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Page 2

by Unknown

  “I’m suggesting you spice it up!”

  Heidi cheered and Zoey giggled, while Meagan mumbled, “That may be good advice...eventually.”

  Despite Heidi and Zoey insisting she dress up a little, Meagan decided she much preferred the more comfortable look. After all, she was there for a good time with Nathan and the gang, not to pick someone up. Once her suitcases were unpacked Heidi and Zoey had left her to get ready while they did the same.

  She left her long dark hair loose to cascade down her back, so long that it almost reached the hem of her sweater. Her black sweater clung to her curves, slim fitting yet long and not too tight, worn with dark grey leggings and her knee high leather boots. Now she stood in front of the mirror for one last glimpse to check her make-up. Okay Meagan, who are you kidding? Of course you want to look good. What woman doesn’t? You just don’t want to look desperate. Yeah that’s it. You’re young, pretty, and... Oh hell, you’re going out with your cousin and his lovers what does it matter what you look like. You’re the fifth wheel. Sighing she turned away from the floor length mirror and decided to let everyone know she was ready before she changed her mind and told them to go on without her.

  A loud whistle broke her from her thoughts, and she looked up to see Nathan with a huge smile. “Simplemente hermoso, Meagan.” He greeted her with a hug and then repeated the same in English, “simply beautiful,” before stepping back to look at her again.

  “Must run in the family,” she teased, “You’re looking good yourself, primo. Where is everyone else?”

  “Are you kidding?” Nathan snorted, “They’re still getting ready, and Rafe takes just as long as Heidi and Zoey do.”

  * * * *

  The Rendezvous was a lot larger than she pictured it to be, but once inside it had a cozy feel to it. A pub designed to make you feel at home, and a popular local hang out judging by how busy it was, despite the weekday. After her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting inside she managed to get a better look starting with the floors up.

  There were hard wood floors all around except for the dance floor. It was done in a dark ceramic. A long oak bar on the right side had an even longer line up of people waiting for their drink orders. The walls were a neutral white with rock memorabilia hanging against it as far as she could see. There were guitars, posters, T-shirts, and autographed pictures to admire. Tables were on the left, booths were against the walls, and in the middle sat a large stage.

  It was then she saw the band. The music distant in the background, a good beat, but it was the person singing that caught her attention. He was hypnotizing, with his blond messy hair, seductive blue eyes, and deep baritone. He was tall, lean, and sculpted. She could tell by just looking, even at a distance. His T-shirt rolled up at the sleeves gave her a great view of large biceps with artwork, his pecs were outlined, and led down to a flat stomach she just knew would be defined by even more muscle. She couldn’t help but admire, and lowered her gaze for a further perusal, and bit her lip. Damn!

  His blue jeans clung to him like a second skin outlining a generous bump in the front she tried not to think about and strong thighs. Her cheeks began to heat up making her snap her eyes back up to his face and gasp when her brown eyes met his blue ones. Had he been checking her out too? She instantly shook it off. There are a ton of beautiful women in the bar as if he’d notice you by the entrance.

  “Earth to Meagan.” Heidi chuckled and broke the spell between her and the gorgeous band member. Then looped her arm through Meagan’s to drag her with them towards their booth. “Is everything okay?”

  Meagan nearly groaned knowing Heidi knew exactly what had her distracted but decided not to dwell on it and pulled her to a stop. “Yeah, but I think I need a drink.” She smiled at her newest cousin-in-law and tried to fight another blush.

  “Sure thing, his name is Lyric Cooper by the way. His band is also named Lyric, since he’s their lead, but everyone calls him Coop to avoid confusion, I think.”

  Meagan looked around and breathed a sigh of relief seeing Zoey, Nathan, and Rafe were already seated at a booth a few feet away. “And, they’re pretty good but please don’t think I’m interested in anything else.” She gave her a knowing look and continued, “I’m just not relationship material at the moment, nor am I ready for anything naked and sweaty with anyone.”

  “I’m sorry I just thought you might be interested. I mean you seemed to be...”

