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Gluttony (The Seven Deadly #1)

Page 10

by Cassie May

  “Okay.” My voice is only a whisper. “Thank you.”

  “You have nothing to thank me for, cara. Now go and relax.” He pushes me out of the kitchen where Jess and our bodyguards are already impatiently waiting for their turn to eat.


  Later that night when we are laying in my bed after another breathtaking round of sex I lay my chin on my hands on his chest and look at him. “Tell me something else no one knows about you. Not even your brother.”

  With his hands behind his head Matteo seems relaxed, but I feel him tense shortly. “Again? Cara, you know about my other brother which is something no one knows.”

  Smiling I draw circles on his skin. “There has to be more.”

  “I hate coffee. I drink it in front of others but I prefer hot chocolate over coffee. I can accept a really good espresso, but normal coffee or cappuccino? I hate it.” His eyes twinkle with humor and I burst out laughing. I never would have guessed something like this.

  His arms go around my body and he pulls me tight against him. “Now tell me something about you no one knows. It’s only fair if you reciprocate.”

  Now it’s my turn to stiffen. I can’t tell him m darkest secret. It is still looming over me, even though I haven’t felt the need to binge eat since the day we met. “I would love to travel to Europe one day. I am always making pastries and baked goods that are inspired from recipes from European countries and yet I have never been there. I would love to look a German pastry baker over the shoulder and learn something from him. I was planning to do it, but then my parents died and I put all those plans on hold to open the bakery.” That is a safe secret. Jess doesn’t know it, because she would have persuaded me to do it and I am not ready to spread my wings again. She needs me here, more than she knows.

  “We will go to Europe together, cara. After all this is over I am going to take you with me to visit my mamma in Italy and I am sure we will find the time to visit a German pastry baker as well.”

  He starts playing with my hair and I feel myself getting sleepier. “Are you going to work tomorrow, cara?”

  Nodding I snuggle even closer. “Yes, I need to get up really early, but you can sleep longer if you want. I’ll take Luca with me to the bakery. Don’t worry, we already planned our next weeks this afternoon. Sandro is going with Jess and Luca with me and I think Dom is going to step in from time to time. I don’t think he liked how friendly Sandro was with Jess.”

  Chuckling Matteo presses a kiss on my lips. “I totally understand how he feels, cara. It’s not easy to leave the woman that means so much to you in the protection of someone else. Sleep now. I’ll get up with you. Good night.”

  Before I close my eyes I have something I need to tell him before he leaves me tomorrow. “Matteo?”

  “Yes, cara?”

  “I think I am falling in love with you, too.”

  “That’s good, cara, isn’t it?”

  “It scares me to death.” His only response is a tightening of his arms and I close my eyes. He is going to protect me.

  Chapter 13


  The next day I am standing in the bakery when someone enters. Looking up I almost splash piping hot chocolate on my hand. In front of me stands Matteo’s brother, Federico. He looks dangerous and powerful and I glance over to Luca who appears like a customer working on something on his notebook while drinking coffee all day. He shrugs at me and sends me a small encouraging grin. Okay, seems as if I am on my own with this one.

  Taking a deep breath I think on what Matteo has told me in the morning when he brought me here. “You don’t ever have to fear something from Luca or my brother. For those two I would give my life and I know they would do the same. You can trust them and if one of them tells you to do something, please do what they tell you.” I nodded then, not knowing that it would be that fast that I meet his brother again. He intimidates and scares me. More so after that horrible Christmas dinner.

  “Hi, what can I do for you, Federico?”

  His lips curl up as if he wants to smile, but he tamps it down. “I just wanted a piece of the panettone my brother is so fond of and a good espresso, please.”

  He takes a seat in a corner where he can overlook the whole shop and patiently waits for me to bring him his espresso and the Italian cake. When I place everything in front of him he pushes out the chair next to him and motions for me to sit down. “Do me the honor of your company for a moment, please?” Even though he formulates it as a polite question I know better than to tell him no. Obviously the boss of the mafia wants to have a chat with me.

  “Of course.” Sitting down I force a smile on my face even though I am scared of this powerful man. If he wants to he can snuff me out and no one would be the wiser. Well, Luca would, but somehow I doubt that he would defend me against his boss.

  A forced smile appears on Federico’s face and he makes a move to touch my hand, but thinks better of it and pulls his hand back before touching me. “Please don’t look so scared. I have no intention of harming you. My brother would never forgive me which is also the reason I assigned my best bodyguard to you. I just wanted to apologize in person for my wife’s behavior from before and want to know what your intentions are toward my brother.”

  Surprised I feel my eyes widen for a moment. “Matteo already apologized and in fact there is nothing to forgive. Obviously you can’t put a gag on your wife.” Even though she would have deserved to wear one. But I leave that unsaid.

  “Unfortunately that is true. But you didn’t answered my question. What are your intentions towards my brother?”

  Crossing my arms in front of my chest I try not to show that he intimidates me. “Why do you want to know that?”

