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The Seduction Scheme

Page 18

by Kim Lawrence

  ‘So did most of the legal fraternity in the city,’ his wife’s soft voice explained.

  ‘So you went to school with this woman who was actually in there when he…?’ Natalie asked, her eyes sparkling.

  ‘Did you hear William?’ Benedict asked his wife softly. ‘I’m sure I…’

  ‘No.’ He looked extremely uncomfortable when she waved aside his interruption and leaned forward, her hands on the wooden white-painted rail. With a half smile on her lips she strained her ears to catch the punchline of a story that seemed to be amusing their guests. Between the Ardens and the Faurés, who had also come over for the christening, they had a full house.

  ‘Yes, I went to school with Carol.’

  ‘Can you imagine Ben of all people rushing into the ladies’ after a woman?’ Natalie gave a crow of laughter. ‘I’d have loved to see his face when the door opened and it wasn’t Rachel.’

  Rachel turned to her husband. ‘You did that?’ Her voice alerted their guests for the first time to their presence.

  ‘I thought you were in there. If you laugh, so help me I’ll…’

  ‘I wouldn’t do that,’ she gasped. It was too much; her lips began to quiver and then her face crumpled. ‘I wish I’d been there.’

  ‘Me too,’ he said with feeling.

  The expression on his face made her break down all over again. ‘S-sorry,’ she hiccuped.

  ‘He threatened to knock down the door,’ Tom added.

  ‘Don’t,’ Rachel pleaded, ‘it hurts.’ She clutched her aching stomach muscles.

  ‘So does being a figure of fun,’ her husband assured her.

  ‘If we’re talking pain I’ll have you know I lost a tenner to Ruth betting you weren’t about to get married. How was I to know she had insider information?’ he asked the assembled company in a disgruntled tone.

  Sir Stuart Arden got to his feet carefully; he’d spent most of the day appreciating Australian wine. ‘To Rachel and Benedict. I always said she was the girl for him, didn’t I, Emily?’ He looked to his wife for support and she rolled her eyes heavenwards.

  ‘I’ll second that,’ Ben said, taking Rachel very firmly by the shoulders. ‘And if you can stop laughing at me for a second I’ll give my own toast—to your lovely lips.’

  ‘Just a second?’ she taunted just before he swooped. He made her eat her words in the nicest possible way.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0463-8


  First North American Publication 2001.

  Copyright © 1999 by Kim Lawrence.

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