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The Trouble With Curses

Page 13

by Anara Bella

  It was everything.



  Selena shook the living crap out of the offending object as if that would somehow dislodge what it said. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and looking at it again.

  Nope. The distinct twin blue lines were still there.

  How the hell is this possible?

  Well, she knew how it was possible. They did have sex on a regular basis. She giggled. If you could call what they did regular. It was more accurate to say they went at it like rabbits.

  It was just that she couldn’t be pregnant. It was way too soon.

  Her mind flashed back to that day a couple weeks back when she’d known something was wrong but was too caught up in the moment to think out what it was. With blinding clarity it hit her now.

  They hadn’t used protection.

  In the heat of the moment, neither of them had thought of it. Before, during or after.

  She heard Rafe walk up behind her. “What’s up?”

  Her first instinct was to hide the wand and not tell him, but she didn’t feel right about doing that. “I just took a pregnancy test.” She peeped up at him through her lashes, wanting to gage his reaction. “It’s positive.”

  Rafe looked dumbstruck at first but quickly turned thoughtful.

  What the hell was he thinking? Was he angry? “Okay, spill.”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  Something clicked in her brain. “It’s that damned prophecy again, isn’t it?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Lay it on me. What does it say?”

  Looking sheepish, he shrugged. “Well, it does mention a child coming forth from the vampire with the mark and the slayer.”

  “So now you’re saying this child is prophesied.”

  “Looks that way.”

  Selena closed her eyes and ran her hands down her face. This couldn’t be happening. It just couldn’t. “What does the prophecy say?”

  “Not much is said really. I just know it means some kind of great change is in store.”

  She couldn’t believe this. Was he kidding her? “At least tell me if it’s a good change or bad change.”

  He didn’t answer. Just shook his head and shrugged again.

  Great. He didn’t know.

  Selena shook her head in wonder and finally sighed in resignation. Just her luck. This could only happen to her. She bit back a semi-hysterical giggle.

  She really was cursed.

  About the Author

  To learn more about Anara Bella, please visit Send an email to Anara at or check out her MySpace page at

  Look for these titles by Anara Bella

  Now Available:

  Ready or Not

  She’s his match—but he’s not in her business plan.

  Byte Marks

  © 2008 Mardi Ballou

  A Fangly, My Dear story.

  Hereditary witch Dominique LaPierre has always refused to use her powers, especially when it comes to business. Until now. Her new company, a computer dating service that hooks up the San Francisco human and para communities, thrives on crossing that boundary. Business is great despite opposition from the arrogant and conceited Antoine Thierry, a leader in the vampire community. And, to her irritation, she finds she’s got the hots for him.

  Antoine doesn’t like or trust witches. Nor does he like the growing power of technology; real vampires, in his view, don’t need it to have a social life. Besides, if he can’t control the game, he doesn’t want to play—except with Dominique. The heat between them could melt down any hard drive. She pushes his buttons on every level, from the board room to the bedroom. But he’s holding out, especially when she looks to him to support her new business.

  Antoine wants it all. His way—and his woman.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Byte Marks:

  Dominique had never before ached to have a man between her legs as she now ached for the feel of Antoine’s hard cock deep within her. Goddess knew he’d been hard since their first moments together—she’d snuck glances at his crotch, and then she’d felt his tempting bulge pressed against her in each embrace. He seemed huge, restrained within his still-fastened pants so that she feared he might explode before she ever got him inside her. But, judging from his movements and his sounds, her wait was about to end. If not, she’d have to take matters into her own hands.

  His eyes wide with invitation, Antoine pressed her hand exactly where she wanted it—over his bulge. To show her acceptance, she squeezed him there and then unzipped his pants. When Antoine’s erection sprang free, they both sighed. His cock rose thick and long, so appealing she wanted to get on her knees and take him into her mouth. When he realized what she planned, Antoine shook his head. “Tempting as the prospect is, I want this first time to last. If you take me into your mouth, it won’t.”

  She loved knowing how much she turned him on, what power she had over Antoine. What clothes they still had on interfered with this power. She needed to be naked with him now. Eyes fixed on his, she stripped and threw her clothes aside. He growled as he swallowed her up with his eyes. Lips locked with hers, he backed her to the king-size bed covered with black silk and laid her down.

  Her heartbeat careened out of control as desire swept through her. Antoine groaned rubbing his erection along her belly, down to the warm wetness of her pussy. With her body on fire, she met his longing with her own, relying on instinct to lead her. Antoine pulled away from her for a moment, and Dominique thrust her hands out to draw him back.

  “I want you,” he whispered.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered back.

  He started to say something else, then appeared to change his mind. Instead, he laid his head on her breasts. She burned for him to possess her. He traced a line down her belly to her sensuous core, and Dominique sucked in her breath hard. Already wet and hot for him, she’d die if he didn’t possess her completely.

