Book Read Free

Two Strangers

Page 22

by Beryl Matthews

  Dave skidded into the stables. ‘What’s going on? What are you doing, Alfie? Stop that; you’ll hurt Mr Bill.’

  ‘He mustn’t do that!’

  ‘Do what?’ Dave caught hold of his brother to stop him lashing out.

  ‘He had hold of Vicki. Won’t let him hurt her.’

  ‘I wasn’t hurting her, young man.’ Bill was laughing now, and so was Vicki. ‘It’s very laudable of you to want to protect her, but it isn’t necessary, Alfie. We were just giving each other a hug like old friends do.’

  Alfie came over to Vicki and took hold of her hand. ‘Are you his friend, then?’

  ‘Yes. Do you remember I’ve talked about the two men who helped me when I was homeless? Well, Sir Charles was one of them, and Bill is the other. I was so pleased to have found him and I gave him a hug, like this.’ She gently held the little boy. ‘There, that didn’t hurt, did it?’

  ‘It’s nice,’ he sighed. Then he went back to Bill, head down. ‘Sorry, I thought you was hurting her.’

  ‘I’d never do that, Alfie.’

  ‘Gosh!’ Dave was staring at Bill. ‘Are you that stranger who met Vicki at the old warehouse and gave her food and that book?’

  ‘That’s right, Dave.’ Bill looked down at Alfie who was examining the place he had been hitting on Bill’s leg. ‘What are you doing, Alfie?’

  The little boy tipped his head back to look up. ‘Er … have I bruised you?’

  Bill reached down and swept Alfie up. ‘Probably, but I’ve had worse. Don’t worry about it. You were very brave to defend Vicki like that.’

  ‘She’s kind.’ He smiled at Bill then. ‘You were kind to her, so I won’t hit you again.’

  ‘I’m relieved to hear that, young man. Now we are all friends, how about us taking the ponies out for a ride. I expect they would like that.’

  ‘Yes, yes!’ Alfie was wriggling with excitement as Bill put him down. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he was running around in search of Fred. ‘We’re gonna ride the ponies, Fred!’ he shouted. ‘Fred!’

  ‘I’m coming. What’s all this racket for?’

  Alfie grabbed his sleeve and dragged him towards the others. ‘Mr Bill’s gonna take us riding!’

  ‘Ah, I see.’ The young man in charge of the stables grinned. ‘How many of you going?’

  ‘All of us!’ Alfie was jumping up and down. ‘I’ll help get the ponies ready.’

  ‘We can’t all go,’ Dave told his brother. ‘Mr Bill can’t ride a pony. His feet will touch the ground.’

  ‘Course not.’ Alfie gave his brother a disgusted look. ‘Fred’s got a big horse, haven’t you?’

  Fred eyed the little boy with suspicion. ‘He only arrived yesterday, and he has a bit of a temper. I hope you haven’t been near him, Alfie?’

  ‘I only looked. I didn’t touch him.’

  Dave groaned. ‘I don’t know what’s happened to him since we came here. I can’t take my eyes off him for a moment and he’s off. He’s crazy about the animals.’

  Completely ignoring his brother’s remarks, Alfie tugged at Fred again. ‘I’ll go and tell Mr Harry we’re going out.’ Then he was gone.

  ‘Oh blast!’ Dave muttered as he took off after his brother.

  By now, Vicki and the two men were almost doubled over with laughter.

  ‘Oh, I haven’t laughed like this for a long time,’ Bill told them. ‘And it feels good. That little rascal deserves a treat.’

  ‘Will you walk beside them, sir?’ Fred managed to ask once he had controlled his amusement.

  ‘No, I’ll take the new horse. Have you got anything suitable for Vicki?’

  ‘I’ve never been on a horse,’ she said in alarm. ‘I’ll stay with Alfie and see he doesn’t fall off.’

  ‘He won’t do that. Dave is the one liable to topple off. His little imp of a brother is as steady as a rock in the saddle. Are you sure you want to ride the stallion, sir? He could be difficult.’

  ‘Let me have a look at him.’

  ‘He’s in the very end stall.’

  Vicki followed the two men. As they approached the stall, a large black face peered over the door and glared at them. She didn’t like the look of him and held back.

  ‘Hello, old fellow,’ Bill said softly as he walked slowly up to the animal. ‘Fed up with everything, are you?’

