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Burden to Bare

Page 1

by Felicia Leibenguth


  Burden to Bare

  Felicia F. Leibenguth

  Sapphyre: Burden to Bare Copyright © 2018 Felicia F. Leibenguth

  Cover design by Felicia F. Leibenguth

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-10: 1546506918

  ISBN-13: 978-1546506911

  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  Thank you… for everything!


  My eyes flew open to total darkness and uncontrollable shaking. I’m confused as I feel an icy cold breeze flowing over my skin. Agonizing pain registered as it shot through my shoulders and I realized I’m hanging from my wrists. They’re bound over my head and I’m choking on the thick metallic odor of blood in the air. The sensation of something wet and warm is dripping down my arms.

  Before I can scream, a movement caught my attention. Someone stepped out of the darkness and my heart raced as they approached. The sounds of chains dragging on the floor advanced with them. Once they are close enough, the person spoke with sadistic enjoyment…

  “Welcome to Hell!”

  Paralyzed by fear, I started to-

  “Alexis... Alexis Darson!” A voice cuts into my mind.

  My eyes fluttered open, and a wave of relief and embarrassment washed through me. I had fallen asleep.

  “Alexis, will you read the next page please,” Mr. Pitman said as he raised his eyebrows.

  Shaking off the disturbing nightmare, I nodded and looked down at my book knowing it’s not on the right page.

  Mr. Pitman saw my slight panic and said, “Page eleven.”

  I read the page keeping my head down. I didn’t want to see the others in my class looking at me.

  When I finished, Mr. Pitman moved onto another student taking the attention off me.

  English class is slow and my mind drifted in other directions, not allowing myself to fall asleep again.

  I continued to peer down at my notebook pretending to take notes, but in reality, I’m doodling. I drew a sun and thought of my life back home in Arizona. There is a lot I miss back home, for one, the landscape and unique mountains made of rock. I’m biased though. I lived my entire life in Arizona that is until this past July when we moved to New York. Dad took a job offer he couldn’t refuse as the lead Cancer Specialist at one of the big hospitals in Rochester. Mom started at a local law firm as a Veterans Right’s Attorney.

  It’s only been a few months since our move, and it’s been an adjustment for everyone. My sister Bree and I have settled well into school. The kids are nice and very interested in our lives back in Arizona. Bree and I used to sit together for lunch in the beginning, but we soon made friends our own ages. I sit with a small group of seniors and Bree sits with a larger group of sophomores. The table I sit at is toward the back of the cafeteria and out of the way of food fights that break out at least once a week. They’re fun to watch, but not something I get involved with. The consequences aren’t worth it.

  I’ve made a few new friends. Mya Cambell lives down the road from us and rides our bus. Her long wavy brown hair, dark green eyes, light cream skin and freckles sprinkled across her cheeks are a pretty combination. I still wonder why she doesn’t have a boyfriend. At least I haven’t seen her with anyone. Mya’s a bubbly person and kind to everyone around her. Not a lot of people talk to her though, and I have yet to figure out why.

  Katrina Morrison is another person I am becoming friends with. Her short strawberry blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes stand out as there are few redheads in this school. Katrina’s skin is caramel in color and she has a small reddish-brown colored mark on her jaw. It’s toward the back of her jawline by her ear and about the size of a quarter with an odd shape. I asked her once about it and she told me it’s a birthmark that runs in her family, but it skipped her mom’s generation. I thought it was strange. Katrina keeps to herself as she’s shy and quiet, but she’s very insightful about people and different situations. Katrina’s a bright person, no doubt a straight ‘A’ student.

  The most recent to join our table is Zach Ryans. Zach is a very attractive guy, with short black hair and dark eyes that seem to be like endless black tunnels. His skin is a medium tan with no imperfections and perfect straight white teeth show brightly against his suntanned skin. His smile is so warm it can set anyone’s skin on fire… or maybe it’s just me…

  He’s a nice guy and very sweet as he pulls all the girls’ chairs out at our table and listens intently when we have something to say. Zach has a sense of humor and makes us laugh; he’s not like the other guys his age. He seems to be a little more mature. At least that’s the way it seems for now. I’ll have to get to know him better first.

  I first noticed him in the Algebra class we have together… I couldn’t help but stare as he walked through the door with a pretty cheerleader type girl hanging off his arm and two more following close behind. When I studied his face, he looked annoyed. He even rolled his eyes at one point when the girl said something to him.

  When he took a few steps into the classroom, he stopped dead in his tracks as he caught me staring at him. I immediately turned my head away in embarrassment, but I continued to watch him out of the corner of my eye. He stared at me as he walked over to his seat on the other side of the room. I don’t even think he blinked.

  The girls noticed he wasn’t giving them any attention and looked in the same direction that held his gaze. That’s when they all looked at me and… glared. One girl looked back at Zach and put her hand on his face to make him look at her. It’s like she was making a point to say, ‘he’s mine,’ the way she touched his face - possessively. He didn’t turn his head. He didn’t even glance at her. That’s when the girl said, “Zach!” She sounded angry and maybe a little hurt. His girlfriend? I could see the reluctance in his face as he finally turned toward her. He looked angry for the interruption. That’s when I took my chance to glance at him again. He’s just so beautiful.

