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The Duke's Forbidden Love (Book 4, Age of Innocence)

Page 6

by Debra Elizabeth

  Clara sat in the chair by the window in her bedchamber, looking at the stunning view of the garden below. It had been a fortnight since her fall, and Dr. Winston was coming by to check her head wound. She was comfortable around him now and liked him a great deal. He was kind and gentle while ministering to her.

  A knock on her door drew her attention. “Come.”

  Dr. Winston strode in. “Good morning. How are you feeling today, Lady Clara?’

  “I am well. Thank you, Dr. Winston although my memory has not returned.”

  “Don’t try to force it. May I?” he said, reaching for the bandage.

  Clara nodded.

  H e unwound the linen from around her head and prodded the tender edges from her temple to her cheek. “Everything is healing very well. It looks like the stitches can be removed today.”

  Clara tried not to flinch as the doctor set to work.

  “I do apologize if I’ve hurt you, my lady. Just a few more snips, and we will be finished. Have nothing reminded you of your life?” Dr. Winston asked as he worked.

  “I’m afraid not, and it worries me greatly. There have been fleeting thoughts, but I can’t recall anything further. What if I never regain my memory? Whatever will I do?”

  “Do not overtax yourself, Lady Clara. There could be any number of triggers that will unlock your memories. It could be as simple as a turn of a phrase, a scent, a place. Or your memory may slowly return on its own. It’s hard to say with head injuries especially since you hit your head so hard on that rock.”

  Clara nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Winston. You’ve been most kind, and I appreciate the care you’ve given me.”

  “It’s been my pleasure. Unfortunately, there will be scar, but it should fade with time.”

  She hadn’t seen the scar yet and wondered how it would look but decided she should wait until she was alone, lest her reaction be uncontrollable. She wouldn’t want to repay the doctor’s kindness with a shocked gasp, or worse, by bursting into tears when she saw her face.

  “My work is done here. It’s been a pleasure knowing you, Lady Clara. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send for me. I wish you well,” Dr. Winston said with a bow.

  “Thank you, Dr. Winston. Good day to you.”

  As soon as he was gone, Clara walked to the dressing table and sat down. She stared at her reflection, inhaling sharply. The scar was longer than she’d expected, running from her temple to her cheek. Her fingers slid along the shiny, angry flesh, and she felt tears burn behind her eyes. She blinked several times to banish them. She would not wallow in self-pity. Her face was scarred, and she needed to accept it. There was nothing to be done about it but look to the future.

  Another knock captured her attention. Thinking it was Meredith, she said, “Come.” The last person she expected to enter was the Duke of Warwick.

  “Lady Clara, are you well today?”

  Clara instinctively covered her scar with her hand before turning toward the duke. “I am. Thank you, Your Grace.”

  Warwick walked to her and gently pushed her hand down. “Don’t hide your face from me.”

  “I’m afraid my scar is hideous to look upon. I’m so ashamed.”

  “Your scar is part of you now. Embrace it and think no more of it. I don’t.”

  Clara wanted to believe that it didn’t bother Warwick, but she found it hard to accept. He was a duke and could have any woman he desired; why would he want to spend time with her? She was damaged goods. It was bad enough that she had no memory of who she was or where she came from, but now every time he looked at her, he would see the ugly scar.

  “You’re too kind, Your Grace.”

  “Not at all. I came to ask if you’d like to share a picnic with me today. The sun is warming the air nicely, and it’s a perfect day for a drive.”

  “You want me to accompany you?”

  “I do indeed. Unless you’re not feeling well enough.”

  Clara smiled in spite of her reservations. “I’m feeling quite well and would love to join you for a picnic.”

  Warwick nodded. “Good. I shall meet you downstairs.”

  Clara rang for Gertie and paced her bedchamber until the maid showed up. “Gertie, the duke has invited me on a picnic.”

  “That’s wonderful, my lady,” Gertie said as she helped Clara change into a more appropriate gown and half boots. “There you go. You look lovely. I’ll fetch your new bonnet and gloves and meet you downstairs.”

  “Thank you, Gertie.”

  Clara glanced in the mirror again and traced her scar with her finger. Maybe the duke was telling the truth, and it didn’t bother him. She wished she had his confidence, especially seeing how angry it looked at the moment.

  She smoothed a few strands of hair back into place and left her chamber. When she descended the stairs, both Gertie and the duke were waiting for her in the foyer. Gertie stepped forward and handed her the bonnet and her gloves before disappearing down the hall.

  “Are you ready?” Warwick asked.

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  Warwick offered his arm and escorted her outside. He helped her into the curricle before climbing in the other side. There was a picnic basket and blanket strapped on the back.

  The sun shone brightly, and the sound of chirping birds filled the air. It made Clara smile just to be outside.

  “I thought you’d enjoy a carriage ride, especially after being restricted indoors for so long.”

  “I do hope I’m not keeping you from something important, Your Grace,” Clara said.

  Warwick flashed her another smile. “Nothing is more important than giving you the pleasure of a picnic on such a beautiful day.”

