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Erotic Stories

Page 18

by Karolina Rich

  * * *

  "My mother knows about you." I rested my head on Kevin's shoulder. His arm was still draped around me.

  "What does she know?"

  "She knows that we ran into each other and spent three days holed up fucking like rabbits," I giggled.

  "You didn't tell her that, did you?" The look on his face was priceless.

  "Of course not, silly," I snickered. "She read between the lines. Mothers have an intuition, you know."

  We hadn't left his house. The morning stretched into the afternoon. In fact, we only left his bed to shower and make a quick brunch. Then we retreated under the covers. We didn't make love again, instead savouring each others's warmth.

  "Does your father know?" Kevin asked hesitantly.

  "I don't think so," I replied. My dad was kind of dense. And I didn't want to bring up the subject of dating with him. Not so soon after my divorce. It was bad enough that my marriage had failed, but ending up in the arms of another guy—and a white guy at that—so soon was something I didn't even want to contemplate. "What about your parents? They saw us at the airport."

  "Dad wanted to know why we never went out in high school," he said softly. "And Mom thinks I'm still in love with you."

  My heart skipped a beat.

  "Are you?" the words were out of my mouth before I knew I had said them.

  "Yes," he blurted out.

  It took me a second to look into his eyes. He didn't look embarrassed or uncomfortable. He wore his heart on his sleeve. There was no pretense about him. No games. With Kevin Westcott, what you see is what you get.

  And right then, I wanted him more than anything.

  Only I couldn't bring myself to tell him that.

  Kevin took a deep breath. "Okay, Mel. Here are all my cards: I've been in love with you since high school. You're smart and funny. When other girls would only talk to me because they wanted me to do their homework for them, you were nice to me. You're the prettiest woman I've ever seen. When I saw you in that airport six weeks ago, I felt like I was getting a second chance."

  The blood started to pound through my veins.

  "I think about you every night when I go to sleep," he continued. "I miss you. I miss holding you. I miss talking to you. Hell, I even missed you grinding your teeth in your sleep. I'm thirty-six years old and single, Mel. I've spent my whole life waiting for the right girl to come along and now that I've got her, I don't want to let you go. I'm successful and can provide anything you or your kids need. I know you've got other priorities in your life, but give me a chance, Melanie. Please."

  "Oh, Kevin," I gasped and choked back the tears that came. It took me a second to gather my thoughts. When my breathing was under control, I tried to speak. "I've missed you, too. I was thinking about us the other day. Not 'us' together, but back when we were in high school. You were the one guy who was friends with all of the girls. We knew you weren't just trying to get into our pants. You're smart and handsome. But right now . . . I don't know."

  "Why not?" he asked quietly.

  "Because right now, I don't know that I want you for all the right reasons," I looked away, unable to bring myself to actually face the hurt in his eyes. "When we were in high school, I could have gotten any of you boys to do my homework for me. Not because I needed you to, but because I could. That's what I feel like I'm doing when I'm with you. I feel like I'm using you."

  "Why, Mel?" Kevin whispered. "You're not using me if I let you."

  "Because you deserve better than that," my voice started to quiver. He pulled me close. I wiped my eyes. "Kevin, I owe money to more people than I can count. Credit cards, my mortgage, my divorce lawyer . . . they're all after me. And I've got two kids; you do understand that they're part of the package, right? And then there's my ex-husband. Like it or not, I still have to deal with him, too."

  I took a deep breath.

  He smiled as if he knew something I didn't. He caressed my face again and kissed my forehead. "Melanie, you always have to be in control, don't you? Everything has to make sense?"

  All I could do was nod. Fearfully.

  "You always have a plan. Even when your plan falls apart, you come up with a new one," he said softly. "We were always very much alike in that way."

  "So what changed for you?"

