Book Read Free

Two Strangers

Page 11

by Beryl Matthews

  ‘It’s all right, Alfie! They’re friends of Mr Harry. I told you about them, remember?’

  ‘That’s right.’ Harry smiled reassuringly at the child. ‘This is Edward and Pearl. They are going to live with us and look after the house. Pearl is an excellent cook, so we’ll be well fed.’ Harry turned to his friends. ‘Meet Vicki, Dave and Alfie.’

  ‘Hello. We have heard a lot about you.’

  Vicki shook hands with both of them and liked them on sight. Pearl was ample and homely, and Edward was tall and strong-looking, with a glint in his eye that suggested he smiled a lot. They were just the kind of people to help with two troubled boys.

  ‘We’ve already unpacked, Harry, and lunch is on its way.’ Pearl delved into a capacious handbag and came out with a parcel which she handed to Alfie. ‘I thought you might like a colouring book and crayons, young man.’

  ‘Cor, thanks!’ Dave exclaimed. ‘Alfie likes drawing, don’t you?’

  There was no response from his brother, but he did accept the present from Pearl. She rummaged in the bag again and brought out a box containing a truck. ‘And this is for you, Dave.’

  ‘Wow!’ He looked as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. ‘We ain’t never had presents before, have we, Alfie?’

  ‘Why don’t you put them in your room and wash your hands ready for lunch?’ Harry suggested. ‘Whatever Pearl is cooking smells good.’

  Dave grinned happily. ‘We’ll do that.’

  As the boys tore up the stairs, Edward shook his head. ‘Poor little buggers. Pardon my language, Vicki, but what has happened to those boys is criminal. What the hell are you going to do, Harry? If the people they were with come for them, you’ll have to let them go.’

  ‘Oh no!’ Vicki said in alarm. ‘That mustn’t happen. Couldn’t you report them to the police for cruelty?’

  ‘I don’t want to bring the police into this if I can avoid it. It could make things even more difficult. I’m going to try something else first. Dave gave a couple of clues when he was chatting to me early in the morning, and I have a good idea where they were living. After we’ve eaten, I’m going to see them, and Edward is coming with me.’

  ‘I’ll come as well.’

  ‘No. I want you to stay here with the boys. It’s a rough area, Vicki.’

  She looked at Harry in disbelief. ‘Have you forgotten where I came from? I grew up in such a place, and I know the kind of people who live there. Many are good, honest people, but there are also some who are thieves and drunks, and violent. I might be able to help.’

  Harry sighed. ‘I can’t imagine you living like that, but I’m asking you to leave this to me and Edward.’

  ‘That’s right, Vicki. We might look like a couple of gentlemen,’ Edward told her, ‘but it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve dealt with this kind of thing. We were working at a school filled with difficult children – and some of their parents were worse.’

  ‘You never told me that, Harry. I assumed you had been at some posh school.’

  He laughed and slapped his friend on the back. ‘Far from it, Vicki. It will be like old times, Edward.’

  ‘You can safely leave it to them,’ Pearl said. ‘Lunch will be ready in five minutes.’

  ‘Good, I’m starving. What have we got?’

  ‘I haven’t had much time today, so it’s a quick meal of sausages and mash, Harry.’

  ‘Lovely. The boys will enjoy that. I’ll pop upstairs and get them.’

  As he strode from the room, Vicki gave a knowing smile. ‘I do believe he’s enjoying himself.’

  ‘Of course he is,’ Pearl agreed. ‘That man should never have retired. He revels in a challenge, and he’s certainly taken one on with these boys.’

  ‘I know, but how is he going to be able to keep them? It was different with me because I was older, but they are so young.’

  ‘That’s why we’re here,’ Edward explained. ‘We are a married couple with a good reputation as parents. We’ve brought up three children, one of whom we adopted, and they are all doing well. If the authorities get difficult, we can apply to look after them.’

  ‘Oh, that sounds hopeful.’ Vicki nodded in relief.

  ‘Don’t think this is going to be easy, Vicki,’ Pearl told her seriously. ‘Setting up the school for abused children will be a long, hard struggle, but if we can succeed, then we will be able to help a few youngsters. You survived by your own efforts, and I suspect so would Dave, but Alfie is too young and vulnerable. He must have help.’