  A lump formed in her throat. Warwick was being so thoughtful, and as much as she tried to restrain them, her feelings for him were in danger of spiraling toward love. She had to pull back, especially since she knew it would soon be time for her to move on. Now that the doctor has cleared her, she wasn’t at all sure how long could she expect the duke to extend his hospitality.

  They soon turned down a dirt lane. “Not much farther now,” Warwick said.

  Clara was enjoying the scenery when Warwick finally stopped. He jumped down and came around to help her down.

  “This is one of my favorite spots,” he said, pointing up a small hill shaded by a large maple tree. “Shall we?” He extended his arm, and when she placed her hand on it, she again felt a delightful tingle travel up her arm. He grabbed the blanket and picnic basket and led her up the hill. Once at the top, he spread the blanket out.

  Clara looked over the scenery below. “It’s an absolutely beautiful view from up here. Is that a pond in the distance?”

  Warwick nodded. “It is, and it’s fed by the stream that runs along the edge of the property.” He began to put out the food on the blanket. “Seems Cook thinks we’re in danger of starving today.”

  Clara sat on the blanket and chuckled. “That’s enough for at least ten people.” She pulled off her gloves and took a seat.

  Warwick prepared a plate of cheese, bread, and strawberries and handed it to her.

  “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  “There’s no need to be so formal. We’ve known each other for a while now. I would like it if you called me James,” he said, pulling off his own gloves.

  Clara gazed into his beautiful gray eyes, thinking she could easily lose herself in them. “Are you sure?” she asked, biting into a strawberry. Juice began to roll down her chin.

  Warwick reached out and caught the juice with his finger. His darkened gaze smoldered, never wavering from her face as he licked the juice off his finger.

  Clara’s eyes widened, desired blossoming low in her belly. A blush traveled up her neck and stained her cheeks pink.

  When the duke leaned toward her, she found herself captivat
ed. He held perfectly still, waiting on her consent. She leaned into him. His heat enveloped her as his lips met hers, lightly at first. Still he held himself still. When she sighed, his tongue swept into her mouth and deepened the kiss. It was the most intense and spellbinding feeling she’d ever experienced, and she gave herself over to these wonderful new sensations.

  When they finally broke apart, Warwick ran his hand through his hair before looking at her again. “I can’t seem to stay away from you. Believe me, I have tried. Please forgive me if I’ve overstepped.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive, Your… James, I mean. I enjoyed the kiss very much. I’ve missed seeing you these past few days.”

  “I thought it would be best if I let you recover in peace.”

  Clara grasped his hand. “James, you’ve been more than kind to me, and I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for bringing me into your home and taking care of me.”

  His knuckles caressed her cheek. “There’s no need for you to think about that. Before you came into my life, I was surrounded by darkness whenever I looked toward the future. My existence was dark and bleak. You’ve been a ray of sunshine, bringing the light back into my life. I should be thanking you for opening my eyes to the joys of life once again.”

  Tears blurred her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. “What a lovely thing to say. I shall miss you terribly when I leave.”

  Warwick sat up straight. “Leave?”

  Clara swiped the tears away. “I cannot impose on your kindness any longer. Dr. Winston said—”

  Warwick pulled her into his arms, and his mouth crashed down on hers. This kiss wasn’t like anything she’d ever felt before. Passion licked through her insides, and she gave herself over to his searing kiss. When they finally broke apart, they were both breathless.

  “My darling Clara, please don’t leave. I cannot fathom a world without you in it. Is it possible that you feel something for me?”

  Clara inhaled sharply. The duke had feelings for her? “Oh, James. My feelings have grown as well, and I wasn’t looking forward to leaving. You don’t know how I have wished for this very thing. But I’m no one. I don’t know my name or where I come from; I’m definitely not an appropriate match for a duke.”

  Warwick brushed his lips against hers again. “None of that matters to me. I haven’t a care where you’re from. I only care that you’re here now. Now, shall we see what else Cook has prepared for us?”

  A smile graced her face as relief and gratitude collided in her chest.

  She could stay.

  Warwick cared for her.

  Her heart soared.

  As much as she tried to keep a tight rein on her feelings, she was falling hopelessly in love with the duke.

  Chapter 10

  THE NEXT MORNING, WARWICK WAS in the dining room when Clara walked in. He stood, and his eyes raked over her. A fierce, unexpected arousal swept through him, scorching his insides. He’d never thought to fall for someone again after Victoria’s death, but Clara had broken down the walls he’d erected around his shattered heart. Her sweetness had put those broken pieces back together, and he couldn’t imagine life without her. During yesterday’s picnic, when she mentioned leaving, it felt like a punch to the gut. He could hardly catch his breath. When she said her feelings toward him had grown, it was akin to the sun breaking through the clouds.

  “Good morning, Clara.”

  A smile lit up her pretty face. “Good morning, James.”

  He pulled out her chair, his hand brushing her arm when she sat. He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her breathless, but his sister and Fulton could walk into the dining room any moment, and he didn’t want to compromise her.

