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Page 20

by Emma Nichols

  Manos blinked. ‘What about it?’ he asked.

  ‘I sold the house,’ Ariana said, her voice quiet, her eyes focused on the table.

  Manos looked confused. He stayed silent until Ariana’s eyes lifted and addressed him. ‘How can you sell the house?’ he asked, his tone matter-of-fact.

  ‘I signed the contract before I came here,’ Ariana started, stopping as Manos lifted his hand up, his palm facing her.

  Manos sucked through his teeth and sipped at his drink. ‘You cannot sell something you don’t own,’ he said, with utmost sincerity.

  Ariana’s head was shaking back and forth of its own volition, as she processed his statement. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked.

  ‘I am aware of the conditions that Sophia applied to your inheritance,’ he said.

  Nikki looked from Manos to Ariana, feeling entirely out of the loop. ‘Conditions!’ she said her tone questioning.

  ‘The refurbishment of the house, living here unassisted for the time it takes to do the work, and the specific instructions for Sophia’s ashes,’ he said. ‘Until you've met the conditions, you do not own the house. The trust holds it, and it goes without saying that if you do not own the house, then you cannot sign any contract to sell the house,’ he said. ‘Anything you signed before wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s written on,’ he added. ‘And, of course, if you do not meet the conditions Sophia set out, the estate will remain in trust. She always believed you would choose to stay,’ he said, with a wry smile, gazing towards the rose garden with a sparkle in his eyes.

  Ariana slumped back in the seat, her initial irritation at the fact Manos had known all along about the conditions and not said anything swiftly replaced by the ecstatic feeling of being able to negate the sale. ‘Really!’ she exclaimed, allowing the hint of a smile to form, an overwhelming sense of relief flooding her.

  Manos nodded, sipped at his drink and smiled.

  A frown started to form on Ariana’s forehead, a question poised on her lips. ‘Why did you help me with the decorating?’ she asked, curious as to why he would help her if it meant she would leave the island earlier as a result.

  Manos inhaled deeply, gazed toward the rose garden and released a breath, slowly, aware that Nikki was also seeking answers. ‘I wanted to get to know you again,’ he started. ‘And, I thought that helping you might get you to see that you are loved and that there is a home for you here,’ he continued. ‘And, I suppose the selfish side of me wanted to spend time with you in case you did choose to leave in the end.’ He shrugged, brushed at his damp cheeks and sucked through his teeth.

  Nikki’s stunned expression lifted, her eyes lighting up as the information settled. ‘The house isn’t sold?’ she asked, for clarification.

  Manos nodded his head. ‘Not possible,’ he said, with certainty.

  ‘Hey look,’ Soph shouted, stepping up the beach sporting a broad grin, a net resting over her shoulder.

  Ariana’s eyes locked onto Nikki’s momentarily, something intangible passing between them, before turning her attention to her excited daughter. ‘Hey,’ she said with a genuinely enthusiastic smile. ‘What did you catch?’

  ‘Seven mullet,’ Soph said, struggling to hold up her pole with two hands, dumping it on the sand by the table. She looked elated, her hair scruffier than usual, tiny streaks of salt sitting in the fine smile-lines on her tanned cheeks.

  Gianna approached with a second net and an equally satisfied grin. ‘They’re huge,’ she added.

  ‘Best I get the fire going,’ Manos said, rising from the table. ‘Mullet for dinner,’ he said with a chuckle, his cheeks shining at the family that surrounded him.

  ‘Yeah!’ Soph cheered, her voice raised, her enthusiasm infectious.

  Ariana laughed.

  Nikki chuckled, warmed by the absence of tension and stress in Ariana. She looked radiant, glowing, her eyes projecting deep affection.

  ‘Bring them through; I’ll show you how to gut them,’ Manos said.

  Soph baulked; Gianna laughed.

  ‘Come on. We’ll do it together,’ Gianna said, dragging a protesting Soph through the bar to the kitchen.

  Ariana held Nikki’s weary gaze, her heart aching at the dark rings under her hazel eyes. ‘I love you,’ she said.

  Nikki nodded. She was exhausted, drained, thrilled, excited, and confused all at once. ‘I love you too,’ she said, the ripple of a smile making its way through to the surface. ‘It’s just…’ she started, averting her gaze.

