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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Marla Monroe


  “It was just sitting there,” he said with a grin.

  “So, anyway, we’re taking you out to eat. I figured we’d just head over to the diner for burgers, if that’s okay with you.” Joshua shook his head at Jayson’s antics.

  “You don’t have to take me out. I have plenty of food here to cook. I was just thinking about cooking some spaghetti.”

  “Nope. We want to take you out. It’s not going to be fancy, just the diner.”

  Haley pressed her lips together thinking about it. She guessed it wouldn’t hurt to have dinner at the diner with them.

  She nodded her head. “Sure. That would be fine. Let me put on some shoes and grab my purse, then we can go.”

  “I’ll help you with your shoes,” Jayson said, rubbing his hands together.

  “I’m not so sure that’s such a good idea.” He was up to something. She was sure of it.

  “Sure it is. Come on.” He pulled her by her hand toward her bedroom.

  Once inside, he sat her down on the bed and searched her dresser for socks and then grabbed her tennis shoes.

  “I take it we’re coming right back home and I don’t need my boots.”

  “No boots required.” She let him put on her socks and shoes.

  He helped her stand up again before leading her back into the living room. Joshua stood by the door with her purse in his hand. He handed it to her on her way by. She hid a smile at the fact that he’d even picked it up. Most men wouldn’t be caught dead touching a purse, much less carrying one.

  Jayson helped her into the truck. They all buckled up and drove to the diner in town. Once they walked into the restaurant, several people greeted them. It wasn’t unusual for the three of them to be seen together, so she wasn’t sure why she was so nervous all of a sudden. Maybe it was because she knew they were involved in more than a friendship now. She wasn’t exactly sure what sort of relationship they had, but it wasn’t the platonic one of only a little over a week ago.

  “Hey, guys. What can I get for you tonight?” Peggy, the waitress walked up.

  They gave her their drink orders and went ahead and ordered their burgers and fries. She nodded and left to put in their order. A few minutes later, she returned with their drinks.

  “Haley, we want to take you to Billings for the weekend. You can shop and we’ll go out and have a great time.” Joshua took a drink of his beer.

  “Oh, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean, the entire weekend?”

  “I think it’s a great idea,” Jayson said, grinning.

  “People are going to find out that we’re, um, seeing each other.”

  “They probably already know it after we took care of Matt at the bar. Why do you think Craig called us when Matt was manhandling you?” Joshua leaned toward the table. “People already know, Haley.”

  She looked around but no one was looking at them. She didn’t know how she felt about everyone in town knowing that she was seeing the twins. They had been friends for so long that she just thought no one would pay any attention to them. Obviously she had been wrong.

  “Don’t look so worried, baby. They all knew it was just a matter of time. It was no secret that we wanted you as our woman. You just didn’t seem to know it.”

  “I never saw us like that. It seemed wrong—seems wrong. Oh, I don’t know anymore.” She concentrated on her beer instead of looking at them.

  Jayson reached over and lifted her chin so that she couldn’t help but look in his eyes.

  “I love you, baby girl. That’s not going to change no matter what happens. I think I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember.”

  “Let’s not worry about anything right now,” Joshua said. “I’d rather talk about our trip to Billings. What time can you get off on Friday? Do you think they would let you take the entire day off?”

  “I don’t know. I can ask, but it’s such short notice.”

  “Even if you can’t, we’ll leave as soon as you get off work. We’ll still have Friday night and all day Saturday.”

  “You really want to go shopping?” She couldn’t believe that a couple of men would stand around while she looked at clothes and things. Not that she was much of a shopper anyway.

  “Yeah. Men can shop, too. I mean how do men end up looking so good when they don’t have wives to shop for them?” Jayson asked.

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile. Jayson always made her smile.

  Their food arrived and conversation was limited as they ate. She hadn’t thought she was hungry until she stared down at her plate and realized she’d eaten the entire hamburger and half of her fries. She was pleasantly full. She drained the last of her beer and noticed that the men were watching her.


  “I never realized before how sexy your throat is when you swallow.” This coming from Joshua and not Jayson surprised her.

  “My throat? Seriously, Joshua, you’re getting weird on me.”

  “I am serious. When I see you swallow I think of my cock deep in your throat.”

  Haley felt her juices flowing from her pussy at that. She had a sudden image of herself on her knees on the floor with Joshua’s big dick fucking her mouth. She shivered all over at the thought. She had no idea why that turned her on, but it did. Her wet panties were proof of that.

  “That got to you, didn’t it, Haley. I can tell by the way your eyes went all soft and your mouth opened just a little. Do you want my cock in your mouth, baby girl?”

  Her eyes widened and she looked around. “Shh, someone will hear you, Joshua.”

  “No one is listening. No one but you.”

  Jayson squeezed her hand. “Let’s go. I think we’re all finished.”

  Joshua paid their tab and they climbed into the truck once again. Only this time, when Joshua pulled out of the parking lot, Jayson ran his hand between her legs and rubbed over her pussy with his fingers. She shivered and tried to hold his hands to keep them from doing that. Or was she holding them in place so he could continue.

