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The Trouble With Curses

Page 7

by Anara Bella

  She looked at the half-chewed breadstick in her hand for a long, silent moment. Turning a bright, fiery red, she glanced up at him, then back down again. “Oh.”

  “Never even crossed your mind, did it?”

  Quickly placing the breadstick on her plate as if she’d been caught doing something wrong, she shook her head. “No.”

  He was sorry he’d said anything. Even if her unconscious actions were driving him crazy, he didn’t want her to stop. And if she was at long last flirting with him, he didn’t want her to stop that either.

  Chuckling, Rafe placed his hand over hers. “Don’t worry about it. I told you, it’s a guy thing.”

  Her eyes flashed to his and in the instant before she looked away, he could have sworn he saw heat flare in their depths.

  Maybe it wasn’t only a guy thing after all.

  And just like that, his mind crashed back into the gutter he’d been struggling to get out of since he’d picked her up.

  He wondered if the sexy outfit and flirty manner weren’t unconscious at all, but rather Selena’s attempt to seduce him. If they were, he had a news flash for her—when it came to her extremely sexy self, he was a sure thing.

  Hell, he hadn’t done anything other than fantasize about her for days now. A wayward thought jumped into his mind. Maybe it was the hormone overdrive that was interfering with his vamp-scoping abilities. Now there was an interesting theory. Although they hadn’t conclusively determined if the fault lay with him or with Larke. Still it was something to consider.

  At the very least, it could very well have contributed to his recent failure to spot vamps. His brain was probably on overload thinking about the down-and-dirty things he’d like to do to Selena. It was especially possible since he’d never been this obsessed with any woman before.

  And speaking of vamps, he still hadn’t sensed any in the restaurant. Not a good sign. Was his sister right? Did the problem lie with him and not Larke after all?

  Fool that he was, he’d all but promised his family he would test out those Crystals if he didn’t find his target tonight. He’d been so sure it wasn’t him, that he’d find the vamp this time, but it wasn’t looking good. Especially if Selena was the vamp in question. He was sitting close enough to touch her and there weren’t any evil vibes coming off her that he could sense. And tonight was the full moon. Vamps would be feeding for sure.

  He studied Selena again. Not at all a hardship, since he could look at her all night. She was so beautiful, so ethereal, all he wanted to do was lay her on the nearest flat surface and worship her body as it deserved to be worshiped.

  Maybe she had something to do with vamps, maybe she didn’t. But even though she was the only constant on all three nights, he still couldn’t make himself believe it. It wasn’t possible. He was sure he’d be able to tell somehow.

  Well, if he was going to have to risk his life on those damned Crystals, then he was for damn sure going to go out with a bang. And the only woman he wanted to bang was sitting across from him yet again fiddling with that damned breadstick.

  Selena nibbled on her breadstick with intense concentration. She couldn’t stop herself. Somehow, chewing on things helped calm her. And calm was something she was desperate to achieve because it was about the last thing she was feeling.

  She was on fire with lust and couldn’t believe what Rafe had just said to her. Did he know how much she craved to taste him? To run her hands over the smooth, hard planes of his body, and explore every part of him that was hidden beneath clothes? Those parts of him she’d been fantasizing about all night?

  She was very much afraid he did. It was no doubt emblazoned on her face like a blinking billboard. Anne always said she sucked at poker and her sexual urges were just too strong tonight for her to be able to play it cool, no matter how hard she tried. She should never have come. She knew that, but she’d fooled herself into believing she could control herself out in public. Actually lied to herself so she could see him again.

  It wasn’t helping that a part of her was tired of fighting these urges. She longed to just give in to them. Slake her hunger for carnal pleasures all over the delectable person of Rafe Hunter.

  He’d be willing, she was sure of it. So why was she fighting it? Because she didn’t trust him, or her strong feelings towards him. It was those very kinds of strong feelings that had led to her downfall. To her life as a vampire.

  A tiny voice inside asked what could possibly happen to her that would be as bad as what had already happened. She couldn’t imagine anything worse. Problem was she’d never dreamed this could happen to her either, and it had. Who knew what other unknown things were out there she could fall victim to? One thing was for certain, she didn’t want to find out. So, fight the urges she must.

  “They make the best lasagna here.” Rafe’s voice broke into her thoughts. “I think I’ll have that. How about you?”

  Selena pulled her mind back to the present. “Sounds good to me.” Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only thing that sounded good to her. In fact, feasting on Rafe sounded just about perfect.

  Chapter Nine

  The entire evening was pretty much a blur.

  Selena had expended most of her energies fighting the ever-growing urge to jump Rafe’s bones right there in the restaurant.

  She couldn’t even remember what she’d eaten. Her only real memories were more like impressions than anything else. A series of still-photo images—Rafe laughing at something she’d said, the wicked grin that periodically flashed across his handsome features, or the erotic sight of his firm lips surrounding his fork with pure delight as he savored the food before him.

  To say sex was the pervading thing on her mind was putting it mildly. It was amazing she could even remember those images because her concentration was shot. Anything that didn’t pertain to sex, sex and more sex just didn’t compute right now, and the sight of Rafe’s sexy lips surrounding that lucky fork returned again and again. It was enough to send the heat rushing to her face, and every other sensitive part of her body, every single time.

