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Born to Fly: You Save Me

Page 3

by Aliyah Burke

  He halted behind her and waited for her to finish. In the blue eyes of the woman talking to Delaney he saw feminine appreciation but he didn't care. Only one woman mattered to him.

  "I think some people are waiting for you, Delaney. I'll just be over there."

  She walked off and Delaney turned. Her eyes widened but she regained control fast.

  "Can I help you, Captain Stark?” Delaney asked politely.

  "Actually I'm here to offer my help. What can I do?” He shrugged. “What can we do?"

  He stared at her while she skimmed over him and the pilots with him. When she met his gaze again he could see suspicion in it, but she smiled. “Thank you for stopping by to help. I'm sure the guys loading the boxes could use some help, otherwise, just jump in."

  The guys with him left and he remained standing before her. Delaney gripped the edge of her clipboard even tighter but didn't back down from his stare.

  "Something else, Captain Stark?” she questioned.

  "Relax, sugar,” he purred. “I won't bite you."

  Her eyes narrowed and she glanced from side to side. He knew no one could overhear him, he made sure to speak in a low enough tone for that. He wasn't about to let her start building up walls around her heart when it came to him. The only way to do that was keep her off guard.

  Garrick winked at her and turned around. He moved to where his friends were loading the packed boxes and jumped in to help them. Conversation around them was light and easy and he knew while at first his friends were hesitant to come do this, they were having a good time. A few of them broke off to go and mingle with some of the women, but he continued to load boxes. He wanted Delaney to come to him. He felt her eyes upon him and he hid his smirk.

  When they finished and most people had left, he took his time in helping to fold up the rest of the tables. When that was done, he leaned along the wall by the door, crossed his arms and waited. He knew his gaze was proprietary as it remained on Delaney but he didn't care. One by one the remaining few drifted away until Garrick and Delaney were the only two in there. He continued to watch her, perfectly content to wait. Still, his mouth turned up as he did. She was trying to procrastinate as long as she could.

  "Not much else for you to do, sugar,” he drawled and pushed away from the wall before moving toward her where she stood counting boxes one last time.

  "And what I have to do doesn't require you being here, Garrick."

  "That's where we disagree, sugar.” He leaned against the side of the truck and watched her face.

  Delaney sighed heavily. “Are you trying to upset me?"

  "Is that what I'm doing?"

  She dropped her head and groaned. Turning so their eyes met she lifted a brow. “What's your game? A quick fuck in the hangar?"

  He winked. “We've done that. Granted we were at Futenma, but we have done that. Did you want a repeat?"

  "I told you I'm done fucking you for the sake of fucking."

  His gaze narrowed. “No, you said you were done fucking for the sake of fucking. Not just me. You want to go fuck someone, Delaney I'm more than happy to be that man.” He saw red at the image of her in another man's arms.

  "Fine. I'm done fucking for the sake of fucking,” she snapped. “What do you want, Garrick?"

  "I want to take you to dinner."

  Her entire body stiffened. “Why?"

  Garrick stepped closer. She backed up. He moved forward and they repeated the process until they were along the driver's side of the truck and Delaney could go no further courtesy of the open door.

  "Because I want to go on a date with you, Delaney."

  Her eyes slid to the side and he rested one hand against the window, his arm blocking her way. He groaned when her tongue snuck out to wet her lips. Garrick knew she was aroused; the pulse at the side of her neck and her dilated pupils gave it away.

  "What's in it for you? Did you make a bet with your friends that you could actually date me without fucking me?"

  "Don't push it, Delaney. I don't bet my friends things like that. I'm not that much of an asshole. I want to take you out on a date. Let me get to know you, Delaney."

  "You're serious?"

  Forcing himself to step back, Garrick nodded. “Yes. I want to know you, Delaney. I know you very well, very well, in one sense, but now I want to know you in others."

  "One date."

  "No, not just one. But a date tonight, yes."

