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Alien Dragon's Bride (Aliens of Renjer Book 4)

Page 10

by J. S. Wilder

  “Your silence tells me everything, I’m going to save Megan with or without your blessing.” Levx pushed past his father to the door.

  “Fine. But I refuse to allow any fellow Renjerians to aid you.” He glowered. “Any who are caught trying to help you or facing off with any Tryns instead of helping us pack and flee will be excommunicated from our lineage.”

  Levx paused at the door, rage and disbelief surging through him as he faced his father. “That’s been your answer since your first-born son died. Run. And look where it’s gotten us…we’re scrambling to mate with human women to have a sliver of a chance at the survival of our race.”

  “What I’ve done has helped us survive this far.” His dark gray eyes burning with the dragon fire buried inside him.

  “Right.” Levx shook his head. “And we’re on the edge of extinction. Running and hiding haven’t done anything for us. Why can’t you see that? What legacy do you want to leave the half-Renjerian children? Or their children’s children? That we were a mighty race of dragons at one point but turned tail and ran when things got too hard? That we let fear rule us and never stood and fought?”

  “You don’t think we fought?” His father’s harsh voice stung him to the core. “We tried everything we could to defeat the enemy and lost.”

  “No father,” he said trying to keep the disappointment from his voice, “as soon as things got hard, you fled. I’m not going to do that. I will face my enemy, protect Megan until I’m nothing more. Then I can face the afterlife of the stars knowing that I did everything in my power to stop anyone else from getting hurt. I will not hide behind the past but I will embrace the future even if that is a moment in time…even if I never get to see Megan again…I will die knowing I fought for what was right and for love. Unlike you, I won’t have any regrets to bury.”

  He turned the doorknob when his father’s words echoed in the room.

  “Why risk your life for a mere human? She’s probably already dead by now if the Tryn did go after her.”

  “You’d better pray she’s still alive or you’ll have a worse enemy than Tryns,” Levx’s voice was low and rumbled in his chest, his dragon though injured, rising to the surface.

  “Walk out that door and you’re no longer my son. No longer a Renjerian. We will leave and you’ll have no contact with any of us.” His father straightened his shoulders, stomping closer to him. “Without the connection from your own kind, your dragon-form will wither. You won’t be able to find us either and if you do, we’ll move again and again. I will not risk our people on your fool-hearted fantasy with this human woman when there are millions out there just like her.”

  “Not for me.” Levx stifled an ache that hit his chest as he thought about what his father said and about what if he were right about Megan? What if it was too late for her and he was throwing away his family his people for nothing. “If you search your heart, you’ll know that if your love was still alive, you wouldn’t rest until you knew she was safe. That you’d fight with your last breath to protect her. To tell her one more time that you love her. I won’t make your mistakes.”

  His father’s face colored dark red. “Go against my orders and you are no longer my son. I disinherit you and any bastards you manage to conceive.”

  Inside, his world collapsed but he would not run from his enemy and he would not leave Megan unguarded. “So be it.” Levx stalked out of the room and didn’t look back.

  Chapter 22


  Hurt resonated in his heart more than his injured body as he shuffled to the elevator. But he had to see Megan, ensure that she was okay. The thought of the Tryn attacking her, harming her, made panic wrap a vice around his chest and he couldn’t draw a deep enough breath.

  Levx stopped at his apartment only long enough to throw on a T-shirt, jacket, and jeans and the gauze covering his injuries. While he dressed, he called her cell. Voicemail. Shit!

  Each step stole his breath but he pressed on until he was outside. Should he try her apartment first or her job or the hospital? No telling where she’d be. Most women who had received a sizable sum in their bank account would have skipped work. He’d try her apartment first and call the hospital on his way.

  He hailed a taxi, something he’d never done before, but he didn’t trust himself to drive the way he felt like he might pass out.

  “Where to?” the driver asked as Levx climbed inside.

