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Facing Calgary's Dream

Page 4

by Anne Stone

  As Ryne spoke, he often caught Jennifer’s eye. He saw her smiles as he addressed the need for education. He hoped she saw a different person than the one she almost ran down. He was not your typical hockey player. He’d excelled in school and had a solid future after playing the game he loved.

  He spoke a few more minutes and then took questions. “What’s your degree in?”

  “I have a degree in finance along with a master’s in business.”

  He saw another hand raised. “I’m sure it’s difficult studying, practicing, and traveling. What kind of grades did you get?”

  “I did pretty well.”

  Another student raised his hand, “Did you just pass or what?”

  “Actually, I graduated summa cum laude with a 4.0 grade point average. I worked hard and that’s what this assembly is all about— working hard, setting goals, and achieving those goals.”

  While he stood there and listened to Johnston end the assembly, Ryne caught Jennifer’s eye and smiled at her. He decided right there and then, he was going to speak with her before leaving. He moved to the doors so he could thank each of the students as they returned to their classrooms. As Jennifer made her way towards him, he reached for her hand. “I’d like to speak to you.”

  “Not right now. I need to get my students back to class. Later.”

  Later. She didn’t even have his number. How would she get ahold of him? Ryne stood in the doorway until all of the students had left the auditorium.

  “Do you have a minute? I’d like to run an idea past you,” Johnston asked.

  “I do.” Ryne followed him to his office. There he listened as Johnston pitched the idea that he said came to him as Ryne spoke with the students. Ryne realized it was masterful and he couldn’t wait for Johnston to share it with Jennifer.

  Chapter Five

  Jennifer returned to her classroom just in time for her students to head off to lunch. Perfect timing. She needed a few moments to sit back and take in what Ryne had shared. She’d never taken him to be a summa cum laude graduate from one of the toughest universities in the country, especially earning it while playing hockey at such a high level. She’d realized he definitely wasn’t one to brag about himself after discovering he’d been recognized on several All-American teams and won various awards for his playing abilities. She’d been clueless to all his accomplishments.

  She sat at her desk, staring out the window when she heard a soft knock. She often ate in her classroom so she could grade papers and prepare for her afternoon classes. She turned towards the door and in walked Johnston and Ryne. She was taken aback by their visit; she’d thought Ryne had left right after his presentation.

  “Jennifer, Ryne here tells me you know one another.”

  “Ah, I can’t say we know one another but we have met.” Ryne smiled broadly. She was getting accustomed to his winsome smile. His eyes lit up as he looked at her. He seemed comfortable in his surroundings.

  “I was thinking.” Oh boy, this doesn’t sound good. “The fundraiser that I was speaking to you about.”


  “Well, I think you need a co-chair. So as Ryne stood up there telling us all about himself it hit me. What better person to help highlight Lakeview and our striving for a sound fundamental education than Ryne here,” Johnston said motioning to him. “I think he’d make a fantastic spokesperson and co-chair. What do you say?”

  “Ahh, I think it’s a good idea. I had no idea you were so well educated.”

  “I don’t really like to talk about it. I feel like I’m bragging about my successes, but I knew I had to today.” He shrugged. “Are you sure you’re okay with me being your assistant?”

  “Not assistant. Co-chair.”

  “Whatever. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable with me helping out. I’ve never done this before. You’re definitely going to have to show me the ropes.”

  “To be honest with you, I haven’t either, so it looks like we’re going to learn together.”

  “Well, then, I guess I’ll leave you two alone.” Johnston spun on his heel and headed out the door, softly closing it behind him.

  Jennifer looked at Ryne as he swept his hand across his face. They both started to speak at the same time, then he deferred to her. “The floor’s all yours.”

  She gestured to him to take the chair directly across from her. “Wow. I’m certainly surprised by this.”

  “Yeah, I am too. I had no idea filling in for Derek would lead me to hosting an auction, or whatever it is.”

  “I’m not too sure what Johnston is calling this shindig. All I know is that I’m supposed to have a showing.”

  “A showing?” He looked perplexed at her as she spun a pencil on her desk.

  “That’s right. He wants me to have a showing of my work. He thinks I have all these photographs lined up just waiting to be displayed and I don’t.”

  “I’m a little unclear what you’re talking about.” Jennifer began to fill Ryne in on Johnston’s expectations. As she spoke, his eyes never left her face. “You’re a photographer?”

  “Not really anymore, but Johnston thinks that I am.”

  “From what I know, once a photographer, always a photographer.”

  “I guess you could say that, but I don’t feel like one. I haven’t picked up a camera in that capacity in a really long time. I did speak with Ed yesterday about taking shots of you all as you warmed up and played, but that’s the extent of where I’ve gone with this.”

  “Ed? You mean Ed Talent, the owner of the Generals?” She raised her brow at him. “You know Ed?”

  She lowered her eyes. “Yeah, I know Ed. We go back a long way. He was a good friend of my father’s. He checks in on me now and again. I see him all the time at the dome. I have season tickets.”

  “So our meeting wasn’t necessarily happenstance?”

  “I’d say the way we met on the parking lot was, but more than likely our paths would have crossed at one time or another.”