  Haley was so confused. She didn’t know what she wanted anymore. Part of her wanted to relax and let them take her wherever they wanted to go, but part of her wanted things to go on like they had been for years. She didn’t want to lose that easygoing atmosphere they had always had. Except Joshua and Jayson swore they had wanted her for years. Had it all been a lie?

  A tingling sensation began to spread throughout her pussy and into her clit. She moaned when Jayson changed tactics and began to press rhythmically over her clit.

  Dear God. He’s going to make me come.

  She started to shake her head no when they pulled up in front of her house. Jayson bent over her and ran his tongue along her jaw and nipped at her chin.

  “I almost had you, baby girl. We’ll finish inside.” He unbuckled his seatbelt then helped her with hers when she fumbled with it.

  Once her feet touched the ground, she started to hurry toward the house, only her legs wouldn’t fully support her and she nearly sank to the ground. Jayson grabbed her around the waist and held her against his side.

  “Easy, Haley.” He half carried her half walked her to the door.

  Joshua had already unlocked it with the key he had. They had exchanged keys a long time ago so that each could take care of the other’s house if they were out of town. Not that they had ever needed anything from her.

  Once they were inside, Joshua pulled her from Jayson’s side and caged her in against the door. She gasped and looked up into heavy-lidded eyes.

  “I could smell your arousal all the way back here, and it’s driving me crazy.” He took her mouth in a deep, intense kiss that took her breath.

  He fumbled with her jeans until he had them undone and could shove his hand down into them between her panties and her pussy. His tongue dueled with hers while he shoved his fingers into her cunt and his thumb against her clit.

  Jayson stood next to her against the door, whispering naughty th
oughts into her ear.

  “Just think what it’s going to feel like when we take you at the same time, Haley. Joshua would take that hot ass and I’d be inside your wet cunt. We’d fill you with cock until you didn’t know where one of us began and the other ended.”

  She moaned around Joshua’s kiss, rocking her pelvis against his hand. He pressed against her clit in a steady rhythm until she exploded, screaming into his mouth. Jayson sucked her earlobe into his mouth and nipped it. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever until Joshua slowly removed his hand from her pants and licked his fingers while staring into her eyes. When he closed his and hummed his appreciation, she shivered all over with a mini climax.

  Jayson chuckled and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her gently then picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

  “I’ll run her bath. You undress her.” Joshua disappeared into her bathroom.

  “I can do it.” She whispered, unable to get much else out.

  “We’ve got you, baby girl. Just relax.” Jayson began pulling off her T-shirt then her bra.

  When he got to her jeans, he helped her slip off her shoes then down went her jeans and panties all in one shove. Once he got her to sit on the bed, he pulled them off. Before she could get up, he’d pushed her backward and was licking her pussy. When Joshua walked back in a few seconds later, he laughed.

  “I figured I better come get you two. Jayson can’t resist your juices, baby. Come on, Jayson. Let her up so she can get in the tub.”

  Jayson gave her one last lick before standing up with a devilish grin on his glistening face. She couldn’t believe how easily they maneuvered her to where they wanted her. She had to put a stop to it, later. Right now, she didn’t have it in her to put a stop to anything they might want to do to her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Haley wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed when they helped her bathe, and then put her to bed alone. Secretly, she had wanted to make the fantasy from the diner come true, but she wasn’t going to ask. That would have been part of the fantasy for Joshua to make her suck his cock. The fact that she wanted that was a little embarrassing.

  They each kissed her good night then let themselves out of the house, locking the door behind them. She lay awake in bed for a long time. She didn’t know what she wanted anymore. That wasn’t really the truth, though. She wanted Joshua and Jayson. They had awakened something inside of her that wouldn’t go away. It was more than just lust. If that had been all it was, she could have ignored it. No, this was something so much more.

  Her heart beat a little faster whenever they were around. Her body went all soft and needy. Nine times out of ten, she grew wet with just a touch or a suggestive word. She couldn’t ignore her body’s longing anymore. She wanted them more than she could ever have imagined.

  The chance to spend the weekend with them was exactly what she wanted to do, but it would open up their relationship to everyone so that they talked openly about it instead of behind her back. Did she care? She didn’t think so. Her only problem with the entire thing seemed to center around her need to remain independent. She didn’t want someone to boss her around.

  Matt had tried to do that, and she’d balked at it. There was no way she was going to let Joshua or Jayson make her dependent on them. It went against her sense of self.

  Haley sighed and finally closed her eyes. She needed to get some sleep.

  Early the next morning, she woke up and realized she missed having the men there when she got up. It had been nice the morning before to see them before going to work. She thought about them as she made coffee and ate a bowl of cereal. They had probably been up a long time working outside. She smiled then noticed the time and rushed through the rest of her preparations before leaving for work.

  She finally got around to asking her bosses if she could have Friday off. She was surprised when they agreed, saying she hadn’t been off in a long time.

  “You probably should plan a vacation soon. You haven’t had one of those in a long time either. You have time off you can take, Haley.”