  The horse snorted and kicked the door. Bill then reached out and took hold of his head and began to talk quietly. That seemed to calm the horse down, and after a while Bill stepped back. ‘I’ll saddle him up, Fred. It will do him good to get out.’

  ‘Very well, sir.’ Fred was eyeing the tall man with respect. ‘You obviously know what you’re doing. If anyone can handle him, it will be you. I’ll get the tack for you. I’ve got a suitable mount for the young lady.’

  Vicki opened her mouth to refuse, but, before she could speak, Bill said, ‘Excellent.’

  ‘I told you I can’t ride,’ she protested after Fred left them. ‘And how do you know you can handle that stallion?’

  He grinned. ‘I don’t, but I’m about to find out.’

  Within a short time, the ponies and horses were ready and waiting in the yard. Bill swung Alfie into the saddle and then gave Dave a boost up. Fred put a mounting block for Vicki to use and steadied her as she settled in the saddle.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he told her. ‘I’m coming as well and will stay beside you all the time. You’ll be quite safe; she’s a gentle mare.’

  ‘Relieved to hear that, Vicki watched as Bill talked to the fractious horse and then swung himself into the saddle with fluid grace.

  Fred nodded in approval and they set off at a slow walk. Everyone looked comfortable on the animals except Vicki and Dave. He pulled a face at her as they made their way out of the yard, and she knew how he felt.

  The stallion was protesting at the slow pace, and, once in open country, Fred said, ‘Why don’t you let the animal have a good gallop, sir? I will look after everyone.’

  ‘I think I will have to. He’s losing his temper.’

  ‘Off you go then, sir.’

  Vicki held her breath as the big horse took off at speed, hooves flying over the grass.

  ‘Wow!’ Dave cried. ‘Look at him go!’

  ‘He’s jumped that hedge!’ Alfie was so excited. ‘Fred! I want to learn to ride like that.’

  ‘Very few become that expert, Alfie, but if you keep riding and listen to what I say, then I think you could be good when you are older. You already sit the pony well.’

  Alfie grinned, happy with the compliment, but not taking his eyes of the horizon where Bill had disappeared.

  ‘Mr Dale is one of the best horsemen I’ve seen. Notice how he rides, Alfie. He is at one with the animal. Quite remarkable.’

  Vicki watched as Bill thundered back to them, her hopes rising. Some deep memory must have told him he was capable of controlling a difficult animal.

  ‘Superb riding, sir,’ Fred told him when Bill pulled up in front of them. ‘I would appreciate it if you could find the time to ride him. He needs exercise like that, and we don’t have anyone capable of controlling him. I was going to ask Sir Charles to find him another home, but I won’t do that now.’

  ‘I would love to ride him, Fred.’ Bill slapped the animal’s neck and bent down to speak in his ear. ‘But you remember I’m the boss.’

  ‘Mr Bill, can I ride him?’ Alfie edged his pony next to the stallion.

  Bill plucked Alfie from the saddle and sat the little boy in front of him, making him squeal with delight. ‘You can ride him only with me, young man. If I am not around, you are not to go near him. Do you understand?’

  ‘Yes, Mr Bill.’ Alfie craned his neck to look up. ‘Can we gallop?’

  ‘No, but we’ll trot.’ Holding the youngster firmly with one hand, Bill urged the horse into motion.

  ‘Crikey!’ Dave exclaimed. ‘We’re never gonna hear the last of this. He didn’t talk for ages; now he won’t stop. Marvellous, ain�
�t it?’

  ‘It certainly is. It’s wonderful to see him so happy.’ Vicki looked across at Dave. ‘And what about you? Are you happy as well?’

  ‘I couldn’t be happier, Vicki. This is like heaven after the rotten life we had before. You understand how we feel, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes, I understand,’ she said softly.

  ‘We had better get back now.’ Fred guided Vicki’s horse. ‘Don’t grip the reins so tightly. Hold them loosely … and you, Dave.’

  When they reached the stables, Alfie was waiting for them. ‘We beat you back. Mr Bill’s seeing to his horse, and he’s gonna take me riding with him again. We went ever so fast!’

  ‘Yes, we saw you,’ Vicki told the excited boy.