  “That’s good to know. So where do we go from here? In fact, when is this soiree?”

  “I’m not sure the exact date. Sometime this fall.”

  She could tell he was pondering the date. “I hope we’re in town and not on the road. I’m going to have to check out when training camp begins. Normally, it starts-up the middle of September with preseason games that run through the first week or so of October. The season officially begins mid-month. I better get on this. I need to tell everyone: Ed, Jacob, Trevor…”

  She reached across her desk for his hands that were perched on top of her planner. “You can take a breath.” He looked at her stupefied. “I don’t think you’ve taken a breath in the last minute or so. Relax. We have plenty of time.”

  He squeezed her hands.

  “I guess we do. This is all so much for me. Between the trade and running into you— literally, and now this. I’m still trying to get my feet wet in the city. Johnston’s request certainly has done that for me.”

  “I guess it has. So where should we begin?”

  “I think by you giving me your phone number.” She cracked a smile at him.

  “That’s a good start.” She reached for her phone while he pulled his from his pocket. Exchanging phone numbers, she glanced at the clock. “Oh wow, I need to go. I have to pick my kids up from recess. Sorry,” she called as she headed out the door.

  She could tell he was shocked by the time himself. “Yeah, as it is I’m going to be late for practice. Coach will not be too kind, I’m sure.” She quirked her brow again. “He wasn’t happy when I was late the night we first met. In fact, I don’t think he bought my story about being almost run down in the parking lot, either.” She smirked as she headed out the door.

  “I’ll have to fix that one for you.”

  “No worries,” he claimed as he followed her down the hallway. She turned right towards the stairway while he kept on his path for the front door.

  Jennifer was going to be late. She hate
d being late to anything. She flew around the corner and ran smack into Johnston. “Oh my,” she called out reaching for the wall to prevent herself from falling.

  “Ms. Steele, are you alright?”

  Catching her breath, she breathed, “I am, Mr. O’Bryan. You surprised me that’s all. I’m sorry I was late picking up my students.” The staff always formally referred to one another when in the presence of the students.

  “No worries. You weren’t late. I thought I’d give you and Ryne a chance to speak, so I decided to meet your class.”

  “Thank you,” she replied as they returned to her classroom. “I had no idea you were considering him.”

  “I wasn’t until I heard him speak. I explained to him that I thought he was perfect for the job. I sold it as a way for him to donate his time to a worthy cause. He agreed hook, line, and sinker. I’m pretty proud of myself.” He stoically stood beside her as her students entered the classroom. “I’m going to get my thoughts together, check in with Ed, and then set-up a meeting with the two of you to discuss my goals for the event.”

  “Just let me know when.”

  “Sure thing, and thanks again for agreeing to chair this with him. I think this fundraiser will be quite successful.”

  “I hope so,” she said turning to reenter her classroom. I certainly hope so.

  Jennifer’s day ended on a low note. One of her students tripped down the stairs breaking his ankle. She was upset the remainder of the day and didn’t check her phone until she got home when she discovered several missed calls—all from Ryne.

  Tapping her finger on the side of her phone, she contemplated what she should do since he hadn’t left a message. She wasn’t in the best frame of mind, but she decided to return his call anyway. She knew he had practice and wasn’t sure if it had ended.

  When he didn’t answer, she kicked off her shoes and dove into her slippers that sat right inside the kitchen. It felt exquisite to be able to wiggle her toes back and forth in the softness. She hated wearing heels to school and often wondered why she did. She was tired and just wanted to relax. She grabbed a bottle of water, her phone, and her backpack and headed off to her home office. She had a few papers to grade and wanted to finish them before dinner. Reaching into her bag, her hand got stuck as she pulled out the papers causing them to fly about the floor. What else can go wrong? She sorted them back into their respective piles and reached for her red pen. Opening her water, she threw back a swallow and started at the task in hand. Her phone sat beside her. She reached for her water, and her phone slid against her leg, and that’s when she felt it vibrate. Glancing down, she discovered she’s missed his call again.

  Quickly she reached for the phone and redialed. Ryne answered immediately. “Hey there, I’ve been trying to call you.”

  “I know. Sorry about that. We had a little excitement this afternoon, and I’ve been trying to catch up since.”

  “What happened?”

  “One of my students missed a step, fell, and broke his ankle.”


  “Yeah, ouch. It’s had me a little rattled since.”

  “So, what are you doing right now?”

  “Grading papers.”

  “Another ouch!”

  “It’s not that bad. It actually relaxes me. I know that sounds crazy but it does. What about you? What are you up to?”

  “We just finished practice. I was wondering if you’d like to get together and have a bite to eat. Brainstorm a little.”

  “Ah, Ryne, I’m a little tired.”

  “I understand if you don’t want to go out. How about I grab us something to eat and come over. That way you can put on your pj’s and relax a little.”


  “Well, whatever it is your wear when you relax. I haven’t a clue what that may be. I know what I wear when I relax— sweats and a t-shirt.”

  She knew he was smiling as she could hear it in his voice. “To be honest, I have on my lounge pants. They’re pretty comfortable.” She paused not knowing where that thought came from.

