Coveted (Pandora's Playground #1)

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Coveted (Pandora's Playground #1) Page 17

by Alannah Lynne

  She considered telling him they could spend time at her house, because Ian designed their home as a kinky couple’s playground, but that probably wasn’t the best thing for this budding relationship. She didn’t want to think about Ian while with Mathew, and he probably wouldn’t be comfortable there either.

  Lifting her arms above her head, she wrapped the sheets around her fists and smiled. “You don’t need cuffs, Sir. All you have to do is tell me to stay like this and I won’t move. Your will is binding enough.” She gave a tug on the sheet. “Is this where you want me?”

  His gaze turned molten as he nodded and said, “Exactly.” He leaned to the side so he no longer straddled her legs and said, “Spread your legs as wide as possible.”

  She did a lot of yoga, and judging by his amused expression, her flexibility surprised him. His lips twitched as he repositioned himself between her widely spread thighs. “You’re more talented than I imagined.”

  She laughed along with him… until his hand crawled from her knee to the junction of her thighs and across her clit. She wanted to arch her back and push against him, but her desire to please him, to prove his will was stronger than cuffs, outweighed everything else, and she held herself perfectly still as he stroked her again.

  She squeezed her eyes shut to help with concentration, but he wasn’t having any of that. “Open those baby blues, angel. I want to see the pleasure on your face… to watch your eyes darken with lust as I take you higher and higher.”

  If he took her much higher, she’d levitate off the damned bed.

  He scooted back a few inches, then leaned down to take a nipple into his mouth while massaging the other with his hand. She was vaguely aware of incoherent mumblings falling from her lips as he swirled his tongue around the sensitive tip, but her conscious thought was becoming blurry as the intense pleasure grew.

  She found herself constantly licking her lips, desperate to have his on hers while his tongue swept inside her mouth the way he circled her nipples.

  His eyes darkened as she ran her tongue across her lower lip again, and he slowly lifted his head. He seemed to be considering something, and as she realized she’d never seen him kiss anyone at the club, she was hit with a horrible thought. What if he was a germaphobe who never kissed?

  God, please don’t let that be the case. She loved kissing.

  As she continued sending up a silent plea to the universe, he sat up on all fours, planted his hands on either side of her head, and leaned forward… inching closer and closer and closer until his mouth hovered inches above hers. Her lips parted and she drew in a shuddering breath, waiting and hoping… still praying…

  The corner of his mouth lifted as he lowered another inch closer. “I always knew one sample of you would never be enough.” Another inch closer. “Even after that first night at the club, I couldn’t allow myself a taste for fear of never getting enough.” Another inch.

  It would be easy to lift her head the tiniest bit and steal the kiss she desperately wanted, but she forced it to stay locked to the mattress and waited for him to give, rather than taking.

  She’d never been so tempted by a kiss in her life, and hysterical laughter bubbled in her chest. He was afraid kissing her would be too much, and she feared dying if he didn’t.

  “Please, please, kiss me. I have to know if your lips are as soft as they look. I want your tongue sweeping across my mouth as you show me how much you want me.”

  His nostrils flared and his chest rose and fell with harsh breaths. He licked her lower lip, and her tongue followed the same trail, sweeping him into her mouth. He tasted like raw power, hot and sexy male. And she practically vibrated with frustration for more.

  His eyes were narrowed to slits and the heat pouring off him nearly melted her. She swallowed roughly, opened her mouth to catch another breath, and he was there. His mouth on hers, his teeth nibbling her bottom lip. His tongue dipping in and out of her mouth. He was kissing her but teasing her at the same time while she teetered on the edge of madness.

  She never realized kissing could be erotic foreplay, but then again, she’d never been kissed by Mathew. After several moments of torture, of kissing but not really, he dropped his full weight onto her, pinned her in place, and wrapped his hand around the back of her head before angling his mouth over hers to take her in a full body press.

