Veil Online - Book 2: An Epic LitRPG Adventure
Page 8
Sewer Gator bites YOU for 0 damage.
Poison hits Sewer Gator for 3 damage.
Once again, Jace’s Defense saved him from taking any damage. The synergy of his class abilities and spells were working out well, but these were also only the minions. Jace knew that somewhere down here in the sewer was a group level monster that was going to be much tougher.
One by one, he and his companions killed off the alligators. Jace received a few more bites from lucky hits but all in all, it was better than he had expected. He actually felt like a real tank.
The alligators dropped only hides, which Jace threw into his inventory. He was hoping he could sell them to a vendor or possibly on the Player Auction House.
“Are we done?” asked Diana. The older woman had done well, despite her early hesitation, Jace had to admit. She cast her spells and then continued hitting the alligators with blasts from her wand. The wand did less damage than a dagger, but the damage wasn’t stopped by armor of Defense.
Jace shook his head and looked at his Stamina. It had taken a long time to finally finish all of the alligators and the sheer number of blows had worn him down. “No, somewhere down here there is an alligator boss. We have to kill it to get credit for the quest.”
Chapter 12
They trudged through the sewers for another hour, using their tactic to attract more alligators and then kill them. Each of the girls eventually gained a level. Charlena was now level 6, while Diana and Mika both hit level 4.
Upon hitting 4th level, Mika switched to fighter so she could use two-handed weapons and wield a katana. Jace wished she wouldn’t have switched. Having played more groups than any of the others, he knew the importance of a talented healer. But they were still low level and if she switched back, he doubted they’d have a problem. Besides, he might be their leader, but he couldn’t tell them what to do.
After the first hour, the alligators became sparser and he and Charlena had to roam further from the group to find and pull them. Jace was stalking through the water when he heard what sounded like voices ahead. Curious who else might be down in the sewer, Jace quietly crept toward the voice.
It took him a few minutes to find the source of the voices because it echoed through the sewers. As he drew closer, he caught part of the exchange.
“Listen Tiebaut…” a man’s voice said. The voice was coarse and somewhat familiar, but with the echo, Jace couldn’t place it.
“Lord Tiebaut...” corrected another man. This voice was more refined and carried an air of superiority about it.
“Listen, Lord Tiebaut,” the first man resumed, his voice dripping with honey. “I have the package and if you want it, you must deal with me now.”
“Do you have the tiara with you?” the refined voice asked.
“Package,” the other man corrected.
“Yes, yes,” the refined man said with obvious frustration. “You thieves and you’re little code words.”
Jace spotted a light coming from a tunnel and slowed down as he approached to make as little noise as possible. He entered Stealth, but he wasn’t sure if it would work while he was in this much water.
“I told you,” the first man said. “I’m not with the guild. Not anymore. I’m… independent.”
“Yes, yes,” the second man said. “I get it. With the reward I’m offering, it’s certainly enough for you to jump ship.” The man laughed. “Pun intended.”
“Yes, Lord Tiebaut, very funny,” the first man said.
Jace turned the corner and saw a raised area in the sewer. It appeared to be a junction room where several sewer tunnels intersected. Jace could make out four men in the room. Two of the men were close to each other, they appeared to be the ones who were talking. The other two men were further back and were holding torches.
“When do you make the exchange and where?” asked the refined voice. Jace could now see it belonged to one of the closer men, the one who was facing him. The man was too far away to view in his HUD, but he’d already identified himself as Lord Tiebaut.
The lord looked around the sewer junction. “And please don’t say this dreadful place again.”
“We can meet in front of the Royal Palace, if that’s more to your preference,” the other man said. Jace couldn’t see the second man’s face since his back was to Jace, but he wore a long coat and tricorn hat, like a pirate. Jace even saw a saber at his side. He was the man whose voice sounded familiar.
“Listen Captain,” Tiebaut spat. “I am paying you a lot of money and I expect a little respect.”
“Your gold has my respect,” the captain replied. “But if it makes you feel better, I will meet you on Tideday, at the large blue warehouse on the corner of Mackerel and Anchor Street in the Docks District.”
“Two days?! Why not tomorrow? And you expect me to go to the docks?” the lord asked incredulously. “Me?”
“Why not the docks? You met here in a sewer,” the other man said nonchalantly. “As far as the waiting until Tideday, I need to deal with your former… partner.”
“I see. You really think you can deal with the guild? Never mind, best if I don’t know,” Tiebaut said in annoyance. “Fine! What time on Tideday?”
“Noon,” replied the captain. “Don’t be late.”
Jace sensed the conversation was ending and didn’t want to run into any of them when they left. Both were too far to examine in his HUD and for all he knew, they were level 100. It was time to leave.
