Scalia, Antonin, 181, 190
Schein, Philip, 179
Schu, Peter, 56–58, 59
Schweitzer, Mary, 159–60
Science, 13, 160
Scotland, 122, 164–65, 196
Sebright bantam, 143
Seize the Day (Bellow), 215
Senate Chicken Caucus, 218
Serama bantam, 109
Shadwell plantation, 194
Shakespeare, William, 102, 117, 156–57, 192
Shamash, 44, 154
Shanghai fowls, 126, 198
Shinawatra, Thaksin, 255
Shinde, Vasant, 34, 35, 36
Siegford, Janice, 245–48
Sierra Leone, 140, 143, 186
Silent Spring (Carson), 18
Singapore, 22, 135, 254
Singer, Peter, 228
Slavin, Philip, 118
Smart Araneta Coliseum, 88, 96, 97
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 103
Socrates, 50–51, 52, 53, 64, 153
Solomon Islands, 65, 82, 83
Son La, 262, 263
Sonnerat, Pierre, 139
South, 16–17, 18, 192, 193, 196, 198, 202–3, 207, 212
South America, 69–76, 91, 213, 216, 259
South Asia, 1, 8, 10, 14, 22, 26, 46, 70, 96, 99, 109, 144, 253, 263, 264
South Carolina, 194, 195
South Carolina Gazette, 195
Southeast Asia, 4, 23, 81, 84, 91, 114, 131, 135, 139, 142, 144–47, 254–55, 256
Soviet Union, 16, 162
Spain, 4, 71, 73, 85, 91, 92–94, 97, 121, 178
spurs, 24, 34–35, 42, 86–87, 88, 100, 101, 107, 131, 165, 262
Sri Lankan jungle fowl, 25, 139
Steele, Celia, 205–6, 207, 208, 221–22
Stegner, Wallace, 95
Stein, Gertrude, 230
Steiner, George, 6
Storey, Alice, 73, 74, 75
Sukey (slave), 193
Sulphur, HMS, 111–12
Sumatra, 91, 114
Supreme Court, U.S., 181, 190
swans, 118
Sweaters, 88
Sweden, 26, 70, 122, 130
Switzerland, 96, 157, 164
Tabuh Rah, 171, 173
Tahiti, 66, 81
Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare), 157
Taylor, Elizabeth, 69
Tegetmeier, William, 140, 141, 230–31
Temixitan, 71
Tennessee, 105, 107
Thailand, 96, 99, 145, 255
Thebes, 28, 29, 30, 31
Thiel, Peter, 259
Thomas, Howard, 192
Thomas, Lowell, 209
Thutmose I, Pharaoh, 29
Thutmose III, Pharaoh, 28–29, 30, 32, 44, 269n
Tigris River, 4, 43
Times, 127, 128
Toklas, Alice B., 230
Touch Me Not (Rizal), 93
Tre chicken, 254
Tuan, Nguyen Quir, 262
Tugman, Mollie, 204
Turkey, 4, 38, 41, 44, 55, 111, 154
turkeys, 38, 71, 116, 118, 131, 238
Tutankhamen, Pharaoh, 30
Twain, Mark, 104
Tyson, Don, 211, 212
Tyson, John, 211
Tyson Foods, 211–13, 214, 216, 218, 222, 225, 228, 233, 237, 258
United Gamefowl Breeders Association, 97, 105
United Poultry Concerns, 225
United States, 4, 15, 18, 63, 124, 216, 239, 244–45, 259–60
chicken meat exported from, 213, 219, 236
chickens as exempt from humane treatment laws in, 245, 248
chickens brought by British settlers to, 192
cockfighting banned in, 96, 102, 103–5
cockfighting in, 94, 104–5
eggs imported to, 202
as exporter of game fowl, 96–97, 99–100
”hen fever” in, 197–99, 211
illegal cockfighting in, 105, 106
industrial revolution in, 199
Philippines annexed by, 94
see also South
Uppsala University, 26, 99, 143, 147
Ur, 36, 37–38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47
Ur-Nammu, 37
vaccines, 57–59, 60, 61–62
Valley of the Kings, 30, 153
Vallortigara, Giorgio, 240–43
Vancouver, B.C., 35
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 60
Vantress, Charles, 207, 209, 216
Vanuatu, 79, 82
Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, The (Darwin), 141, 143
Varro, Marcus Terentius, 200
Venezuela, 72, 93, 106–7, 182
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, 136, 139
Victoria, 91
Victoria, Queen of England, 103, 112–16, 120–21, 122, 126, 127, 136, 137, 146, 152, 197
Vietnam, 114, 132, 144, 147, 251–52, 253, 255, 260, 261, 263, 264
Virginia, 101, 192–93, 194, 195, 202, 207
Virginia General Assembly, 103–4, 193
Virginia Housewife, The (Randolph), 196
Voltaire, 130, 164
Wales, 103, 180
Walker, Alice, 251
Wallace, Alfred Russell, 72, 135, 140, 142
Wallace, Henry, 244, 248
Walter, James, 120, 121, 123–24
War Department, U.S., 205
War Food Administration, 207
Warwick, Dionne, 86
Washington, D.C., 16, 191, 217–18
Washington, George, 103, 139, 193, 194
waterfowl, 150
Watson, Lyall, 168
Watts, Elizabeth, 125–28, 139
Webster, Daniel, 104, 196
Weld, Isaac, 194
When Species Meet (Haraway), 1
White, E. B., 3, 260
White Leghorns, 55, 109, 246, 256
Wilson, C. Anne, 117
Wilson, Edmund, 239
Windhu Sancaya, I Dewa, 169–71, 173–74
Windsor bird, 126
Windsor Castle, 113, 116, 120, 122, 124, 137, 197, 284n
Winslow, Edward, 192–93
Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare), 192
Wood, Natalie, 209
World Agricultural Fair, 17–18
World Slasher Cup, 86–87, 95, 97, 98
World War I, 10, 11, 14, 67, 205, 207
World War II, 15, 58–59, 63, 144, 206, 207, 210, 211, 213, 223, 240, 244
Wynne, Thomas and Elizabeth, 194
Yezidis, 42–43, 44, 47, 49
Yi-Ping Liu, 145
Yom Kippur, 176, 178, 179, 227
Yoruba, 182–83, 186–87, 190
Zijlstra, Andries, 60–61
Zimbabwe African National Union, 158
Zoroastrianism, 46, 47, 48, 178
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Why Did the Chicken Cross the World? Page 48