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Time for Change

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  There was something tempting about Rachel, and he looked forward to tempting her. Clearing up the mess in the kitchen he checked his watch then walked into the other spare room that he’d converted into his office. He fired up the laptop on the desk. Going through his emails he made sure there was nothing of importance.

  Being a doctor meant everything to him. He wouldn’t risk a patient’s life just because of a day off. Rachel sought him out. She leaned against the doorframe, staring at him.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked.

  She nodded. Shutting everything down, he followed her out of the apartment. At the reception he gave orders with the guards to make sure that the next time Rachel left he was notified immediately.

  He cared about her too much to risk anything happening to her. Chris had lost so much in his life. He wasn’t willing to risk Rachel, and if that meant keeping an eye on her at all times then that was what he was going to do.

  Chapter Eight

  Rachel nibbled on her lip as she signed all the necessary paperwork that gave up her apartment. Chris was talking with the landlord as she was given the paperwork to read through. They’d already been to her workplace to pick up her stuff. While she’d been talking to the manager, Chris had gone toward the back. There was no shouting or anything to cause her any real concern.

  He wasn’t lying about wearing the trousers. His control did comfort her, but in light of everything that was happening she was concerned about what she was going to do with her life.

  Staying at home all day twiddling her thumbs and waiting for Chris to get home didn’t sound ideal to her. She finished reading through the document, wishing there was something she could do.

  What did she want to do? She had feelings for Chris, and no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t leave him. Their life had changed enough for her to know not to back out.

  Hands on her shoulders startled her. “Wow, you’re incredibly jumpy today,” he said.

  She saw the landlord had disappeared. “Have you settled everything with him?”

  “Yeah, I’ve paid him rent and given him enough money for him not to be out of pocket for new tenants.” He leaned down brushing his lips against her neck. She closed her eyes loving the feel of his lips on her skin.

  When his hands were on her she lost all the doubts from her mind.

  “Come back to me, baby,” he said.

  “I love your touch.” She whimpered as his hand caressed down her body to squeeze her breast.

  “Good, I’m going to take you to lunch when all of this is done.”

  “What about moving in?” she asked.

  “I’ve already arranged for a firm I trust to take care of your stuff. It’ll be at the apartment when we get back.” Chris stroked over her nipple, making her gasp.

  “You’re in control of everything.”

  “I know what I need to get things moving. Trust me, Rachel, this will work between us. We’ll figure everything out.” He kissed her temple.

  She signed her name on the final sheet of paper work. Standing up, she turned to face him. “I can’t sit at home all day doing nothing. I need to work.”

  “Good, there’s a position at the hospital for me. I’ll hire you as my personal assistant. We’ll be together all the time. You’ll learn to trust me that way.”

  “This is not about trust.” However, thinking about it now, she liked the thought of seeing him all the time. Working was in her blood. She’d never been a lazy person.

  “I know. I fucked up that night two years ago, Rachel.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close.

  “What do you mean?” She heard him sigh.

  “My biggest regret in life was bringing a woman home. I’d watched you for so long, and I felt desire for you. I felt like a monster for wanting you. You always looked at me like I was some god who could do no wrong. There is a lot of wrong I can, baby, I promise you. I’m not perfect at all. I wanted you. Whenever I saw you I wanted to get you naked and fuck you so hard and fast that you didn’t know where I ended and you began.”

  She leaned back to look at him, seeing the truth on his face. “You really wanted me that badly?”

  “Baby, when it comes to you, I always want you.”

  “Why did you get another woman? Why were there so many women?”

  “I never saw any interest in your eyes. I couldn’t force something like that. We’ve always been close, Rachel. You’re a great friend. If I pushed something that was only alive in me and not in you, I risked far more than rejection. I risked losing you. Losing you is not an option anymore.”

  He made sense.

  “You wouldn’t have lost me, Chris. You mean too much to me to walk away.” She cupped his cheek, bringing her fingers over his lips.

  I can touch him. He’s mine to touch like I’m his to touch.

  Dropping her gaze to his lips, she stepped closer.

  “I want to kiss you,” she said.

  “You don’t need to ask my permission, baby. Kiss me.”

  He stood still in her arms. Chris was taller than she was. Going onto the tips of her toes, she pressed her lips against his. The touch was light at first. She explored his lips, gently, not wanting to push too far.

  His hand gripped her hip. She pulled back to stare in his eyes. “Your fingerprints are on my hips,” she said, smiling.

  “I intended to mark you. How did it feel having my marks on you?” he asked.

  “I liked it.” Before he got a chance to speak, she slammed her lips on his, plunging her tongue into his mouth. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the pleasure of his lips.

  Fingers sank into her hair, holding her into place. Chris didn’t take over the kiss even though she sensed he wanted to. She searched his mouth with her tongue, exploring him. Rachel took her time, getting to know the feel of him with her lips alone.

  After some time passed, Chris pulled away.

  “I can’t take much more of your torture,” he said.

