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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Marla Monroe

  Joshua thrust his fingers in and out of her back hole until she was pushing back against him. Then he pulled them out and pressed the head of his cock at the little rosette. She caught her breath as an unbelievable pressure began to steal her breath. It turned into a burning pain that was almost more than she could bear.

  “God, it hurts, Joshua. It hurts.”

  “Do you need me to stop, baby?”

  “I–I, no. Don’t stop. I want you.”

  “If I’m hurting you, I want to stop, baby.”

  “A little more. Just a little more, Joshua.

  “Jayson, distract her.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  He let go of her hips and began to pull and pinch on her nipples as Joshua continued pressing his dick further into her ass. When he finally pushed through the ring, she hissed out a breath and dropped her head to Jayson’s chest.

  Joshua tunneled deeper then stopped and rested his head against her back. He kissed her spine as she panted lying over Jayson. She was itching all over. She needed something.

  “Move, Joshua. I need you to move. Please, move.”

  Joshua pulled out, and then pushed back in. He moved slowly, driving her crazy with need. She wanted him to go faster, wanted Jayson to move as well. She tried to push back then pull forward but couldn’t get purchase on the bed in order to move.

  “Easy, baby. Let us do the work. Just relax and feel, baby.” Joshua pulled back and tunneled forward again as Joshua pulled out then pushed back.

  They alternated inside of her, hitting all the right spots. She never knew that her ass would have nerve endings that could come alive like they were now. The more they moved, the better she felt. She moaned and shook her head back and forth.

  “Please, faster, harder. I need more, Joshua.”

  He sped up until he was stroking in and out of her at a steady pace that proved to give her more of what she needed. Jayson bucked beneath her holding her hips as he drove his thick cock deeper into her cunt with every thrust. Sensations bombarded her from both sides as the men drove her higher and higher. She felt as if she was going to fly apart at any minute. Her cunt quivered to the point that she knew her climax was close. She reached for it, whimpering when it eluded her.

  “It’s all good, baby. Hold on. We’ve got you.” Joshua’s breathless voice barely reached through the roaring in her ears.

  Jayson reached between them and stroked her clit as they continued to tunnel in and out of her body. When he pressed against it, she exploded with pleasure. All the nerve endings in her body lit up like the Fourth of July. She opened her mouth in a silent scream as her voice as squeezed off from the intense feelings thrumming through her cunt and into her clit.

  She felt her cunt and ass muscles clamp down on the cocks inside them. Jayson cursed, gripping her hips almost to the point of pain. He thrust up into her pussy one last time and filled the condom with his cum.

  She shivered all over as the pleasure swelled into a crescendo that threatened to consume her. She collapsed on top of a heaving Jayson. Their chests fought to expand against each other. And then Joshua slumped against them as well.

  “Fuck, man!” Jayson rasped out. “Get off of us, Joshua.”

  Joshua pulled from her ass, sending another spasm through her body that transferred to Jayson. He groaned then rolled them over to their sides. She was still impaled on his slowly deflating dick.

  Haley floated for what seemed like forever until Jayson began rubbing her arms and talking to her.

  “Haley, baby. Can you hear me? Come on, baby girl.”

  “She’s not unconscious. Her eyes are open and she’s breathing a little fast.”

  “Come on, Haley. You’re scaring me.” Jayson rested a hand on her belly.

  She could feel his hand and hear his voice, but she couldn’t seem to find her voice. Finally, after trying several times, she managed a squeak.


  “Hey yourself. You had us worried.”

  “I think I died and came back to life. Everything just sort of rushed at me all at once.”

  Joshua kissed her on the forehead. “You’re probably ready for bed now.”

  “I don’t think I can move. Can I sleep with you guys?”

  Both men chuckled. “You couldn’t sleep without us, baby.”

  “Good. I’m going to sleep now.” She closed her eyes and drifted off.

  * * * *

  Saturday morning Haley was up and dressed, waiting on the men to finish getting ready. She felt as if she had all the energy in the world inside of her. It had to have been the magnificent sex from the night before. She hadn’t felt this good in years. Shopping seemed tame compared to what she thought she could accomplish today. If she had been at home, she would have cleaned her entire house.

  “Baby, settle down. You’re vibrating the floor. The other guests think it’s an earthquake,” Jayson teased.

  “Be quiet. I can’t help it. It’s your fault. Yours and Joshua’s. I was fine until you screwed me six ways to Sunday.”

  “Joshua, did you hear that? Sex is the reason she can’t be still.”

  Joshua walked over and pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “Just so we get one thing straight. We made love last night. It wasn’t just sex. It was special.”

  “I know, Joshua.” She dropped her eyes so he wouldn’t see the sheen of tears there.

  As long as he hadn’t pressed the issue, she could pretend it wasn’t there. She was falling in love with them, falling hard and falling fast. It scared her again. She hadn’t expected it to consume her to the point that she didn’t want to think about being away from them.

  “Okay, baby. We’re ready to go. Do you have your shopping shoes on?”

  She swallowed and turned around with a smile on her face. “I’m ready.”