  Just as I turned to peek at him, he turned his face toward me. Before I could look away, our eyes locked, I was unable to move my eyes away from his, like they’re pulling me into their depths. That’s when a smile spread across his face, touching his eyes. My heart stopped at that moment. His perfectly straight white teeth shined like the sun against his tanned skin, and his eyes seemed to glow brighter. It took my breath away. It felt like we were in our own little bubble, just him and I. No one else existed, not even the girls glaring at me with hatred in their eyes.

  Mr. Mikael walked in the room and told everyone to sit. Zach didn’t move, didn’t even flinch. Mr. Mikael had to call his name twice and threaten a trip to the principal’s office before Zach moved. He took his seat and when his eyes moved away from mine, I quickly looked away. I could feel his eyes still on me during class. I didn’t want to look at him again for fear of the trance, or whatever it was. It freaked me out a bit. I didn’t understand what happened between us.

  From that day on it’s been strange. I would catch him looking at me all the time and he wouldn’t look away when I would notice him. He just continued to stare and smile. I would smile back timidly and try to break the staring contest since he didn’t seem inclined to, but I never could. It was the same trance each time we locked eyes. Someone from the outside would have to break it. When he looked at me, my heart would flutter like a hummingbird’s wings. I never had a reaction like that before, yet, I was pleased he was looking, that he singled me out of the crowd. I wa
sn’t used to feeling that way. I don’t know why he would stare… maybe because I looked a little different than the other students? My skin is still dark from living in a sunny state and my eyes are a piercing bright blue. But, that wouldn’t explain it. Could it be possible that he likes me?

  With his looks and charm, I bet he can have any girl in this school he wants. The ones that hang around him, he never seems to notice, he’s always looking at me. Only a few days after our first encounter, he started to sit at our lunch table. This too pleased me beyond reason. He pays attention to Mya and Katrina, but he gives me most of the attention. Zack asks me questions about my family, our old home in Arizona, and things I like and dislike. It’s nice that he finds me so intriguing, but also a little uncomfortable. I’m not used to that kind of attention from guys and I still can’t figure out why I’m feeling the way I am around him, especially when our eyes lock. I feel compelled to give him answers to every question he asks no matter how embarrassing or how stupid the answer. I want him to know me no matter how trivial it is. I never felt a compulsion like that before and it’s unnerving to feel like, I can tell him everything. Every secret, everything about my life, every moment I’ve been happy, sad, angry, just… everything.

  I can’t justify his reason for giving me attention, but I’m sure I will find out, eventually. It’s like he can’t leave me alone, like an impulse. I don’t understand it. But hey, he’s sure nice to look at, and if he’s willing to talk to me, I’m not going to stop it.

  My concentration is broken when Mr. Pitman announced English class is over. I gathered my books and tossed them in my bag without bothering to put my papers in their folder.

  I’m the last one almost out the door when I hear Mr. Pitman say, “Let’s not make that a habit.”

  I nodded. “Sorry.”

  He smiled. I do like my English instructor. He’s actually really nice.

  When I walked out the door with Katrina, Zach is leaning against the wall waiting with his arms crossed. He looked at me as soon as I walked out the door and smiled, but he looks a little nervous.

  “Hey, mind walking to lunch with me?” he asked in his deep, undoubtedly attractive voice.

  “Sure,” I said looking away from him, keeping my eyes straight ahead. I’m starting to get nervous. He’s never met me outside of a class before.

  Katrina piped up, “I have to go to my locker and switch books. I’ll catch up with you at lunch,” she said turning to wink at me. She of all people can probably guess what he’s up to. I wish I could ask her, but Zach is too close, and she seems to be in a hurry to get to her locker. She’s never had to switch books after English before, which makes me anxious.

  “Okay,” I said a little uneasy as she turned to walk away, leaving us alone.

  “So…” Zach spoke with uncertainty in his voice. “What are you doing this Saturday?”

  Now I know what he’s up to, and I started shaking a little. I’ve never done this before.

  “Um… nothing… that I know of. Why?” I spoke timidly.

  “Well...” He paused and put both hands in his pockets looking toward the floor. “I was wondering… if you would like to go to the movies with me?” His face turned slightly pink under his browned skin as he looked back up and toward my face.

  It’s then I realize I really want to go with him. I was never one for dating as guys never paid any attention to me. Yet, that pull I have for him draws me in. The choice is made before I even thought about it.

  I’m a beat late answering him, and out of the corner of my eye, I seen his face fall. So, in my haste to get the answer out, I stuttered, “S-sure… I would like that.” I blushed.

  He looked over at me with a smile covering half his face. It’s the brightest I’d ever seen it.

  “Cool.” He kept his voice relaxed and smiled wide again.

  I returned his smile.

  That’s when I noticed half the girls in the hall are staring at us. Some seem angry while the others stare in disbelief. So, everyone heard us. That’s clear.