  ‘Ah, here come the boys.’ Edward listened to the clumping feet on the stairs. ‘Let’s eat.’

  The sausage and mash was greatly enjoyed by everyone, especially the boys, who both wiped their plates clean and had seconds.

  ‘At least there’s nothing wrong with their appetites,’ Pearl remarked quietly as she began to dish up a creamy rice pudding. ‘And that’s a hopeful sign. I’d be very concerned if the little one wasn’t eating properly.’

  ‘Right.’ Harry stood up. ‘That was lovely, but Alfie looks rather tired now, and so do you, Dave. Why don’t you both go and have a nap?’

  ‘Didn’t you want to start our lessons today?’ Dave stifled a yawn.

  ‘We will begin tomorrow. I have to go out this afternoon.’

  ‘Ah, right.’ Dave helped his brother off the chair. ‘In that case we will have a sleep. Alfie is tired out, ain’t you, kid? You needn’t worry ’cause I’ll stay with you all the time. Thank Mrs Pearl for her smashing dinner.’

  The boy gave his usual nod.

  ‘I’m pleased you enjoyed it. You have a nice rest now.’

  Vicki helped with the washing-up, and then crept up the stairs and peeped into the boys’ room. They were both fast asleep.

  When she came down, Harry and Edward were ready to leave, and Vicki tried again. ‘Let me come with you.’

  Harry shook his head firmly. ‘I need you here. The youngsters don’t know Pearl very well yet and might be frightened when they wake up if they don’t see a familiar face.’

  That was sensible, and she reluctantly agreed to stay behind. ‘Be careful and good luck.’


  The men hadn’t returned after two hours and the wait was agony. What if those people wanted the boys back? What would they do? The thought of such a thing was making Vicki feel sick. With help, young Alfie might become a normal child again, but if he had to return to that abusive home, then he would only sink further down. Perhaps too far to rescue. It was awful to contemplate. How she wished Harry hadn’t decided to do this. It might have been better to keep the boys hidden from everyone. She gave a ragged sigh. That was foolish thinking, of course, and would be quite impossible.

  ‘Stop pacing, my dear.’

  ‘Why are they taking so long? I should have gone with them. What can Harry possibly achieve by going to see those people? I’m worried, Pearl. We’ve got to keep the children safe!’

  ‘Calm down, Vicki. Harry and Edward know what they are doing. Here, I’ve made a fresh pot of tea. Sit down and tell me about the two men who helped you.’ Pearl guided her to a chair, made her sit and then placed a steaming cup of hot tea in front of her. ‘Harry told us you want to find them if you can.’

  ‘I don’t have much chance of doing that.’ Vicki sipped her tea. ‘With Harry’s help, though, I’m going to try.’

  For the next half an hour she told Pearl all about her experiences after her father had thrown her out of the house.

  ‘I understand now why you are so keen to find them.’ Pearl poured her another cup of tea. ‘And, you never know, something may happen to point you in the right direction. Things like that do happen. If you are meant to find them, then I am sure you will.’

  ‘Are you an optimist, Pearl?’ Vicki laughed, realizing that the talking had calmed her nerves.

  ‘Always, my dear. Always. If something is meant to be, then nothing can stop it.’

  ‘Are those two children meant to be with you, your husband an
d Harry?’

  ‘Well, you found Dave begging in the same place you had used, and that’s where someone reached out to help you. Do you believe that to be a coincidence, or was it meant to be?’

  ‘I agree that it was strange, and it shook me to see him standing there. The memories flooded in and I knew I had to help him.’ At the sound of the front door opening, Vicki was immediately on her feet. ‘They’re back!’

  ‘How did you get on?’ she asked the moment they walked in. ‘Did you find them?’

  ‘We did, and they won’t be taking the boys back. That’s the first hurdle out of the way, but they are a greedy pair and only wanted the money I offered them.’

  ‘You gave them money to give up the boys?’

  Harry nodded. ‘From their attitude, I gathered that they had never wanted to take the youngsters in, but their mother and her new boyfriend gave them money, and I’d say they are a couple who will do anything for money.’