  ‘Ah, there you are.’ John Steadman came into the stables. ‘Lunch is ready, boys.’

  ‘What we got, Mr John?’ Alfie wanted to know. ‘I’m starving. I’ve been riding the big horse!’

  ‘Told you. We’ll never hear the last of this.’ Still grinning, Dave took off after John and his brother.

  Fred was seeing to the ponies, so Vicki waited for Bill. When he came out of the stall, his expression was serious. She had expected him to be happy after the ride. ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘While I was galloping along, I had a brief flash of doing the same thing before, only I was younger then, and had others with me as well. I tried to see the faces, but I couldn’t hold the picture long enough. It’s like trying to grasp at mist, and it is so frustrating.’

  ‘Don’t let it upset you too much. You have discovered today that you are an excellent horseman, and you used to ride with friends when you were young. That’s something, Bill. I’m sure it will all come back eventually.’

  ‘I hope you’re right. I haven’t really tried to regain my memory, not wanting to see the horrors I’m sure are there, but things have changed. Now I want to know.’


  ‘Did you enjoy your ride?’ Bob asked when Vicki joined them for lunch.

  ‘Not as much as Alfie.’

  ‘Or Bill?’ Harry studied Vicki intently. ‘I was pleased to see you talking to him. Can I take it that he did apologize for the way he treated you?’

  ‘Yes, he did, and it was good to see him laughing.’

  Edward nodded. ‘That was an encouraging sight. And my goodness, he can certainly ride a horse.’

  ‘Alfie has declared he is going to ride just like him.’ Vicki smiled at the memory of the little boy’s excitement.

  ‘I think the whole school knows that by now,’ Pearl said drily. ‘I’m sure his shouts even reached the village.’

  ‘Without a doubt.’ Vicki got up to help Pearl serve the meal. ‘Bill is his hero now.’

  ‘And is he still yours?’ Flo asked gently.

  ‘Yes, and always will be. He’s going to need help, Harry. I fear we have thrown his life into turmoil, and he now wants his memory back.’

  ‘I’m relieved to hear that he wants to regain his memory. He’s been drifting for far too long. Don’t worry, Vicki; I’ve told him we are here for him if he needs help, or just to talk.’

  ‘You’ll write and let me know how he is, won’t you, Harry?’

  ‘I will. Now, eat your lunch. Charles is coming this afternoon. He says we should have a tennis court and must decide where to put it.’

  ‘A tennis court?’ Vicki was astonished. ‘You are going to end up with the best school in the county. Parents will soon be paying you to educate their children.’

  Edward’s mouth twitched. ‘Perhaps we should ask Charles for a swimming pool as well.’

  That sent them all into peals of laughter, releasing the tension of the morning.

  ‘I’ve brought you a present,’ Charles declared, indicating the horsebox attached to the van he had arrived in. ‘Thought you might need a couple more horses. Your new students are too big for the ponies.’

  ‘New students?’

  ‘Yes, Harry. They will be arriving tomorrow from Andover. Sad story. Father died in the war, and the mother has been sick all the time. The two youngsters have been trying to survive without any help. Mother died last month. I’ve met them, and they need your help.’

  ‘They will have to share a room. We can’t take many more, Charles.’

  ‘I’ve thought of that. The builders will be starting next week on an extension to the main house. Will another five bedrooms be sufficient?’

  ‘Oh, plenty.’ Harry ran a hand over his eyes. ‘Charles, will you please ask us before you find more children who need our help! We have our hands full already.’

  He laughed at Harry’s pained expression. ‘All right, but there are so many poor little scraps who need this place, just like the ex-soldiers needing a helping hand who are having a job to cope with life in one way and another.’

  ‘We can’t save the whole world,’ Harry reminded him.

  ‘I know, but we can have a damned good try. Don’t worry, funds are pouring in, and you’ve just employed a new teacher. Where is Manton? Couldn’t get here before, but I’d like to meet him.’

  ‘He’s around somewhere, but remember what I told you about him,’ Harry warned. ‘He knows his real name now, but not much more.’

  ‘I understand the situation.’

  ‘I’ll go and find him.’ Edward headed for the stables and in only a few minutes was coming back with Bill beside him.

  ‘That’s him,’ Charles declared. ‘Even at a distance I can recognize him. My dear mother used to say that some people are like that – once seen never forgotten. I must admit I believed you were mistaken, Vicki.’