  "Okay, Captain Stark. A date. Pick me up at six.” Delaney walked by him and he had to dig his fingers into his palms not to grab her and kiss her until they ended up naked, limbs entwined. “Oh,” she said stopping. “What kind of date is this?"

  Caught with his gaze glued to her ass he didn't quite catch the question. “Huh? Kind of date?” He frowned. Jeez, I don't even know if she prefers casual or dressy. “You pick."

  "That's what I thought,” she muttered. “Casual is fine, Captain. Thanks again for the help."

  There was a tinge of sadness in her voice and he realized he knew nothing about what would make her happy. I know nothing that doesn't deal with pleasing her in a sexual way. And he wanted to please Delaney on all fronts.

  Beyond her, Garrick saw a young marine in uniform approaching. He growled low when Delaney's seductive laugh filled the air and she rested a hand on the man's arm. Then she left the hangar without a backwards look. The man strode up and nodded sharply at him.

  "Lance Corporal Willis,” Garrick said, staring at his nametag.

  "Sir. Sorry to have you move, but I'm to take this truck out of here."

  "Carry on,” he stated easily, stepping out of the way.

  The rumble of the large truck right by him couldn't even distract his gaze from the fading image of Delaney Byrd as she walked away. Delaney. Rolling his shoulders, Garrick headed to his truck and back to his barracks. He had less than two hours to be at her place.

  How the hell am I going to wait that long? It wasn't easy but he managed. Five minutes to six, he knocked on her door. When she pulled it open his heart leapt up to his throat. I'm seriously fucked.

  "Hello, Garrick,” she said softly. “Come on in."

  "These are for you,” he managed to say, handing her the bouquet of mixed flowers.

  "Thank you. I'll just put them in some water.” She walked away.

  He stepped through the door and closed it behind him before sagging against it and struggling for breath. Delaney wore a khaki skirt that molded over her like butter. In the back it had pleats and stopped mid thigh exposing her toned light brown legs. She had on a white corset blouse with cap sleeves that tantalized him with sneaks of her full breasts. The bottom few buttons were undone and he could see glimpses of her flat belly. On her left arm, she had a large silver bracelet and on her right a thin silver chain he remembered she never took off. Her hair was loose and fell around her shoulders in a cloud of sexy temptation. Her feet were in T-strap wedges which were white like her shirt.

  "Can I get you anything before we go?” she asked from the kitchen.

  A cold shower for starters. Swallowing back his lust, he walked toward her. “I'm good, thanks.” He watched her arrange the flowers and said, “I hope you like them, I'm not sure what kind of flowers are your favorite."

  "This is beautiful, thank you.” She placed them on her small table and met his gaze. “I'm ready if you are."

  Garrick moved until he stood directly before her. “Almost."

  Then he kissed her.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  * * * *

  Delaney stared at Garrick out of the corner of her eye as they walked along the boardwalk. Since the spine tingling kiss at her apartment, which made her want to skip dinner all together, Garrick had been a gentleman. A complete gentleman. Over dinner she'd learned more about him than she'd known the entire year they had been knocking boots. He was attentive and interested in her family. She told him a few things, but truth be told, she didn't talk much about her
family. Her uncle had raised her and she didn't talk to her older sister if she could help it. Walking now with him, hand in hand, Delaney kept sneaking glances at him.

  "You keep watching me like you're expecting me to do something crazy, sugar. Why?"

  "I'm not used to this side of you."

  "But you would have been had we been like a real couple. I want to know you. I told you that, Delaney. I want to know your favorite flower, what season is your favorite and why. I want to know everything about you."

  Delaney stopped and bit on her lower lip when he crowded her back against the railing and trapped her with his body and arms.

  "What?” she asked, well aware of how much he made her body sing.

  "Can I kiss you?” he murmured.

  "You're asking. Why?"