  ‘It’s been a shit start,’ Ariana finished for her. ‘Can we start us again?’ she asked, reaching across the table and taking Nikki’s hand. She rubbed her thumb across the tanned skin, the warmth of the touch closing the distance between them.

  Nikki drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. ‘I’d like that,’ she said, the soft smile going some way to revitalising her light-hazel eyes.

  Musical notes started to fill the bar. Soph was perched on a stool, guitar in hand, and starting to sing.

  Nikki and Ariana looked at each other and chuckled.

  ‘Gutting fish didn’t last long,’ Nikki said.

  ‘She’s squeamish,’ Ariana said with adoration.

  ‘Another drink?’ Nikki asked, standing from the table.

  ‘Sure,’ Ariana said, standing with her. ‘I’ll be over there,’ she said, indicating towards the driftwood bench.

  Nikki’s eyes responded.

  Ariana eased onto the bench, fractured fragments settling inside her, blending, forming a renewed sense of fullness that warmed and softened her. The airy sensation; the lightness, the peace and inner tranquillity painted a different kind of smile on her face: a smile that resonated with confidence, assurance, and a sense of belonging. She breathed in deeply, enjoying the expansion that flowed through her chest, sighed out slowly and eased back in the seat resting her head back on the rock.

  Nikki approached from the bar, sat next to her and handed over a bottle of beer. ‘I don’t understand,’ she started to say.

  Ariana sat up and turned to face her. ‘Sshhh!’ she said, pressing a finger to Nikki’s lips and resting it there. ‘There’s a lot I don’t understand too, but what I do know is that I love you and I am not leaving, and I’d like to spend the next few days enjoying that feeling.’ She closed the space between them until their lips touched, tenderly, lovingly… unhurriedly.

  The kiss came to a natural end, and Nikki pulled Ariana into her shoulder. ‘I love you, and I’m glad you’ve chosen to stay,’ she said, gazing out across the beach, the silky-sweet sound of the guitar and Soph’s voice drowning out the chirping crickets, her eyes drawn to the glow above the rose garden. She sighed, smiled, and pulled Ariana closer. ‘Do you fancy a swim later, when it’s dark?’ she asked.

  A mischievous grin appeared on Ariana’s face. ‘I’d like that,’ she said, snuggling into Nikki, the flowery, spicy, warmth, igniting her senses. Her eyes closed, a low groan falling from her lips.


  Manos eased back on the lounger with a deep sigh, Soph and Gianna still singing as they meandered across the beach towards the white house, Nikki and Ariana strolling hand-in-hand in the other direction, to the rocks at the western edge of the cove. He raised his glass to the silver-white haze, lighting up the rose garden and chuckled. ‘You old coot,’ he whispered, sipping at the drink, savouring the warmth that suffused him. Ariana had decided to stay on Sakros. He would inform the solicitors in the morning, and as soon as they nullified the sale, he would arrange for the transfer of the estate to Ariana. He tipped the glass, swallowed the burning contents, rested his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying the soft hush of the waves and the chirping and buzzing noises that surrounded him. Today was another good day. The hair curled on his cheeks, contentment softening the lines on his aged skin. He wouldn’t wait up for Nikki tonight.


  Ariana interlocked her fingers through Nikki’s, her thumb finding Nikki’s and dancing across its surface, her feet
moving in sync with Nikki’s, the same length of stride, breathing in the same balmy, salty, night-air. ‘It’s so beautiful here,’ she said, with a sense of awe.

  Nikki squeezed the soft hand in hers, the truth beginning to settle in the tingling that filtered through her fingers and up her arm. ‘It is,’ she said, her eyes studying Ariana’s profile with a sense of giddy disbelief and love.

  Ariana turned, locked onto the hazel gaze that had stolen her heart.

  Nikki’s heart skipped a beat at the smile directed at her; the intimate connection between them that even the twenty-year separation hadn’t been able to destroy. Her eyes narrowed, and a mischievous grin slipped onto her face. ‘Race you to the rocks,’ she said, dropping Ariana’s hand, and running towards the water, stopping at the shoreline to throw off her t-shirt.

  Ariana dropped her top as she ran past Nikki laughing loudly, shouting forfeit, and then dived into the water. She was still chuckling when she surfaced.