  He sat down with a groan. “The apartments on the lower east side near the industrial area.”

  The taxi drove away from the curb and Levx fumbled with his phone to call the hospital. What was Megan’s father’s name?

  “Welcome to Memorial Hospital, how may I direct your call?” the operator answered.

  “Yes,” he winced as a sharp pain hit his side. “Mr. Wheeler’s room, please.”

  The phone buzzed twice, then Megan’s father answered. “Hello?”

  “Is Megan there? Has she come by or phoned you at all today?” He didn’t know how often she visited him but Levx guessed she at least called daily.

  “Who is this?” Mr. Wheeler’s voice hardened.

  “Sorry, you met me the other day, it’s Levx.” He forced his voice calm. “Has Megan stopped by today or called you? I’m worried about her and she’s not answering her phone.”

  “No, I haven’t heard from her since yesterday. What’s going on?”

  Before he could answer, the taxi driver cursed. “Fucking shit! Look at that traffic.”

  Levx returned to his phone call. “I don’t mean to upset you, sir. I’m sure she’s fine and I’ll have her call you as soon as I reach her.”

  “You’d better. Thanks for looking out for her.”

  Unable to answer from his throat drying, Levx nodded, then clicked end call on the phone. Sirens blared as fire trucks raced past them.

  “Look at that smoke,” the taxi driver pointed into the distance. “What do you think is on fire?”

  Levx shielded his eyes to see against the glaring sun. Black and blue smoke danced up into the clouds. His heart clenched. That wasn’t human-made smoke, but Renjerian. It was thick and curled up, never faded until it was well out of human-eye sight.

  Nothing much was in that direction so unless a Renjerian stumbled upon a Tryn, what reason would he or she have to use their dragon fire?


  Her cafe—the one they first met—was over there.

  “New direction, head toward the smoke.” Traffic was lighter that way anyway with people avoiding the smoky area.

  “You kidding me man?” The taxi driver straightened his review view mirror. “You a firefighter or something then?”

  “No, but if you don’t get me there in the next five minutes, I might not be able to control my anger.” For emphasis, he let his gold eyes reflect the dragon within.

  “Shit!” The man paled.

  He shouldn’t have done that but he had to get to Megan. “Listen, I’m on your side, okay?” he softened his voice. “A demon is after my friend and I’m the only one that can stop it.”

  “No offense whatever you are,” the taxi driver shrugged a shoulder, “but you don’t look like you can take on anything stronger than a bulldog.”

  Levx glanced down at his chest and cursed. Blood soaked through his bandages and shirt. “Let me worry about that, will you help me?”

  “As long as you don’t eat me and never ride in my car again.” The driver crossed himself. “Then I’ll take you as close as I can.”

  “Hurry, please.” His injuries kept him from running the entire way to the café to get to her but the car, for now, was much faster than he could run and he needed his strength to fight the Tryn. He would risk everything to save her, his family, humans discovering his kind were real, none of it mattered without her in his life.

  Finally, the taxi pulled onto the correct street. Firetrucks and police cars blocked off the entrance to the cafe. Flames and smoke rose up the entire building like a giant hand.
r />   “This is as far as I can get you.” The taxi driver nodded.

  “Thanks, what do I owe—”

  “Just send the fucking demon who did this back to hell.”

  Levx nodded. Didn’t matter that the demon hadn’t done the fire or smoke, he’d already given the driver too much information on his kind. He climbed out of the taxi. His nose told him there was more than one Renjerian’s dragon fire here. There were three distinct scents. Shit! The Triplets.

  They were babes! A full-grown Renjerian couldn’t stand alone against a Tryn.

  Bile burned the back of his throat as he raced forward.

  “Wait! Stop!” the firefighters yelled behind him, but he raced to the burning building.

  His heart smacked against his breastbone. His nephews, they had done this but were they still alive? Damn his father and his rules. Every Renjerian in the city should be here fighting. His sister deserved to know where her sons were. He hit the speed dial on his cell as he continued to run, gasping for air from his injuries and the smoke filling his human lungs.