  His lips were soft and demanding, just as she expected. His tongue controlled the dance, thoroughly possessing her. She wasn’t certain, but she suspected she might orgasm from his kiss alone.

  Her breasts swelled painfully, her pussy throbbed, and it took every bit of self-restraint she possessed to not close her legs around his waist and rock against the hard length of his erection pressing into her pubic bone.

  After several moments of being completely overwhelmed by his mouth, he drew back and gazed into her eyes with unmistakable devotion. He might’ve gone into this full of hesitancy, but all lingering doubts were gone.

  She belonged to him… and they both knew it.

  Chapter 15

  Even though he loved the wet heat of her mouth and didn’t ever want to leave, other delectable treats awaited, so with a shuddering breath, he pulled back and worked to gather himself. He’d been right. Out of all the substances—both legal and illegal—he’d sampled in his lifetime, nothing delivered the mind-numbing, body-buzzing euphoria of kissing Muriel.

  She was soft and compliant, and her sweet mewlings nearly did him in. And she was trying so damn hard to keep herself restrained that every time her arms trembled with her internal battle, she wrapped him a little tighter around her finger.

  He spent a lifetime scoffing at the idea of hearts and flowers and happily-ever-after bullshit, but she made him want to believe. She made him want to share absolutely everything with her—his house, his life. His heart.

  He wanted to come home from work—before midnight—and have her greet him with a glass of wine, wearing nothing but a smile. But even more shocking, he would be even happier to come home and find her sitting on the balcony with her own glass of wine, kicked back in the recliner, reading a book.

  He didn’t want her around to be his full-time submissive—although the idea held tremendous appeal and his cock throbbed excitedly. He just wanted her around. Period. He wanted her shampoo in his shower. Her scent on his sheets. He wanted to fall asleep every night with her wrapped in his arms and wake wrapped in hers. He wanted to hold her hand while walking on the beach and to sit across the breakfast table, listening to her plans for the day.

  Damn. He’d lost his motherfucking mind. It all sounded simple enough in theory, but what did he know about the required follow-through to make the fairytale happen? A small, quiet voice pointed out that before tonight, he hadn’t known how to take a lady on a dinner date, but surprisingly enough, they’d had a fantastic meal accompanied by easy conversation and lots of laughter.

  As Muriel pointed out, when he started a new case, he didn’t have all the details upfront; he worked to figure out the steps along the way. Muriel said they would figure this out together, and if she trusted him enough to let him control her body, he would trust her to help make this work.

  He lowered his mouth to hers again, reveling in the soft moan that escaped her lips and fell into his mouth as his tongue danced with hers. Then he began a slow trek down her body, kissing her jaw, her collarbone… stopping to lavish kisses on her breasts before slipping down to her soft stomach and, finally, the little spot of heaven between her legs.

  He thought kissing her mouth was heavenly, but it wasn’t anything compared to licking the folds of her pussy as her cries filled his ears. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sweet cream on his tongue as he settled into place and lapped at her like a cat drinking milk from a bowl. There were a million and ten things he wanted to do to this woman, but right now, he needed more of her honey on his lips.

  Seeking better access, he slid one hand under her ass and lifted, then slid two fingers inside her slick chan
nel. The tight pull reminded him of how it felt to be inside her, and his cock twitched with anticipation. However, there would be time for that later. Right now, he wanted to show her how precious she was so she knew he would always go out of his way to meet her needs.

  He curled his fingers and stroked the spongy spot guaranteed to send her to the moon while clamping down on her clit. She gasped and moaned and trembled with the effort to keep still. He licked her slit, then dragged a pool of moisture back to her ass. She hadn’t explained why some times were better than others, but as a fan of the intimacy and submission involved in anal sex, he planned to solve the puzzle pretty damn quickly.

  Wanting to add a little play to the mix now, he nipped at her clit to drive her higher while stroking her tight entrance with his finger. As soon as he touched the tight rim of nerves, she jerked—despite her Herculean efforts not to—and her head thrashed side to side. She definitely liked anal stimulation, so being careful to not go too far too fast, he added more moisture to his finger and slowly pressed against the tight opening while continuing other stimulation.