  “I’m not torturing you.” She rubbed her nose against his breathing in a sigh of relief at the fact she could touch him without feeling guilty.

  He took her hands in his and pressed them against the hard ridge of his cock. “You’re torturing me, baby. Everything about you is hard for me to resist.”

  She giggled. Rachel couldn’t stop herself from the euphoria exploding inside her.

  “How about we give ourselves one last treat here?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow.

  “What do you have in mind?” He unbuckled her coat and pushed it off her shoulders.

  “We’re all alone, and it has been too long since I’ve seen you naked.”

  Her shirt joined the coat followed by her bra. In one swift move he lifted her onto the table.

  “The table isn’t strong enough for me.” She held on tight to him.

  “It’s strong enough for you.” He cut off her speech with his lips on hers. “I’m going to fuck you on this shitty table, and then I’m going to take you back to my apartment and fuck you in every room.”

  “Are you doing this after lunch? It’ll take a long time to get all the rooms in your apartment and surfaces covered,” she said.

  “Vixen, I’ve got a long time to achieve my goal.” His lips moved down from hers to her neck. She moaned and whimpered as the pleasure intensified.

  Pushing him away was not an option.


  Rachel was going to be all his. Chris kissed along her collarbone, licking the path down to the top of her breast. Her nipples were rock hard, and her breathing was getting deeper. His cock was stiff. All he wanted to do was tear off their clothes and fuck for the rest of the day. Instead, he was going to devote his time to her tits before taking her on the table.

  While he’d been talking with her landlord, he’d been imagining fucking her across the table.

  Soon, he’d be inside her, and it would no longer be an image for him.

  “Are you wet for me,
Rachel?” he asked.


  “How wet?” Working on the buckle, he slowly pulled her jeans down. She lifted her ass, making it easy for him to release her clothing.

  “A lot.”

  He tore her panties from her body and stared at her. She was completely naked whereas he was still fully clothed.

  “Touch your pussy.”

  Her hand went between her thighs. He gazed down, watching her fingers work between her bare slit. The trust she showed him last night took his breath away. There was something between them. A connection that couldn’t be taken away and had always been there, waiting for them.

  “Tell me how wet you are.”

  “I’m soaking my fingers, Chris. I’m so wet. You make me wet.”

  “Good. Give me your fingers. I want to lick your cream off.” Her scent wafted up to his nostrils. She smelled so damn good.

  Rachel pressed her fingers to his lips. They glistened in the light, and her scent intensified.

  Staring into her eyes, he slowly licked each finger, taking all of her cream from her fingers.

  She gasped as he sucked each finger into his mouth. When he was done, he took her hand in his and placed it between her legs. “I want to lick more of you. Give me more.”

  Kneeling down in front of her, he took one of her nipples into his mouth. His cock was so hard and hurting against his zipper. Reaching down he released his cock through the zipper. He loved the power he felt being fully clothed with Rachel at his mercy.

  “Please, Chris,” she said, whispering the words for only him to hear.

  He pulled away seeing the lust shining in her eyes. “Circle your nipple with your cream.” He was feeling dirty and wanted to see how far she’d go.

  Many women had a lot of inhibitions when it came to sex. He didn’t want Rachel to feel any of them.

  She fingered her nipple, coating the bud with her essence. Before she moved away, he sucked her bud into his mouth including her finger. He moved from one breast to the other getting her to soak each nipple with her cream.

  The more he ordered her, the wetter she became.

  When he could no longer take it he stood, pressing his palm to her cunt, testing her wetness. He pushed her hand out of the way to finger her clit.

  “I’m going to fuck you now,” he said.


  “Are you ready for me?” he asked.


  “Beg me.”

  She frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He stared at her and pinched her clit, watching her squirm underneath him. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Then say, ‘Chris, put your cock inside me.’ You know how to do this, baby. I want to hear you tell me what to do.”

  “Chris, please, I need your cock inside my pussy. I need you to fuck me hard and make me come. No man has ever made me feel like this before in my life.”

  He pressed a finger inside her, amazed by how tight she was.

  “Don’t you worry about a thing. I’m going to take care of you.” He pressed a hand on her chest, pushing her back onto the table.

  Opening her legs, he gripped his shaft, running the tip along her slit. When he bumped her clit, she cried out, trying to thrust up against him.

  “Hold steady.” He stroked up and down her clit, bumping her entrance but not going inside.

  She growled. “Fuck me already,” she said.

  “When I’m ready. You’re not going to rush me.” With her command on the air, he took his time, circling her clit then going down, teasing her entrance with the chance of being fucked.

  All the time he pulled away, loving her response to his lack of sex.

  Her cream was dripping out of her cunt and leaking down to coat her ass. Only when she looked ready to cry did he tease her entrance. She rolled her eyes, not believing he’d fuck her all the way.

  Slowly, he returned his hands to her hips and slammed in deep.

  Rachel cried out. Her hands landed on his arms. If it wasn’t for his jacket her nails would have sunk into his flesh.

  “See, I’ll fuck you when I’m good and ready.”