  Meagan sighed, looked up to the ceiling momentarily, and then let out a deep breath before interrupting her. “He’s certainly eye catching. Can you blame me?” She smiled brightly then and hugged Heidi tight. “Thank you for caring, I know your intentions are for the best, but I was merely doing what hundreds of other women in this bar are doing at this very moment.” She stepped back and looped her arm around Heidi’s again. “Now come on, I was promised some celebrating and I plan on doing just that. Let’s go to the bar, the first round is on me.”

  Heidi chuckled again.

  “Coop certainly is that, isn’t he? He’s talented, gorgeous, and such a nice guy to be around. I’m sure you’ll meet him eventually. We’re regulars here so he may say hi later, and I agree he does know how to work the room.” She winked and smiled wider as Meagan’s eyes automatically went back to the stage. “Now let’s celebrate new beginnings.”

  “To new beginnings and wonderful family,” Meagan cheered, feeling thankful for the distraction. It disturbed her to know how attracted she was to Mr. Lyric Cooper already and she didn’t want to think about it anymore. Tonight’s about starting over and quality time with your cousin and his loved ones. Just avoid the stage and have a good time.

  But, it was easier said than done.

  Chapter Two

  “Aw hell, would you look at that? It’s near perfection.” Rafe groaned pointing towards Heidi and Meagan while they embraced a few feet away from where they sat.

  Nathan groaned with him, and stared at Rafe with narrowed eyes. “That’s my wife and cousin man. Heidi I can understand she’s sexy as hell, but Meagan? Lay off.”

  “You know he only does this to get a reaction out of you, right?” Zoey chuckled and snuggled closer to Rafe. “And what do you mean near perfection?” she asked inquisitively.

  “It would only be perfection if you were to join them, baby, because perfection to me is you, Zoi.” He closed the distance right then joining his lips against Zoey’s quickly before pulling back. “You’re my life, and my love.”

  “I love you too, Rafe.” She smiled. “And my life is you too, next to Heidi and Nathan.” She winked and smiled at Nathan trying to bring him out of his funk. She nudged Rafe and he chuckled.

  “Your reaction makes me hot, Nathan, and your cousin is smokin’, man, but she obviously isn’t interested or she would have taken me up on my offer to join Zoey and me earlier. Truthfully she’s your family so that makes her mine too. I’m a flirt naturally but that’s one of my charms and I don’t mean any of it most of the time. But she’s also the first woman I’ve come across that has flat out turned me down so it’s intrigued me.” He laughed. “And it also seems that I’m not her type which is cool, so no worries.” He pointed to Meagan and Heidi again and all three turned to watch her eyeing Coop like he was a grade A steak while Heidi ordered some drinks at the bar. “So are we cool?”

  “We are.” Nathan nodded, quietly moaned and moved closer as Rafe slid his hand underneath the table cloth to get another kind of reaction out of him, his big hands stroking the outside of Nathan’s crotch until he was painfully hard. Rafe watched with amusement as Nathan’s nostrils flared and eye’s turned pleading for release, not caring where he was. It was then he leaned over to whisper in Zoey’s ear. She picked up the drink menu from the middle of the table and pretended to look it over for a minute. Suddenly she became clumsy, dropping it. “Oops,” she said and smiled at them both.

  “That’s right, baby. Take care of him first and then do me, but make it fast before Heidi and Meagan get back,” Rafe

  * * * *

  Both men watched as she went under the tablecloth. Nathan lifted slightly and then slouched as she freed him. His hard cock lying straight up so that it rested against his stomach. She gripped the silky, warm rod in her hands to where she needed him and immediately went to work.

  Stroking, licking, and sucking with all her might she enjoyed Nathan’s unique essence, a complete turn on knowing he belonged to her as well, and loving that Rafe had instructed her to do it. Not to mention the adrenaline rush she got from knowing they were in public and could be caught at any moment. She pulled back a little and lapped up the pre-cum sliding down the tip of his head. Her tongue circling it before, her grip on him tightened and her other hand caressed and massaged his balls. She relaxed her throat to take him in again. Her head bobbed faster, and seeing the rapid rise and fall of his stomach she could sense he was about to erupt. His balls pulled tighter inside her hands, one hand came under the table and held her there while his hips jerked forward. His hot seed finally released against the back of her throat, and she felt the rumble of Nathan’s moan as she worked her tongue to take in everything he gave her. She pulled back once she was satisfied she got it all and helped him back into his pants before turning to Rafe.