  Nikki chased after her, reached the rocks first and pulled herself up effortlessly. She held out a hand and tugged Ariana out of the water. She could feel Ariana’s breath against her skin, her dark-eyes smiling, and her lips tantalisingly close. The trembling that had exposed her sense of helplessness since earlier in the day was slowly taking on a different quality. The vibrations were lighter and caused the hairs on the back of her neck to rise, and a wave of excitement was building and filtering down her spine.

  Ariana gasped, the heat of Nikki’s bare skin and the light sheen of water sparkling, Nikki’s flesh pressing against her, Nikki’s eyes wild, asking something of her. Her lips quivered, and Nikki looked as if she might pounce. Ariana wanted her to. Instead, Nikki was studying her, penetrating deeper into her inner world, and causing her to shudder with the intensity behind the hazel eyes.

  Nikki watched the water trickling from the hair around Ariana’s face, the shift in her complexion, the slight flutter of her fair eyelashes and the darkening of her eyes, knowing full well the impact she was having on the woman in her arms. She couldn’t help the wicked grin widening, with her thoughts. ‘You lost,’ she said, her voice gravelly, sincere, passionate.

  Ariana bit down on her lip, her gaze firmly fixed on the seductive smile and fiery hazel eyes assessing her. The ache in her chest told her how much she loved Nikki; how much she wanted Nikki, but her voice got lost and the silence between them and the heavy weight of expectation. ‘What’s the forfeit?’ she said, her voice shaky, barely audible above the hush of the sea against the rocks.

  Nikki narrowed her gaze in thought, her mind scanning for the right punishment, reminded of the few times they had spent as teenagers playing on these same rocks and Ariana’s resistance to jumping from the ledges. She leaned closer, her voice at a whisper, ‘You have to jump from the bottom ledge,’ she said, easing away, studying Ariana carefully. She frowned, confused, at her broad smile and enthusiastic acceptance of the challenge.

  Ariana released herself from the embrace and started to climb the rock face with enthusiasm. Passing the lower ledge, and the middle shelf she had jumped from a few days ago, she kept climbing.

  The smile dropped from Nikki’s face, a wave of concern niggling her conscience, and then a grin reappeared as Ariana stood on the top ledge, turned and chuckled.

  ‘You thought I wouldn’t do it,’ Ariana shouted, and before Nikki could deny the truth, she jumped letting out a delighted squeal as she dropped and a whooping sound as she resurfaced.

  Nikki’s competitive sense roused by Ariana’s confidence, she started to climb. By the time she reached the top Ariana was out of the water and scaling the cliff again. Nikki screamed out a much-needed release as she jumped.

  Ariana reached the top and jumped again, resurfacing quickly, her grinning face within inches of the hazel eyes gazing at her, the exhilaration stirring other sensations in her body as she fought to keep her head out of the water.

  Nikki could feel Ariana’s presence; so close, the thrill sending shivers down her spine and making it hard for her to tread water. She splashed away, creating a distance between them, and turned to face Ariana. ‘Race you to the shore,’ she said, ‘double or quits.’

  Ariana chuckled, leaned forward in the water and started the chase, knowing full well she hadn’t got a hope of catching Nikki. She followed her out and around the rocky outcrop and back towards the west-cove beach, puffing, her heart racing with anticipation, as she waded through the shallow waves to the shore. ‘Guess I lost, again,’ she said with a sultry smile, her eyes fixed firmly on Nikki.

  Nikki, t-shirt over her shoulder, smiling, held out a hand and Ariana took it. She directed the hand around her back, drawing them to the point of Ariana’s warm breath on her face. Closing the short space, salt on her lips, Ariana’s body pressed to the length of her own, she released a soft groan.

  Ariana’s eyes closed with the touch of Nikki’s mouth, soft, tender, gently taking her hungry lips. She reached up, her fingers tracing Nikki’s neck, massaging her head, pulling her closer, and deeper into the kiss. The feel of Nikki’s arms around her waist and the tingling touch of the fingers sliding up her back drew a long moan that etched Nikki into every cell in her body.

  Nikki shuddered at the goosebumps forming under the trail of her fingertips, the desire coursing through her veins and heat flaming her skin, driving her on. Ariana’s tongue was exploring her, stimulating the pulsing through her body, connecting them for eternity, opening her heart and loving her with everything she had. She still wanted more, wanted to feel the soft bare skin against her own, the throbbing heat reacting to her sensual touch, and driving Ariana over the edge. She wanted it all, and she wanted it never to end. Easing slowly out of the kiss, silently taking Ariana’s hand, holding her dark, penetrating gaze, she led her up the beach.