  “Because contrary to what most people think I want my brother to be happy. To maybe have a life outside of the crime syndicate we built and find true love. It was never in the cards for me, but my brother is different. He always craved a relationship like the one our parents had and I want to enable him to have it when it is offered to him. You my dear are that offering and it would do you good to stay with him. I have never seen him so relaxed and happy before and I want to keep it with that. I am absolutely sure that he is going to fuck up on the way, but please keep in mind that he never had someone like you before. Someone who was around for more than a night or two. Promise me that if he fucks up you will hear him out and let him explain.” His voice is calm and yet the urgency behind his words makes me tense. This is a side he doesn’t show many people. I doubt his wife has ever seen him care for another person like this. That Federico doesn’t care about his wife is visible for everyone who spends some time with them and yet he shows me this side of him to help his brother. I feel myself soften a little.

  “I promise, Federico, but I am not perfect as well. I will make mistakes as well. Probably more than Matteo will, because he is well, like the perfect gentleman and boyfriend for me and I am full of flaws. I am sure you vetted me and I am also sure that you found out things you wouldn’t share with your brother.” Like my stint in rehab for my bulimia, for example. I look at him and his almost imperceptible nod confirms my suspicions. “I will tell him all about my past, but right now I can’t do that. I am not ready.”

  He nods again and his eyes keep me in place. “Don’t wait too long, otherwise I will open the eyes of my brother for you. Not that I think it would change his feelings, but better safe than sorry.” He takes my ice cold hand in his warm ones and I feel a paper being pressed in my palm. “This is the number to my personal cell phone. If you need something, anything at all don’t hesitate to call me. Few people do have this number and I answer this phone for everybody who calls at any time.” He stands up and smiles.

  “Thank you Federico. For the heads up and your support. I know you must have a lot of things more important than talking to your brother’s girlfriend, but you have to know I appreciate that you came here to talk to me.” Now my smile is genuine and even his eyes warm up a little.
  “Family is more important than anything else and that is why I am always going to make time for my family.” With a last nod to Luca Federico grabs his jacket and leaves my bakery.

  Sighing I sit down on the chair again and shake my head. What the everliving fuck was that? Was it a warning? A visit because he wants to get to know me? Both? I feel queasiness rising in my stomach, but I force it down. I don’t want it to come back. I am stronger than that.

  “Valerie, are you okay? What did the boss say to you? You are as white as a sheet.” Luca’s concerned voice directly in front of me makes me open my eyes.

  “I… I don’t really know. He was almost nice, a little worried about his brother and my relationship to him, but other than that… Nice.” Opening my hand I show him the paper with Federico’s number on it. “He gave me the number to his private cell phone.”

  Now it is Luca’s turn to pale. He closes my hand with his and whispers. “Don’t ever show this number to anyone. Save it as something unsuspiciously in your phone and then burn this paper. I know only three people who have this number and I am one of them.” What? That is impossible! I am sure that Matteo has this number as well and Luca knows Clara. But he seems sincere which means that I am right now holding the number of one of the most powerful men in New York in my hand. A number not even his wife has.


  Chapter 14


  Back on the streets. After spending the last years more in an office than on the streets it is hard to get accustomed to the cold and unforgiving wind that blows through the small streets between the skyscrapers. I am on my way to my old gym in the hopes someone has heard or seen something suspicious. Someone who has more money than he should have, someone who talks too much or someone who had contact to the bitch. I refuse to call Clara something else after everything we found out. How dare she betray us? I know Rico is not the easiest person to be around, but this is going to cost her life.

  Pushing the heavy doors to the gym open I am immediately assaulted with the smell of sweat and dirt. This is not a fancy gym where women in tiny workout clothes go to their spinning class to flirt with the trainer. The clientele is a mixture of our soldiers and associates and I hope I can get information out of them while getting a good sparring match on. I make my way over to the locker room and notice that even though it’s early there is already a lot going on. Probably due to the fact that word is out that we might get problems with the Mexicans and because the night owls are still here while the early birds are already here. Seems as if I picked the right time. I open a locker and put my stuff in it.

  Carefully taping my hands I make myself ready for a fight and step outside. After a quick warm up I make my way over to Marco who is currently giving tips to a newbie on how to throw a right hook. The kid has a lot to learn from the way he almost falls on his face while punching, but he tries and doesn’t give up.

  “Give me a minute, Matteo and I have time for you. You look like you are itching for a fight.” Nodding I stand a little bit to the side and am surprised when the rookie starts talking with a female voice. Under the big hoodie and wide sweatpants I suspected a scrawny kid, not a woman. Shrugging I pull out my phone and see a new message from Valerie. I miss you. Not even bothering to hide my grin I text her back that I miss her as well and look up to see Marco approaching.

  “So, what do you need, besides a good sparring? I haven’t seen you in a while, boy.” Chuckling I shake my head. Since my father died Marco is the only one who calls me boy and even though I am a man now and have at least four inches height on him he continues to call me boy.

  “I’m sorry, but you know how it is. Business and the Family and the Family’s business.” He nods and doesn’t bother with an answer. “Look, you are right. I am here to spar, because I feel a bit rusty and because I wanted to ask you to keep your eyes and ears open.”

