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Slow Pitch

Page 18

by Amy Lane

He took a shaky breath and tried to stand his ground.

  “Uhm, no?”

  TEN AMAZING, thunderous, fantastic, filthy minutes later, Tenner was kneeling on a pillow in the middle of his kitchen, but now he had come all over his face, and Ross was still running around without pants.

  “Stay right there,” Ross mumbled, running to wash his hands in the sink, using plenty of soap from the pump while he was there. He hit the alarm for the chicken when he was done, dried his hands on a paper towel, and then grabbed the hot pads and pulled the chicken out and put the steaming veggies on a cool burner.

  Tenner stayed where he was, lapping dazedly at his own come on his hand. “You are cooking naked,” he said in disbelief.

  Ross looked up from where he was running some paper towels under water, and grinned unrepentantly. “And you just came all over yourself and the kitchen floor. Will wonders never cease?”

  Tenner shook his head. “You know, you really are a magic human. I have no idea how you even get that to happen.”

  “It’s easy,” Ross said, a spasm of what looked like sadness crossing over his self-satisfied features. “You trust me.”

  Tenner moved to stand, but Ross held out his palm.

  “No, no. Stay there.”

  Ross came back with a damp paper towel and started cleaning Tenner’s hands and his mouth off and then his face. “Close your eyes.”

  Tenner did, Ross’s studious, careful expression branded on the back of his eyelids. “Why were you sad?” he asked after a moment. “Just now. Why were you so sad?”

  Ross let out a sigh, and Tenner, sensing he was done, opened his eyes. “Because you trust me so beautifully when it’s about sex,” he said with a shrug. “From the very beginning—you’d challenge me about baseball, about the time of day, about pretty much anything under the sun, but by God, you trusted me about sex. Why can’t you trust me with your heart?”

  And Tenner heard the unspoken part of that. With your family.

  “I do,” he said, surprised to find he didn’t need to leap at all to find this faith. “I do. I will. Can you trust me? To do this right for them and not let you down?”

  Some of Ross’s sadness lifted. “That depends,” he said, darting his face close so he could lick Tenner’s nose.

  “What are you doing? What does it depend on?” Tenner took the paper towel from his hands and wiped his nose himself.

  “Licking the come off your nose.” Ross stuck out his clean tongue, indicating he’d swallowed, and Tenner felt his face heat at the same time he rolled his eyes. “And it depends on….” Ross stood easily, and then offered Tenner a hand up. Tenner hauled his sleep pants and briefs up his backside and to his waist before he took it.

  “What?” Tenner asked, taking the opportunity to stroke Ross’s chest, since he was still naked in the middle of the kitchen. “What does it depend on?”

  Ross gave one of those lazy smiles, the kind that had infuriated Tenner from the first—and had hooked him, reeled him in, and never let him go.

  “Depends on whether you trust me with clown cars and the trapeze tomorrow,” he said cockily.

  Tenner shook his head and stalked around the counter so he could wash his hands with soap this time and finish their dinner.

  “Is that a no?” Ross asked, eyes widened ingenuously. And oh my God, he was still naked.

  “Get dressed!” Tenner managed to say. “Get dressed, set the table—”

  “But is that a no?” Ross goaded, bending to get his cargo shorts and briefs from the floor first.

  “Sure,” Tenner said shortly, his body still tingling from unexpected bondage sex on the kitchen floor. “Sure. You can bring the whole circus. Elephants. Nipple rings. Electric shock. Whatever. I’ll obviously go with it. Just keep the clown cars in the bedroom, will ya? I’m trying to cook dinner here!”

  “Heh, heh, heh. There’s gonna be clown cars,” Ross all but sang.

  “Man, if you got me a butt plug that squeaks when I clamp down, I will never forgive you!”

  Ross’s eyes went anime-character luminous. “Do you think they make those?”

  “No,” Tenner said in horror. “Absolutely not. I think they’re a myth. Set the table. The vegetables are overdone. The chicken’s dry. Dinner is ruined. Let’s eat.”

  And Ross gave him a fond smile. “Says you. I think it’s the best dinner we’ve had in a week!”

  Tenner suddenly remembered how sick they’d been, how much better they felt now—and how far they’d come since their first angry, sexy, frenetic coupling behind the restroom in the park.