  His lips brushed her cheek, the heat from his body made the warm Florida night feel cold. With a mind of their own, her hands settled against the tight blue shirt he wore. Her eyes drifted closed. She wanted this man. Turning her head slightly, Delaney initiated the kiss.

  His low growl enflamed her blood and she allowed him to support more of her weight. Garrick wrapped his arms around her and ran his tongue along the seam of her lips before sinking it into her mouth. Waves of desire crashed into her. If not for his strong hold around her, she would have collapsed. Delaney curved her arms around his neck and pressed as close as she could. Their tongues danced along one another in the timeless ritual. His hands seemed to singe her skin where they touched her. Each breath brought the scent of Garrick Stark to her senses.

  Garrick ended the kiss and stared down at her. Sapphire flames burned her. Against her hip she could feel his erection and she licked her lips. His gaze flashed hotter.

  "Sugar,” he drawled, stepping even closer. “You kiss me like that again and I won't be responsible for my actions."

  "You wanted a kiss,” she said with a smile, moving her hands to rest along the planes of his hard chest.

  Garrick skimmed along her cheek with the knuckles of his right hand. “So I did,” he agreed. His gaze moved from her eyes to her lips. “Where to now?"

  She didn't want the night to end. “Take me somewhere in your big truck."

  "You tryin’ to tease me, sugar?"

  "No.” Delaney shook her head. “No teasing. I want you. Naked. Touching me."

  "Do you have a roommate?” he growled in a low tone.

  "No. Stay the night with me."

  Delaney could see the terseness in his expression. He squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head to hers.

  "This time was supposed to be different,” he rasped.

  "It is, Garrick.” She licked her lips again. “I've missed you."

  Each breath she took made her want him even more. This time when he took possession of her mouth there was no control. Raw, primal hunger poured from him into her. Her pussy got slicker with each passing tick of time, and Delaney growled in frustration when Garrick broke their passionate exchange.

  "Let's go.” His hoarse words made her shiver.

  At his truck, Delaney slowed and looked at Garrick. Need showed in his expression, and not just of the sexual kind. This time was supposed to be different. She paused. It wasn't only Garrick's job to make it different this time around. She had to show some restraint as well.

  "Wait,” she muttered.


  I can do this. With a deep breath she said, “Take me to a movie."

  "A movie?"

  "Yes. I'm sure we can catch one on base.” She reached for his hand and squeezed it gently. “Let's finish the date, Garrick."

  Despite the sexual frustration lingering in his gaze, she saw gratitude. He truly is trying.

  "Okay. You wanna check the movie schedule on your phone?"

  Hopping up into his truck, she did. “Well, it starts in twenty minutes."

  His fingers trailed along her thigh before he said, “Works for me."

  Garrick shut her door and soon climbed up on the driver's side. Buckling her seatbelt, Delaney glanced at him. “Do you want to know what's playing?"


  "Okay,” she said, wondering just how interested he was going to be in a Disney film.

  They got popcorn and some candy before walking into the theatre. She fought a smile when he looked at the numerous little kids. He sat beside her and leaned close.

  "Just out of curiosity, what movie is showing?"

  "One that appeals to all ages,” she laughed.

  "This is why you asked me earlier, isn't it?"

  Nodding, Delaney popped some popcorn in her mouth. “Sure is.” She patted his arm. “Don't worry, we're in the back. No one will know if the big bad marine gets a little choked up."

  His look should have warned her, but just then the lights dimmed and soon the movie started. Throughout the movie, Garrick had his arm around her, his fingers gently teasing the skin of her upper arm. They remained seated while the credits rolled and people began to file out. Resting her hand on his shoulder, Delaney laced their fingers. Garrick brushed a kiss over her forehead.

  "Was that so bad?"

  "Not at all. I enjoyed it, even with all the kids,” he told her.


  A tall man stopped and looked at them. “Paladin? Man, what are you doing here?"

