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A Little Love (Reading, Writing and Romance Book 2)

Page 7

by Pandora Pine

  “I’m not a prince-theth.” There was no heat behind Gemma’s words.

  “Of course you are!” Declan set her back on her feet and knelt down in front of her. “Thank you for inviting me over.”

  Gemma’s cheeks flushed light pink. “I drawed a pitcher of us. Wanna th-ee it?”

  “You bet!” Dec chanced a look up at Rem. He wasn’t scowling anymore but looked world-weary. He’d guess being invited over here tonight was a concession Rem made to Gemma just get through the night without a tantrum.

  Gemma ran to the fridge and pointed to the drawing.

  From where he was kneeling on the floor, Declan could clearly see Gemma had drawn a picture of the three of them together. If he’d been on the outside looking in, he would have thought the stick figures were a happy family.

  “Gemma, why don’t you wash your hands? Dinner is ready.” Rem went to the cabinet and pulled out three plates.

  She opened her mouth, looking like she was about to protest, but snapped her lips closed and ran off down the hall.

  “Who is that little girl and what has she done with our crabapple?” Dec flashed Rem a smile and stood up from the kitchen floor.

  “She’s been like this since I picked her up from Peg McKinnon’s house. Usually she’s crabbier than ever when she has to leave Peg and Tucker, but today she actually seemed happy to be going home with me.

  Dec could see the raw pain on his ex’s face. “It’s a step in the right direction.”

  “Yeah, because of you.” Rem’s lips curled up into a sneer on the last word.

  “If Gemma got a cut on the playground and you needed to take her to the ER for stitches, would you be upset that you couldn’t stitch her up yourself?”

  Rem shot Declan a confused look. “Of course not. What’s your point?”

  “Who cares if I’m the reason Gemma’s taking positive steps. She’s moving forward and her relationship with you is getting better. That’s what’s important here.”

  Rem seemed to be considering Declan’s words.

  “Look,” Dec took a few steps closer to Rem. “I know you want to be all things to her and in the course of time you will be. For now though, let’s just celebrate her small victories. What do you say?”

  Rem sighed. “I know you’re right, here.” Rem tapped his index finger against the side of his head, “but my heart breaks a little more every time she runs to someone else.”

  “I get that, Rem. I really do.” Taking another step forward, Dec rested a hand on Rem’s shoulder. He could feel that instant zing of attraction race through his body like wildfire, but now wasn’t the time to focus on what touching his ex did to him. “Let’s just have a good night with Gemma. We can talk more about this once she’s in bed. Okay?”

  Rem looked up at Dec with misty eyes. “Okay.”


  Remington had felt like an outsider looking in during dinner. Dec told funny stories about Gemma when she was little. Gemma ate all of her dinner without having to be prodded repeatedly to eat. She laughed like a loon at Declan’s stories, while Rem sat like a bump on a log, forcing himself to eat.

  Bedtime had gone equally well with Dec making sure Gemma washed her face and brushed her teeth. She’d even run back out to the living room where Rem had been hiding out to give him a kiss goodnight.

  In the three months Gemma had been living with him, that was the first time Gemma had kissed him. Sour acid roiled in his gut when he realized the only reason Gemma had done that was because Declan The Magnificent had asked her to.

  “Believe it or not, Gemmy is asleep.” Declan had changed out of the dress pants and shirt he’d been wearing when he’d come over and was now wearing a faded UMass tee and grey sweats that had also seen better days.

  “Christ, Dec, are those the ratty house sweats you used wear when you lived here?” Rem cringed at his own words. God, he sounded like a total asshole.

  “Yup!” Declan grinned and headed toward the kitchen.

  Rem heard glass bottles clink together and wasn’t surprised a moment later when Dec came back into the living room carrying two green bottles of Heineken.

  “To progress!” Dec clinked the neck of his bottle against Rem’s and took a seat on the sofa, opposite from Rem’s recliner.

  Rem sighed, shaking his head. “I know I’m acting like a total douche.”

  “I can’t argue with the obvious,” Dec said, sounding solemn. “Why?”

  “What if I’m the problem here and not Gemma?” Rem had been unable to shake that suspicion for weeks now.