  Her cunt pulsed around his cock with her cream soaking him. She really was amazing. Pushing to the hilt inside her, Chris didn’t move. Her hands were still on him.

  “Tell me you love me,” he said.

  She bit her lip, keeping the words back.

  Reaching down, he fingered her clit. When she was at the point of orgasm, he withdrew his fingers, leaving her hanging for release.

  “I love you, Chris. I’ve always loved you.”

  He pounded inside her, not giving her chance to move away. The words of love were exactly what he wanted to hear.

  “I love you, Chris,” she said again.

  Holding her hands down onto the table, he fucked her hard and fast. She cried out in orgasm, and still he kept up his thrusts.

  “I love you, too, baby.” He meant the words. Chris did love Rachel. She was part of his soul and the reason for him to look forward to a future.

  He felt his orgasm building. His balls were incredibly tight. Chris growled out as his orgasm shot out of him into her waiting body. In all of his life he’d never felt so complete. This was the right thing for both of them. Rachel was his life and would be his future. Staring down into her dark brown gaze, he was struck by how strong his woman was. She may need him in her life, but she’d survived so much without him.

  Rachel didn’t need him like he needed her. She was so beautiful, pure, and generous.

  Chris was determined to be the right man for her, to never let her go and to never take her for granted.

  Panting for breath, he waited for the last of his orgasm to ebb away. Pressing his head against hers, Chris promised to never give her the chance to leave. He couldn’t handle being alone again or seeing another man finding happiness inside her.

  Chapter Nine

  Two weeks later

  Working for Chris was the biggest mistake Rachel had made. It would soon be December, and the thought of working with him for another moment filled Rachel with disdain. He needed a nurse or someone who understood the medical jargon. She didn’t even understand who was important and where he needed to sign. The work was too hard for her. She was never interested in medicine. Rachel appreciated all people who loved medicine, but it wasn’t for her at all. She even hated watching the medical shows on television.

  After dealing with so much loss in her life, hospitals didn’t always offer her that much hope.

  She tapped her fingers on his desk waiting for him to get back. There was no sex at work. She’d drawn the line when the head of the hospital had almost walked in on them having sex.

  God, Chris was taking over her life all the time. In most aspects she didn’t mind. He took care of her job and dealing with her landlord, which she was thankful for. At first she thought working with him would help their relationship. Instead she’d heard the nurses whispering. They thought she was a mid-life crisis for him and that it wouldn’t last. Her age, the fact she was his dead wife’s sister, and also his playboy status had them convinced. She’d even seen the bet they had going on for how long they’d last.

  On the one hand, she knew he was never going to cheat on her at work, but on the other, she got to see all the women he’d slept with. Most of the women in the hospital had slept with him.

  Rachel also struggled to make friends. It was something she’d always struggled with even through college. The hospital was no different.

  Staring down at her resignation letter, she felt her heart pounding inside her chest. In the last two weeks she’d found a couple of things she hated about their arrangement. The time spent with him was not an issue. In fact, out of everything, being with him was the best part of her day.

  When she lay in bed at night, she thought about all the women who’d come before. She’d moved in with him in his apartment that was no better than
a bachelor fuck place. Staring into the mirror, brushing her teeth she had to wonder how many other women had stood in that same place brushing their teeth.

  The door to his office opened, startling her. “Baby, I’m sorry I can’t stay. There’s some emergency in the ER. I’m needed there right away. I can eat this stuff cold.” He dropped some wrapped food onto the table, on top of her letter. Chris leaned down, kissing her lips then disappeared.

  “Hi, honey, I can’t work with you anymore. Here is my letter of resignation. It’s not you, it’s me, but you don’t really care.” She spoke to the empty room. The scent of the food drove her crazy. She was so hungry. “Yeah, Rachel, being with the man you love was a great idea. Working with him every day would ease your mind.”

  All it had done was torture her little by little.

  Shaking her head, she pulled out the pulled pork sandwich he’d bought her. She ate it while looking at the letter. It was perfectly worded, and when he got to his office she wasn’t going to be there to see his reaction.

  His telephone rang on the desk, and once again she ignored it. This place wasn’t for her. When did anyone ever hear of a woman with no medical knowledge working for a doctor? It was pitiful of her to even keep trying.

  “No, I’m not going to try. I’m going to pretend I don’t care about the fact that Chris has slept with most of the women who work here. I also think he slept with the gynecologist, which is just freaky. And great, I’m now talking to myself for amusement.” Shaking her head once again, she finished her sandwich.

  Clearing everything away, she left her note for him to see on the front of his desk. “This is not who I am, Chris. I love you more than anything, but this is so not me.” Grabbing a coat from next to his, she left the hospital. Putting her arms in her coat, she ignored the blatant stares from the staff. Her heels clicked on the tile floor on her way out, each click reminding her of how many women he’d slept with. Some of the women smirked and nudged their friend.

  They were not pushing her out of Chris’s life, and if it was the last thing she did, she was going to believe that he wasn’t sleeping with any of them.


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