  Delany turned her head and saw one of his fellow pilots. His blond California-boy looks had earned him the nickname “Hollywood". She'd never liked him, the looks he gave her never failed to set her on edge. Delaney held her breath. In Japan, she'd barely gotten a mention if they ran into people he knew. He squeezed her hand briefly, keeping his lips along her forehead.

  "Probably the same thing you are, Hollywood. Watching the movie. Out on a date. You remember Delaney Byrd, right?"

  "Yes, I remember her. Nice to see you again, Delaney. Never pegged you for a Disney man, Paladin."

  "You're here.” Garrick's tone got an edge to it.

  "Well, yeah,” Hollywood said.

  "See you tomorrow, Hollywood,” Garrick said.

  "Right. Good night."

  Delaney didn't say a word about the interaction, but when Garrick held the door of his truck for her, he crowed her against the seat.

  "What happened between the two of you?” The question was low and dangerous.

  Pulling back from the scowl on his face, she frowned. “What what between who two?"

  "You and Hollywood. A board would have been more relaxed compared to you when he stopped."

  She lifted a brow. “Nothing."

  "Delaney,” he warned, stepping closer, his hand coming to rest on her thigh just past where her skirt ended.

  "There's nothing to tell, Garrick. The most I've ever said to him was at one of the pancake breakfasts. Not that I liked him then either.

  He stared at her before sighing. “Okay."

  Back at her apartment, Garrick walked her to her door and unlocked it for her. Delaney wanted to fall asleep in his arms. Every cell in her body craved the comfort and security she found in his embrace. Back then it had been rare for them to actually fall asleep with one another. One of them usually left after the sex was over.

  He rested one hand on the doorframe and stared in her eyes. Delaney lightly clasped her hands before her. “Thank you for tonight, Garrick. I had a lot of fun."

  Garrick ran his finger up her shirt before hooking it over the first snap to draw her closer to him. She captured her lower lip in her teeth and followed the pull. When they stood toe to toe, he released her.

  "Sleep well, sugar.” His low drawl skated enticingly along her skin.

  "Good night?"

  Her eyes fluttered as he slid his hand through her hair to the back of her head, bringing their mouths closer.

  "Yes. Good night. Dream of me, Delaney,” he whispered against her lips. “You know I'll be dreaming of you."

  His kiss was intense and spine tingling and over faster than it had started. She blinked and watched his fine ass disappear around the c
orner. Fingers upon her lips, slightly swollen from Garrick's kiss, she stepped back in the apartment and closed the door. “Damn you, Garrick!” She smacked the door and cursed in frustration.

  * * * *

  Garrick sat in the briefing room, his mind not even in the same hemisphere as he was. All he could think about was Delaney. They'd been dating for four months now and—he wasn't entirely sure how—they'd not ended up in bed. He shifted on his seat, his cock stiffening. A punch to his side snapped his attention from the dream where he actually got to enjoy Delaney's body and back to the screen at the front of the room. It wasn't easy, but he managed somehow to keep his mind on his job and not his woman.

  "Captain Stark,” his CO spoke.

  "Sir?” Garrick said, wondering what he missed. Damn it! I paid attention. Well, for that last bit anyway. Blinking he noticed the base CO had entered the room.

  "We need a moment after."

  "Yes sir.” Shit. What'd I do wrong now? Especially for my squadron leader, my CO and the base CO to tell me to stay.

  Garrick remained seated while the rest of the men streamed out. When the four of them were left, he stood and headed to the front of the room. Hammer, his commanding officer and Snake, his squadron leader, seemed relaxed. Hammer had one leg slung over the chair before him, his arms resting on his quads. Garrick waited for them to speak. The base CO sat on the corner of the desk.

  Snake spoke first. “You grew up in Texas, right?"

  "Yes sir."

  "On a ranch?” Snake leaned against the whiteboard and crossed his arms.

  "Yes sir."

  "A real one or just a lot of space?” Hammer questioned.

  Garrick frowned. “A real one. A working ranch. Why do you ask?"


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