  But now Antoine began to act as if he had all the time in the world. Maybe he did— but she didn’t.

  “Touch me.” Though she despised her neediness, Dominique whimpered the words of desire.

  “With delight, my lady. I am yours to direct.”

  Right. The last thing this man would ever do was obey. But he flashed a smile. She’d never understand this man who seemed to know all her secret desires. With his mouth and hands, he dared her to dance to his erotic beat.

  She squirmed with intense need, which seemed to feed his huge ego. But she could worry about that later, much later, when she’d achieved the satisfaction only he could bring her. Quivering, she placed his questing hand where she most needed it. “Here,” she ordered, except her request came out as a gasp. If he refused her, she’d wither into a little pile of ash.

  “As you wish, my beauty,” he crooned before he expertly flicked her clit with his large thumb. Still trying to hold on to a shred of dignity and control, Dominique bit her lip. She wanted to cloak herself with an icy mantle. Like an empress entwined with a commoner, she’d command him to fill her wishes. But at this point she couldn’t even dredge up the right words. Though she longed to come in his arms, she didn’t want this man to realize the extent of his power over her—a losing battle, she suspected.

  The sensuous pressure of his fingers tracing the contours of her pussy, playing with her folds and her clit, distracted her from further thoughts. The sharp, thrilling sensation of his touch, the overwhelming promise of his presence filled her. At this moment, she would give herself totally to the physical wonder of being with him. Later, she’d have too much time—the rest of her life—to analyze what had happened. She would be with him only once.

  Antoine slipped a finger into her, teasing her with a foretaste of the satisfaction she craved. She moved her hips to maximize the sweet pressure of his touc
h inside her.

  “The things you do to me, Dominique.” He took her hand and splayed her fingers around his aroused length.

  The feel of his erection, rock hard and throbbing against her hand, tantalized her beyond endurance. Why was he making her wait? She wanted to take him completely inside her, needed him so much. Her pussy clenched and tightened, holding his finger hostage.

  Now that she’d felt the dimensions of his erection, his finger could never be enough, no matter how great his skill as he played with her. Dominique had to have his cock in her right then. “Come into me.”

  He rose and for a moment stared at her with such intensity, she swore he’d swallowed up her soul. Then with a growl, he lowered himself to her again.

  She wanted to seize every moment so she would always remember the sensation of his skin heating her, his hard muscles pressed against her own firmness and softness, his mysterious scent, the pungency of being with him like this. Just the two of them alone together in their own world.

  Her hand trembling, she squeezed his aroused length, making him even harder. The veins and cords of his cock stood out along the marble of his shaft, and all she could think was how she wanted to take him into her in every possible way. She longed to taste, smell, lick and nibble this beautiful man’s body. Much as she yearned to tongue him and cover his cock with love bites, her pussy would not be denied. Still lying on their sides and facing each other, Antoine opened Dominique’s legs and positioned his sex at the apex of her need.

  One hand on his cock and the other on her ass, Antoine filled her feminine opening with the thick head of his engorged penis and gently probed. Dominique gasped as the movement unleashed sensations she’d gone too long—maybe forever—without. In reaction to her shudder and her soft growl, he clasped her to him and thrust his huge, hard dick deep inside her.

  Her day couldn’t get any worse—until the wolf shows up.

  The Howl and the Pussycat

  © 2008 Ann Cory

  Jacqueline’s sexy little Red Riding Hood outfit was supposed to rekindle her boyfriend’s flagging interest. Instead she’s red in the face and dumped for another woman. To add to the indignity, she finds herself pursued into the woods by a wolf.

  Somehow she manages to escape, only to end up with two new pains—a twisted ankle, and a sexy rescuer who claims he’s been searching for her all his life.

  After several decades of searching, Baldric is surprised that his destined mate is a provocative human woman with a catty attitude. Hardly a perfect match for a werewolf, but there can be no other partner for him. To seduce the woman he’s hungered for all his life, he’ll have to convince her hardened heart that he’s capable of love. And do it without scaring her off with the truth—that underneath his hard body beats the loyal heart of a wolf.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for The Howl and the Pussycat:

  “Don’t be mad. Nothing may come of this and then we can just pick up where we left off. Absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder and such.”

  Her stomach churned. “Oh shut up. The absence is going to make me even more ready to be with someone else. You had your shot. Sorry I wasted three years on your ass.”

  She clicked the phone off and slammed it shut, uninterested in anything else he had to say. Glancing into the rearview mirror, she took a good look at her reflection. Pathetic. All dressed up and nowhere to go. If she went to the party alone, it would be obvious what had happened. She’d spend the entire night catching glimpses of Sophie in Ted’s arms whispering naughty little words into his ear. The office would be buzzing with gossip in the morning. A great day to call in sick. Maybe even for the entire week. She wanted to hit something, strangle someone and scream obscenities all at once. Men.