  "I got swept up in something bigger than me," he replied. "Part of it was hard work. Part of it was being smart. But most of it was pure, dumb luck. When Johnny and I sold the Citadel engine right out of college, there were about four other developers marketing similar programs. Our presentation was second-rate and we were nervous as hell, but on some level we appealed to the company and they picked us. When I got a chance to look at some of our competitors, they had written better programs, but somehow, we got the contract."

  Kevin paused for a second. I lifted my head off his shoulder and lay on the pillow next to him. Our eyes met.

  "That's how I feel about us," he continued. "I don't know how to explain it. But something put us in that airport together. Fate, karma, whatever . . . Something bigger than us. We were meant to be together, Mel; I can feel it. Not eighteen years ago, not even last year, but now. I know you're not where you want to be in your life, but maybe it means you need to look to outside yourself for the answer."

  I lay there for a second, unable to refute his argument. He was right. At least about the control thing. It's one of my flaws. That's what's been so hard about my life lately; between the divorce and unemployment, I have not been in control and that bothers me. I'm used to being self-reliant. I'm accustomed to success.

  And lately, my life has been one failure after another.

  Still, old habits die hard. Despite his best intentions—and the fact that Kevin is actually a whole lot smarter than me—I wasn't about to give in to my emotions and run off with him on a lark.

  "I'm not ready for that right now," I whispered regretfully. "Be patient with me, Kevin. I'll come around . . . just not today."

  He smiled ruefully, then unloaded one of his one-liners. "If I'd wanted patience, I'd have been a doctor."

  I groaned and he started to giggle childishly. I assaulted him with a shower of tickles and playful punches.

  Very soon, I found myself pulled close to him. We kissed gently.

  "I'm sorry for bringing you down, Kevin," I said.

  "Don't be," he replied with a sigh. I guess he understood where I was in my life just then. "I am happy you came by. You've brightened up my week."

  "Look at it this way," I suggested. "I'm using you for the sex."

  He laughed nervously and pulled me in for one more kiss.

  "Come on," he said. "Let's get a shower and then we'll get something to eat."

  "What then?"

  "Some friends of mine are playing at a coffee house tonight," Kevin rolled out of bed. I followed him into the bathroom. "I told them I'd stop by for a little while."

  "That sounds like fun," I stepped under the warm running water. We washed each other and were soon dressed.

  All the while, I could tell that Kevin wanted to say something more. His touch was suddenly tentative. It was as if he were holding back now. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was.

  I wanted to have my cake and eat it, too. We both knew it. I was basically asking him to "wait around" for me while I got my shit together. I had no right to do that to him. It wasn't fair.

  It seems so . . . so . . . high school, doesn't it? Here I was, thirty-six years old and still stringing boys along. Only this time, it wasn't just any boy, it was Kevin Westcott. The one guy in our class who was not only decent to all the girls, but even good, to us . . . to me.

  We went out to dinner. Neither of us spoke much. We held hands in the car.

  All the while, I felt as if a wall was going up between us. It was my own damn fault, too. Was this really how I wanted my relationship with Kevin to be?

  Over and over, I asked myself the same thing.

  What are you afraid of, Melanie?

>   * * *

  "Can I show you something?" I asked.

  "Sure," he replied.

  Ever so slowly, I lowered my body on to Kevin. His cock stuck straight up in the air. My labia spread as he entered me.

  I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming. After several months of abstinence, having a real live cock inside me felt heavenly. That it was attached to someone who was ready to fall in love with me only made it that much better.

  My pussy was slick from Kevin's considerable oral talents. If they were still awake, I'm sure his neighbours heard me praying because I called out God's name a lot. Or at least praising Kevin's technique.

  When I had taken about three quarters of his length, I stopped. His eyes fluttered open. His hands went to my hips, as if to pull me all the way down on him.

  "No," I said as he started to thrust his hips up. I gave his cock a good squeeze with my vaginal muscles. He smiled wickedly. "Can you feel that, Kevin? Can you feel how deep you are inside me? That's as far as Kenzo could go. He wasn't as long or as thick as you are."