  “Sure,” he said, smiling fondly back. “Now get a move on!”

  “I’m on it, Ten.” Ross winked. “You can trust me.”

  Of course Tenner could. He couldn’t remember why he’d ever harbored a doubt.

  THE NEXT morning Tenner popped up bright and early, his internal clock finally well enough to think it was time to run before work and not sleep.

  He was rolling out of bed when Ross snaked out an arm and hauled him back next to his warm body and whispered in his ear, “Where do you think you’re going?”


  Ross’s filthy chuckle in his ear made his body tingle—and warned him that, like so much with Ross, things were not going to go exactly as planned.

  “Go use the bathroom and shower,” Ross instructed, and he had a timbre to his voice, a particular note, when he was talking about sex, that melted all the bones in Tenner’s spine and left only jelly. “When you’re clean, inside and out, come back in here and wait for me. I’ll be downstairs doing the same thing.”

  Tenner swallowed. “Uhm… running?”

  “Trust me, Ten. This’ll be better. If you’ve got the energy to go running after this, I’ll wave to you cheerfully as you rabbit out the door.”

  Tenner smacked his arm. “You’ll come running with me and like it,” he muttered. “You won’t be nearly as excited to bang me when I’m as big as a house!”

  “I will too,” Ross said, affronted. “I wouldn’t complain about some meat on that ass, you know. It’s like banging a set of bleachers right now.”

  Tenner glared at him. “If this is your seduction technique, it really sucks. Which is more than I’m going to do.”

  “Heh, heh, heh, heh….”

  Tenner’s throat heated, his cheeks heated, his ears heated. “Fine. We both know that’s a big lie. I’m just saying—”

  Ross stopped him by kissing him hard, until Tenner was on his back, rucking Ross’s shirt up, swinging one leg around Ross’s hips in an effort to get closer. “You all done getting huffy?” Ross teased gently, his own color high enough to tell Tenner he wasn’t unaffected.

  “It is embarrassing how bad I want you, all the time.”

  “Heh, heh, heh, heh—”

  “God you’re insufferable,” Tenner said, but without any real heat.

  “You suffer me and love it.” Ross kissed his neck and Tenner moaned. “C’mon, Ten, we can plan to be gods later. Let’s get ready to fuck like gods now.”

  “Do I even get to ask?”

  “Nope,” Ross said smugly. “Just be aware—clown cars will be involved.”

  “And the trapeze,” Tenner replied, his curiosity setting his skin tingling. “Understood.”

  That laugh, that filthy, insufferable laugh. In the end, it’s what got Tenner out of bed, to see exactly what would make Ross laugh like that.

  Twenty minutes later, Tenner was standing in his room with a towel around his waist, pulling out underwear and a clean change of clothes, mostly to kill time. He set everything on the dresser neatly and then started sorting his and Ross’s clothes, relaxing into housecleaning that didn’t wipe him out or destroy his plans for the rest of the day.

  “What are you doing?” Ross asked, dropping his own towel on top of the neatly sorted piles.

  Tenner looked up. “Uh, housework….” God, Ross was beautiful. That long, rangy body, the muscles as natural as that
athlete’s grace, it was there. Naked. Pale and lovely and—

  Ross moved behind him and cupped his hand over Tenner’s eyes. “Tenner? Baby? I love your practicality, don’t get me wrong. I think when I get back from my trip, it’s going to keep us together a lot, because you are firmly bred in the idea that man cannot live by sex alone.”

  For all his nagging, Ross’s body was shower-warm up against Tenner’s. The heat and the dampness and the smell of deodorant and aftershave were all doing their part to change the mood of the moment. Tenner smiled against the darkness. “But…?”

  Ross leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “But we’re not doing laundry now, are we?”

  “No, sir,” Tenner said smartly, and Ross let out a little gasp and grabbed his shoulder with his other hand, letting Tenner feel the silky length of his body from the back of his neck to the backs of his thighs.

  “You do know how to turn my key,” Ross murmured. “Do you want me to put a blindfold on you, or do you want to see?”

  “Ah!” And it was Tenner’s turn for his knees to go weak. This moment, in the dark, reliant on Ross for everything, trusting he would get it, was one of the sexiest moments in Tenner’s life.

  “I’ll take that as blindfold time,” Ross murmured. “Here, lie on the bed and close your eyes.”