  She nodded and realized they were right. She hadn’t taken any time during the last year. Maybe she would plan a vacation somewhere fun.

  The rest of the day went by fast as she thought about what all she needed to pack. She fully expected the men to be waiting on her when she got home, but they weren’t. Instead, she had another note from Matt. She’d gotten the restraining order against him but couldn’t do anything about him slipping notes under her door. She hadn’t asked for it to include notes and such. She hadn’t realized she would need to. She read this one then threw it in the garbage as well. It was more rambling that she belonged to him and not Joshua or Jayson.

  She made out a list of what she needed to pack and planned to do that the next day when she got off work. The guys would probably call her and talk to her about the plans and what time Friday morning they would leave.

  Haley made a garden salad and ate while watching the news and weather. It was supposed to be a pretty weekend. She couldn’t wait now that she had agreed to go. Friday couldn’t get there soon enough.

  She was just about to climb into bed when the phone rang. She checked the number on the cell and it was Jayson’s number.


  “Hey, baby girl. Did you miss us today?”

  “Naw. Not really.”

  He growled into the phone. “Don’t lie, Haley. My heart can’t take it.”

  “Yes, I missed you. How was your day?”

  “Busy, but I still thought about you. I had to jack off last night before I could get to sleep.”

  Haley shivered as her face grew warm.

  “You still there?”

  “Yes. You, you didn’t have to leave last night.”

  “You needed some room, baby. We knew you did. Did you find out about Friday?”

  “I can get off. What time are we leaving?”

  “Early. We want you to come over to our house tomorrow night to spend the night so we can get up and leave from here.”

  “Oh, um, okay. I can do that. I’ll have to pack first before I can come over.”

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ll grab a couple of pizzas and come get you after work. You’ll have all the time you need to pack. How is that?”

  “Sounds like you’ve been doing some planning.” She smiled to herself.

  “It’s better not to leave anything to chance.”

  “How is Joshua?”

  “He’s fine. He wanted to call, but I won the coin toss.” He laughed over the phone.

  “Tell him I said, um, hi. I’ll see you two tomorrow evening.”

  “Good night, baby girl.”

  “Good night.”

  She hit end and laid her phone on the bedside table. Then she climbed into bed and turned the light off. She didn’t have long before she was sound asleep.

  * * * *

  Joshua pulled up outside of Haley’s house at a quarter to six. Haley was already there. He and Jayson had the pizzas and were starved for more than just them. Neither one of them had rested well since they’d had that taste of her without actually fucking her. He planned to remedy that tonight.

  They knocked on the door and waited for Haley to answer it. When she didn’t right away, Joshua began to get worried.

  “She’s probably in the shower, Joshua. Give her a few seconds.”

  Sure enough, not even a minute later, she peeked out at them through the window before opening the door. She was dressed in a bath towel and nothing else. Joshua hurried inside with the pizzas, glad that their big bodies had shielded her from the street. He shook his head. She hadn’t been worried because she probably knew they would hide her.

  “Make yourselves at home. You know where the plates are. I’m going to go get dressed.”

  “Do you need some help?” Jayson asked, a wishful gleam in his eyes.

  Joshua just shook his head. Jayson was a hound dog and a flirt all rolled into one. Some of
the women they’d dated had loved it while others had snubbed their noses at him. He hadn’t had much to do with them after that. If they didn’t like Jayson like he was, they weren’t worth the effort as far as he’d been concerned.

  Once they had decided it was time to start courting Haley, they’d stopped seeing other women. It wasn’t fair to them or to Haley. Now they had a lot of time to pursue her. Hiring an extra ranch hand had freed up a lot of their time. They’d been busy lately making sure the house was just like they thought she would like it. They had the master suite filled with her favorite things, including her favorite bath salts and shampoo.

  “I think I can handle it, Jayson. Thanks.” She grinned at them and disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  “You’re lucky she’s a good sport. I’d hate to have to pop you for upsetting her.”

  Jayson sobered. “You know I would never do anything to really upset her. I knew she would laugh it off.”

  “She’s perfect for us, Jayson. We’ll work on her some this weekend, but mostly, this is about her having a good time and relaxing around us. Once she is back to feeling comfortable with us again, we’ll have a better chance at convincing her to marry us.”

  “Good. I want her in our house. I still don’t trust that Matt won’t cause more problems. He isn’t one to give up so easily, restraining order or no restraining order.”

  “You’re right. No mentioning that bastard this weekend.”

  Jayson nodded.

  Then Haley walked out in jeans and a blouse. She looked wonderful to him. Joshua could have whisked her away right then and there, but they needed to take it slow. She was still on the fence about them. He didn’t want anything to push her over the wrong way.

  “You look great, baby girl. Are you hungry?” Joshua opened the two pizza boxes and urged her forward to pick out a piece first.

  They ate pizza and drank beer, talking about what was going on in town and out on the ranch. It felt almost like old times, except that there was that underlying feeling of sexual tension running through the room connecting them all together. It was obvious that Haley felt it by the way she kept eyeing them under her lashes when she didn’t think they were paying attention.


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