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Her Knight In Faded Denim

Page 7

by Carolyn Faulkner

  Then he reached around the back of her head to weave his hand into her hair, using the hold to tilt her head back enough that she had no choice but to meet his eyes. "But only do it if you can tell me that if I put this finger…" He held up his big right index in front of her face "Between your legs right now, it would be bone dry when I withdrew it."

  Rissa's jaw snapped shut at his words because she knew the truth of it. That, even though she had been quite sure that the spanking he had given her would completely cure her of any further sexual hankerings in that direction, considering how adamant her mind had been throughout it all, she had been sorely – quite sorely, as it turned out – mistaken.

  In other words, wrong. Again. This was becoming a dangerous habit.

  From the moment he had helped her up, to place her vulnerable, ultra sensitive derriere against the cool leather of his bench seat, the flames in her bottom had begun eagerly licking into other adjacent areas. She would have been very surprised if there hadn't been a very damp spot beneath her when he'd lifted her out of the truck.

  She was quiet, and he wasn't sure whether that was a good or a bad sign. At least she hadn't even looked at the phone, which was definitely good. He'd had to take that chance – despite the fact that if she actually ended up calling, he could kiss his law enforcement career goodbye – anything worth having was worth a certain amount of risk, as far as he was concerned. But he thought he was probably right – her eyes were dilated and she was breathing rapidly as she gazed up at him, lower lip being mauled nervously by those busy teeth of hers. And he could hardly miss the way her nipples were poking prominently against the filmy blouse she was wearing.

  After a long moment, he heard the sound of his expensive phone being dropped onto the hardwood floor beneath them as she wrapped her arms as far around him as she could and buried her face in his stomach, whispering against it with tears in her voice and eyes, "Thank you."

  Chapter 6

  If anyone ever asked Dodge to point to the particular moment at which he fell in love with the little brat, it was then.

  His arms slipped naturally around her, holding her close, swaying the both of them back and forth a bit, as he kissed the top of her head. He'd never had a woman thank him after he'd spanked her, but he certainly liked the idea!

  Dodge reached out and turned off the light he'd just turned on, caught his arm under her legs and ascended the stairs with her as her arms found their way around his neck and she tucked her head under his chin, her fingers clutching the collar of his shirt as if for dear life.

  His bedroom, like her sister's, occupied an entire side of the house, with a French door entrance into a room that was more than large enough to accommodate an office/sitting room, as well as a bed he'd had custom built. It was designed so that his feet didn't hang over the edge the way they always did on any other bed, even a king sized one.

  He deposited her on her feet at the end of the bed, unable to stop touching her for even a second as he removed every stitch of clothing she had on, including the annoyingly tight skirt, saving that for last so that he ended up kneeling in front of her.

  "I like you in this position," she whispered huskily, and he leaned forward to press his face into her lower stomach, not quite directly between her legs but awfully close, and Rissa could hear it as he took a deep, slow breath.

  "Damn, you smell fine."

  Rissa was awash with a desire that she would have sworn, moments ago, was completely unattainable, and now she could barely control the shivers of desire that wracked her body.

  "Cold, sweetie?" he asked solicitously. He liked to sleep on the very cold side and kept one bedroom window open a crack even, when it was forty below. She was probably freezing, the poor thing.

  He was halfway towards the window before Rissa found her voice. "No, it's not cold."

  Dodge turned and saw her pleading look, heard the desperation in her voice and it nearly broke his heart. He vowed then and there not to leave her side for the rest of the evening, even if he had to take her to the bathroom with him.

  Her arms rose to welcome him before he even made it the few steps back to her, and he could no more stop the way his hands drew her solidly against him than he could prevent the way his eagerness nestled against her stomach.

  He found himself lifting her onto the bed long before he knew he should. She deserved him taking an absurdly long time with her, for him to spend long, torturous minutes teasing every one of her most sensitive spots, some more than others. But he was alarmed to find that he felt like a teenager with his first woman, and he wasn't at all sure he could hold out that long – or at all, frankly.

  So as he placed her, with as much gentleness as he could muster in his current state, which wasn't nearly enough as far as he was concerned, he did his best to keep her from crying out when her bottom met even the high thread count sheets he always used, but failed miserably.

  "Ah, baby, I'm sorry I had to spank you," he barely ground out as she opened beneath him, not issuing one word or sound of protest beyond that completely understandable moan.

  He didn't count the groans that continued as he spoke, and as his shaking hands eagerly explored every bit of her as she lay as close to beneath him as he dared. He was immediately drawn to those pink tipped breasts, with their pebble hard nipples, saying as he pinched each of them tightly, "But you know that I'll always do that for you. I'll always keep a close eye on your behavior and make sure you follow your rules."

  One big hand followed the natural center line of her body, down over a tummy that was slightly curvy, which was just what he preferred, down to the very top of her mons but not stopping there, despite her closed legs.

  "Open for me, Marissa. I will have every bit of you, and you're not to deny me access at any time or I'll flip you over and give you your second spanking of the evening before I take you from behind."