  She’d been too pre-occupied with Nathan to notice he’d already managed to pull himself out, and now admired the show as Nathan stroked him into excitement. Fuck, they were amazing. The two most beautiful men she’d ever known both inside and out, and they were hers and Heidi’s to love.

  Zoey smiled with pride, and decided it was time to help him out before their drinks arrived. Her tongue immediately sought out Rafe’s dripping juices and lingered on the sensitive slit before trailing her tongue around his mushroom cap. She allowed Nathan to continue with his hands while she used her mouth knowing it would turn Rafe on more with just the thought of them both working him into pleasure. She lowered when Nathan did and released when he stroked to the top. Faster and faster before she soon found Rafe’s hand tangled into her hair. He wanted her mouth. His grip tightened, Nathan released his hand, and Zoey prepared herself for another explosion as another orgasm hit the back of her throat, her favorite flavor, Rafe.

  “Found it.” She smiled and sat in between them, enjoying the satisfied looks both men gave her, she winked at Nathan and leaned closer to Rafe so she could whisper, “You owe me big time buddy. I am so fucking hot for you right now and I need my own release.”

  Rafe laughed before he turned towards her and caressed the side of her face. He leaned forward to whisper a promise of his own. “And you deserve it for being such a good girl, baby. Let me take care of that for you now.” He discretely slid his hand under the tablecloth again and tried to work her buckle loose until she stopped him.

  With a wickedly sexy look in her eye she leaned her head in the direction of an approaching Heidi and Meagan then whispered, “There’s no time for that here. I get the feeling Nathan’s cousin is a little shy around us and the last thing she needs is to see me coming at the table. We need to make an excuse, leave the table for awhile and find a secluded spot so I can come, and then you can fuck me, a nice quickie to tie us over until we get home, what do you say?”

  “We’ll be back,” Rafe said as he made his way out of the booth holding out his hand for Zoey to join him. Nathan laughed, Heidi smiled with envy knowing the look in both her lovers’ eyes, and Meagan shrugged innocently as they watched Rafe drag Zoey out of sight.

  * * * *

  “Ah, to be horny and in love.” Meagan giggled. “Just let me know if the two of you would like a little alone time too.”

  “As tempting as that sounds, and as much as I love Nathan and all things that lead to being horny and satisfied, I’m liking your company right now. We’ll have our turn later, so for now you’re stuck with us.” She winked, and then placed her hand on top of Meagan’s to give it a little squeeze.

  “Yeah, Meagan, come on...” Nathan leaned back and wrapped his arm around Heidi’s shoulders.

  “As if I’d just ditch you in the middle of a crowded bar, give me some credit here.”

  “Okay,” Meagan took a sip of her Smirnoff Ice and fiddled with the label when she placed it back on the table. “But, are you sure you’re okay with me staying at the house? I feel like the fifth wheel and the last thing I want is to make things awkward for any of you while I’m there. I mean I won’t be interrupting anything will I? And, before you answer...” She held her hand up to keep Nathan quiet for a minute. “I’m asking to give myself some piece of mind. I’ve already told Heidi and Zoey that I think what you have is great and the last thing I want to do is make anyone feel uncomfortable, including myself. Lord knows I’ve had enough of that to last a lifetime.”

  “You’re staying because we want you to, Meagan, so there’s no need to feel uncomfortable. Besides, where else would you go? I’m not sure what you think you’ll be interrupting either. We’re four people in love, and all adults. There won’t be any orgy walk-ins if that’s what you’re worried about. Yeah, we might have to tone it down a bit, but we do have a bedroom for our endeavors you know.” He chuckled, took a sip of his own beer and then sighed. “So are you going to tell me about the guy who hurt you?”