  Just as a man can never tell a woman how beautiful she is, a woman can never tell a man that his dick is too big. Or that any of her other lovers were smaller than him. Yeah, sometimes it may be a lie, but it still feels good to hear the words, doesn't it?

  We both gasped as I lowered myself all the way down. I began to grind my hips against him.

  "And that means you are in virgin territory now, Kev," I brushed the hair out of my face and smiled. "No one has ever been as deep inside me as you are right now."

  "Tell me that no one else ever will," he whispered.

  "Kevin, I can't—"

  "Mel, you don't have to mean it," a pained look flashed across his eyes. "Just tell me."

  I leaned over and kissed him. After listening to his friend play at the coffee house, we returned to his place. I was leaving in the morning. Tonight would be our last night together. For how long, neither of us knew.

  He carried me to his bedroom then undressed me slowly. We took turns going down on each other before I rolled him on to his back and mounted him.

  "What was that last song your friends played?" I asked. He looked confused. Kevin's friends were very talented. They played a good mix of acoustic music, from original tunes to popular songs. After the show, he introduced me. There were a few raised eyebrows, but everyone was nice and they didn't give him too much of a hard time for bringing a date. "Was it one of theirs or a cover?"

  "It was a Melissa Etheridge song," he said quietly.

  "You know the words." It wasn't really a question. "Sing it for me."

  "In front of total strangers won't you kiss me," Kevin's voice is one of his hidden talents. He was never in the school chorus, but he really can carry a tune. "Flowers for no reason but you miss me. Oh-oh-oh—"

  "I want to be in love," my voice joined in with his in an awkward harmony.

  Kevin's eyes got wide. My lips went to his and I gave him as passionate a kiss as I could muster. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me close.

  Finally, I pulled back, letting him see me naked and exposed for him.

  His eyes predictably locked on to my chest, but his gaze managed to work its way up until we were looking into each others's eyes.

  "Yes, Kevin," I knew what he was thinking. "I want to be in love with you, but I don't know . . . I'm not ready."

  He brushed the hair out of my face. His eyes seemed to bore right into me. I could have fallen for him right then.

  But I didn't.

  I pulled his face into my chest. Partly because I knew how much he liked by breasts. Partly because if I didn't have to look him in the eyes, I could stave off my feelings for just a little bit longer.

  "I love how your cock fills up my little pussy," I whispered in his ear. Very slowly, I began to grind my hips against him. "I love how you eat me . . . I love how your body feels against me . . ."

  We quickly found our rhythm. It seemed so familiar. Every time he thrust up into me, a shiver ran through my body.

  He suckled on my nipples. I reflexively pulled on his hair every time he bit my areola in a way that sent a jolt right down to my toes.

  I lost myself to the pleasure Kevin brought me. I lost myself to the feeling of safety I had when I was in his arms.

  My gyrations were meant to bring him to the brink of an orgasm and very soon he was there. I slowed enough to let him down, then started again.

  We made love well into the night. When my legs tired, he gently rolled me over on my back and began to slowly grind his cock against me.

  His hips moved in a circular motion. Every time he ground the top of his cock against my clit, I cried out. When his lips sucked on that spot right behind my ear, I squealed with delight.

  And when he could take it no more, Kevin began to pound his cock into me. My breasts jiggled with every blow.

  My pussy felt like it was on fire. My excitement coated my insides and his cock. When I was full, I began to leak out on to the bed.

  I'm sure his back was bleeding in several places where my fingernails dug into his skin. I howled with unabashed ecstasy as we both approached that glorious crescendo.

  He cupped one of my breasts in his hand; his other was braced against the headboard to keep from driving me into the headboard.

  "Oh, god, Kevin!" I screamed. "Right there . . . do it harder . . . oh, god!"

  With a feral growl, Kevin drove his cock into me. My toes began to tingle. I grasped his shoulders as my entire body began to convulse.