  Tenner did, and he had to admit to himself that the only thing that made it possible to break away from Ross was the order that he do so. Wow. This trusting someone was pretty heady stuff. It was almost its own sex toy!

  While he was there, with his eyes closed, he heard Ross rustling around in what sounded like his duffel bag and then the crinkle of plastic.

  “Don’t worry about the stuff in the bag,” Ross said. “I washed everything while you were in the shower and brought it back up. That’s what took me so long.”

  Tenner grunted. “I was actually not worrying about that,” he said, eyes still closed. “Which means I’m not particularly bright.”

  Ross laughed shortly. “Or it means you really do trust me, which is probably closer to the truth. Now, the first thing I’m going to do is put on a blindfold, so you don’t have to work so hard.”

  Tenner felt his head being lifted, and then the blindfold—whoop!—and the world beyond his eyes went dark. He didn’t open his eyes, but he did relax them a little, and the darkness surrounded him, like a friend, touching his skin.


  “So what’s next?” Tenner asked, the slight quiver in his voice betraying maybe a little bit of nervousness and a whole lot of arousal. Somewhere on the bed, near his hips, Ross dropped a couple of items that had some heft to them. Tenner reached out and felt… oh, man.

  “Is that a dildo?” he asked, his voice pitching. “It’s sort of big. And the other thing isn’t small, and is that lu—”

  “Don’t touch those,” Ross said, laughing.

  Tenner gave the dildo one last lingering stroke, marveling that it was almost as big as Ross’s cock, but not quite. “Other than that?”

  Ross’s lips, running down his cheek to his ear, then pausing to linger at his jawline, coming back to tease at Tenner’s mouth, was his answer.

  “I touch you, as much and as long as I please. You talk to me and tell me what feels good. And I give you the occasional order that you can choose to follow,” he said, dotting Tenner’s face and shoulders with playful little pecks as he spoke.

  “Can I touch you?” Tenner asked.

  “God, yes. As much as you can manage. Be careful of the dangly bits, but do whatever comes naturally there too.” And still those playful little kisses down Tenner’s body. He paused at the nipples and began to tease unmercifully, and Tenner took him at his word and raised his hands to play with that curly hair.

  Ross answered by sucking one of the nipples into his mouth and Tenner tilted his head back and gave a breathless moan.

  “Ooh,” Ross taunted. “If that’s what I get for a little nipple nip, what’ll I get for blowing your mind?”

  “It feels good,” Tenner defended, kneading Ross’s scalp through his hair. “Ah! So good!”

  “You are so easy,” Ross marveled before sucking on the other nipple. Tenner whined and arched his back and Ross pulled off long enough to order, “Stop that. Wait until your mind is blown.”

  “Sadist,” Tenner muttered, thrusting his hips down against the bed again.

  “I just worry about you crushing my head between your thighs when I rim you,” Ross said, and between his mouth, and his hands—oh my God, what were his palms doing to the inside of Tenner’s thighs?—and at the thought of a rim job, Tenner had to admit he was right.

  “No crushing,” Tenner panted. “It’s a deal. Ah!”

  Ross bit softly on his stomach. “Good. Now I’m going to swing my hips up above you and straddle. In case you’re interested, my cock should be right above your mouth, you know, if you want to play with that thing in any way, or suck it or… you get the picture.”

  “Yeah, su-ure!” Tenner’s voice pitched at the end there, because Ross’s mouth had found the swollen, aching bell of Tenner’s cock, and was doing sinful, wicked things to it. Licking and sucking things—teasing things.

  Tenner wasn’t in a teasing mood.

  Ross’s cock buffered along the side of his face for a moment, and Tenner wasn’t going to let it go this time without taking it down his throat, and without touching everything within his reach. After the night before, being on his knees, helpless to do all the things he’d wanted to, he needed Ross to know what he was missing when he told Tenner not to touch him.

  Ooh, this wasn’t just blindfolded sex with toys—this was revenge blindfolded sex with toys. That took things to an entirely other dimension.

  Ross deep-throated him, swallowing slightly on Tenner’s cockhead, and all thoughts of revenge fled.

  He wanted Ross’s cock in his mouth, filling him up, now.