  ‘But they could keep coming back for more.’ Vicki was even more worried now. She couldn’t see how paying someone off in a case like this was going to work.

  ‘We’ve thought of that,’ Edward told her. ‘We told them they had been reported to the authorities for cruelty and neglect, and if they came so much as within a mile of the children, then the law would be after them. They are a couple of shady characters, and the last thing they want is for the police to show an interest in them. They’ll stay away.’

  ‘And have you filed a complaint against them?’

  ‘Not yet, Vicki, but it is an option we are keeping open.’

  ‘You lied.’ She shook her head, perplexed. ‘And did they believe you?’

  Edward glanced at Harry and raised his eyebrows. ‘I’d say we did a good job of convincing them, didn’t we, Harry?’

  ‘Undoubtedly.’ The men grinned at each other.

  ‘You two!’ Pearl smirked. ‘You might be past your prime, but I wouldn’t like to tangle with you when you are in this kind of mood. So, let’s assume the boys are safe for the moment – what’s next?’

  ‘That was the easy part. Now I want to set up the school, and I need it to be a legally recognized establishment where the authorities can send abused children. It could take some time.’

  ‘And I’d say we will have a fight on our hands.’ Edward didn’t look at all troubled by the prospect. ‘And the biggest one could be this house. It isn’t really suitable for what we want, Harry.’

  ‘I know that, but it’s all we’ve got, and somehow we’ve got to convince the authorities that we can make this work.’ Harry smiled. ‘But we’ve had a small victory today, and tomorrow is another day. Are the boys still asleep?’

  ‘Yes, there hasn’t been a sound from them. Are you going to tell them, Harry?’ Vicki asked.

  ‘I want them to feel safe as quickly as possible, especially Alfie. That’s most important if we are going to help him to talk again.’

  ‘We are going to have our hands full, Harry,’ Pearl agreed, ‘but I’ve been talking to Vicki, and you must somehow find time to help her as well.’

  ‘Oh, that can wait,’ Vicki protested.

  ‘No, my dear. We are here to take some of the burden from Harry’s shoulders, so I’m sure he can make time for your search.’

  ‘Of course I can. I promised and I’ll keep my word. There will be spare time while we’re trying to get the school up and running.’

  ‘Thank you, Harry, but I really don’t know what else we can do.’

  ‘I’ll start trying to track down the family who owned that book. It might give us a lead.’

  ‘That’s a good idea,’ Pearl agreed. ‘And you never know, Vicki, that stationmaster might see the other man again. I’m sure something will turn up.’

  Edward grinned. ‘My Pearl is always the optimist, but she’s often right. It’s most uncanny sometimes.’

  ‘Then I must expect a good outcome,’ Vicki laughed. ‘I’ll start to get tea ready. I expect the boys will be stirring soon, hungry and thirsty.’

  The words were hardly out of her mouth when they heard footsteps on the stairs.

  ‘Did we miss tea?’ Dave wanted to know. ‘We didn’t mean to sleep so long, but we was worn out, and then Alfie wanted to colour in his book. Show them what you’ve done, Alfie. It’s ever so good.’

  Pearl smiled at the little boy who was clutching the book to his chest. ‘What picture did you do?’

  After a hesitant glance at his brother, he held out the book for them to see. They all gathered round.

  ‘My goodness, that is excellent. Don’t you think, Harry?’

  ‘Very good indeed. You have chosen all the right colours for the animals, as well as the field they are in. Have you ever seen a real cow, young man?’

  Alfie shook his head.

  ‘Then you have a good eye for colour,’ Harry praised. ‘That is really excellent work. We shall have to put it on the wall by your bed.’

  The child looked at the picture, up at Harry and then back to the picture again. And he almost smiled. Vicki held her breath in anticipation, but the hoped-for response never appeared.

  Dave was delighted with the praise for his brother and beamed at them. ‘He’s clever, ain’t he?’

  ‘It would appear so.’ Edward winked at his wife. ‘How about some tea, Pearl? We can’t have future artists going hungry.’

  ‘We certainly can’t. Give me a hand, Vicki, and we’ll have it ready in no time.’