  “Hello, Levx?” His sister’s panicked voice answered. “Have you—”

  “They’re here…the boys…at Megan’s restaurant. Bring as many as you can.”

  “Where!” she shouted. “What’s going on?”

  “A Tryn’s here,” his voice cracked and he rattled off the address, then hung up and burst through the flames.

  Chapter 23


  Her lungs were on fire. Each breath burned like she was inhaling high heat in a sauna with the heat turned all the way up. She choked out a cough, her cheek pressed against the restaurant’s tile. Levx…the demon…everything came crashing back.

  She crawled toward the door, pressing against it. Why would the damn thing open? It was supposed to be locked from the outside, not the inside.

  “Megan!” Levx shouted her name.

  At first, she recoiled then anger flared in her chest. Crazy bastard wanted more, did he? And what about those three kids…dragons…maybe the smoke was hallucinogenic or something. If he’d hurt those children, she’d rip out his balls and stuff them down his throat, demon or no.

  She grunted, crawling on the ground to find the skillet she’d used as a weapon. When her fingers brushed against the handle she hauled it to her.

  Maybe she wasn’t getting out of here alive, but neither was Levx ’cause she was going to take him to hell with her.

  “Megan, where are you?” His voice sounded desperate like he really did care about her.

  What she had wanted to say was come and get me, freak. Instead, only a squeak came out. The swinging door to the kitchen flew off its hinges and she cringed. But she pushed up on her knees, holding her cast-iron pan to crush his skull with.

  He stood there looking as handsome as ever. Smoke whooshing past him like something was sucking the air out behind him. When his gaze met her, relief flooded his features.

  “You’re okay,” he reached down for her, “let’s get you out—”

  She struck the pan against his head with all her might. The sickening sound of a crunch echoed in the smoke-filled kitchen.

  But he was still moving. Blood gushing from his head and he held up a hand. “Wha—What are you doing? It’s me, Levx.”

  “I know and you’re a god-damn fucking demon.” She swung again, but this time, his hand grasped hers, stopping her. As hard as she tugged, he didn’t let go. Fuck, he was going to kill her now, she should’ve hit him harder. Panic swelled in her throat and her heart beat so fast she thought it would seize up.

  His frown hardened. “I’m not a Tryn, I’m a Renjerian and I came here to save you.”

  “Like I know what either of those is.” She jerked to free her wrist from his grasp, but he only held on.

  “Let’s get you and your friend out of here, then we can talk once I deal with the Tryns,” he said dragging her toward the back door.

  “It’s locked, it won’t open.” The sounds of hoses shooting water echoed behind them where the fire had started.

  He let out a grunt. Blood coated his T-shirt. When had he gotten hurt? Or was that from the dragon triplets? Good for them.

  Releasing her wrist, he smacked both palms against the metal door. It creaked and bowed outward but didn’t open. She backed up a step but there was nowhere to run. Flames still chewed up the lobby behind her. She knelt beside Alice, the older woman was still unconscious, jagged bite marks littered her flesh and were bright and puffy.

  Levx hit the door again, then let out a curse. He punched it two more times until one side popped open. A heavy metal bar clanked against the concrete on the outside. Someone had bolted the door?

  “Hurry. Get outside.” Levx turned to her.

  “What about Alice? I can’t wake her.” Please let Alice be okay. The rise and fall of her friend’s chest, though shallow, gave her some peace.

  “I’ll carry her.”

  Not waiting, Megan dashed outside, coughing. Then she waited for Levx to bring out her friend. When he walked away from the firefighters, she frowned chasing after him.

  “Where are you going? She needs medical attention thanks to you and your…devils.”

  He kept marching down the sidewalk. “No, she needs my people’s help to fight the venom.”