  He grasped it firmly, stroking once or twice before guiding it carefully to his mouth. Ah, yes! He used one hand to stroke the shaft and another to tease the balls, and the taste was exquisite. Ross let out a grunt, not unaffected, and obviously dedicated to his own task.

  Their sixty-nine was passionate and merciless, and Tenner wasn’t sure if Ross thought of it as a contest to get the other one to come first, but that’s where Tenner was heading with this. The blindfold, Ross’s touch, the competition—ah, all of it was glorious!

  So glorious that Tenner barely noticed Ross fumbling on the bed beside him until Ross raised himself off of Tenner’s cock and murmured, “Legs spread, baby.”

  Tenner did on automatic, lifting his hips and crunching his stomach to give Ross better access. He was prepared for the lubed finger, tapping, stretching, but it didn’t deter him from his goal of deep-throating as much of Ross’s erection as he possibly could.

  The second finger, spreading, scissoring, gave him a little bit of pause. It had been over a week since they’d done this, and he wasn’t sure—oh God! There went the third finger, and he had to fight to keep his concentration, full on both ends, needing—

  All three fingers disappeared and he let out a frustrated groan, the sound muffled by Ross’s cock.

  Ross’s laugh was strained to broken. “Impatient?” he goaded, fiddling with something on the bed.

  Tenner whimpered, empty and wanting.

  “You know, you could always give me a bit of the same treatment,” Ross said. “Here, give me your hand.”

  Tenner dropped one hand down by his side and the sudden drizzling of lube on his fingers made him shiver.

  Okay. Okay, fine. He was ready for some payback. It was awkward, but he knew the lines and curves of Ross’s body. Keeping that cock lodged firmly in his mouth, he maneuvered his hand up between Ross’s thighs and parted his cheeks, reveling grimly in Ross’s gasp. Served him right, dammit. What was he doing down there?

  A little rougher than Ross had been, but then Ross liked it that way, Tenner thrust two fingers slowly into Ross
’s backside—

  At the same time, Ross thrust that giant sex toy that had been on the bed into Tenner’s.

  Tenner let Ross’s cock flop out of his mouth to gibber, but he kept his fingers planted firmly where they were.

  “Ross—oh, wow. Hey—”

  “Tell me if it hurts or you want me stop,” Ross said seriously.

  “Yeah, no, I’m fi-ine—oh holy hell. Wow. That thing’s… damn. Keep going. Oh, shit. Oh my. Fuck!”

  Ross paused at what felt like the widest part, and Tenner flexed his fingers because he had to.

  “Still good?” Ross asked, his voice decidedly shaky.

  “You’re just gonna stay there?” Tenner practically wailed. His whole body was trembling, sweating, and his cock splatted uselessly on his abdomen, rock hard.

  Ross’s laughter held a strained edge. “No, baby. I’m gonna shove it all the way in. You ready?”

  “God, please,” Tenner pleaded.

  “A little louder,” Ross taunted.

  “Oh my God, Ross, please!”

  “One more time for the cheap seats.” Ross ducked his head to lap at Tenner’s cock.

  “Please, baby, fuck me with that thing!” Tenner practically yelled.

  “Okay, but you can’t come. I’ve got plans.”

  Tenner sucked in a breath and steeled himself. “I’ll try,” he said.

  “That’s all I can ask.” And Ross rewarded him with a sure, smooth thrust to the hilt.

  Tenner howled as it slid home, and fought back the climax that threatened to rush his spine. “Ross, I sort of, I sort of need, here. I don’t know what—”

  Ross gently moved his hand, hissing when Tenner’s fingers slid out of his ass. Then, while Tenner was trying to orient himself in the darkness, the pressure in his hole, in his backside, the stretching, the things Ross was doing over him—

  Wait, what was Ross doing over him?

  Ross was… straddling him? Tenner ran his hands over Ross’s thighs as Ross boosted himself up. Ross’s firm grip on Tenner’s cock was his first clue.

  “Wait,” Tenner gasped, stimulated from every end, adrift in the dark, his body a disparate collection of extreme sensation. “You’re going to—ah!” Ross pressed Tenner’s cockhead against his stretched entrance and lowered himself, fucking Tenner’s cock with his tight, slick asshole while that toy pushed up inside Tenner’s ass. Deliberately, he lowered himself until Tenner was completely sheathed.


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