He had just retraced his steps back to a side tunnel when he saw light coming towards him. Jace quickly ducked into the side tunnel and quietly began backing away. He saw the pirate walk by, holding one of torches, and disappear down the tunnel. Jace crept back to the main tunnel and followed the light for a dozen yards to make sure it was gone.
It had been an odd exchange. Obviously, Tiebaut wanted the package and this Captain fellow had it. And apparently the lord was willing to pay a good amount of gold for it. And what was this guild they were talking to? A merchant guild? A craft guild?
Jace was still thinking about the meeting he’d overheard when he turned a corner and came face to face with the largest alligator he’d ever seen. It was even bigger than the one he’d killed for the saurian tribe.
“Found the boss gator!” Jace sent to Luna. “Bring the girls! Quick!”
The alligator was still a dozen paces away and Jace barely got off his Air Armor spell before the thing crashed into him.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 5 damage.
The gigantic thing snapped its enormous jaws around Jace’s leg, causing him to cry out in pain. He didn’t hesitate and jabbed both his weapons down at the huge gator’s head.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 1 damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
Both his blows glanced off the beast’s scaly head, his dagger not even making a scratch.
Sewer Gator Bull uses Trip Attack.
The huge alligator twisted its head and pulled Jace’s leg out from under him, causing him to fall back into the water. The gator then opened its mouth to release his leg and sank its teeth into his thigh but didn’t get as good a grip as the previous time.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 1 damage.
Unable to do much from his prone position, Jace scrambled to his feet. This gave the alligator another chance to attack him.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 4 damage.
Jace cried out again as the large teeth sank into his knee. He Feinted and stabbed down at the gator’s head.
You critically stab Sewer Gator Bull for 8 damage.
You critically stab Sewer Gator Bull for 2 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull is Poisoned.
That time, his blades had found an opening near the eyes and the thing jerked its head. Unfortunately, that was exactly what he didn’t need.
Sewer Gator Bull uses Trip Attack.
Once again, the thing pulled him off his feet like he was a rag doll. And to the alligator, he probab
ly was. This thing had to be 15 feet long and weigh close to 1,000 pounds, if he had to guess. If the others didn’t get here soon, it was going to eat him.
Once again, Jace scrambled to his feet, giving the thing another opportunity to snap at him.
Poison hits Sewer Gator Bull for 3 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 6 damage.
Jace tried another Feint and attack combo, trying to inflict more damage on the great beast.
You critically stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
You critically stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
Both blows were deflected by the alligators thick, bony scales and Jace let out a frustrated snarl at having wasted the mana on a Feint. The gator didn’t seem to care and let go of its grip and snapped at him again.
Poison hits Sewer Gator Bull for 3 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 0 damage.
That time, Jace managed to deflect the alligator with his buckler, but just barely. He tried aiming for its open mouth with his blades, but the thing snapped its jaws shut.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
The bull gator lunged at Jace again, nearly bowling him over but wasn’t able to get its jaws around him before he danced away.
Poison hits Sewer Gator Bull for 3 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 0 damage.
He saw light coming down the tunnel and hoped it was his friends and not that strange captain from the meeting. He tried stabbing it again.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 5 damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
His dagger glanced off its scales, but his rapier found a softer spot and did some damage, but the huge alligator seemed to pay it no attention.
Just then, a Flame Bolt flew past time and hit the creature in the head, followed by an arrow that bounced off the thing’s snout.
Mizzlethain-galliegarde burns Sewer Gator with Flame Bolt for 5 fire damage.
Almedha Pressalor shoots Sewer Gator for 0 damage.
The gator didn’t seem to like the fire and flinched away briefly before snapping at Jace again and barely missing his leg.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 0 damage.
Jace wanted to try and turn the gator away from his companions but there was simply not enough room in the tunnel to go around it.
Mika came splashing up to stand next to him. “We shall kill this beast together!”
Raajoget crushes Sewer Gator for 1 damage.
Unfortunately, her mace bounced off the thick skin, barely doing any damage.
“I could use some healing,” he told her. “If you get the chance.”
“Yes,” she said and stepped back as Jace tried stabbing at the thing’s nose.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
Once again, his blows bounced harmlessly off the creature, even as another Flame Bolt and arrow whizzed past.
Mizzlethain-galliegarde burns Sewer Gator with Flame Bolt for 7 fire damage.
Almedha Pressalor shoots Sewer Gator for 0 damage.
Once again Charlena’s arrow bounced off the things bony scales and he heard her make a frustrated noise.
Suddenly the alligator started to push past Jace and Mika, towards Diana. The older woman let out a terrified scream before Jace could use his Taunt. “Come get some!”
The gator stopped its advance and snapped at Jace, locking its jaws around his leg again. He barely stifled a scream at the intense pain as the teeth ground against his bones.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 6 damage.