  Her feet stumbled a step. “Demons?” Her throat tightened at the memory of Levx transforming into a hideous creature and Alice being attacked by miniature versions of the same monsters. It was like watching a horror movie.

  “We’re Renjerians not demons. Those are Tryns.”

  “Okay, so the monsters are Tryns…what does that make you? I saw you, remember? Horns, tail, nasty-attitude.”

  He snorted. “That wasn’t me.”

  “Then prove it cause it sure looked like you.” She squeezed her hands into fists. If he was lying about getting Alice help, she was going to punch him as hard as she could and take her friend to the ER.

  “I can’t.” Sweat beaded his brow. “If I try and transform now, my wing will never heal properly and there’s a chance it still won’t.”

  “Wings?” she croaked out. The demon had had those too. “How are you not the same then?” She wanted to believe him, but she’d seen the monster…demon…whatever it was called as him first.

  When they turned toward an abandoned warehouse, she skidded to a stop. “Where are we going?”

  This is what happened in scary movies. Had he lured her here to get her away from help and now he was going to hurt her and Alice?

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” He kept walking, then disappeared behind the building and into the parking lot.

  Anxiety and terror mingled in her gut. She should run away. Now. But she couldn’t leave her friend. She had no cell phone with her or even mace. What could she do against Levx anyway? He’d been strong enough to bend open a thick metal door and he hadn’t denied being something other than human.

  The sound of flapping echoed around her so loud she ducked thinking a bird was flying too low. A burst of wind brushed her hair into her face. No, not a bird, something much larger.

  Swallowing the boulder throbbing in her throat, she rounded the corner. There in the empty parking lot was a dragon. A huge one the size of a metro bus. Turquoise scales covered its body. Its tail slapped the ground and the few street lights vibrated from the impact.

  It lowered its head, teeth bared, and let out a roar that made Megan’s heart quiver in fear. Was it going to hurt Alice or Levx?

  Megan clenched her jaw and rushed forward, intent on pulling Alice away from the creature’s reach, when she noticed a backpack strapped to the dragon’s foreleg. What?

  “She knows,” Levx whispered.

  Before she could ask what he was talking about, the animal’s massive body shimmered and shrunk. The wings folded, disappearing into the body. Muscles and flesh twisted and bones snapped. It sounded painful. Then a woman stood naked in front of them. No, not just any woman, Levx’s sister wasn’t i

  With her face pale, Desmonda quickly dressed. “Where are my boys? You said they were here but only have two humans with you.”

  “They were here…went up against a Tryn by themselves because father refused to send help to Megan and her friend here.”

  She shrugged, pulling on her jeans, “And why would a Tryn be interested in either of them?”

  “Megan was thinking about being a surrogate—”

  “Is she pregnant?”

  “No.” He shook his head but he didn’t meet Megan’s stare.

  “That’s why your company hired surrogates, isn’t it? Because you need human,” she swallowed against the bile rising in her throat, “incubators.” Images of the alien movies she watched growing up of a monster bursting out of her chest made her stomach roll.

  Thank god she hadn’t signed the contract yet or gotten artificially inseminated. Wait, was that why Levx had run off the other night? Because he was really a…a dragon? “When were you going to tell me? About what you really are? Shit, do the other women know?”

  “Where are my boys?” Desmonda stepped forward and even though she was in human form, Megan felt a wave of power rush outward as if the dragon were standing there and not a mere woman.

  The Triplets. They had come to help her. If not for them, “What can I do to help find them?”

  Desmonda faced her, tears glistening in her eyes. “Tell me what happened and pray they are okay, or I’ll break the no-eating human rule.”

  Chapter 24


  Levx stepped between his sister and Megan. “Focus, we need to find your sons and destroy the Tryn.”

  Smoke puffed out Desmonda’s nostrils but she finally nodded. “Whatever we need to do to get my children back, I will do so—even if it means sacrificing these humans.” She growled, and I didn’t doubt she meant every word.


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