  She stiffened, before looking up at Nathan and Heidi again. Heidi gave her an apologetic smile while Nathan sat back and waited for her to answer. “Not really.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to,” she hissed.

  “I want you too. How are you supposed to get over him if you don’t talk about it? You’re too young and beautiful to shut yourself off from dating,” Nathan argued, making her temper rise.

  “I’m not. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Geez, one day here and already you’re butting in.” She took a deep breath in frustration and gave in. “You’re family, Nathan, and you’re lucky I love you, so fine, you want some details. I’ll tell you some. I fell for an older man, and he turned out to be married. Only I didn’t know that fact until after he took me to bed. We were only together that one time thank God, and it was horrible. He used me, and made me feel cheap. So pardon me if I’m not into just jumping into another relationship after that. I will not fall for another asshole, and I’ll start dating when I’m damn well ready.” She picked up her drink again, and emptied its contents before slamming the bottle down on the table, only taking a deep breath when Heidi moved to her side and put her arm around her for comfort. “Are you happy now?”

  “The man was clearly an idiot.”

  Nathan looked past her, ignoring her last question, and smiled at the person behind her. “Hey, Coop, have you decided to take your break with us tonight?”

  “Well sure as long as none of you mind the intrusion.” Coop smiled taking a seat across from Meagan.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Meagan hissed, completely embarrassed that the gorgeous band guy heard everything she just said. “I need another drink.” She stood then, while three sets of eyes followed her movements. “If you’ll excuse me please.”

  She left before anyone could say anything and headed straight for the bar again with her heart beating fast, and mixed emotions coming to surface from being completely humiliated. Old wounds came to surface, leaving her feeling hurt and vulnerable, and the last thing she needed was for people to know about it. She groaned, and debated whether or not she should just leave. Just order the drinks again and bring Nathan and Heidi a refill. Drink one more with them to be social and then hit the road. The night will be nothing but a faded memory after that. Besides, the man is a complete stranger and who says you’ll even see him again? Yeah, keep telling yourself that Meagan. You know you will. Stupid, stupid, stupid...

  “Are you okay?”

  Her eyes widened as she turned to face the deep baritone she vaguely recognized as belonging to Lyric Cooper aka Coop. “A little embarrassed actually.” She laughed a little to try and hide her nervousness. “It’s not every
day a complete stranger finds out about my personal life after all, especially the part I don’t normally share. I’m not the type to kiss and tell.”

  “I bet. The names Lyric Cooper by the way but everyone calls me Coop,” He said holding out his hand in greeting.

  Meagan slowly placed her hand inside of his and shook it. “Meagan, Meagan Morales.”

  “Well, Meagan, Meagan Morales, It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He teased with a smile.

  “There now that we’ve gotten the formalities out of the way we’re no longer strangers. So tell me, Meagan, what’s the story between you, Nathan, Heidi, Rafe, and Zoey? I’ve known them for a little while now and I’ve never seen you around before now.”

  “So then you know they’re quite a happy foursome.” She smiled playfully and began to feel more at ease. Coop was an easy guy to like.

  “And have you decided to be their fifth?”

  “Oh, ew.” She laughed. “No, I mean they’re completely awesome, and I envy what they have together, but Nathan’s family.” She shuddered and this time he laughed.

  “Nathan’s family, huh? That’s good to know.”

  “Is it?” She arched her eyebrow, and smiled again. “Although I do feel like the fifth wheel, I just arrived this morning, and I’m staying with them for awhile, or at least until I can find a job and get my own place. You can’t live off of your savings forever.” She shrugged.

  “Really, what did you have in mind? Because the bar is looking for someone to walk around and take orders, clean tables, and sell drinks. You interested?”

  “Possibly, although I’ve never worked in a bar before so I’m not sure the owner will want my interest.”

  “I’ll put in a word for you.” He chuckled again. “I have to go on stage again shortly, but I think I can manage to get you an application first. Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Coop leaned over the bar then and flagged the bartender over. He whispered something and then winked before he left her to admire his retreating backside, and boy did she admire it.


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