  Repositioning his hands to make use of both, he fucked her ass with one finger while stroking her pussy with two from his other hand. She jerked and thrashed and cried out as her back arched. Then realizing she’d moved, she resettled to the bed while continuing to shake with need and the battle to remain still. He watched her face for signs of distress or discomfort as he added another finger to her ass, but all he saw was rapturous pleasure washing over her features.

  Has she been fucked by two men before?

  Ian always had strict rules about playing in public, but as she licked her lips and moaned, “God, yes,” he couldn’t help but wonder if Lucas had been invited to participate in a threesome with them at some point.

  “Have you ever been fucked by two men at once?”

  Her head sawed back and forth, side to side. “No, Sir.” She panted and tightened her grip on the sheet. “But…” She pressed her lips together to cut off the sentence, then bit down on her plump lower lip slick with moisture.

  His blood cooled thirty degrees as a deep sense of dread settled over him. That “but” carried a shitload of weight, and even though he didn’t want to hear the rest of her thought, he needed to. “But what, angel?”

  When she hesitated to answer, he sucked hard on her clit and stroked her G-spot, short-circuiting her mind so she would answer without too much thought.

  “I’ve always been curious about it.” She gasped as he pulled on her clit again. “Oh God. That’s so good.”

  While he continued to drive her closer to the edge of insanity, in what became a possessive, nearly violent need to make sure she knew it would never be this good with anyone else, terror gripped him. He’d wondered if there were any unfulfilled fantasies locked away in her mind, but… Fuck.

  How could he make that particular fantasy come true and not lose his mind in the process? It would kill him to share her with anyone, even Lucas, who was like a brother he trusted completely. But even as his mind railed against the idea, his heart fractured with the knowledge he needed to at least consider making it happen.

  With several more pounding strokes in her ass and pussy, he flatted his tongue, ordered her release, and sucked on her clit.

  She bucked so hard the entire bed shook, and when he pulled his fingers out of her ass, she called out his name and fell over the edge a second time. Male pride and satisfaction ripped through him at hearing his name fall from his woman’s mouth.

  As her tremors subsided, he stripped off his boxers, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, then rejoined her on the bed. She was still panting and sweating like she’d run a marathon, but the unrestrained pleasure coloring her features nearly turned him to mush.

  Crawling back between her legs, he gripped his pounding dick in his hand, aligned himself with her slick opening, and slid home. She cried out and tossed her head back at his harsh invasion, then moaned as he settled into a slow, grinding pace.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck, angel. The only thing I want you holding on to is me.”

  Her arms latched onto him so tightly he could barely breathe—not because she cut off his air, but because the beauty of her holding him so tightly was breathtaking. God, he loved this woman, and while he still didn’t have a clue how to make this relationship work, he would do everything in his power to give her the world if that’s what she wanted.

  Within a matter of moments, they were both riding the sweet edge of orgasmic bliss, so drawing back, he said, “When I drive into you again, you come with me.”

  She nodded, licked her lips while locking gazes with him, and said, “Yes, Sir.”

  He teased her with a few shallow strokes, and when he couldn’t hold out any longer, he slid in to the hilt in one long, powerful stroke. Having her come apart in his arms while he jumped off the cliff with her was the most perfect moment of Mathew’s life.

  He didn’t know how he got so lucky. But opportunities like this only came around once in a lifetime, and he was determined not to screw it up.

  Chapter 16

  Mathew stepped from his car and sucked in a deep lungful of salt air. Since moving into his condo, his routine had been the same. Come home from work, draw in a few deep breaths, walk to the front of the building and watch the waves roll onshore before heading upstairs to eat dinner and prepare for the following day’s battle. But in the past six months, everything had changed.

  The ocean waves rolling onshore presented a peaceful greeting, but they served as a background accompaniment now. What helped him relax more than anything waited upstairs, and he normally couldn’t wait to get to her.