  “Open for what, boy?” Marco starts taping his knuckles as well while asking me with a quiet voice.

  “Open for persons that have more money than they should have, maybe someone who talks too much about hitting it big and fast. And maybe someone who has repeatedly contact to Clara Luciano.” The last one catches him by surprise and he lifts one eyebrow with a questioning look in his eyes.

  “The boss’s wife?” Nodding I confirm and hope he doesn’t question me further. He knows better than to ask for more information than I am willing to give.

  “Oh wow, it’s bound to get interesting here or so it seems. I’ll keep eyes and ears open and now get in the ring, I want to see what you still have in you.” That’s it. I won’t get more from him, till he has information for me and that’s okay for me. Since Marco is able to take care of himself I don’t bother warning him that it might be dangerous to poke in that nest. Instead I lift my fists and make myself ready for the attack that is about to come.

  And then Marco comes onto me. Fists swinging he tries to break through my defense. I avoid his mean right hook as good as possible, but when his fist meets my side I can’t help myself and let my guard down with a short cough. Immediately he is in my face, but I somehow manage to hook my foot behind his leg and pull. He stumbles backwards and lifts his hands to defend his face from my fists. It goes like this for a few minutes and soon we are both sweating and breathing hard till the bell in one corner of the ring makes us stop. We look up and I realize that this fight has gathered more attention than I suspected. The whole ring is surrounded by people and the guy that has rung the bell grins from ear to ear while wrapping me in a bear hug.

  “Long time no see, Matteo. What are you doing here? I heard you finally got yourself a willing woman. Is that why you are avoiding this place?” Tyler is one of our associates and I hide my reaction to his words well. I never expected the word to spread so fast and I don’t like hearing him talking about Valerie with a leer in his voice. She. Is. Mine.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, Ty. How is it going?” Taking a towel from one of the bystanders I dry my sweat and motion for Tyler to walk in front of me to the locker rooms. I have to shower and then get out on the streets again.

  “Same old, same old, my friend. But tell me about your woman. Is she as hot as people tell? I heard she is a little bit on the chubby side.” That’s enough. How dare he talk about Val like this? Faster than he obviously expected and still pumped from the fight I grab him and push him into the next wall.

  “It would do you good if you don’t talk about her or any other woman like that again. You have no idea how a real woman should be, because you are always looking at those stick thin bimbos that frequent those Wallstreet bars you prefer. A real woman knows what she’s worth and she doesn’t whore herself out for an overpriced drink, so shut the fuck up about my woman, if you want to continue with your bimbo hopping. If you want to continue making business with us you should know better than to talk about our women.” With that I shove him aside and march over to the showers not bothering to turn around when he shouts after me.

  After the shower has cleared my head and I am dressed again I look for Marco to tell him that I am leaving and find him in his office. He grins at me and points to a chair in front of his desk. “Good fight, boy, you still know most of the stuff I taught you.”

  “Thank you. Good to know that I can still trust my reflexes.”

  “So what’s the deal with that woman I heard of?”

  Immediately I tense. I don’t like that Val is in the spotlight like this. It makes her even more of a target than before. “I would prefer not talking about her till I have a few of the problems solved that came up in the last few days. She is important to me and that’s all you need to know. Other people don’t need to know anything about her at all.” Standing up I make my way over to the door. “I have to go. I’ll see you around and give me a call if you hear something interesting.”

  “I will, boy. I will. Take care and protect your back!” Marco shouts behind me and I smile.

  “I am always protect
ing my back, old man, so don’t you worry.”

  With that I leave the gym and get in my car. I feel the soreness creeping in my muscles and some of the bruises I got during the fight are already noticeable. I push the dull pain aside and concentrate on finding the spot where I am sure I’ll meet one of the street kids that sometimes run errands for me. I need eyes on Clara. Eyes that she won’t suspect.

  After driving to a few places where I have seen her before, I finally find my little snitch in front of the MOMA. She is sitting there with a group of street kids huddled together to keep themselves warm, but as soon as she sees me, she gets up and sneaks in my car.

  “Hi, mafia boy.”

  “Hi Theresa.” Chuckling I motion to the glove box and she opens it eagerly.

  “Oooooh, presents? You shouldn’t have, darling.” She rips the brown fast food bag open and digs into the veggie burger I got for her. With her mouth full she looks at me. “So, what do I owe the pleasure of your sudden appearance. I know I am not your type and since you have way to little boobs to be my type, you want something. What is it?” She swallows her last bite and lets a few chips follow the burger.

  “Well, I need you to follow somebody.”

  She grins at me. “Your girlfriend? Never picked you for the homey type, I have to say.” She winks at me and her words really surprise me.

  “What do you know about her?”

  “Word travels fast on the streets, you know that, Matteo. The moment I heard that you might be tied down, I checked her out and let me tell you. She won’t ever betray you. She is far too mousy and normal to cheat on you.” She says it matter-of-factly which is the only reason I don’t explode again.

  “No, it is not Valerie. It is a woman, though.” Pulling out my phone I thumb through the pictures and come up with one of Clara. It is a little bit older, but still looks like her. “Do you know her?”


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