  Lunch is a little uneasy. I can feel eyes burning into my back, I didn’t turn to look. I’m sure I don’t want to see their expressions.

  Zach sat a little closer to me than usual during lunch. I can see in his face that he’s beaming with excitement. He must like me more than I thought and that scares me a little. I’m excited to go to the movies with him too. I just don’t show it the way he does. I don’t want him to see that I’m excited too. He might explode with joy.

  The rest of the day went on as usual, except some occasional stares. When my last class finally ended, I headed to my locker to get my other books. I have a bunch of homework to do.

  Almost to my locker, three girls came up to me. By the way they’re dressed and the makeup they have on, I can tell they’re preppies. I recognized the one girl as Rashel. Her straight black hair hangs to her jawline and the look of death is in her eyes. She’s the one that hung off Zach that first day.

  She’s looking directly at me and has two girls standing behind her as backup. They too have unfriendly faces. I’m forced to stop when they stepped in front of me.

  “You think you can just come to my school and take what you want! Zach is mine and I suggest you back off because this is a game you don’t wanna play!” She said in a steel hardened voice.

  I’m a quiet person, but when it comes to bullies, I always stand up for myself and others. I don’t want to make enemies, but…

  I spoke in an innocent sweet voice, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m heading home. I have better things to do with my time.”

  My calm voice always makes bullies angrier than if I yelled and played their game. That wasn’t going to happen. I went to step around the three girls when Rashel grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop. She has such a hold on my arm, I’m sure I will have a bruise in the morning.

  “You just messed with the wrong person. I suggest you watch your back.” She hissed.

  “Why would I have to watch my back when I have Zach to do that for me?” Oh boy! What am I saying!? He’s not mine! He’s not anyone’s, but I just put a claim on him and we haven’t even dated yet! Well… I can't take it back now!

  I pulled away from her grip ignoring the shock on her face and started walking to my locker. At the moment Rashel seems speechless. I smiled and calmed myself down, taking a deep breath as I turned the corner.

  I quickly noticed Zack casually leaning up against my locker, which sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I can’t understand why I’m having such strong reactions to someone I just started talking to a month and a half ago. As soon as I saw him, my body relaxed.

  “Hey, Lexi. I wanted to ask you what time I should pick you up Saturday?” He said as soon as I’m close enough to him. He’s a little more at ease, knowing I’m going to the movies with him.

  I smiled. I love hearing my nickname on his lips.

  “Um… how about six?” That seems reasonable.

  “Sounds good. We can catch the eight o’clock show so we can go to dinner first if you’d like. There’s a Chinese buffet a block down from the theater if you want to go there?”

  “Oh, okay. Sounds like fun. I love Chinese; it’s one of my favorites.” I smiled as I opened my locker. I’m surprised I could remember the combination. I have so many thoughts going through my head it’s almost disorienting.

  He smiled wider, “I know,” he said smugly.

  That caught me off guard. I looked at him quickly, a little confused. I don’t remember telling him that. Then again, maybe I did. He asked me so many questions over the past few weeks; I’m bound not to remember them all.

  He must have seen my confusion. “You said the other day that you were craving Chinese. So, I thought maybe you would like to go. It’s not a huge place, but it’s the only one around, so it’s good in a pinch.” He suddenly sounds nervous again and started talking too fast.

  “Oh, I forgot.” I started to laugh a little. I feel kind of silly. “But
yeah, I’m for it.”

  “Great! See you in algebra tomorrow,” he said cheerfully as he gently took my hand and lifted it to his lips. His warm lips caressed the back of my hand sending a wave of heat throughout my body. I suddenly reddened.

  I whispered, “’Kay.” I can’t say any more. My thoughts are elsewhere, suddenly wishing his lips were on mine…

  He gently let go of my hand, and for some reason, I left it frozen in the air where he’d released it. His face beamed with joy as he grinned before he started walking away. There’s a spring in his step that makes him look like he’s floating rather than walking. I’m sure anyone would notice it. Or at least I hope I’m not the only one. I don’t want to fall for the first guy that gave me attention because, in truth, he is. Guys never really talk to me and I figure it was because of my eyes. They’re a bright sapphire blue, and it freaks some people out, how un-naturally blue they are. I’ve never seen eyes like mine either, not even my sister or my parents. So, it’s strange.

  When I finally broke from my shocked state of mind, I ran to catch my bus. Bree and Mya sat in their seats across from each other. I sat with Bree by the aisle. Mya sat by herself, as usual, sitting close to the aisle too. When the bus started to move, she turned toward me putting her feet in the aisle.

  “Ooh, la la.” She looks like a kid left alone in a candy store, she’s so excited.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked nervously. I’ve never seen her like this.

  “You and Zach, huh? That’s awesome! He’s never had a real girlfriend the entire time he’s lived here, then you come along, and bam!” She’s so intent on what she’s saying, that she doesn’t realize how loud her voice has become. I cringed in my seat as I got more of the uncomfortable stares.

  “Shh!” I hissed at her. I don’t want everyone to hear. “It’s not like that! He just asked me to go to the movies. No big deal!” But for me, it is a big deal, it’s a first.


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