  A footman stepped forward and placed a fresh pot of tea on the table as Meredith and Fulton entered the dining room.

  “Good morning James, Clara,” Meredith said. “I hope we haven’t kept you waiting overlong.”

  “Not at all. I’ve only just arrived myself,” Clara said.

  “Clara, would you like to accompany me to the village after breakfast?” Meredith asked as she took her seat.

  “That would be lovely. I’d love to see the village. Thank you.”

  Warwick looked at Fulton, and the earl nodded. “Ladies, it would be our pleasure to accompany you.”

  “Wonderful,” Meredith said. “We’d like nothing better.”

  An hour after breakfast, Warwick handed Clara up into the carriage. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d visited the village. It was something he wasn’t proud of, and he wanted to rectify that lapse. He was responsible for this community and it was time for the people of Ipswich to know that their duke cared about them.

  He handed his sister up before he and Fulton joined the ladies. It was a short drive to the village. Shops lined both sides of the main road, with a lovely chapel and well-maintained inn at the end of the street. Once inside the inn’s yard, Warwick helped Clara and Meredith from the carriage.

  The ladies strolled along, visiting the different shops as the gentlemen followed. It wasn’t often that the duke visited the village, and he garnered more than his fair share of looks from maids and matrons alike. He smiled and nodded to everyone who looked his way.

  “You seem to be an oddity, Warwick,” Fulton said.

  Warwick nodded. “Indeed. I’m not proud of the way I’ve acted these past two years and plan to rectify that, starting with Sunday services. It’s time the good folks of Ipswich become reacquainted with their duke.”

  “Clara, here’s the shop where I found your gloves. We must visit,” Meredith said.

  Clara nodded. She would enjoy looking at pretty things, but even though she could use a few things, especially stays, petticoats, and stockings, she had no money and would have to be happy just to browse.

  A young woman looked up when they walked inside. “Good day, Countess Fulton. How may I be of assistance?”

  “Good day, Julianna. Lady Clara is in need of petticoats and stays,” Meredith explained.

  Julianna stared at Clara a moment longer than was polite. “Of course. Please come this way. We have a wide selection for you to choose from,” she said, walking to the back of the store.

  Meredith linked arms with Clara. “Are you okay?”

  Clara nodded. “It’s quite disconcerting to be stared at. I shouldn’t have come.”

  “Nonsense. Don’t let them upset you. Your scar doesn’t define you. Come. Let’s see what you like.”

  “Meredith, I have no funds.”

  The door chimed again, and Warwick entered the shop. He spoke a few whispered words to the clerk, who nodded, then looked up and smiled at Clara before leaving again. “Ladies, we’ll meet you at the inn when you’re finished.”

  “What do you suppose that was about?” Clara asked.

  Meredith chuckled. “I’m sure he told her to wrap up whatever you want and deliver it to the castle.”

  “I don’t need many things, and I certainly don’t want to impose on his generosity. He’s been so kind.”

  “Nonsense. It would please my brother to see you in beautiful things.”

  A stout older woman joined them. “Ladies, I’m Mrs. Gileson. How may I help you?”

  “Good morning, Mrs. Gileson. Lady Clara is in need of a few items. We’d like to look at your fabric selection.”

  “Very good. Let me show you what I have available.”

  As Clara looked over the fabrics, she stopped at a bolt of wool. “This is such a lovely color.”

  Meredith nodded. “I agree, and it would make a beautiful riding habit.”

  Clara shook her head. “I have no need of that.”

  “Of course you do. How will you ride with Warwick without a habit?”

  After being measured, poked and pinned, Clara and Meredith left the modiste shop with an order for sta
ys, petticoats and stockings. Meredith insisted she also order three more day dresses, carriage dresses, and a riding habit in the hunter green wool.

  They met the gentlemen at the inn and enjoyed a hearty stew, warm bread, and ale for luncheon.

  Warwick glanced at Clara, who turned toward him with a smile that lit up her face. He’d never tire of her company. Her sweet nature had opened his heart, and he was grateful for the day he found her walking along the road. For two years, he’d been angry at the world, believing he would never be happy again. He marveled at how wonderful it felt to be in Clara’s presence. “I hope you enjoyed your visit to the village.”

  “Oh James, it’s a wonderful place. How can I ever thank you for your generosity?”

  Her green eyes were bright with excitement, and he longed to kiss her delicious mouth, but he’d have to wait until after dinner to be alone with her again. He’d been a fool to keep his distance these past days. His feelings for her had continued to grow stronger each day. He’d tried to deny his attraction to her, but it was hopeless. “My darling Clara, nothing makes me happier than to see you enjoying yourself.”

  When they returned to the castle, he and Fulton disappeared into his office, promising to join the ladies for tea.

  “MY BROTHER’S QUITE TAKEN with you,” Meredith said as she and Clara made their way to the blue parlor.

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Indeed I do. Does that please you?”

  “Oh yes. I find myself craving his presence more and more each day. He’s a very special man.”


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