingers from his shoulders. She melted against the other man, but her eyes never left Mac’s face.

  “Just to the couch,” Mac said, not liking how pale her features had become. “I’ll get her some clothes.”

  “You sit. I’ll find her something to put on.”

  Mac sat on the sofa and accepted Suki’s weight on his lap while the deputy strode toward the bedroom.

  “Can we leave tonight?” she asked quietly.

  “I’ll give Tara a call. We’ll need someone else to drive. My leg’s screaming, and you’re in no condition.”

  Outside more vehicles arrived as Mac quietly dressed Suki. Soon the house was filled with law officers.

  Through it all, Mac sat holding Suki close against his chest. He answered their questions in an even voice, not letting them badger Suki, who kept her face pressed against his skin.

  When two familiar faces appeared in the doorway, he wasn’t surprised.

  Brand strode quickly inside and knelt beside them. “I’ll take her, Mac.”

  Mac realized he might have gone a little into shock when Brand had to repeat his words before he understood. Reluctantly he let his friend lift Suki into his arms.

  As he strode away, Lyssa entered his sight, kneeling in front of him, her eyes glittering with unshed tears. “Think you can make it to the car on your own?”

  Mac swallowed, never having been so glad to see her beautiful face. “I can if you let me lean on your shoulder.”

  Lyssa gave him a blinding smile. “Are you saying you need my help?”

  Mac gave her a crooked smile and pushed up from his seat. “I suppose you’re not going to let me forget it.”

  “Damn straight.” She wrapped her arm around his waist and gave him a squeeze.

  Air hissed between clenched teeth.

  Her arm loosened instantly. “Damnit, you’re hurt.”

  “Just get me to the car—and don’t try kissin’ me, or you’ll kill me.”

  Lyssa’s eyes flashed green fire. “You know there’s not a chance in hell we aren’t taking you to an emergency room.”

  “Lyss, I just want to get Suki someplace quiet. I don’t want her upset any more than she already is.”

  “Can I at least call a doctor?”

  Mac rolled his eyes and took a step forward, forcing her to follow. “Anyone ever tell you you’re stubborn as a damn mule?”

  “Dear Jesus, do I have to hear it from both of you now?”

  He snorted, feeling blood surge through his body again, renewing his strength and clearing his mind. “You mean Brand noticed?”

  “Does he ever shut up about it?”

  He clucked. “Always thought he was the quiet type.”

  “He is—except when he’s lighting into me.”

  “Are you blushing?” he asked, cocking his head to the side to get a better look at her bright, glowing face.

  “Just drop it,” s
he said flatly.

  “Looks like I’m gonna have to have a talk with Brand.”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  Mac chuckled softly next to her, grateful for her light banter. The tension in her jaw, and the soft trembling in her frame as she helped him outside, told him what it cost her.

  “Sis, I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Where else would I be, Mac?”

  Indeed, she’d never abandoned him. Even when he’d begged her to.

  As they approached Tara’s silver SUV, Mac caught a glimpse of Suki’s pale face in the backseat window. “You’re gonna have to help me sit on this one, Lyss.”

  “You mean there’s a girl out there who’s immune to the McDonough charm?”

  “What charm?”

  “Damn, you sound just like Brand.” Lyssa halted when he did, and her glance went to the vehicle. “She mean that much to you?”

  “I think she’s gonna be my whole world.”

  Lyssa’s head snuggled against his chest. “I’ll tie her down with duct tape if it comes to that.”

  Laughter made him wince. “Something a little more subtle, please.”

  “Subtle’s my middle name.”


  Sunlight rimmed the edge of the horizon in a brilliant show of red and orange, fading to mauve as the nighttime sky pressed downward. A crescent moon hovered overhead while seven tired riders pointed their horses toward home.

  “Did you enjoy today?” Mac murmured behind her.

  Suki leaned back against his rock-hard chest and sighed. “Still think you should have let me ride my own horse.”

  “When you’ve got a little more experience. For now, just let me do the driving.” Mac held the reins with one hand, the other snuggled against her belly. Every now and then, his thumb swept upward to nudge the underside of her breast—like now.

  She placed her hand over his. “I’m going to need a long soak.”

  “A little saddle sore?” he whispered.


  “I have some cream….”

  She chuckled, remembering the first time he’d tended her tender spots.

  “You won’t have to move a muscle. Just lie there and let me do all the work.”

  “Stop with the whispers!” Lyssa called out. “I can hear, you know. You’re my brother, for Pete’s sake.” She gave a mock shudder. “Blech!”


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