  She would push it back to worry over later. Right now, she had them, and she planned to enjoy the rest of her weekend with them. She could face the rest later.

  They started out where they left off the day before and wound their way through the shops and stores along both sides of the street. She found several things she couldn’t do without and a few she had to bypass. Jayson tried to embarrass her by bringing over sexy lingerie and asking her to try it on. She just rolled her eyes at him and ignored it. Joshua seemed to get a kick out of her brushing Jayson off.

  By the time they made it back to the hotel, her feet were aching and her pocket book was empty. She’d had so much fun. The guys had been extremely good natured about carrying her bags and following her around.

  She took a quick shower and dressed in a cute, little, black dress she’d bought for the occasion. They were going out to eat, and then to a different bar that they hoped would have a better band. It couldn’t be any worse and the scenery would be different.

  It occurred to her while they were waiting for their entrees that she’d worn a dress twice while they had been out without them asking her to. She’d rarely worn them and only skirts and blouses for work. Why had she wanted to dress up for them? Her feelings came roaring back. She nearly choked as she sipped at her wine.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to visit the ladies room. I’ll be right back.” She hurried away, aware that the men had looked worried about her.

  Once inside the thankfully empty bathroom, she gripped the edge of the counter and focused on breathing normally. She couldn’t run from it any longer. She was in love with them. Not falling into it. She was already hip deep and sinking fast. What was she going to do? They would never hurt her, but they would eventually grow tired of her. She was familiar to them so they thought they loved her. If she continued seeing them like she was, she’d eventually have her heart broken.

  Was it worth it in the long run? To have just a little piece of them for as long as it lasted seemed like it wouldn’t be worth it, but having tasted of a relationship with them, Haley didn’t think she could back away anymore. She was already an addict for their attentions. Somehow she
had to prepare herself for the inevitable so that it didn’t destroy her when they pulled away.

  She swallowed and splashed some cool water on her face and neck before patting herself dry and returning to their table.

  “Are you okay, Haley?” Joshua asked.

  Both he and Jayson wore concerned expressions. She smiled and assured them that she was.

  “I choked on the wine and needed to clear my throat. I didn’t want to make a scene.”

  “Are you all right now?”

  “I’m fine. The fish looks great. I can’t wait to taste it.” She cut a small bite and put it in her mouth.

  She nodded her head that it was good and worked at swallowing it around the knot in her throat. It could have been cardboard as far as she was concerned. She had to get hold of herself or the men were going to know that something was wrong.

  She managed to eat about half of her meal and finished the wine. The wine probably wasn’t a good idea when she hadn’t eaten all that much. When they went to the bar, she’d be careful of how much she drank. Haley really didn’t want to end up embarrassing herself or the men.

  They left the restaurant and walked the two blocks to the bar. Parking was an issue, so they had decided that where they were parked would be fine. Even before they walked in the place they knew it was going to be much better. The music was clearer and not as loud. Joshua paid the cover and the three of them circled the floor looking for a table.

  They couldn’t find one so they got on the dance floor and danced. She wasn’t the least self-conscious about dancing with both men. There were groups of four and five men and women dancing together already on the floor. She might not have been the only woman dancing with more than one man, but she bet she was the only one in a relationship with more than one.

  Jayson plastered his body to her back and mimicked her moves so that they looked like one person. Joshua covered her front making them look like a sandwich. Next to sex, it was the sexiest thing she’d done with them. She pushed aside all her worries and lived for the moment.

  They danced four straight songs before they took a break and searched for a table once again. They lucked up and found a booth that had just opened up. She scooted in first, then Joshua with Jayson on the opposite side. Joshua nuzzled her neck and kissed her right behind her earlobe. She shivered and rested her head on his shoulder.

  A waitress came around and took their drink order. While they waited, they talked about how much better the band was and pointed out odd couples on the dance floor.

  “Hey, honey. Would you like to dance?” A cute brunette sat down next to Jayson.

  Before he could say anything, Haley frowned at her. “He’s with me.”

  “I thought he was.” She pointed toward Joshua.

  “They’re both with me. I don’t share.”

  “You can’t claim both of them. Come on. Let’s dance.”

  “You heard her. I belong to her. Thanks but no thanks.” He tried to untangle her hand from his arm.

  “Joshua, move.”


  “Joshua. Move!”

  He scooted out of the booth with Haley hot on his tail end. She walked over to where the woman had a death grip on Jayson and got up in her face.

  “I’m trying to be nice. He is with me. He’s already told you no once. Now back off.”

  “What are you, a slut?”

  “Aw, hell.” Jayson tried to scoot out of the booth to stop the imminent fight but couldn’t get the woman to let go of him.

  Joshua walked up close behind Haley and whispered in her ear that they didn’t have to fight over it.

  “Just let Jayson dance once with her and it will be fine.”

  “Hell, no. She’s not dancing with him.”

  “Joshua, don’t make it worse.” Jayson was trying to loosen the woman’s fingers.

  “You did not just call me a slut. You’re the one trying to horn in on my man and you called me a slut?” Haley hauled back to pop the woman when Joshua grabbed her hand to stop her.

  The other woman got off a quick jab and hit Haley right in the mouth, splitting her lip.