  She felt more vital and alive tonight than she could ever remember. And the more she thought about sex with Rafe, the less she could remember why she shouldn’t sleep with him.

  Was there anything of true importance keeping her from doing it?

  More and more the answer was no. And she couldn’t decide if it was her out-of-control libido talking, or if she was actually beginning to like Rafe. To say nothing of the ever-present, off-the-charts, sheer lust she felt for him.

  By the time they were standing on her doorstep, she couldn’t muster one single reason why she shouldn’t throw herself at him. Even her mind was screaming yes, and her hormones had long ago gone way past screaming, straight to rabid chanting.

  “I guess this is goodnight.”

  Selena, still fixated on his sexy lips, mostly noted they’d moved without really hearing what they’d said. “What?”

  There went the wicked grin again. “I was saying goodnight, but that isn’t what I want to say. I don’t think it’s what you want me to say either.”

  She swallowed. Dare she ask? Her blood pounded the answer in her ears. Yes. Yes. Yes. “What do you want to say?”

  He leaned in closer, his lips just a hair’s breadth away, tickling hers as they formed the words, “Invite me in and find out.”

  Before she could answer, Rafe’s mouth slammed into hers, tasting and licking, completely devouring, totally draining the miniscule objection that had remained.

  Who was she kidding? Any objections she’d had were meaningless, and she’d long since talked herself out of them. She’d wanted this from the moment she’d first heard his voice sizzling along her senses several days ago. Her fears had raged against it, but she’d always known this was where they were headed, and she no longer wanted to fight it.

  She wanted to revel in it.

  She wanted to drown her senses—her entire being, everything she had—in this man. Was she ter
rified? Absolutely. But she was beyond letting fear rule her now.

  The call of the full moon, combined with her monthly feed, had finally won out over her fears. Rafe was the right man, in the right place, at the right time.

  Tonight she would give over to her desires.

  Tonight she would allow her deepest yearnings to surface.

  Tonight she would fuck both of their brains out.

  “Come in.” The words whispered past her lips before she even knew she was going to say them, and they both knew she meant more than just “come in” to her apartment. The invitation was much more intimate than that.

  Heated fire flashed through Rafe’s eyes. Without hesitation, he stepped past her into the apartment, pulling her after him. “Those were the words I wanted to hear.”

  He leaned back against the wall and cradled her between his legs. Settling her where she could feel his erection, letting her feel exactly how much he desired her.

  Heat suffused Selena’s entire being. If the long, hard length of him nudging her soft, yielding belly was any indication, she was in for the night of her life.

  Suddenly impatient, she couldn’t wait for him to take the lead. It was her turn to show him what she hungered for. Rocking against him, her soul drank in the groan he exhaled.

  Ahhh. This is much better. She needed to be the one in control. She craved to unleash the raging masculine power Rafe possessed, to mold and use it for their mutual pleasure.

  Selena looked long and deep into his eyes and saw he knew exactly what she desired. Saw he was more than willing to let her have it. And that was the most exciting realization of all.

  With shaking fingers, she undid the buttons on his shirt, licking her lips at each new glimpse of flesh she revealed. The man was perfect, like the statue of David. She leaned in and brushed her lips across the taut skin. Satiny steel, salty sweet.


  She skimmed the tip of her nose across his nipples, taking in his scent, and then licked each one, watching as they hardened from her ministrations. Another throaty groan told her just how much she was getting to him. As did his now-throbbing erection. Still he held back. Let her control the pace.

  The thought flashed through her mind he was the exact opposite of Ambrose. The two were nothing alike, which kicked up her confidence even more.

  Rafe chuckled. “You enjoying yourself?”

  A smiled toyed at the corner of her mouth. “Yes. Are you?”

  She punctuated the question by running her hand down his abs, only hesitating for a split-second before continuing the journey past his waistband to settle on the prominent bulge behind his fly.

  He growled and surged into her hand. “You have to ask?”

  She couldn’t believe how free she felt and flushed from the sheer joy of it. “I guess I’m not one to take things for granted.”

  “Let’s not leave you guessing.”

  In a flash, her laid-back conquest reverted to the true conqueror he was, taking her mouth in a searing kiss that left her in no doubt as to how he was feeling. His tongue swept into her mouth, tasted her as thoroughly as if she were a delicacy to be savored. A hot, deep kiss like nothing she’d ever experienced before and would probably never experience again.

  His mouth lifted from hers, just long enough for him to search her eyes. Looking for what? Acceptance, acquiescence, assurance, something else? She wasn’t sure, but he must have found what he sought because his mouth plundered hers once more.

  But he wasn’t just taking. He gave her more pleasure in that one kiss than she’d ever received from anyone.

  Melting into Rafe’s embrace, Selena gloried in the sensual overload he rained upon her. His unique taste and masculine scent all melded together with his strength and physical magnificence. She could die right this moment knowing she’d never find another man as perfect for her in every way as Rafe. Something about him set everything inside her to blazing, and somehow she knew to the very fiber of her being he was the only one who ever would.