  “So how about it? Are you game?”

  “I am. Thank you.”

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  “Whatever. In fact, I’m starved. I didn’t get a chance to eat lunch today—you know, with our meeting and all.”

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t realize you missed lunch. I’ll make it up to you.” He paused. “Oh, by the way I need your address.”

  “I’ll text it along with directions.”

  “Great. How about an hour? Is that good?”

  “That works.”

  “Well, okay then, I’ll see you in an hour.” She hung up the phone smiling. It actually felt good to smile after the day she’d had. She hurried to finish grading the last of the papers. She didn’t want any distractions. In fact, she was looking forward to seeing him again. Twice in one day— maybe luck was on her side.

  Chapter Six

  Ryne hadn’t a clue where to go for dinner. As he hurried from the locker room, he stopped Derek, who’d attended practice just to skate about so he could keep his legs strong while he recuperated. His shoulder was still a work in progress. He hoped to return to the team in the next couple of days. “Can you recommend a restaurant that does take out?”

  “Sure thing. Try Vigliano’s Pizzeria. It’s right around the corner. They have fabulous lasagna, cavatelli, and they make the best thin crust pizza. If you like salad, it’s a good choice too. And their cheesecake is one of the best I’ve ever eaten.”

  “Thanks, man. I’m still learning the city.” Derek gave him directions. Ryne accessed their on-line menu, selecting a few choices. As promised, his order was ready when he walked through the doors. He was impressed with the quickness and how they’d separated their salad, dessert, rolls and butter into a separate bag to keep them from getting hot.

  Ryne programmed Jennifer’s address into his GPS and before he knew it was pulling up in front of her huge, Victorian-styled home. The outside of her house was ablaze in light that illuminated its grandeur. As he took in its beauty, he noticed the turret that sat at the corner. The exterior of the home was gorgeous, and he couldn’t wait to see the inside. As he walked up the steps, he took in the wrap-around porch. It was welcoming. He knew she spent a lot of time sitting outside as he noticed the outdoor furniture that graced it.

  As he approached the door, he saw her through the window. She waved then threw open the door. He immediately recognized her tiredness. Her shoulders were slumped, and she had dark circles beneath her eyes that hadn’t been there earlier in the day. “Dinner,” he called as he raised two shopping bags.

  “Did you buy out the restaurant?” She noticed the restaurant logo. “Ooh, Vigliano’s. I love their food.”

  “Good choice then. You need to thank Derek since he recommended it.”

  She moved aside and ushered him into her foyer. Immediately, he took in the magnificence of her home. “This is beautiful! I love old Victorians!”

  “Thanks. I’ve lived here all my life. How about a tour?”

  Her stomach grumbled. Knowing she hadn’t eaten, he said, “Let’s eat first. I know you’re starving,” he said pointing to her stomach. Then his chimed in tune with hers. “And I am too.” He grinned at her while she led him towards the kitchen.

  “I hope it’s okay if we eat in here.”

  He looked around the room. It was beautiful. All stainless-steel appliances, a quartz countertop. It was spotless, like she never used it. “This is fine. Do you even use it?”

  “Of course, I do. I love to cook.”

  “Just wondering. It’s spotless.” She reached into a cabinet, grabbing plates and glassware. He moved to her side, taking the plates from her.

  “Wine?” she asked as she moved to her wine refrigerator where she retrieved a bottle.

  “That sounds nice.” She grabbed the opener and handed it to him while she reached for their utensils and napkins. He opened it and set it on
the table, waiting for her to join him. As she approached, he surprised her by pulling out her chair. He waited for her to take her seat, then sat beside her.

  “Wow, this smells good. Did I say I was hungry?”

  “You did,” he claimed as he poured their wine. “Shall we toast?”

  “Sure, what to?”

  “How about to a successful fundraiser? Yep, that’s what I’ll call it— fundraiser.” Taking a sip of her wine, she agreed with his terminology.

  “So what do you have in here?” she asked as she reached into the bag.

  “Let’s see…On high recommendation there’s lasagna, cavatelli, spaghetti and meatballs, a vegetable of some kind— actually I think it’s broccoli.” He grabbed the other bag. “In here is salad, rolls and dessert.”

  “Oh boy, dessert, too.”

  “Yep. I heard they have a one-of-a kind cheesecake.”

  “They do.”

  Ryne pulled out their salads along with the rolls and butter. He watched her as she broke her roll in half and spread a pat of butter across it, taking a large bite.

  “Oh my gosh, this is so good.”

  “When you’re that hungry, I think you could eat chalk and it would taste wonderful.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she took another bite of salad. As he ate his, he rested his head on his hand. He was enamored by her. The more he was in her presence, the more he felt a connection. What, he didn’t know, but he certainly couldn’t get enough of her. Her eyes shined brightly as she took a swallow of her wine.

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “You haven’t taken your eyes off me since you sat down.”

  “Ahh, sorry about that.” He looked away and took another bite of his salad. He felt her hand reach for his. He cocked his head and wasn’t sure where he should take the conversation so he went with the truth. “I think you’re beautiful.”


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