  Except tonight.

  Tonight, she wasn’t alone, and his stomach had been a twisted knot all day as he struggled to mentally prepare for the evening. But he’d dragged his feet on this little get-together long enough—too long—so he gave in her to pleas and agreed. Tonight was the night, and he’d either have a fully intact family when it was over or once again find himself without.

  Swallowing the lump of emotion that accompanied the thought, he shook his head to clear it, then pounded his way across the covered parking lot to the elevator. He was a grown-ass man, and it was ridiculous to be this uptight. But he couldn’t ignore the tremble in his fingers as he slid his keycard through the lock on the elevator and punched in the code to his apartment. Ten seconds later, the doors opened, and even though he wasn’t suffering a full-blown panic attack, sweat poured from his head and neck and his tie strangled him like a noose.

  A quick glance through the living room showed everyone sitting on the balcony, talking and laughing. Christ, he felt like a teenager as he quietly set his keys on the side table, trying not to alert anyone of his arrival so he could have another minute to get his shit together. Although, truth be told, another ten minutes probably wouldn’t make a difference.

  Skipping over the mail, he tossed his suit coat over the back of a dining room chair, drew in a deep breath, and cracked his knuckles—another something he hadn’t done since high school when Joanne broke him of the habit—then headed toward the living room. As soon as he cleared the foyer, Muriel caught sight of him from the corner of her eye and turned her head to greet him with the wide, beautiful smile that still brought him to his knees. Seeing her reaction caught Liam and Joanne’s attention, and they all stood and headed his way.

  If his heart beat any faster, it could take flight, and the roar of his ears made it nearly impossible to hear anything except the steady whoosh, whoosh, whoosh of blood gathering speed as it pumped through his veins.

  He’d talked to Liam and Joanne a few times since Ian’s passing, but guilt at not being able to save their son kept him from staying in touch the way he did while Ian was alive. Since Muriel maintained a close relationship with them, she was aware of his withdrawal but didn’t know why until she learned of his panic attacks and the guilt he carried about Ian’s passing. Since they started dating—which l
asted two months before she moved in—she’d encouraged him to reestablish the connection. But by then, he had a new concern.

  How did he tell them that in addition to not being able to save Ian, he’d been in love with his wife from day one and was now living with her?

  Muriel’s solution was simple, or so she said. They were traveling to Charleston for vacation, so she would invite them to stop in Myrtle Beach for dinner. She would have them come to his condo, which would be the first clue something was going on between them, and when they arrived, she would fill them in on the past six months.

  He’d argued she shouldn’t bear the responsibility herself, but she insisted. And as usual, when she set her mind to something, she made so many valid points he finally conceded. She’d definitely missed her calling in life, because she would’ve made one hell of an attorney.

  Gasping for air as they converged on him, he fixed his gaze onto Muriel’s and held it as if she were his lifeline… because at this point, she was.

  “Hi there.” Her voice was strong and confident and there was no hesitation in her step as she approached. She slid one arm around his back, another around his front, and sidled in close to his side, giving the clear signal that Liam and Joanne were up to speed. “Mathew, I’d like you to meet Liam and Joanne Stewart. Two people who love us very much and are thrilled we have each other.” And with that announcement, she kissed his cheek, then let go and took a step back.

  Joanne threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a massive hug. “The only problem we have with any of this is that you didn’t think we would want the best for you. And as far as we’re concerned, you are the best for each other. And I’m extremely upset you didn’t tell us about the panic attacks, but instead, ran away.”

  She drew back and leveled him with the same stare she used to set him straight all those years ago. “We love you, Mathew, and you broke our hearts when you pulled away from us. We felt like we lost two sons that day.” Tears filled his eyes as hers grew watery. But then her lips twitched and her eyes brightened. “I would ground you for that shit if I could. But I can’t, so an apology and a promise to never do something like that again will suffice.”


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