  ‘And while we wait, Alfie, let’s have a look at your crayons to see if they need sharpening,’ Edward suggested. ‘You might need more colours; I can get them for you tomorrow.’

  The young boy’s eyes opened wide at the thought of more crayons, and he pointed upstairs.

  ‘Right. Lead the way.’

  Vicki watched as Alfie walked with Edward towards the stairs. That was the first time she had seen him go anywhere without his brother.

  When Dave started to follow, Harry caught his arm and said softly, ‘Let him go. This is the first sign he’s given that he’s beginning to trust us.’

  ‘That’s good, then, isn’t it?’

  ‘Yes, it is, but don’t expect miracles, Dave. His complete recovery is going to take time, so we must be patient. And you needn’t worry about the people you were with because I’ve taken care of them.’

  ‘You’ve seen them?’ Alarm showed on Dave’s face. ‘How did you find them? Do they know we’re here? How do you know they won’t come for us? What did you do to them? Them’s nasty people! They could’ve hurt you! My Alfie will never get over it if they take him back. I won’t let them do that … never … never …’

  ‘Don’t get upset,’ Harry told him firmly. ‘I tracked them down and took Edward with me. They don’t know where we live, so they won’t come here. By the time we had finished with them, they were very frightened.’

  Dave took a deep breath. ‘Good, but you shouldn’t have gone there, Mr Harry. Best they’d thought we’d just disappeared.’

  ‘We had to do this,’ Harry explained, ‘or we would have been worrying about them all the time. I want to set up a school for children like you and Alfie, and it has to be done legally. Our first task had to be dealing with those people. Now that’s done, we can start our plans to help more like you. Do you understand?’

  Dave pursed his lips. ‘I guess so. Were they really frightened?’

  ‘Very frightened indeed. We told them that if they came anywhere near you and Alfie, then the law would be after them.’

  ‘Gosh! Bet that did scare them. They were always up to no good. So I can tell Alfie we don’t have to worry about them no more?’

  ‘That’s right, and either Edward or I will be with you all the time. They won’t risk coming anywhere near us again.’

  Dave gave Harry a thoughtful look. ‘Don’t ’spect they will. You might be old, but you’re a couple of big blokes.’

  Vicki stifled a laugh at Harry’s expression.

  He moved so quickly,
taking Dave by surprise as he swept him off the floor and making the boy squeal with laughter. ‘Not so much of the old, young man. I’m still strong enough to take anyone on.’

  Dave’s feet had just touched the floor when Alfie erupted into the room, but when he saw everyone was laughing, the panic left his face.

  ‘It’s all right, Alfie,’ Dave told him, still laughing. ‘We was just fooling around. Mr Harry was showing me how strong he is.’

  Vicki guessed that laughter was as unusual in Alfie’s life as it had once been in hers. She had been blessed to find affection, laughter and security, and, hopefully, these two boys had as well. She sent up a silent prayer that Harry, Edward and Pearl would be successful in their plans to help more children.

  They all had tea together, and, seeing there wasn’t anything else she could do, Vicki decided to leave. Before she reached the front door, though, Harry stopped her. ‘Come into the front room. We want to talk to you.’

  Edward and Pearl were already there, and Harry made her sit down. ‘We’ve been having a serious discussion about you, Vicki. We know you want to help as much as you can, but you are still learning your trade as a hairdresser, and you must put that first. It is your future, and I’m sure Bob and Flo would never have opened the ladies’ salon if you hadn’t been with them. They’ve done it to provide you with a secure future.’

  Edward continued. ‘I’ve talked to them and they love you like a daughter. It worries them that you haven’t made friends with people of your own age. You should be going dancing and enjoying yourself like all the other bright young people.’

  ‘That’s right,’ Pearl agreed. ‘From what I’ve heard, you work far too hard, and if you start spending your spare time with us, you won’t have a moment to yourself.’

  Vicki stared at them in shock. ‘Are you saying you don’t want me here?’

  ‘No, that isn’t it at all.’ Edward smiled gently. ‘Don’t look so hurt, young lady. What we are trying to make you understand is that the three of us can cope with whatever we have to do. Bob and Flo need you, and we mustn’t take you away from them.’


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