  ‘I never forgot either of my strangers,’ she told him, smiling affectionately at him.

  As soon as Bill reached them Charles introduced himself. ‘You won’t remember me, but we did meet in that hellhole. By God, it’s good to see you, Manton.’

  Bill frowned, studying Charles carefully, but there was no sign of recognition. ‘I’m afraid you are right, sir. I don’t remember meeting you, but I do know you are the man who helped Vicki when she was desperate. I thank you for that.’

  ‘I should have done more, but all has turned out well. What do you think of our school?’ he asked proudly.

  ‘A place like this is badly needed, sir. It will give a few children a good education and a life away from abuse.’

  ‘Just so. There’s no need to call me sir, my boy; we are not in the army now. Everyone here calls me Charles. Not only are we helping needy children, but we have been able to employ ex-soldiers who would otherwise find it difficult to find employment.’

  ‘I had noticed.’

  ‘I saw too much suffering, Manton. Can’t turn my back on it. Now, I hope you are a good judge of horses because I’ve brought over two more animals. Come and have a look at them and tell me what you think.’

  Vicki watched them walk over to the truck where Fred was already unloading the animals. ‘That went well, Harry.’

  He nodded. ‘Next step will be to bring Peter here, and then Bill’s parents.’

  ‘In the meantime, we’ve got to decide where to put the tennis court.’ Edward rubbed his chin thoughtfully. ‘Needs to be well away from the house and stables, don’t you think, Harry?’

  Seeing that all the men were occupied and Pearl had already left to prepare the room for the new arrivals, Vicki went in search of Dave and Alfie.

  She found them with the other boys. Dave had already told them about her, so they were quite open and friendly towards her.

  The afternoon was spent roaming the countryside around the school with eight lively boys who were eager to show her their favourite places. They also asked a lot of questions, wanting to know how she had survived on her own, and, in turn, she learnt a lot about them. By the time they got back for their tea, they were talking freely and joking with her.

  Jack was one of the boys who had been the most difficult to handle when he’d arrived, and as Vicki was about to leave, he asked, ‘When you coming down here

  ‘Next Sunday, if I can manage it. It’s the only day I have free.’

  He glanced around to make sure no one else was listening. ‘Er … Can I see you when you come?’

  ‘Yes, of course, Jack. Is there something you want to talk about?’

  He shrugged. ‘I had a sister, older than me, but she died. She stuck up for me, but things got real bad after she’d gone. I ain’t told no one about this, not even Mr Harry, so don’t say nothing.’

  ‘I won’t say a word, Jack. You can trust me.’

  ‘Dave and Alfie trust you because you are one of us. My sister would have been about your age. You’re like her.’

  With that declaration, he turned and ran into the school, and she was disappointed. She had hoped to get him to talk longer. There were so many troubled youngsters, she thought sadly. Next time, she would try to spend some time with him alone.

  ‘Enjoy your long walk?’ Pearl asked when she came into the kitchen.

  ‘Exhausting.’ She sat down. ‘I’m gasping for a cup of tea.’

  ‘Coming right up. Ah, here are the men at last.’

  Charles stayed with them for tea and left immediately after.

  ‘Our train leaves in an hour, Vicki,’ Flo reminded her. ‘We must say goodnight to the boys.’

  ‘I also want to see Bill before I leave. Do you know where he is, Harry?’

  ‘In the staff lounge or the library, I expect.’

  ‘Thanks. Boys first, though.’ The school had a large sports hall where the youngsters could play before bedtime, and that’s where they all were. Vicki went round to everyone she had spent the afternoon with, and made a point of saying to Jack that she would see him next time. That seemed to please him. Dave and Alfie hugged her as they always did, and then she went in search of Bill.

  He was in the library, surrounded by open books and writing. ‘Sorry to disturb you, but we are leaving now.’

  ‘I didn’t hear you approaching.’ He stood up and smiled. ‘It’s been an eventful day. Although I didn’t show it at first, I really am pleased to see you again. You’ve made a good life for yourself, and that couldn’t have been easy.’

  ‘It wasn’t, but I took your advice and studied that little book diligently. Harry said you are an excellent teacher, and I hope you will be happy here. Harry and Edward need men like you and John.’


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