  "No!" Rissa was biting her lip and looking up at him so sexily that he almost did exactly what he'd promised he would, right now, regardless.

  But that wasn't really how he wanted to make love to her the first time. "Oh yes, Marissa Jean. You already have a second spanking coming – at least – for not doing as you were told when we met and getting that stuff for your car. I haven't really decided whether I'm going to spank you again tonight."

  Dodge noticed her swiftly indrawn breath at his pronouncement. Then, after hearing the threat – for the second time – that he might not yet be finished with her still flaming and flaring rear was enough to make her arch and groan, shaking her head back and forth, sending waves of that gorgeous long hair of hers flowing over his pillows.

  "Oh yes. I can see that you're going to need to be kept on a tight rein, Miss Marissa." He growled deeply as one bold finger discovered the sticky wet truth of her desires, making him relax that last bit of tension he'd had about whether or not this was right for her and stoking his desire almost past the point of control. Dodge quickly began to position himself between her legs, bringing first her left leg and then the right up and back, then over his shoulders, leaving her completely open to him, her hips tilted up at just the right angle, as if she was offering herself up as a sacrifice to him.

  Before he'd had the chance to find that warm, welcoming notch with the already dripping head of his penis, Rissa reached up and grabbed his face with both hands, bringing his lips down to hers in a kiss that he thought was going to end it right there. If he'd had any lingering doubts about whether she was turned on by his dominance, he knew by that kiss that he need look no further.

  As their tongues danced, as she did her best to twist and arch beneath him in blatant invitation, he pinned her down, introducing his broad head against her entrance, and for a moment, he wondered if she might not be a virgin. He could already tell that she was extremely – enticingly – tight, and he knew he was going to have to fight himself not to surrender to that eager grip as he very carefully – although not as slowly as he would have liked – entered her for the
first time.

  Rissa lost control of a guttural groan as she felt herself being forcibly stretched open around him, and she felt like she didn't know where to turn or what to do about the waves of pressure – and sheer pleasure – he was bringing to her. She certainly didn't want him to stop – did she – or she'd die of that overwhelming, yet unrequited ache to be completely filled by him. But he was no lightweight, and his equipment reflected that fact, being quite in proportion to the rest of him.

  She did her best to try to relax, although a large part of her excitement was the tenseness of her body. So that played hell with the psychology of her desire, but then, there he was, lodged deep within her – every enormous inch of him – and there was absolutely nothing she could do to prevent the all over shudder that built from the tips of her toes up through her mouth. She was literally vibrating with it, suddenly at the peak of excitement as he reached down and wrapped each set of long fingers around a still warm bottom cheek, reminding her of his control and of the punishment he had just given her, forcing her to lift her hips and spread her legs even further in submission to his demands.

  Unfortunately, the combination of it having been a while since he'd indulged himself like this, and the fact that as soon as she so much as breathed in his direction he was embarrassingly ready to explode, he didn't last anywhere near as long as he would have preferred. After only about four somewhat stunted thrusts, his desire burst through any fantasies he had about controlling it and he spilled himself inside her with a long, low groan.

  And as soon as he allowed himself those long, blinding seconds of ecstasy, he realized that he had allowed himself to take her without ever having had the most important talk a sexually active couple should have – birth control.

  Dodge couldn't believe it. He wasn't some horn dog fifteen-year-old – at least he didn't like to think of himself that way, although she certainly had managed to blow his mind enough that he hadn't been anywhere near as careful with her as he should have been regarding preventing conception, as well as physically. He wasn't the wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am type and hadn't been even when he was younger. He thoroughly enjoyed his woman's pleasure, almost as much as he enjoyed his own, and liked to take his sweet old time with her, always assuring himself that her own needs had been met well before – and usually multiple times – before he would let himself off the hook in the least. He had reveled in his partners' bodies, yet with Rissa, he had barely made it into the bedroom before falling on her like a man who'd been in prison for decades.

  He rolled off her almost immediately – much too quickly for her tastes. She adored the feeling of a man on top of her, as much as that wasn't to be admitted in polite circles nowadays

  "Sorry," he barely ground out as he tried to settle his breathing down without much success at first. He felt as if he'd had the wind knocked out of him.

  Rissa leaned over and put her hand on his flat stomach. "Sorry about what?"

  "I know you didn't come."

  She shrugged. "So what? We have plenty of time, don't we?"

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him, promising huskily, "All night, Marissa. I want you to come in my mouth."

  Dodge very nearly lost it again at the sound of her hungry groan.

  "But first a question that I should have asked before I let myself go, and I'm sorry for not remembering this, either, but I didn't use anything…"

  "Stop!" she cried, tsking at him as if she was the Dom rather than he. "You haven't said anything yet that was worthy of an apology, as far as I'm concerned, so cut it out! No worries about babies. I'm on the pill and have been for quite some time, although I'm getting to be so ancient that they're not going to let me stay on it much longer. But as it stands, I am religious about it. So rest easy. And, just so's you know, I consider it a hefty compliment that little ole' me was able to get you that distracted. You don't strike me as the flighty type in the least. You've probably got insurance on your insurance, don't live paycheck to paycheck, and pay all your bills as they come in."