  Dec took a sip from his bottle, seeming to be thinking about Rem’s question. “Why would you think that?”

  Rem’s left eyebrow shot up to meet his hairline, but for once, he didn’t think Declan was being sarcastic. “Here I was, just living my life and in the span of a few months, I lost my little sister and became an instant parent. What if Gemma is just picking up some vibe from me and that’s why she’s acting out?”

  “You were both plucked out of your ordinary lives and dropped into this new life together. It’s up to both of you to adjust to that and find some peace. You’re the one who seems to think that you’re responsible for Gemma’s struggles. It doesn’t seem right that you believe you have to deal with your own struggles and solve all of her problems too.”

  “But I’m her father! It’s my job to solve her problems,” Rem yelled, louder than he’d intended.

  “HA! Now we’re getting somewhere!” Dec crowed triumphantly, pointing the neck of his bottle at Rem.

  “You’re not making any sense.” Rem had a feeling he knew where Dec was heading with his line of thought, but wanted to hear it play out.

  “You just admitted you’re her father.” Dec sat forward on the edge of the sofa, his elbows balancing on his knees. “That’s a pretty big step, if you ask me.”

  Rem most certainly had not asked Declan, but he had a point anyway.

  “You need to engage here, Rem.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m on the fucking front lines.”

  Dec nodded. “That’s right, you are, but you need to lighten up.”

  It wasn’t very grown up of him, but Rem scowled at Dec.

  “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Gemma was in the best mood she’s been in since Roma passed and you spent the entire night being a sour puss because it wasn’t you lighting up her life. Who cares who makes her smile or laugh, Rem! She’s smiling and laughing. That’s what’s important here.”

  “Yeah, well, how would you feel if you were in my shoes?” Rem crossed his arms over his chest, settling back further into his navy blue recliner.

  “I’d feel like shit.”

  Rem barked out a rough laugh.

  “It’s true. What’s happened over the last few months is beyond tragic, but you need to get your head out of your ass and into the game. I’m not saying this to be a dick. I’m saying it because I care about you.” Declan looked up at Rem, who looked like he was barely breathing. “And Gemma,” he amended.

  Rem sighed and stood up, draining the bottle of Heineken. “Only God knows why you do. I’ve been nothing but a jackass to you since that night two years ago.”

  “True,” Dec agreed with a cheeky smile. “We can’t change the past. All we can do is keep on swimming.”

  “Get that from Finding Nemo, did you?” Rem couldn’t help laughing.

  “Yes, I did.” Dec stood up and stalked toward Rem. “Why don’t you go take a hot shower? I’ll make some popcorn and we can watch a movie or something.”

  Rem nodded, passing his empty bottle to Declan. “Thanks. I really mean it, Dec. Um, about last night?”

  “We don’t have to talk about that.”

  Sighing, Rem headed off toward the bathroom. Thanks to Declan, he had a lot to think about, not the least of which was how to get his ex to open up about the amazing sex they’d had the night before.


  Declan had spent Saturday morning cleaning his apartme
nt and changing the sheets on his bed. Only God knew why since he'd spent every night this week with Remington and Gemma.

  Aside from needing a little light dusting, his apartment was spotless and the sheets hadn't even been slept in. He needed to keep himself busy, otherwise, his thoughts would start to wander back to Rem and the crazy life they seemed to building together for Gemma's sake.

  Dec shook his head. They weren't building anything. He was working as some sort of half-assed mediator between Gemma and his ex.

  The positive changes in Gemma over the last week had been undeniable. She's only thrown one tantrum and that was because she couldn't find her woobie at bedtime. He'd been afraid that they'd have to call out the National Guard to assist in the recovery effort, but thankfully, the fault was all Declan's since he'd thrown the blanket into the dryer and had been too busy making dinner to take it out.

  And that was another thing. Somewhere along the way, Declan had managed to transition back into his old chores of cooking dinner and doing laundry. Rem stuck to housework and the dishes.

  Dec sighed. It had just been so easy to fall back into the routines they'd shared when they were an actual couple. It was almost exactly as it had been while they'd been together minus the sex.