  Ariana’s heart raced with the sense of expectation and her fingers intertwined with Nikki’s. Light vibrations intensifying in her stomach with every pace, Nikki’s spicy scent causing her to feel quite giddy, spellbound. How many times had she dreamed of the things Nikki could do to her? She felt the reassuring squeeze of Nikki’s hand in hers, studied the soft lines on the caring face, the compassionate eyes that caressed her and the intensity and desire that shone from them. The butterflies in her stomach were beginning to dance; only this dance was an unfamiliar one.

  They walked past the empty lounger, through the back of the bar, the silence broken by the buzzing and chirping noises emanating from the foliage surrounding the beach, and the unspoken messages that hung between them. They stopped outside the apartment front door.

  Ariana was trembling; her heart beating at a pace she thought would cause it to burst, her stomach throwing somersaults. She licked her tongue around her dry mouth, her lips tingling. ‘I’m scared,’ she whispered.

  Nikki nodded, the shuddering in her stomach telling her that she felt it too. The fear of never wanting to lose Ariana again, merging with the excitement of the moment she had longed for. ‘Me too,’ she said, softly. Saying the words helped to shift the tension, through a gentle breath and a deep smile.

  Ariana could feel the surge of adrenaline take over her body and absent her of thought, just a moment before she pounced, the force of the kiss throwing Nikki hard against the door.

  Nikki opened to the soft lips pressing firmly against her, the taste of Ariana in her mouth, the tongue teasing her, her breath stalling. Easing out of the kiss, her hazel-irises darkening, enquiring, she opened the door and led Ariana into the room. She stood, the urgency in Ariana’s eyes causing her to struggle to breathe.

  Ariana took the t-shirt and dropped it to the floor, her gaze lingering on the tanned skin of Nikki’s shoulder and then down to the rise of her breasts, fascinated by the shivering wave that rippled across the soft flesh in the wake of her touch. Ariana’s fingers traced around Nikki’s back, released the bikini-top and slipped it to the floor; her focus unwavering, holding those dark-hazel eyes, she could feel her skin tingling with th
e vulnerability passing between them. ‘I’m in love with you and I’m not leaving,’ she whispered, her voice broken, her tone certain.

  Nikki stood, feeling exposed, her pert breasts begging to be touched, her dark nipples alive with the expectation, heat flaming through her. She watched, transfixed as Ariana released her own top and allowed it to fall. Her tongue wetted her mouth and she swallowed, studying the beautiful pale skin, and the small, pink buds that had swelled with their release, the pulsing in her core intensifying with the desire to touch.

  Ariana stepped closer. She reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Nikki’s ear, her hands unsteady, clumsy. She toyed tenderly with the soft lobe before trailing her fingertips down Nikki’s neck and tracing the line to her breast, her gaze never faltering from the darkening eyes. The sense of the dark-brown nipples hardening at her delicate touch, the heat emanating from the burning skin at her fingertips, the mumbled gasp from the trembling lips, so close to hers, caused her hands to tremor and her heart to pound through her chest. Ariana bit down on her lip, stalling, her desire building until the urgency claimed her. ‘Make love to me,’ she whispered. She couldn’t be sure who moved first because the point at which she blinked their teeth clashed, and Nikki had cupped her head, and their breasts were touching, Nikki’s hand was on her, and she was being pulled into the kiss. Lost in the moment, her ability to think stripped from her, she followed Nikki’s lead.

  Nikki released a groan at the warm salty taste on her lips, the soft bud puckering at her fingertips, her hand caressing the full breast pressed to her own, and the feel of Ariana’s warm skin that was causing her own to burn. She could sense the urgency rising within her through the swelling in her heart and wanted to bathe in the moment for eternity. She eased out of the kiss, her hands silently, tenderly, continuing to explore the curves her eyes feasted on, the soft skin prickling, down to Ariana’s stomach, slipping the button on her shorts, releasing the clothing and easing it to the floor. She moaned with a sensual smile, Ariana’s sweet-musky scent drifting, taking her breath with it, and challenging her patience. Nikki stripped naked and claimed the space that had separated them.


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