  He gave her a seriously quizzical look, as if to say, "Doesn't everyone?"

  Rissa was barely able to keep herself from rolling her eyes. "I thought as much." She didn't sound very impressed with his regimented lifestyle, but, since it made him the way he was, and she was pretty impressed with that, Rissa realized that she could hardly complain about the less fun aspects of his particular personality type.

  Rissa lay her head down on his lower belly, watching him slowly shrinking in on himself, asking offhandedly, "How long before it can come out to play again?"

  It twitched as if it knew that she was talking about it.

  "Oh, at least an hour, I'd say. I never really timed it."

  "Well," she said, sitting up, then swinging a leg over his waist to straddle him, placing her privates directly over his, so that he was nestled, dormant, within her warm folds. "I wonder if I can give it a good enough reason to, uh, rise to the occasion?"

  "Oh, I'm sure you can," he answered from beneath hooded lids, letting her play a bit with his nipples and at riding him, however tamely.

  But when he'd recovered a bit more, breath wise – and he was still gratified to see that at least that hadn't taken too long, despite his advanced age – he rose and flipped her onto her back in one fluid motion. She actively fought him, wanting to stay on top where she enjoyed the illusion of being stronger than he was, and he enjoyed it enormously, still able to put her beneath him as if she welcomed the inherently submissive position.

  "You are way too strong for my own good," she complained with a frown, at least until his mouth, which had been working its way over down her neck then over her delicate collarbones to surround then conquer a burgeoning nipple.

  "Way," she gulped a lungful of air. "Too." She gulped another as he increased the suction of his lips, forcing that pebble to swell to almost painful proportions within the hot, wet confines of his mouth. "Strong." She sighed, as he left one peak for the other, careful not to let either feel left out, tugging and pinching and nipping and flicking mercilessly, until Rissa was completely mindless and unable to register any kind of complaint whatsoever – except when he stopped.

  Her hands found his head and buried themselves in his hair, trying to use it to keep him where she wanted him, but one stern, "Let go, Marissa," found him freed again, however reluctantly, to make his way towards even more interesting territory.

  She hadn't been kidding when she called him routined. She knew he was the type who was a stickler for details, and sometimes that kind of guy was the best kind of lover, attentive and concerned about his lady's pleasure. Sometimes, though, that kind of man tended to worry about very little other than himself and his rules, and that was a much less satisfactory man to be in bed with.

  Luckily, he was of the first type, arranging her in a manner that he seemed to know would enhance his dominance and accentuate her submission, with her legs spread obscenely wide and enlisting her own hands to hold her even more completely open for him.

  "That's it. Now don't move or you'll be making the acquaintance of my hairbrush much earlier than I had intended."

  And then he pressed his eager mouth to those tender bits, carefully insinuating several fingers up inside her, slowly, one at a time, until he had her stretched almost wider than he had when he'd made love to her.

  Was he teasing with the rule he'd made about not moving? she wondered. It didn't really matter, though, beyond the saying. She now knew that he was more than fully capable – and perhaps a bit too willing – to discipline her. And just him having said that, as he had, in that deep, no nonsense tone of his brought her to outrageous heights.

  As he'd known it would.

  Damn. Rissa knew it wouldn't be very long before he'd be able to bring her off just by talking to her in that particular tone of voice.

  Dodge only stopped his loving attention to her lady parts once, when he lifted his head and commanded in a dichotomously soft, but firm v
oice, "I mean for you to give me your orgasm as a gift, Marissa. I want you to come in my mouth, and I'm not going to stop until you do."

  And he didn't. It only took him at least as embarrassingly short amount of time to bring her to a screaming, growling, violent conclusion as it had for her to do the same thing for him.

  The difference was, she realized, as he flatly refused to let her up, that her capacity for pleasure was infinite, and she was only just beginning to realize that Dodge intended to explore just exactly how infinite it was.

  Marissa awoke the next morning with a heavy arm across her stomach and the realization that she had totally lost her head and spent the night with him. That was the last thing she'd intended to do. She knew he already had a bit of a negatively skewed view of her because he thought she was a ditsy city girl, and now she could add slutty to that, too, she was sure.

  And that wasn't at all fair, since she could still count the number of boyfriends she'd had in this lifetime on one hand, unlike nearly every friend she had in Knoxville, including the younger ones, although she knew she'd have a hard time getting him to believe that now. She was very particular about who she slept with – usually. She seemed to be breaking all the rules with him, but that was very unlike her. Not that he was going to believe that after this.

  Her eyes filled uncharacteristically with tears. She'd blown it with him, royally, she'd be willing to bet.

  Rissa sighed. At least he seemed to be sound asleep, and it was still early. Maybe she could still sneak back into Sophie's place…

  Nah. That woman had ears like an elephant. She'd always been able to hear her sister's guilty walk at more than a thousand paces, so there was no way she wasn't going to be collared and interrogated – and not in a good way, either.


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