  If tonight was all there would ever be between them, she’d still be forever grateful they’d met and had this time together.

  Pulling away from him, she stepped back, watching him take in every inch of her. She’d never felt sexier, nor more desired, than she did at this very moment.

  As if in a dream, she reached for the hem of her dress. In one fluid movement she gathered up the silky fabric and inched it past her hips, her breasts and finally over her head to let it drip carelessly from her fingertips and pool on the floor.

  Selena searched Rafe’s face, hoping he approved of what he saw. His breath caught, his pupils dilated and a red slash across his cheeks assured her he did, making her feel sexy, risqué, playful.

  And horny as hell.

  Her voice dropped to a sultry timbre. “Like what you see?”

  His dumbfounded nod confirmed that every penny she’d paid for her sexy lingerie was worth it.


  Reaching out, she took his hand, their gazes locked with an intensity that astounded her. Not breaking eye contact, walking backwards, she led him oh-so-seductively to the bedroom, reveling in his indrawn breath when she turned into the room and he caught a glimpse of her skimpy thong.

  Yup, power was a wonderful thing.

  Chapter Ten

  Rafe had never been this hard in his life. If he didn’t get his pants off soon, he was sure his cock would explode right through the tough denim material.

  Even in the shadowy light from a corner floor lamp, the sight of Selena’s glorious ass exposed in that sexy thong almost sent him over the edge. It left him eternally grateful he’d managed not to embarrass himself by coming before he’d even undressed.

  Standing there watching as she turned back around to face him, he had just one thing on his mind, and strangely it wasn’t just to get in her pants. Now that the moment was here, he was determined to drive her out of her mind with pleasure first. Then, and only then, would he allow himself the release he craved, no matter how much he wanted to just bury himself in her lush body.

  Every move she made was enticing, alluring, arousing. Selena stopped by the bed and seductively unhooked the front clasp of her bra, first letting the straps skim down her arms and then allowing the bra to fall to the floor.

  Her luscious breasts sprang free of their confinement and his heart stopped, quickly racing forward again, nearly pounding clear through his chest at the glorious sight before him. She was even more beautiful than he’d imagined. Her full breasts tipped with ripe, dusky nipples he ached to taste, fondle and kiss.

  His breath caught and held when she skimmed the thong down her long, shapely legs and kicked it aside.

  Just when he thought it couldn’t get any better, Selena draped herself across the bed. Completely naked, completely welcoming, completely his for the taking.

  Rafe fought the urge to pinch himself to be sure he wasn’t dreaming. She was so much more than he could ever have imagined, and he forced himself to breathe.

  Taking slow, deliberate steps towards her, he leaned forward and skimmed his fingers along her body from creamy shoulder to alabaster thigh. “You do know murder is against the law.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “You are so beautiful. Too beautiful for mortal man. My heart almost stopped dead at seeing you like this.”

  “You think I’m beautiful?”

  While shucking his unbuttoned shirt, he nodded. “Oh yeah.”

  A wondrous smile lit her face. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  As if he’d subconsciously been waiting for her signal, he sped into high gear and removed the rest of his clothing.

  As he stood there naked, her gaze roved up and down his body making everything inside him heat up and swell unbearably. Her eyes widened when they settled on his throbbing cock. “Like what you see?”

  He saw the glimmer of a smile behind her eyes, acknowledging he’d echoed her words. She licked her lips and nodded, a small g
rin kicking up the corner of her lush mouth.

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  Without hesitation, she took him up on his invitation, surging to her knees, reaching out and grasping his length in her gentle fingers, cupping his balls as if measuring their weight. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Selena leaned down and rolled her tongue around the bulbous tip of his cock, toying with him until he thought he’d go mad or collapse to his knees. Just when he was ready to start begging, she took him into her mouth. The exquisite sensation of her hot, moist mouth surrounding him, coupled with the visual of seeing her deep red lips encompassing his engorged cock, almost did him in.

  He’d been fantasizing about this ever since he’d first seen her toying with that swizzle stick. Ever since he’d first laid eyes on Selena, in point of fact. From that first moment, he’d instinctively known she was the sexiest woman he’d ever met. But the reality was far more than what he could have imagined. More engaging. More intense.

  More everything.

  He had to fight the urge to start pumping into her mouth. She felt so good as she sucked and savored him, working her magic up and down the entire throbbing length of him. But there was no way he was going to last like this, and he wanted to come in her hot, sweet pussy, not her mouth.

  He pulled out and she pouted in complaint. “I’m not done yet.”

  A wicked laugh rumbled out of him. “No, you’re not.”

  “What have you got in mind?” Her immediate bright-eyed interest had him grinning like a fool.

  “Wait and see.” Taking her by the shoulders, he laid her back on the bed, and knelt in front of her, taking a moment to simply drink in the sight of her all splayed out in front of him like a feast for a king.

  Since meeting her, he’d dreamt of seeing her like this, had hoped it would happen. No, he’d more than just hoped, he’d willed it to happen, but he wasn’t the type to take anything for granted. As much as he’d wanted this, she had to want it as much, or more, than he did or it never would have happened. Her desire had to be as great as his. He would settle for nothing less.


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