  In the old days they'd clean up after dinner and go right to bed. The only exception to that rule being on Sunday nights when The Walking Dead was on. Declan had picked up on vibes from Rem that made it pretty clear that he wouldn't mind resuming that part of their relationship as well.

  As much as Dec wanted to be back in Rem's bed, he couldn't bring himself to end up there again. At least not until they'd had a long talk about what the hell was going on between them.

  Not that he'd admit it to anyone, but he was scared to death that once Gemma's lisp was corrected and she and Rem were able to get along without his interference, that Rem would kick him out of his life again.

  It had been hard enough the first time to get over his ex. Dec didn't think he'd survive losing Rem a second time.

  Dec sat on the side of his bed once the floral duvet had been smoothed over the crisp, new sheets. He'd tried broaching the topic of their relationship on a couple of occasions when Rem had been giving him the sexy eye, and each time he'd seen the lust and need drain out of Rem's dark eyes like water out of a bathtub.

  There had to be a way to get Rem to listen to what he needed to say to him. He supposed Rem would have to listen if Dec had his fist wrapped around Rem's cock, but figured that wouldn't exactly be playing fair. Not that anything about the way Rem was treating him was fair in the first place.

  Sighing, he got off the bed to haul his large black suitcase onto the mattress. He'd given up packing for a night or two to spend at Rem's house. He'd just pack for the week and go from there.

  He was unzipping the suitcase when his phone dinged with a text message. Dec wasn't surprised to see it was from Rem. Instead of getting the buzzy butterfly feeling he gotten in the past when Rem texted him, he could feel his stomach drop with dread. The only reason Rem would be texting him is if there was a red alert concerning Gemma.

  [Emergency meeting at Nash's house.]

  God, Dec hated being right about this. He sent a short message back and quickly packed his suitcase.


  "Jesus, Dec! We thought you'd never make it!" Rem stood up from the table and ushered a harried-looking Declan into the one empty seat at Nash and Bronson's kitchen table.

  "Where's the fire, Rem?" Dec panted to catch his breath.

  "What fire?" Rem had no idea what Declan was talking about and why his ex looked like he’d run the entire way to Nash and Bronson’s house.

  "You said there was an emergency. All I see is five men sitting around the kitchen table drinking tea and eating homemade brownies." Dec sounded pissed.

  Still not understanding what had Dec so hot and bothered, Rem slid a large brownie onto a plate while Nash set a cup of tea in front of him. "We just wanted to talk about our vacation plans."

  "Vacation plans?" Dec asked dumbfounded.

  "Yeah, school vacation is coming up next week and we're trying to figure out where to go together. Since you're coming, I figured you'd want to be in on the planning." Rem offered Dec a sincere smile.

  "Since I'm coming." It wasn't a question. Declan’s eyes shot blue lasers at Rem.

  "Of course you’re coming. Gemma needs you." What the hell was wrong with Declan? Rem was offering to take him away for the week and Dec didn’t seem at all pleased about it.

  As if on cue, Gemma ran into the kitchen and shrieked when she saw Dec. "Dec! I missed you!" She flew to him, launching herself into his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  "I missed you too, princess." Dec held her tight, not meeting Rem's eyes. “Great job on ‘missed,’ honey. I’m so proud of you.”

  Gemma offered Declan a bright smile. “You said I could lose my lisp and I believed you.”

  "Gemmy! Your favorite part is coming up!" Tucker shouted from the living room.

  "I gotta go. Woody's about to rescue Buzz Lightyear." She hopped off his lap and ran toward the living room before stopping short. Her sneakers squeaked on the linoleum. Gemma turned and ran to Rem, giving him a quick hug before running off again.

  "Well that's certainly a welcome sight." Knox bumped his shoulder against Ben Wagner's.

  "It sure is. What's your secret, Rem?" Ben was all smiles.

  "I just took your advice, Ben, and was patient with her."

  Declan fairly growled from his seat. "His secret is me!"

  "I-" Rem wasn’t sure why Declan sounded so pissed off. He’d only seen his ex get that mad a handful of times in the five years they’d known each other.