  "Cum with me!" I sobbed. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

  My last conscious thought was to arch my back so I could take as much of him inside me as I could. Every nerve ending in my body seemed to explode with pleasure.

  I opened my eyes just enough to see his face contorted in an expression that was half-mad, half-bliss. A thin sheen of sweat covered his body. As well as mine.

  He made one last unintelligible sound then buried himself within my swollen sex. I felt our cum mixing together. Its warmth filled me.

  Then my head began to swim. All I could hear was the blood pounding through my veins. All I could see was Kevin Westcott's handsome face as he collapsed on top of me.

  His weight pressed down. It wasn't crushing. Instead, it was comforting.

  Just before I blacked out, I could barely make out his voice. It was hoarse with exertion.

  "I love you, Melanie Nakamura."

  * * *

  The next morning, I once again woke up in Kevin's arms. He was spooned up behind me. One arm was draped around me, holding me tight.

  I could feel his warm breath against the back of my neck. For a long time, I listened to his rhythmic inhaling and exhaling. His arms felt so strong around me.

  What are you waiting for, Melanie? I thought. It would be so easy for fall for him.

  After a little while, I felt him stirring. I looked over at the clock. It was a little before 7:00. Rolling over, I rested my head on his shoulder.

  Things had sure changed since high school. Eighteen years ago, I never would have dreamt that one day I would miss waking up in Kevin Westcott's arms. Or wish that I would have the courage to return his calls.

  "Good morning," he said softly.

  "Yes, it is," I replied with a kiss.

  The two of us lay there for a long time. Not speaking. Just content to hold one another. We made love one more time before he took me to the airport and put me on a plane home.

  There were tears in his eyes as we kissed right before I took my things to the security checkpoint.

  "I'll call you," I promised. And this time I meant it.

  I think.

  "Listen, Mel," Kevin said. "I'm going to be in town next week. Maybe we could, um . . . get together for dinner or something."

  "I'd like that," I whispered. "I'll let you know what my work schedule is going to be."

  With that, I turned and headed for the TSA screeners. I walked quickly and deliberately. I did
n't want Kevin to see me shaking.

  After I had cleared the metal detectors, I turned and looked back. Kevin hadn't moved. He meekly returned my wave, then I gathered my things and headed for the loading gates.

  The trip home was miserable for me. My stomach churned. Oh, how I wanted to run back down the concourse and in to Kevin's arms!

  I didn't, though. When I got home, Emily was still at school. Toby was at daycare for the afternoon. I shared the good news about my job with my mother. Both she and Father had arranged their class and office hours schedules so one of them would always be around to watch the kids if I needed them.

  "You went to visit your friend again." It wasn't a question.

  "Yes, I did, Mother," my heart started to pound at my admission. Why are you embarrassed? It's not like you have anything to hide!

  "It looks like you two had a good time," she said. "He must be very good in bed."

  "Mother!" My face burned.

  "Don't be shocked, Melanie," my mother's eyes twinkled. "You're practically glowing. When are you going to bring him home to meet us again?"

  "Do you think Father will be angry?" I asked.

  "Why would your father be angry?" One of her favourite ploys is to answer a question with a question.

  "Because Kevin isn't Japanese."

  "Your father will be happy as long as you're happy," Mother said firmly. "Is Kevin successful at what he does?"

  I nodded.

  "Are you in love with him?"

  The words were in my mouth, but I couldn't bring myself to say them.

  "Do you care about him?" she asked, trying another tack. I nodded again. "As long as he treats you well, your father will be fine. As I remember, Kevin Westcott comes from a good family, he's smart and he is well-behaved. You could do worse."

  I guess that was a compliment. In truth, I had expected my mother to be the one who was unhappy with me bringing home a white guy. She was much more traditional than my father. And much harder to manipulate.

  We switched subjects and talked for a little while longer.

  Before Emily came home from school, I snuck away and called my new employer. Then I called Kevin.

  "Hello," he answered on the first ring.


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