  Joshua growled and roared out, “That’s enough! Let Jayson the hell go.”

  The other woman pouted but let Jayson’s arm go. The poor man had fingernail marks in his skin.

  “Now walk away, lady. You’ve just hit our woman, and I’m not going to hold her back the next time she decides to punch you.”

  “You’re perverts. That’s what you are.” She let out a huff and turned around and walked off.

  “Hell, baby. Look at your mouth.” Jayson had a napkin at her mouth trying to stop the bleeding.

  “I’m sorry, Haley. I thought that if you hit her it would cause a bigger fight. I never dreamed the woman would hit you.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve had worse.” She winced when Joshua dabbed at the split.

  “I think it’s time to go.” Joshua put a hand on Haley’s back as Jayson made them a path.

  There had been several people milling around at the promise of a fight. When it didn’t pan out, they started dispersing. By the time they had made it outside, several women had offered Haley their sympathies.

  “Do you want me to run get the truck while you and Jayson wait here?”

  “No, I’m fine. I can walk. Hell, I didn’t even get a beer.”

  Jayson shook his head and glared at Joshua.

  “Don’t, Jayson. It wasn’t his fault. If I had hit her she would have made a big deal out of it. It would have been worse. I started all of it. It’s my fault. I just couldn’t stand the idea of her touching you.”

  “I didn’t help matters when I suggested you let him dance. Evidently, that was the wrong thing to say.”

  “It sure as hell was,” Jayson said.

  “No fighting, you guys, or I’m going to go home—without the two of you.”

  They both huffed out a breath, but they remained quiet. She wasn’t sure how they were going to get past this, but something would have to happen because she wasn’t going to be the bone between them.

  They made it back to the truck and Jayson helped her climb into the cab before getting in next to her. Once they got back to their hotel room, Haley was fed up with the silence. She walked over to where her suitcase was and began to fold everything and pack it back up. Joshua noticed first.

  “What are you doing, Haley?”

  “I’m packing. I’m not sticking around if you two are going to act pissy with each other.”

  “We’re not.” Jayson spoke up quickly.

  “That’s not how it looks from where I’m standing.”

  “Baby girl, we’re just upset that you got hurt. Jayson has every right to be mad at me. I let you get hurt. That’s not acceptable.”

  “I’m going to get hurt sometimes, guys. For one thing, I like to ride horses and clean out stables. You didn’t get mad when I fell and busted my knee that time. Why are you mad now?”

  “I’d forgotten about that. It was your fault that time, Jayson. You had been chasing her.”

  “Yeah. I felt like an idiot when she fell.”

  “Are you going to play nice now?” She planted her hands on her hips.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m sorry. I just can’t believe that Joshua let her hit you.”

  “He didn’t let her. She did it without him even realizing it until it was over with.”

  “Okay. We need to get some ice on your mouth. I’ll go get some.” Jayson grabbed the ice bucket and headed for the door. “Let me back in when I knock.

  When he’d left, Joshua wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I should have let you show her who was boss.”

  “It’s really okay, Joshua.” She swallowed and looked up at him. “Am I a slut because I want both of you?”

  “Hell no! Don’t let me ever hear you say that again. You’re a sexy, sensuous woman who is loved and cherished by two men. Don’t ever forget t
hat, baby. We love you.”

  There was a brief knock at the door. Joshua chuckled and walked over to let Jayson back in. The other man walked in carrying the bucket full of ice.

  “Let’s get a cloth and wrap some up in it to put on your mouth.” Joshua went in search of a cloth.

  “Have a seat over here on the couch. We’ll watch TV until your mouth is better so we can go to bed.” Jayson pulled her over to the couch and helped her sit down.

  When Joshua returned he had the cloth with ice in it. He handed it to her and she gingerly laid it against her split lip. She winced. It stung. Jayson pulled her closer to him and wrapped an arm around her. Joshua sat on the other side of her and pulled her feet into his lap. He pulled off her shoes and massaged her feet as they watched the end of a movie. She sighed and closed her eyes. She was still angry at that woman for trying to take Jayson away from her, but was Jayson really hers to keep?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Haley rolled over the next morning to an empty bed on her left. She rolled to her right and that side was empty as well. She groaned. That meant it was time to get up. She yawned and winced. Her mouth was still sore. She knew it would be for several days as her lip healed. She opened her eyes, wishing she could stay in bed for another hour or two.

  She looked around the room and noticed that the door to the bathroom was closed. One or both of them were in there. They were probably trying to keep from waking her up. There was nothing she could do but get up. Scooting out from under the covers, she threw her legs over the side of the bed and sat up.

  There was a noise at the door then the green light went on and it opened. Haley squealed and grabbed at the covers.

  “It’s just me, baby. Sorry. I figured you would still be asleep. I brought coffee.” Jayson sat his carton on the table and walked over to her with an offering of her favorite morning beverage.

  “Thanks. I guess we have to check out soon. I need the bathroom first, though.”

  “Joshua will be out soon. He’s probably keeping the door closed, so he doesn’t wake you up.”

  “What else do you have in that box?”


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