  "Don't even say a word, Remington. I'm just in the mood to punch you the hell out."

  "Whoa, Dec," Bronson soothed. "What's going on?"

  "What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. I've spent the last week living with Rem and Gemma playing mediator. I've been cooking dinner and putting Gemma in the tub, reading bedtime stories all in an effort to help them get along better."

  "Those are all amazing things that I’m sure Rem is very grateful for.” Ben shot Rem a questioning look. “Why are you going nuclear over it?" Ben asked gently.

  “Why am I going nuclear?” Dec bounced out of his seat and started pacing around Nash’s kitchen. “I’m ordered to come to this meeting on the premise there’s an emergency and when I get here, find out there isn’t one. My heart was in my throat the whole way over. Then, Rem doesn’t even ask if I want to go on vacation. He tells me I’m coming. No, ‘I’d like to take you on vacation to thank you for all you’ve done for my family. Or Gee, Dec, I’d love it if you came with us on vacation to wherever the hell it is we’re going.’” Declan was breathing heavy. “And don’t even get me started about the sex.”

  “What sex?” Knox looked stunned, he looked over at Ben who wore an equally surprised look.

  Rem couldn’t say Declan’s outburst was unwarranted. He couldn’t refute anything Declan was accusing him of. Instead of replying, he just raised an eyebrow at his angry ex.

  “Don’t you raise that ridiculous eyebrow at me, Remington James. You keep trying to get into my pants and won’t have the common decency to talk about the first time it happened like adults. No, instead you pout like Gemma when I tell her she can’t have a cookie and refuse to say another word.”

  “Wow.” Bronson was looking back and forth between Dec and Remington.

  “Now are we talking full-out sex or just a bit of oral?” Knox was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Shut the hell up, asshole,” Ben hissed, elbowing Knox in the ribs.

  “Maybe this meeting should be between the two of you?” Nash offered gently, his eyes on the entrance to the living room, presumably to be on the lookout for Tucker and Gemma.

  “No! Let’s make vacation plans so that I can go home with Rem and Gemma, make them dinner and do their laundry.” Declan sank back into h
is place at the table.

  Ben wordlessly slapped the back of his hand against Declan’s forehead.

  Growling, Declan pushed it aside. “Ben, I’m fine. I don’t need a Hello Kitty band-aid and a lollypop.”

  “You obviously need something to suck on.” Bronson waggled his eyebrows at Declan.

  Dec stared at Bronson for a split-second before he burst out laughing. Before long he was howling with it and banging his hand on the table as if he were trying to tap out of a wrestling match. “Jesus, I’m an asshole.”

  Ben shook his head. “I’d say stressed out asshole.”

  “Is that your professional opinion, Doctor Wagner?” Declan asked with no trace of humor left in his voice.

  “Yes and my prescription is for the two of you to talk this out like grownups instead of giant five-year-olds once Gemma goes to bed tonight. It’s obvious there’s still some left over feelings from your break-up that need to be dealt with, not to mention the fact that Declan is practically living in his old house and helping Rem to parent his daughter. I won’t even mention the sex.”

  “Please do, Doctor Ruth. I’m all ears!” Declan smirked.

  Ben rolled his eyes. “Christ, you really are a giant man-child. Sex is good.”

  “Just good?” Knox asked with plenty of snark.

  “Sex is fucking good.” Ben gave Knox the stink eye and turned back to Declan. “It’s great to relieve stress or to feel closer to your partner. But, just like everything else, you both need to be on the same page about it or it isn’t going to be any fun.”

  “It was fun, all right,” Dec mumbled under his breath, “but I’ve been torn up inside about it since it happened.”

  Rem couldn’t have heard Declan right. What did he mean torn up? “I didn’t mean to upset you. It had been so long and all I wanted to do was go back in time before I’d fucked our lives up completely.”

  Declan’s jaw dropped open.

  “That’s a really good place to start this conversation, Rem, but I don’t think you want to finish it in front of everyone here.”

  “I-” Knox started before Ben slapped a hand over his mouth.

  “If you say one word, I swear to God, Knox, I won’t be responsible for my actions.” Ben pulled his hand away.


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