Jace barely stifled a scream at the intense pain as the teeth ground against his bones. Jace was almost at half health and it looked like they had barely made a dent in this thing’s health.
Raajoget heals YOU for 8 health.
Suddenly warm golden healing light bathed him, and he felt some of his wounds mending. That was right before the alligator jerked its head, sending him crashing to the water.
Sewer Gator Bull uses Trip Attack.
Jace was really tired of being thrown down into the water by this thing and promised to make a pair of boots out of its hide once they killed it. Once again, he tried getting back up to his feet, giving the alligator ample opportunity to snap at him.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 0 damage.
It bit down on him, but his Air Armor seemed to deflect the teeth and save him from any damage. Then his companions attacked, giving him a chance to make his own attacks.
Mizzlethain-galliegarde burns Sewer Gator with Flame Bolt for 6 fire damage.
Almedha Pressalor shoots Sewer Gator for 0 damage.
Raajoget crushes Sewer Gator for 1 damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 5 damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 1 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull is Poisoned.
“Are you kidding me?” Charlena yelled in frustration as another of her arrows bounced harmlessly off the thing’s scales.
Jace’s own hits had made it through the tough scales finally but did a paltry amount of damage to the great beast. Unfortunately, they must have done enough total damage to kick off one of its special abilities.
Sewer Gator becomes Frenzied.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 0 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 1 damage.
Poison hits Sewer Gator Bull for 3 damage.
The alligator bull had suddenly become much faster and was attacking twice as often.
“It’s some sort of haste effect,” he called out. “You might want to throw me another heal, just in case.”
Mizzlethain-galliegarde burns Sewer Gator with Flame Bolt for 8 fire damage.
Almedha Pressalor shoots Sewer Gator for 5 damage.
Raajoget crushes Sewer Gator for 0 damage.
“Finally!” Charlena shouted as her arrow finally found a soft spot in the gator’s armor.
“Out of mana!” yelled Diana. “Switching to my wand, such as it is!”
Jace tried to get his own attacks in but once again his dagger did no damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 3 damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
Then the gator snapped again at him as if trying to bite his leg off.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 5 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 0 damage.
Poison hits Sewer Gator Bull for 3 damage.
Then the gator snapped again at him as if trying to bite his leg off. While it attacked, a magical bolt from Diana’s wand went sailing past, as did another of Charlena’s arrows.
Mizzlethain-galliegarde shoots Sewer Gator for 2 magic damage.
Almedha Pressalor shoots Sewer Gator for 1 damage.
Jace heard Mika’s sing-song voice uttering the words of the healing spell and then he felt the healing magic flood over him.
Raajoget heals YOU for 5 health.
And then the alligator decided to attack again.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 2 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 4 damage.
Poison hits Sewer Gator Bull for 3 damage.
Once again, the creature’s teeth bit into him, but he pushed through the pain to try and launch a counterattack, which was only partially successful.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 3 damage.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.
His dagger failed to find a soft spot and skidded off the armored head. The girls followed up with their own attacks with some success.
Mizzlethain-galliegarde shoots Sewer Gator for 1 magic damage.
Almedha Pressalor shoots Sewer Gator for 3 damage.
Raajoget crushes Sewer Gator for 2 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull is no longer Frenzied.
The alligator’s special ability seemed to run out and it slowed to its former pace, and Jace felt himself relax. They’d weath
ered its special ability - this time. Given that this was only a level 5 boss, it probably only had one special ability and it would either kick off once more at 25% or twice more at 50% and 25%.
He just had to hope they could keep going that long and that he could stay alive.
Chapter 13
His group continued to beat down on the giant alligator while Jace took small hits here and there, while delivering his own small hits in return. Their accumulated damage continued to whittle down the creature’s health and eventually its Frenzy ability activated again.
Sewer Gator becomes Frenzied.
Once again, the creature’s attack rate increased and Jace hoped he could stay alive. He had been keeping a mental tally of the damage they had done, and he guessed the ability kicked off at 75% health and then again at 25% health. At least, he hoped they had gotten it down to 25%. That meant this was the last time it would use a special ability.
Diana had been out of mana for a while and was limited to only her wand. Mika was out of mana as well, so there would be no more healing. He had a healing potion, but other than that, he was on his own. Charlena had circled around behind the alligator to take advantage of her Precise Shot ability, which was the ranged version of Backstab.
Jace looked at his own stats. He had 22 health left and only 4 mana. He’d had to use two more taunts to keep the gator’s attention and he would have to use another one shortly.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 1 damage.
Sewer Gator Bull bites YOU for 0 damage.
Jace took another small hit and tried to stab the thing in return but once again, his weapons found no soft spot.
You stab Sewer Gator Bull for 0 damage.