  Even more upsetting than Ted were the tears starting up. She hated to cry or admit defeat. Weakness sucked and so did getting dumped. Had he seen her dressed up like sin in heels, he never would have chosen Sophie. The whole idea of her costume was to get him to realize what a great thing he had with her. Brilliant plan gone wrong.

  Jacquelyn wiped at her eyes, careful to not smear any mascara, and blindly tossed her cell phone to the backseat.

  She froze.

  Was that a growl? She was about to turn and look behind her when a car pulled into the next space over, distracting her. A man in a dark blue jacket got out and ran toward the costume shop. For a split second she considered returning Ted’s wolf outfit, but the humiliation of explaining the situation to Cassidy quickly helped make her decision. Instead, she backed out of the parking space and pulled out onto the street. It would be a long, miserable drive back. She couldn’t believe how cold Ted had been. All the times she’d put up with his selfish ways and this was her thanks.

  Not even ten minutes on the road, a light drizzle started that instantly turned into a heavy downpour, making it near impossible to see.

  “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” she muttered aloud.

  Before Jacquelyn had a chance to start up a solo tirade complete with f-bombs, she heard the same low growl she thought she’d heard before come from the backseat. She straightened and tried to catch a peek in the rearview mirror, a difficult task with the rain pounding the windshield. The blood rushed out of her face the moment she caught movement in the mirror. Or so she thought.

  “What the hell?”

  Jacquelyn went to take a second look when the car hydroplaned. Knuckles tense, she gripped the wheel and rode it out, doing her best to keep the car steady. Judging by the unfamiliar signs she passed, she realized her exit had come and gone. Shivers crept up her back as she heard something rustle around behind her. Not willing to risk getting in an accident, she veered off at the next exit and turned onto a gravel road. She followed it just long enough until she came to a patch of trees. God she hoped it wasn’t some rabid raccoon or stray dog. Before she panicked, she decided to take a look.

  “It’s just your imagination. You’re fine. There’s nothing back there,” she reasoned aloud. With the car in park, she counted to five and turned around, coming face to face with a large gray wolf.

  Jacquelyn screamed and bolted from the car. The rain pelted her skin and soaked her cape, making it twice as heavy. She looked back once and noticed the animal bound from the car and come after her. It let out a howl that reduced her to half-screams, half-whimpers. Why the hell did she pick to run toward the trees? She should have run toward the road and flagged down a driver, though dressed in her outfit she worried who would stop for her.

  With only the newly risen moon to see by, she found herself running through a forest that stretched for miles. Old crippled trees surrounded her, looking like they would reach down and swoop her up into their gnarled clutches, a thought she quickly shook from her mind.

  “I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die,” she chanted to herself, trying to ignore her screaming calves and ankles. Not only was it murder to run in high heels, but her stockings scratched against her inner thighs. Talk about chaffing.

  She looked back again and saw the wolf still hot on her trail. God, why was it chasing her? Dumped, desperate and now some wild thing’s prey. Her heart nearly beat right out of her chest, thundering loudly as she ran. How had it gotten inside her car in the first place? Did it crawl in when she first went into the costume shop? Someone’s cruel joke at her expense? Damn Ted. It was all his fault…somehow…in a way that didn’t make any sense, but made her feel better to think.

  As she made it to a clearing in the woods, the rain let up, becoming a light mist. Just in time too, as up ahead she spotted a small cabin. Maybe her luck had changed? She tried to forget about all the scary movies she’d watched where a young woman runs into what looks like a deserted house, only to become dinner and a show for a band of nasty little men. Though, the other alternative, her limbs being torn apart by fangs and devoured, left much to be desired. One way or another she was screwed. And here she’d planned the night to be screwed for pleasure, not pain.<
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  Jacquelyn fought the pain in her calves and ran toward the cabin like a madwoman, jarring her ankle hard in the process. Nothing, not even the grueling pain, would make her stop until she made it safely inside.

  At the door, she stopped a moment to catch her breath and tried to peek in through the window. No lights were on. Should she knock? Waking an angry old man might not be a good idea. Out of good manners or stupidity, she didn’t know which, she knocked. A branch snapped behind her followed by another eerie howl. The sound vibrated and made her queasy. She didn’t dare look back.

  As her hand closed around the doorknob, something grabbed her from behind. She heard herself scream, high pitched and blood curdling. Her knees buckled. Instead of falling to the ground, she felt herself being picked up and propelled over something curiously solid. Whoever or whatever it was couldn’t be good. Finally, the delicious black shrouded her vision, and she let it take her.

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